Warming Hearts

By MelodyQuill

21.3K 375 58

After his journey in Kalos and enjoying a vacation in Sinnoh, Ash's life is turned upside down when he selfle... More

A Sunny Vacation
The Announcement
Heading Up North
Seeking Shelter
The Deal
Meeting New Friends
Siding With The Enemy
A Cold Invitation Refused
A Meal With New Friends
Sneaking Into the Wing
Fight With Mightyena
Enemies Consorting
Learning More About the Beast
Enemy Plans Revealed Unknown
Taking the First Steps
Memories and Truths
Finding Peace
Exposure Gone Wrong
An Unforgettable Night
Saying Goodbye
Hunt for the Beast
Defend the Castle
The Final Confrontation
Enchantment Lifted Part One
Enchantment Lifted Part Two
A New and Happy Beginning Part Two

A New and Happy Beginning Part One

1.2K 17 5
By MelodyQuill

Warming Hearts

A/N: Finally, it's done! This is the last chapter of this story, and I loved how it turned out, even though it was such a doozy. I thank all of you readers who loved this story.

Now, let us come to the amazing conclusion of Chapter 25. Roll it!

Chapter 25

A New and Happy Beginning

Part One

About two weeks later, a most grand and glorious ball was held in honor of Dawn's return to society after so long, along with a few surprise announcements. Salvia took care of the invitations to the nobility while Ash and Dawn decided to invite some of his old friends, personally telling them that he will be there, even Candice in Snowpoint City.

During that time, everyone got the castle ready for guests for the first time since Ash had first arrived months before. But even then, the castle wasn't in the best condition. Though it was restored to its former glory, things still had to be perfect. Floors were polished, the furniture was dusted, and the chandeliers were cleaned until they were practically sparkling in the sunlight.

The servants seemed to be much happier in their work, now that everything was back to normal. Well, minus Dawn's bad attitude from before. Now, thanks to Delia and the chagrin of Ash, she actually helped them with the servants' work. Ash didn't mind helping them, but he was only disdained because his mother asked him to help, and mostly with her in the royal gardens. Dawn laughed out loud at her love's horrified face when his mother asked him to help her and Leona spruce up the gardens, and he quickly offered himself to help elsewhere.

Ash was super excited for Dawn to finally meet his friends, especially since he had a feeling that most of them would really like her. Dawn was much more nervous, however. These were her love's friends that he had known for years and most of them were like family to him. But Ash assured her that everything would be fine, knowing that things could only get better for them from then on.

But now, two weeks later, the clean and pristine ballroom was almost filled to its full capacity with guests; both noble and common. Even the castle servants were invited to attend as honored guests themselves, much to their delight. Leona was wearing a nice cream orange dress with bold green trim while Kenny wore a simple teal suit. Zoey wore a cream dress with lime green trim and MJ wore a cute purple dress, her hair tied up in a braid. Paris wore a sky blue dress similar to her usual one, but it had sleeves and went down to her feet.

Standing near the front of the room were Ash and his mother, being the guests of honor for the most special occasion. Delia wore a simple white gown with a sweetheart neckline that Paris had made for her and her hair was actually down. Ash was wearing a simple black tuxedo, his untamed raven hair devoid of any hat.

Ash's eyes wandered around to see if he could see his friends anywhere in the ballroom. Finally, he saw Brock, Misty, May, and Max all standing together in a small huddle. Brock was wearing a dark blue tuxedo with a black bow tie at the collar. Misty wore a light blue dress that faded to aquamarine at the bottom of it and it had a slit in the skirt up to her knee. May wore a lavender gown with her hair having twin gold hair clips on both sides. Max wore a dark green suit with a velvet red bow tie.

Then, Ash soon saw Iris and Cilan standing next to each other near one of the many buffet tables on the other side of the ballroom. Cilan was wearing a much more formal tuxedo than what he'd worn during their journey in Unova and Iris was wearing a lime green gown that reminded him of what she'd worn when she was looking for payback against those beauty-obsessed women for insulting her Emolga. That memory made him lightly blush, for that was another serious blow to his masculine pride. Hopefully, that wouldn't happen ever again.

Finally, Ash saw Clemont and Bonnie standing next to another buffet table. Clemont was wearing a dark teal suit that reminded Ash a bit of the one he'd worn when they went to that dance party for Pokémon Performers. Bonnie was wearing a little yellow dress that was really similar to the one that she'd worn for that very same party.

