Big Time Love Story <3

By JessicaMaslow

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Jessica is Kendall's only little sister. When Jessica comes to visit and stay in the house Big Time Rush is s... More

Chapter 1: Visiting My Big Brother
Chapter 2: Meeting The Guys
Chapter 3: New Boyfriend?
Chapter 4: Going On Tour With Big Time Rush
Chapter 5: Worldwide Girl
Chapter 7: Ex-Girlfriend, Rachel
Chapter 8: The Decision

Chapter 6: Lost

734 9 6
By JessicaMaslow

Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story so far! What do you think? ;) Well, here is Chapter 6 as I said. Hope you enjoy it! Love you guys! <3

Chapter 6: Lost

Kendall's POV:

"I HATE YOU!" those 3 words kept repeating themselves in my head. "I HATE YOU!" "I HATE YOU!" "I HATE YOU!". They were stuck in my head. I've haven't heard Jessica ever say that she hates me. Ever. Jessica left. She left. I made her cry again. Again. I felt horrible. I made my sister cry and run off and I'm on the bridge of being an enemy with James. I knew I had to find Jessica. I was afraid Jessica would get hurt. I got up and started towards the door when James came out of the shower.

"Kendall where are you going?" James asks.

"Um..." I started.

Then I noticed James looking around. "Where is Jessica? Did she go over to Carlos and Logan?"

"Well, you see...." I started.

"What happened to her?!" James starts to yell.

"Well... she ran off. I was about to go out and look for her..." I admit.

"SHE WHAT?!" James yells. "What did you say to her?!"

" I was just really angry and I just kept snapping at her and told her to shut up. I lost my temper." I reply. "Then she said that she hates me and ran off crying."

"Kendall! If you just left us alone." James yells.

He grabbed his phone and started calling Jessica. She probably didn't answer because he sighs. Then he started to text her. He grabbed his sweatshirt and started towards the door.

"I'm finding her right now. You can either help or continue to blow your anger on other people." James say, closing the door behind him.

I sighed. I was losing my temper way to much today. I didn't understand why I was. I was just scared. Scared that Jessica would get her heart broken. I just didn't want that to happen. I went over to Carlos and Logan's room from the door in our room and they both looked at me and smiled.

"Sup Kendall?" Logan says.

"Jessica is gone. She ran off. I need you guys to help us find her." I reply.

"What? Jessie's gone?" Carlos jumps off the bed.

"Yeah, no time to chat. Come on." I say.

They nod and we both run out the door, down the stair, past the fans, and into the city. Looking for my little sister.

James's POV:

I called her. I texted her. I left her voice mails. None of them worked. I was so worried. What if she gets into an accident? What if she gets kidnapped? What if.... all of these "what if's" ran through my mind.

~Jessica, where are you? Please call me back.~

I sent her a text. I kept looking around with no reply from Jessica. I couldn't find her either. I wasn't going to give up. Then my phone started ringing. I picked it up.

"Hello? Jessica?" I ask.

"Sorry bro. You didn't find her either?" the voice replied. It was Carlos.

"Oh. It's you Carlos. Yeah. I can't find her. She won't answer any of my calls of texts." I tell him.

"Same here. We've tried everything. Well, I'll call you if we find her." Carlos replies.

"I'll do the same." I tell him.

We hang up and I continue to look for Jessica.

Jessica's POV:

I ran and ran until I was out of breath. My eyes were swollen from my own tears. I face was hot and my head started hurting. Suddenly I noticed my phone lighting up in my pocket. I checked my phone and I had a million missed calls, thousands of texts and hundreds of voicemails. I forgot I left my phone on silent because of the concert. I started reading through my texts. They were from all of the guys. James texted the most.

Jessica. Please call me. Where are you? Please answer the phone. ~James

I decided to call James. I couldn't stay out here forever. I dialed James's number.


Me: You don't have to come all the way here. I'll meet you somewhere. I passed by a coffee shop you know the one we all went to before the concert? Yeah. I'll meet you there. I missed you James.

James: I missed you too babe. More than you could ever imagine. I'll see you in a couple of minutes. I'm close by.

Me: Okay. See you soon James.

