What No One Sees

By WolfMoon5

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Leo smiles. He laughs. He jokes. But no one sees how much hurt he is going though. How much pain he has store... More

Day one
Day two AM
Day two PM
Day 4 AM
Day 10
Unknown day and time
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 16 continued
I'm sorry
This day will never end
It's me...
The reason why
I'm a little better
yall realize its still day 16?
In the 5th hour
The Ups and Downs of Friends
Day 17
The Afternoon of The Day of 17
Early Morning Day 18
Merry Christmas!
fckd up
I need to figure out what day it is
the part where Jason dies
the 'uh oh' part
Valentines day Special
naps and contemplation
things are getting bad again
click click clack
not really an update
Day 32
*vent* Should I feel?
A Morning of Contemplative Thoughts
Jason... what the fuck
The Choice
Therapy Session
Is This The Process of Healing?
Let's Go Talk To Will
A Step In A Direction
And the Walls Came Tumbling Down
The Green Monster
Sister Nadia
break notice
Sunset Sunrise
Blind to All
Looking For Me?
Confidence To Open Up
The End
Epilogue (Part 1)

The Heartbeat

3.3K 94 37
By WolfMoon5

A/N: Hi guys!!!! So I'm feeling better and I only have one more finals for math so I can actually update!!!! You have no idea how happy I am about this!! I've missed you guys so much! Thanks for sticking with me through this!! Also I apologize for it being short, but I just wanted to update ASAP

"Urhh," Leo groans squints his eyes open before snapping them shut. "Who the hell decided to decorate this place in fucking white?"
Slowly Leo reopened his eyes and looked around the completely white space.
"Honestly, where the hell am I?"
"What the?"
"Who's there?"
Leo, come here
A figure appeared and Leo began walking towards it.
"Who are you?"
Leo mi dulce niño
Tears began to form in Leo's eyes as he recognized the form of his mother.
"Mama!" He ran and hugged her as he started crying. "Mama, Mama. I've missed you so much. I've missed you so much!!"
Mi niño. Te amo. We can't talk long
"Mama. I didn't mean to start that fire! Mama lo siento! I didnt mean it! Please forgive me. I'm sorry, lo siento lo siento."
Leo, I know. It wasn't your fault. Esta bien. Leo, I love you no matter what. Te amo mi niño.
She kissed Leo's forehead and began to dissolve.
"No, no mama! Dont leave me!" Tears cascaded down Leo's cheeks as he tried to grasp onto the last few fragments left of his mother.
I am always with you, my sweet Leo.
She finished speaking and completely dissolved taking the white world that Leo was trapped in with her.
"Mama!" Leo cried as he sunk into an abyss of memories and dreams.

Jason's P.O.V.

When I arrived made it to the infirmary Leo was hooked up to .any machines. He had a breathing mask on, an I.V drip thing and the machine to check the heart rate. There was lots of different noises from the machines beeping of the various machines to the soft murmuring between Chiron and Will. They were saying something about having to check the Roman camp and get Leo an educated therapist, if Leo made it out at all. They speculated that Leo's heart gave out because of the pressure or stress or some shit. I thought Leo was getting better. I should have helped him more. I never should have taken him to the basketball courts. For fucks sake!
The beeping on the machine began to speed up and I quickly rush to Leo's side. His face is scrunched up in pain and tears are falling down his face.
I grab onto his hand hoping to comfort him, but it doesnt help as he screams out a single word.
"Mama!" Before his face relaxes and his heartbeat slows.
I glance from the machine to his face and I feel the tears falling down my own face as I begin to whisper, "Leo, please stay strong. You can't leave me yet."
Thoughts of what life would be without Leo begin to fill my head and I try to choke down my sobs, but eventually lay my head down and let myself be consumed with this dark future of a life without Leo.

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