But he didn't see Serena there. The reason why was because Ash had made a note earlier during the preparations not to invite her to this event. Not because he wanted to be mean to her, but because of her huge crush on him, the one that hadn't wavered since they were seven, and the one that most likely was still there, even after he had politely turned her down after their journey in Kalos. If she knew about him and Dawn from someone else, it would be a lot worse. But Ash knew that at least Serena knows how to take a hint, unlike Miette. He thought that maybe he could talk to her after the party. He wasn't exactly sure of the time difference between Hoenn and Sinnoh, but he should probably call her later. After all, she was a friend, and it was best if she heard about him and Dawn from him first, before anyone else.

Now, the guests were quieting down as the royal sisters were ready to make their appearance. Salvia's butler came to the entrance, ready to announce them. "Presenting Their Royal Highnesses, Princess Salvia and Princess Dawn!" He announced with a loud voice.

The gathered crowd began to clap loudly but politely as the twin princesses made their royal entrance. Salvia wore a pale blue gown, similar to her everyday casual dress, but the skirt was longer, and she wore her hair in a high bun with thin tendrils framing her face.

But it was the sight of Dawn that took Ash's breath away. She wore a light pink ball gown with white off-the-shoulder straps with a darker pink ribbon tied around her waist. She also wore matching white opera gloves and there was a pearl necklace with a diamond pendant fastened around her neck. Her hair was tied up into a bun with longer strands of hair framing her face and on her head, she wore a silver tiara. Ash's eyes trailed down to her hands and saw that her right hand was covering her left hand. He bit his lip to hide a smile as he made eye contact with her.

Dawn lightly blushed when she saw him. She thought that he couldn't get any more handsome, but he'd proved her wrong again. He looked like a dashing rogue of a prince. But the sparkle in his warm amber eyes reflected the wonder, love, and child-like innocence that only Ash could possess for every person and Pokémon that he meets. She smiled brightly at him and continued with Salvia to the front of the room so that they could address everyone, her right hand lightly squeezing her left one.

"Greetings, noble guests and friends." Salvia began. "We have invited you all here to welcome my sister, Princess Dawn, back into our society after six long years. As most of you have experienced, it seemed that she and this entire castle were wiped out from our memories during that time, and now, only recently, we have all regained those memories. So now, I believe that my sister will explain to all of us how that happened."

Salvia turned towards her sister, who took a deep breath and went over to stand at the front. "The story I will tell you is all true, no matter how bizarre it may sound." Dawn began. "So I ask you to please bear with me."

The crowd became silent as Dawn began to retell the entire story. "As many of you have known, I was mostly raised by my father, the former king, when my mother, the former queen, passed away, and my sister, Salvia, left to become an ambassador for our province here in Sinnoh. I hold no remorse for the king's own passing, for he brought me up to be selfish and cruel, not receiving any love nor giving any love to anyone.

"Not long after the king's passing, I was actually visited by the Lake Trio of legend. They told me that they had been watching me for a while and they were displeased with my attitude towards my servants and the Pokémon. So as punishment, they cursed me to look like a hideous Zoroark-like beast and also cursed everyone else who lived here to become Pokémon themselves, all while erasing the existence of us from everyone who knew us.

"But the Lake Trio did give me some mercy. They told me that if I could learn to love someone and earn that person's love in return before the spring equinox in six years' time, then all would return to what it was before. If not, then I was doomed to remain a beast forever and my servants would lose all of their memories of their human lives and become true wild Pokémon.

"For five long years, I sulked away, feeling like no one could ever love me as a monster. But then, there came a little bit of hope for me. A lost woman came to this castle, looking for some shelter. But I accused her of being a trespasser and locked her up. But within the following day, her son came to rescue her. I forced him to choose to either take his mother's place as my prisoner or leave. He chose to stay, sacrificing his freedom for his mother's.

"At first, I thought that I was being foolish for even thinking for a brief moment that someone like that could ever learn to love me. He and I hated each other fiercely, and I don't blame him for doing so. He and I were nothing alike. He loves Pokémon with everything he has, and he always has a way of making friends.