I hang up and started walking towards the coffee shop when I got stuck in a huge crowd. It would take forever to get through. I was afraid James would think I lied to him so I decided to take a shortcut. I crossed through an alley. I was almost at the end when I felt someone pull me back. I turn around and see a gang of guys. They wink at me.

"Hey there cutie. Where are you headed to?" one of the guys smiles.

I was scared, really scared. I did the only thing that came to mind. If James was nearby maybe he can hear me. "HELP! JAMES PLEASE HELP ME!" I screamed.

One of the guys automatically covered my mouth. "Hey baby. You don't want to do that."

I struggled to get free of his grasp, but every time I tried, his grip got harder and harder. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I was a goner. I would never escape. Then one of the guys came towards me and started to touch my hair. Then he lifted my chin up to face him. I turned my face away.

"Hey hey hey. Don't do that." the guys smirks, lifting my chin and stroking my cheek.

I jerked my face away and kicked him where he didn't want to be kicked and he fell over in pain. Then I kicked backwards and got the guy behind me. I was free and started to run off when another guy grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. Then he slapped me hard. I fell over and I clutched my cheek. Suddenly I tasted blood. My lip was cut and I could feel a cut on my cheek. I started to cry.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" I heard someone yell.

I looked up and see James. Or maybe I was seeing things? Then James came up to me and kneeled beside me.

"Jessica? Are you okay?" James asked.

It was real. James was here. James was here.

"Who the heck are you?" I hear one of the guys ask.

James helps me up and I lean on him for support. I felt so weak and light headed.

"Her boyfriend." James replies.

"YOU?! Her boyfriend?! Back off dude. She's mine." one of the guys yell.

"YOU back off. She's my girlfriend." James yells.

"Oh it's on." one of the guys said, coming towards James to punch him.

James ducks and punches the guy in his gut and then punches his face. The guys falls over in pain and starts to roll around on the ground, clutching his stomach. Another guy lunges for James, but misses when James kicks the guy out of the way, making the guy hit the alley wall and slide down, unconscious. Finally the last guy walks towards James. James tried to duck, but was too late and got punched in the face.

"James..." I yell weakly.

James didn't stay down, instead he got right back up and kicked the guy in the guts and punched him straight in the face twice, sending him to the ground. I thought it was all over. James saved me he really saved me. I was relieved, until I lost consciousness.

James's POV:

I could taste blood in my mouth, but it didn't really hurt so I ignored it. I finshed the guy off and turned around to Jessica when I see her on the ground. I rush over to her and start shaking her.

"Jessica? Jessica?" I shake her.

No response. I picked her up bridal style and ran. The hotel room wasn't too far away from where we were so I ran. I reached the hotel and fans were still there. Urgh. What a perfect time to be caught with fans. I ignored them and went inside. I figured they were just to occupied with staring at me carrying Jessica not to take any pictures. I went up the elevator and went into the room. I put her on my bed and felt her forehead. It was hot. 'Why does this have to happen to you Jessica?' I thought to myself. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I got it wet in cold water. Then I went over to Jessica and put it on her forehead. I got another one and started wiping her face. Then it hit me. 'Crap! Kendall and the others.' I thought to myself. I took out my cellphone and texted them.

To: Kendall, Carlos, and Logan

Hey. I found Jessica. I brought her back to the hotel room. She's fine. She has a fever and she fainted, but I'll you the rest later.

I hit the send button and I looked back at Jessica. I started to wipe her face again when I saw her eyes slowly open. She turns her head and looks at me.

"James?" she asks.

"I'm here babe." I reply.

"James..." Jessica says, then starts to cry. "James....."

She sits up and hugs me. I rub her back trying to calm her down.

"Shh. It's okay. You're safe. I'm here. Don't worry." I tell her.

She continues to cry. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"Jessica... it's okay. You're here. I'm here with you. I'll always be with you. I promise I'll protect you." I reply, stroking her hair.

I knew she was just shocked and frightened. I decided to let her cry. I sit down on the bed and pull Jessica onto my lap. I let her rest her head against my chest and cry. I rocked her back and forth like a little child.