"He tried to escape once, after I caught him sneaking around in my personal chambers, and we got into an argument. I may never know exactly what made me do it, but I went after him and we saved each other from a pack of Mightyena. However, I was wounded in the fight. He could've left me there to die in the cold from my wounds and he would've been free again to return to his mother. But instead, he helped me. He brought me back to the castle and he nursed me back to health. That was when we both decided to give each other a second chance.

"Time went by, and the two of us became close friends. He even introduced me to all of his Pokémon, showing that he trusted me. And I saw just how wonderful Pokémon are, and how much I loved them. Eventually, I showed him a few other secrets in the castle.

"I guess during all that time we spent together, I found myself starting to care for him, more than as a friend. But the equinox kept nearing until it was just only a day away. So thanks to the goading of the servants, we shared a little dance. After that, I tried to work myself up to tell him of my true feelings. But I saw that even though he no longer saw me as his captor and that he was happy to have me as a friend, he still missed his mother and his freedom. So I showed him a hand mirror that the Lake Trio gave me, where he could see anyone he desired. He quickly saw that his mother was in trouble and that she needed him. As much as I wanted to tell him of my feelings and break the curse, I knew that in that moment, I cared, no, I loved him enough to set him free. He promised me that he would come back and continue to try and help break the curse, but I knew that by the time he got back, it would already be too late.

"His mother had been kidnapped by a group of Pokémon thieves, along with a girl who also held deep affection for him, but he never returned it, nor would he ever. Because of that, she became utterly obsessed with making him hers, no matter what it took, and would eliminate anyone who stood in her way. He came to his mother's rescue and they told him that she had gone mad, raving about a beast unlike anything in a castle. He told them that it was the truth, so they also locked him up and went to try and do away with me.

"Somehow, he managed to escape from his confinement and return here, and in the nick of time, for his... well, stalker is the best word to use, had tried to poison me. He and I tried to stop her, and we succeeded. I released her with the threat to never return. But she caught us by surprise and managed to poison me. He tried to risk his own life to save mine, but consumed by her jealousy and wrath, she tried to kill him as well. But I took the blow, making the poison twice as deadly. The Pokémon and the servants eventually came and blasted her away. I knew that I was dying, but I was happy that I got to see him again.

"The next thing I knew, I was standing up, no more poison in me, and human again. The curse was broken because he loved me as well. Then, everything returned to what it was before. However, I promise that I have changed because of this incredible young man who taught me to love again by sharing his love with me."

Dawn turned to lock eyes with Ash, who had a bright and loving smile on his face. "Ash?" She called out to him.

Everyone cleared a path for the young raven-haired man as he came up towards the princess and took her hand in his. This must have been the man that she had spoken of, the one who had freed her. Both Ash and Dawn shared a quick but gentle embrace before facing the crowd, who was applauding for them.

"But there is another reason why we have invited all of you here. Another reason for this celebration today." Dawn added. Ash smiled at her as he recalled the other reason why they decided to throw this ball.



Two weeks earlier

Ash had led Dawn towards his room and closed the door behind him. "Ash, what's going on here?" Dawn questioned, giggling slightly.

He smirked playfully at her. "You'll see." He said, and then sat down on his bed. He patted the side of it and Dawn took the spot beside him.

He then turned towards his Pokémon partner. "Pikachu?"

The Electric type mouse softly landed on the other side of Ash on the bed and dropped something into his Trainer's waiting hand. Then, he leaped off and headed towards the window to give them some privacy.

Dawn lightly gasped at what Ash had in his hand. She had only seen that ring once before. It was a simple shiny gold band with three small jewels arranged into a little triangle; a ruby, a sapphire, and a clear diamond.

"Where did you find that?" She asked him.

"Pikachu found it in one of the rooms. I think it might have been the castle's jewel room." Ash simply explained. "Why do you ask?"

"I remember when my mother showed me that ring, back when I was really young." Dawn answered. "She said that it's meant to be my engagement ring when I become of age to get married, and if I have a suitor that I like by that time. Obviously, things didn't go according to what life originally had planned for me."

"I guess not. But you said that this was meant for when you would get engaged?" Dawn nodded. "Well, maybe... that day can be... today?"

Dawn blinked, a light blush on her cheeks. "Wh-what are you saying, Ash?"

Ash took a deep breath. "Dawn, all my life, I never quite understood what love was. All I ever really knew was the kind of love that's between family. I have that love with my mom and with my Pokémon. When it comes to the romantic kind, I had a lot of confusion. At first, when I was ten years old, I thought that it was just something weird and gross and only for adults. But as I grew up, I learned that it was something that everyone goes through, and I might experience it one day. It was a little thing that seemed kind of nice, but something that I never had the time and thought for, nor did I understand the signs or symptoms, even when it was right in my face.

"But then, during the past few months, as I started to get to know you; the real you, I learned that it's something wonderful and powerful at the same time. Something that I want to have in my life now." He paused to lightly fiddle with the ring before continuing. "I almost lost you because I didn't know about love right away and because I didn't act when I should've. I'm not going to make that mistake again."

He then turned to look Dawn right in the eyes, whose own sapphire eyes were starting to tear up a bit as the realization hit her as he held out the ring to her. "Dawn, I love you with all of my heart. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and never be apart from you again. Will you marry me?"

Dawn lightly choked on her tears as she laughed breathlessly, feeling the happiest that she had ever felt in her life. "Yes!" She answered, and immediately wrapped her arms around Ash, his arms holding her close to him.

Ash stood up from the bed, lifting Dawn up as well by holding her hands. He then slid the ring onto Dawn's left ring finger. Dawn happily looked down at the ring, noticing that it fit perfectly, and then she happily pressed her lips onto Ash's in a loving kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck. Ash returned the kiss just as lovingly, still holding Dawn close to him with his own arms wrapped around her back.

End of Flashback


Salvia smiled brightly at her sister as she once again began to speak as Dawn held up her left hand, showing off her ring. "We are happy to announce the engagement of my sister, Princess Dawn to Ash Ketchum." She said, making everyone gasp in surprise and joy. "Their love proved to be the most true and powerful that I have ever known, for it weren't for Sir Ash, I wouldn't have my sister back. I couldn't be happier for both of them. You are all invited to the royal wedding, whenever we decide to plan it. Sir Ash will become your new prince of Sinnoh."

The crowd began cheering as Dawn and Ash shared a brief but loving kiss. Delia even shed a small tear at the thought of her only child getting married soon. She was a bit surprised when they announced their engagement to her and Salvia a couple of weeks earlier, almost that very same day when the curse had lifted. Ash was still only eighteen; turning nineteen very soon, but still a bit young to get married. Dawn seemed about his age as well. But then again, she herself was eighteen when her own husband proposed to her, and then about a year later, Ash came into their lives. And besides, her son and his fiancée had told her that they weren't planning on getting married right away.

After the cheering had subsided, everyone went back to enjoying the ball. Zoey and Laine were reunited with Candice, the former being childhood friends with her. Ash took Dawn by the hand and quickly went over to where Brock, Misty, May, and Max were. Pikachu was about to jump onto his Trainer's shoulder when Misty suddenly slugged Ash in the arm.

"Hey!" Ash exclaimed, slightly clutching it. Even though Dawn was no longer a beast, she still had some sort of primitive protective instincts when it came to her fiancé. She slightly hissed at the action, but it was so quiet that only Ash and Pikachu heard it. He took her hand and lightly squeezed it, reassuring her that it was okay.

"Congrats, Ash!" Misty said. "Though I must admit, I never pictured you ever getting hitched. I didn't know that you had it in you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ash asked her, an eyebrow raised as Pikachu finally got on his shoulder. "I didn't really care much about it because I was only ten years old. Romance was definitely the last thing on my mind. I was only focused on my Pokémon."

"Fair enough." Misty said with a shrug.

"I will say this: she must really be something if she managed to catch your eye." May teased, making the couple blush lightly.

"Ha-ha, funny." Ash said sarcastically. "Actually, she caught my heart first."

"So that story... did it really happen?" Max asked Dawn. "Were you actually cursed by the Legendary Pokémon?"

"I did." Dawn answered. "And I wouldn't have believed it if it didn't happen to me."

"And I was here with her the entire time." Ash added. "I would hardly make something up like this."

"That's true. You're always honest." Max said.

Brock then wrapped an arm around Ash's shoulders, making Pikachu jump onto Dawn's own shoulder. "Ash, I must admit, I never expected you to be the first of us to get married. I am a little jealous, but I'm happy for you."

Ash lightly rolled his eyes, but he had a smile on his face. "Thanks, Brock."

The Pokémon Breeder removed his arm and Pikachu took back his rightful spot. "So when's the big day?" Brock asked.