"Shh... It's okay. It's okay." I tell her.

Suddenly the door opened and Kendall, Carlos, and Logan come in. They rush over to Jessica and me.

"Oh Jessica! I thought I lost you! I thought I would never see my sister again!" Kendall yells. "I'm so sorry Jessica!"

"Kendall... shh... she's scared... please..." I tell them.

They nodded. A few minutes later I heard nothing but Jessica's steady breathing. She was sleeping. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead. I was about to leave when Jessica grabbed my hand.

"Please don't leave me." Jessica whispered.

"I won't. I'll stay with you." I replied.

I laid down next to her and wrapped my arms around her. I pulled her in close to me and Jessica nuzzed her head against my chest and fell back asleep.

"James... what happened?" Kendall asks.

I slowly lift Jessica's head and lay it on the pillow. I let Jessica hold onto my hand. I sat up and faced Kendall and the others.

"I thought she was fine. She replied to my call and we were going to meet each other at the coffee shop. Well, it didn't really work out. She said that she would be there in a few minutes so I figured she would be close, but when 10 minutes passed I knew something was wrong. That's when I heard her scream for help. I looked for her everywhere near the coffee shop when I found her in an alley with a gang of guys. There was a fight. I fought them off, but Jessica fainted. She was probably too frightened. I brought her here and she started crying. So yeah. She'll be fine. She's just frightened. A lot." I explain.

"My poor little sister. It's all my fault." Kendall says, looking at Jessica.

"Kendall. Don't blame yourself bro." Carlos tells him.

"Yeah. Kendall. It wasn't your fault at all. You can't blame yourself. You were just probably upset because you wanted the best for Jessica." Logan replies.

"Kendall. I know why you can't trust me and I get that. But right now she's the only one in my heart. I've never felt like this about a girl in my life. Ever. She needs me. Please. Can you trust me this once?" I beg him.

"I-I don't know James... I.. it's just that.. Jessica has had her heart broken more than enough. I hated seeing her all heart-broken and depressed. She wouldn't eat and she would just stay in her room all day. And then you started to like her... and.. well... you have a habit of breaking up with girl after just a few weeks, or even a few days, that I couldn't trust you. Not with my sister. I didn't want her to be heart-broken. Not again. But I realize that how you feel is different. And I understand she needs you. If you can make her happy and protect her. Then I will give you my blessing." Kendall explains.

"Kendall.... I... I promise. I'll make her happy. I'll protect her with my life. I'll love her and only her forever. I promise you." I reply.

"Then you have my blessing." Kendall replies, giving me a small smile.

"Thanks Kendall. You don't know how much that means to me." I smile.

He gives me a smile in return and punches my arm playfully. I laugh. Suddenly I notice Jessica tossing and turn. Her grip on my hand got harder and harder. I tried to calm her down.

"Jessica? Jessica? Wake up!" I tell her.

She continues to toss and turn.

"Jessica? It's okay. Jessica?" I gently shake her.

Her breathing got heavier and faster. Finally she screamed and woke up. She looked around and saw all of us looking at her. She screamed and went under the covers. I could feel her shake really bad. I felt so bad for her. I lifted the covers and was face to face with her. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and she jumped on me. I caught her and held her close.

"Shh. Jessica. It's okay. You're safe. No one is going to hurt you." I tell her, trying to get her to stop crying.

She continues to cry. I stroke her hair and gently rock back and forth. "It's okay. You're safe."

She keeps on crying. Minutes passed until she finally cried herself to sleep. I left her on my lap, fearing she would wake up if I moved her.

"What are we going to do about Jessie? I feel so bad for her..." Carlos starts.

"Yeah I know. She doesn't deserve any of this." Logan adds.

"Oh sis. Why does this happen to you? You never did anything wrong." Kendall says, his face dropping.

"She doesn't deserve any of this. What did she ever do to anyo-..." I was cut off when her phone started ringing.

Carlos quickly grabbed it and answered it, well, read it. I guessed it was a text. Just then, Carlos dropped the phone on the ground. He quickly picked it back up.

"Carlos... what's going on? What is it?" I asked, sensing something was wrong.