Both Ash and Dawn blushed, but before either of them could answer, they heard someone calling Ash's name. "Ash!" They turned around and saw Iris, Cilan, Clemont, and Bonnie coming towards them.

"Ash, I'm overjoyed for you!" Cilan said, placing a hand on Ash's free shoulder. "And your fiancée is quite lovely."

Dawn smiled bashfully. "Thank you, kind sir." She said, curtseying cordially. "But now I can take real pride in it, knowing that even if I was still that monstrous beast, I would still be loved by the one person who saw the real me."

Ash smiled at her as she happily leaned into him. Then Iris came up to them. "Well, you're not as much of a little kid anymore, Ash." She said with a little smirk on her face.

Ash playfully glared at her. "You were even more of the little kid than I was, and you know it." He said. "At least I knew that Charizard is not a Dragon type, like what you first assumed because my Charizard knows Dragon Tail."

"How dare you?!" Iris glared at him, her cheeks turning a bright pink color. Dawn feared for a second that a fight might be coming on, but then Ash lightly flicked Iris in the head, a teasing grin on his face.

"But at least I know more about Dragon types than I did before, thanks to you." He added. "Though you could've been a little nicer to me."

Iris rolled her eyes, but there was a fond smile on her face. "Maybe. But then it might not have gotten through your thick head." She even pointed a finger at his forehead, and he pushed it away with a playful roll of his own amber eyes.

Clemont then came up to him, shaking his hand. "Congratulations, Ash. We're really happy for you."

"Thanks, Clemont." Ash said.

Bonnie then came up to him and gave him a tight hug around his waist and he slightly knelt down to hug the younger girl properly. "And you're going to live happily ever after, right?" She asked him.

Ash smiled with a slight blush on his face while looking up at Dawn, who also had pink on her cheeks. "Well, I can't say that I believe in fairy tales, but the stories that I've heard throughout my travels were often proven true. Who's to say that ours is ending now?"

Dawn smiled down at him. "Yep." She agreed as he stood up straight. "I honestly think that our own story is just beginning."

Bonnie released her hold on Ash and looked up at Dawn. "Wow, you're so pretty! Ash, she's a keeper for sure!"

Ash's blush turned from pink to red when he remembered that little saying whenever Bonnie would see a pretty girl. "Well, it's not just about looks, Bonnie." He said, getting back down at eye level with her. "The real reason I fell in love with Dawn was because she accepted me as I am, and I did the same for her. I fell in love with the person on the inside, where her true beauty lies."

He then stood up, his eyes never moving from hers. "Keep that in mind the next time you try to get your brother a date." Ash briefly looked up at Clemont, whose face resembled a ripe Tamato Berry. "Just try to not embarrass him in public."

Bonnie giggled sheepishly. "Okay." She said, making everyone laugh. But then, the blonde little girl looked around the ballroom. "But... I haven't seen Serena here."

"Ash, did you not...?" Clemont began to question.

"Let me explain first." Ash cut him off before he could continue speaking. "You know that she... held some affection for me?"

The two blond Kalosian siblings then parted their mouths in an 'oh' shape, quickly understanding why he meant. "So that's why you didn't invite her?" Clemont asked. "Because you have a feeling that she would've reacted... badly if she found out?"

"She's had a crush on me since we were seven." Ash said. "If she still liked me for that long, and because I turned her down before she left for Hoenn and tried to kiss me on the mouth-," Brock flushed red at that, feeling a little jealous that Ash had been kissed before, but never on the lips. And Dawn wasn't exactly pleased at that little tidbit of news either.

"-Then I think she would make a scene, no matter how dignified she tries to be." Ash finished.

"Yeah, I get it." Clemont agreed, remembering that day. The look of realization on Ash's face as Serena's inclined closer to his, him taking two steps back, making Serena almost lose her balance, and the hurt in her eyes as Ash explained that he never felt that way for her.

"I think it would be best if I tell her myself." Ash continued. "If she heard from anyone else, it would be much worse for her."

"We understand, Ash." May piped up. "All of your friends are special to you."

Ash smiled at the brunette Coordinator before looking at everyone that had gathered around him and Dawn. "Well, now that we have all that out of the way," He turned to his lovely fiancée. "Dawn, these are my friends. Brock and Misty, they were my first traveling companions through both Kanto and Johto. May and Max are from Hoenn. I traveled with Iris and Cilan throughout Unova, and Clemont and Bonnie are my friends from Kalos."