"Here, read it for yourselves." Carlos replied, tossing me the phone.

I catch it and start reading the text.

Hey Girl.. I know who you are. Yeah. James's new girlfriend huh? Well, congratulations.... on the loss. Yeah. He doesn't love you. I know he wants me back. So don't even try to get in our way. You'll just get hurt. I'll get him back. If you try to get in my way, I'll hurt those closest to you. Probably not James since I want him back, but hmm... how's your brother? Watch your back.

~From Unknown.

What the heck? Someone wants me back? Why? She wants to hurt Jessica? She wants to hurt Kendall or even the others? Whoever this chick was, she was going to get it.

"James... What's going on?" Kendall asks, snapping me back from my thoughts.

I toss him the phone and he reads it with Logan.

"What the hell?! Someone is trying to hurt Jessica?! Even us?!" Kendall yells. "All because of James?"

I see Kendall glare at me like it was my fault. Well, it really wasn't my fault if one of my ex's wanted me back. I broke up with them. End of story. They shouldn't come back, threatening my current girlfriend.

"Kendall, it's not my fault. They shouldn't threaten Jessica just because they want me back. I don't want any of them back! All I need is Jessica!" I start to explain.

"James! I swear. If anything bad happens to Jessica, I will freakin kill you!" Kendall yells.

"Guys. Calm down. We need to try and figure out who it is. Not continue to argue." Logan says.

"He's right guys." Carlos agrees. "James, we're there any girls that seemed to attach to you a lot more than the others when you broken up with them?"

"Um... Actually there were 2 girls that seemed to attach to me a lot after I broke up with them. Rachel and Katelyn." I reply.

"Great... how do we know which one?" Carlos asks.

"It's Rachel." I reply.

"What? You can't just jump to conclusions! What if it's not her?" Carlos asks.

"It IS her. I KNOW it for a FACT." I reply. "That no good little...."

"How?" Logan asks.

"Kateyln already has a boyfriend and their really in love. Rachel is the only one that is single right now. I know it's her. She was the worst. She may have had the looks, but GOD! She was so bossy and stuck-up. She was just plain rude." I explain.

"So, now that we know that it's Rachel why don't we go and settle this? I don't want my sister to get hurt! She's already hurt!!!!" Kendall starts to yell.

I feel Jessica shift in my lap. I rock her back and forth.

"Kendall! Shut up! She just went to sleep! Don't wake her up!" I hiss.

"Sorry." he replies. "Well, can't we settle this now?"

"I guess we could, but what about Jessica?" I ask.

"We could leave her here. I mean the hotel room is locked and no one else has the keys except us." Carlos suggests.

"I don't know. I have a bad feeling about that." I reply, looking down at Jessica, sleeping in my lap.

"Yeah. James, you should stay with her. We'll take care of Rachel." Kendall replies.

"Good. I'll text her and say that I want to meet her. I know she's in Vegas. Why else would she text Jessica?" I reply.

I grab my phone from the night stand and text Rachel.

Hey Rachel. ;) How have you been? Listen, I'm been thinking a lot about you lately. I want to get back together with you. I just can't seem to let you go. If you're close by you mind meeting me some place? Like the coffee shop right across from the MGM hotel? Love you baby. Take me back?

~Xoxo James M.

"I texted her. I know she'll fall for it. I started to kiss up to her. Ha. Like I'm actually going to take you back you rude little brat." I tell them.

"Great. Let's go guys." Kendall says.

"Good Luck. It's the coffee shop right across from MGM hotel. You guys know what she looks like." I tell them.

"We'll be back real soon. Or not, depending... " Carlos say.

"Yeah yeah okay. If anything happens just call me or text me." I reply.

"Gotcha." Logan replies.

They leave the hotel room. I look down back at Jessica, sleeping in my lap. I kiss her forehead.

"I promise I won't let anyone hurt you." I whisper.

How did you guys like this Chapter? Did you think it was good or okay or bad? I'm working on Chapter 7. I'll try to post it as soon as possible, but you know. Life doesn't make it easy so I'll try my absolute best. Thanks guys! Fan, Vote, Comment. Love you guys! <3

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