Dawn politely waved at her fiancé's friends. "It's a pleasure to meet you all." She said. "Ash has told me so much about all of you."

"And we're quite honored to meet the girl who finally managed to get through to that knucklehead. And a princess, no less!" Misty teased with a wide grin as she pointed at Ash with her thumb, making him narrow his eyes briefly at her.

"Well, knucklehead or not, I wouldn't have him any other way." Dawn said, holding onto Ash's arm, making him smile at her.

"So when is the big day?" Max asked.

Ash and Dawn looked over at each other nervously before facing them again. "Well, we haven't decided yet, but it's not anytime soon." The former finally spoke.

"Why not?" Bonnie asked.

"You see, Dawn spent almost her whole life here, never really leaving the castle grounds." Ash began to explain.

"It's true." Dawn continued. "I want to see what's out there in the world. I want to explore my homeland and get a shot at accomplishing my dream of being a Pokémon Top Coordinator. My sister and I have loved Contests since we were young."

"You're into Contests?" May asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yes." Dawn said. "Both me and my sister want to be Coordinators."

"Oh, yeah." Brock came in. "I remember when Princess Salvia competed in the Contest in Arrowroot Town."

"And now, I want to get my chance to do so." Dawn said. "I want to try and be a normal girl, reaching for her dreams. Salvia can't because she is next in line for the throne. So I want to go on a journey, not just for myself, but for my sister as well. I want to fulfill her dreams and mine."

"Aww, that's so sweet of you." Iris said.

"The bond of two sisters, at first driven apart, but now closer than ever before." Cilan said with a wistful smile on his face.

"And I'm going with her." Ash said. "Someone's gotta watch over her and I want a second shot at the Sinnoh League. No Trainer with Legendaries is going to stand in my way now."

"But don't you already have all of the Gym Badges qualified to enter?" Max asked.

"Yeah, but I don't have to challenge the Gyms again." Ash said.

"He's right." Brock piped up. "Sometimes, if a Trainer has all of the badges qualified for a League and wants to do the circuit again, he or she can challenge the Gym Leader's personal teams, the strongest that they have, as a way to train."

"Exactly." Ash said.

"But you must really prepare yourself for it, Ash." Brock warned him. "The personal teams of Gym Leaders are much tougher than the team a challenger usually faces off against in a Gym Battle."

Ash smirked, brimming with confidence. "Well, you know me, Brock-o. I do love a good challenge. It makes me and my Pokémon super pumped up and we work harder than ever to give them one heck of a battle."

"Of course he would answer like that." Misty said, a teasing grin on her face.

"Classic Ash." Iris added.

Dawn then had a confident smile on her face, hearing how passionate her fiancé sounded when he talked about this new challenge. Well, if he was that pumped up, then she'd work hard as well.

"So when do you guys plan to leave on our journey?" May asked.

"Sometime tomorrow." Dawn answered. "We're planning on flying down to Jubilife City, where my first Contest is being held in a couple of days, and it's the closest one to Oreburgh City."

"So soon?" Clemont asked.

"We've both been cooped up here for too long." Ash said. "And you know me. I don't like sitting around and doing nothing."

"That's our Ash." Brock said. "Always has to do something to keep himself busy."

"Well, at least some things never change." Misty added.

"I'll settle down eventually, guys. Rest assured, when I become a Pokémon Master and Dawn becomes a Top Coordinator, we'll come back here to the castle to live permanently. We'll have our wedding, and eventually start a family." Ash assured them.

"We hope to see all of you there at our wedding." said Dawn, and everyone promised they'd come.

Just then, the music started to play and Ash and Dawn recognized that tune. The raven-haired boy held out his hand to his fiancée. "Care to have another dance, Your Highness?" He asked.

Dawn smiled brightly as she playfully curtsied. "Why yes, kind sir." She said, placing her hand in his. Then the two of them went down to the dance floor and began dancing with the other pairs, feeling like it was only them in the world, just like that one magical night, when nothing else mattered except them.

The ball continued on wonderfully and May and Dawn became quite close in such a short time, much to Ash's delight. They both had a lot in common, especially with them sharing the same dream of becoming Top Coordinator. They both hoped to run into each other on their journeys, since they would both be competing in Contests.

A/N: Part Two will be coming pretty soon! So hang on!

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