A Christmas to Remember

By QuackSunshineDesign

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Have you been in love What does it mean to you? Have you ever lost it? Did it Hurt? Did it crush you? Were y... More

The Introduction
The Meet
Long Suffering
Charity is Kind
Gentleness & Temperance
Meekness(A Quiet Spirit)
Joy And Peace

Faith and Peace

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By QuackSunshineDesign

Faith and Peace

(3Days Later)

November 4th

[Knock, Knock]

Mom: Hello Fallen where are you... Fallen darling where you at?

When she didn't answer she walked all the way in and called her again then she walked up the stairs and went to Fallen bedroom

Mom: FALLEN!!!!!

Fallen: Huh yes oh mom hi I forgot you was coming

Mom: What is wrong with you it's like you completely shut me out we have not talk you just shut down and your daddy hardly hear from you

Fallen dazing off looking out the window while lying in bed not hearing her mom

Mom: FALLEN!!!!!!!!!

Fallen: Yes ma'am

Mom: What's going on with you open up your blinds bring some light in this room

Fallen: Mom No!! please I don't want no light right now please

Then she covers her face

Mom: Fallen!!!!!

Fallen: Yes ma'am

Mom: What's going on

Fallen: Nothing I am fine

Mom: Girl you do know I know you right

Fallen: Yes, ma'am I know

Mom: Talk to me

Fallen: I am fine

Mom: Then why do you look like you haven't ate in days and you stink, you haven't answered your phone for anybody and it's your birthday

Fallen: Mom I don't care about that I just want to be left alone please

Mom: Fallen I know this don't feel well but I need you to bring it in come on now

Fallen : Mommy I'm trying but it's hard I lost the love of my life and I can't stop dreaming about everything we already been through I don't understand I am trying my best to survive even when he tries to come over I try but it's hard and Kelsey throws it in my face every chance she get and I am tired of it so since it's my birthday I choose to sit here like this

Mom: I know its hard baby... when you say dreams are weird what is it

Fallen: Seeing things from his point of view all the emotions he went through and how he can feel me without me know it and just everything but through his eyes

Mom: That's not repeating history babe that's seeing something deeper

Fallen: But it still don't feel good because I am trying my best to forget about him, but God won't let me and its draining mommy because I miss him SOOO much

Her mom hugs her.

Fallen: I give up. I don't care about anything anymore that's why I haven't showered or anything I just don't care anymore it is what it is at this point in my life

Mom : Okay look now I understand you hurt but baby I need you to bring you mind in yes its hard I understand that but if I remember when you first started dating him and you thought you were wasting your time I told you to pray and when you did God told yes he was it remember that

Fallen: Yes.

Mom: now with all that is going on have God said anything different to you

Fallen: No, he haven't but he haven't said anything to me

Mom: Yes, he has... he is showing you in dreams

Fallen: What you mean

Mom: He feels you Fallen... you and him has always had a connection and a weird bond ... he has always been crazy about you, but it took him feeling what you felt for him to know that he was enough for you. When you were 16, I knew he was your husband because no matter how stubborn you were and tried to be towards him, he was always persistent. You guys were a couple before y'all decided to like each other its was always something there.

Fallen: What are you getting at

Mom: Faith child just have faith. Honey God is not showing this to punish you he wants you to see the bigger picture. Pray let him keep revealing things to you keep your heart pure and don't give up on yourself how can God continue to do what it is he is trying to do if you give up okay, we all get worry now repent and get back on your horse and keep the faith and be encouraged

She hugged her mom and then her mom left.

Feeling drain she gains the courage to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. She turns on the light and for once in 3 months she looks in the mirror just dazing at herself and she see is regret and disappointment which makes her numb because now in life she has lost a lot and gone through so much in life for her seeing the light of day is not easy and if you don't know what I mean here is an example imagine climbing a mountain and as soon as you reach the top and claim victory the mountain grows taller and now you have to climb some more and you thought you good until it grew again you would be tired too right? Well that's Fallen she had health issues growing up but when she conquered it years later it popped up again but in the middle of that mess love knocked on her door and if she is honest with herself she can admit that she kept the door locked on love do to what she was dealing with concerning her health and whatever it was that God placed in Eden he just would never give up on her even though he wasn't really ready then he was sure where his heart was and when the time came he was gone do right by her and make her his forever but did Fallen know that.. No, she just wanted to make sure this wasn't a waste of her time because at the end of the day games was not what she was into playing.

Eventually moving from the mirror to running bath water she stares out the window with her phone on do not disturb so many people were leaving her songs and words of encouragement and Happy Birthday's on her voice mail and on all her social media pages but she didn't care for all that she just wanted to be left alone but through it all she pushed and ran bath water and sat in her tub with her eye closed.

Fallen: I believe but Lord help my unbelief

Then she took a deep breath and laid her head back on her head rest connected to her tub. Meanwhile Eden goes to the store and turns in the camera he found at this mysterious place he had a key to. And once he was done, he went to pick up flowers for Fallen he knew it was her birthday and what all he think he know about her heart being broken.

Florist: Hi sir long time no see

Eden: Huh who me

Florist: Why yes, the last time I seen you was on Valentine's Day

Eden: You sure it was me

Florist: Yes, you silly... you come here all the time getting flowers for her

Eden: For who Kelsey

Florist: Who is that I never heard of her

Eden: What

Florist: Silly I am talking about your forever honey remember that girl you married her I did her flowers remember pink white silver and gold you said she loved them remember

Eden: What's her name

Florist: You just called her your forever you never told me her name ...... oh. oh. oh. oh. oh, you gave me a picture hold on.

So, then the florist went to back and came back with a picture of him and the girl he called forever

Eden: Can I take a picture of this please

Florist: Sure

He took the picture thanked the florist and left but she caught him and gave him a bouquet

Florist: Give this to her I put in hard work on this one.

He takes the flowers from her and drives off. Meanwhile Fallen is still in the tub and she hears the doorbell ring

[Ding, Dong]

Rushing out the tub she then goes to put on her rub and down the stairs to see who is at her door and when she opens the door all she sees is a bouquet of multi-color roses in front of whoever was hold them

Man Voice: Happy Birthday to the sweetest woman I know

Fallen chuckles

Fallen: Why thank you may I see the face behind these beautiful roses

So, when the flowers came down, she was shocked at who was behind them

Fallen: Oh my God thank you this means a lot to me

Bennet: A beautiful birthday lady deserves her flowers

Fallen: Oh, how sweet thank you this means a lot to me

Bennet: Oh, you think I just got you flowers no hold on wait here

Running out to the car he gets the 30 balloons he picked up and the big birthday bag he has too

Fallen: Oh, wow you went all out didn't you

Bennet: You so much more but at least I can start here

He got her a beautiful black dress with a fine diamond necklace and earrings to match and a pair of black and gold shoes. She was amazed her eyes closed and she took a deep breath and her heart grew warm

Fallen: I can't take this thank you though, but I can't accept this

Bennet: Um yes you can Fallen you did so much for me and the pictures you took are amazing I really appreciate you

Fallen: No please

She gets up to walk away

Bennet: Fallen wait... I don't do this often probably because I have met a spirit as beautiful as yours and I didn't buy this dress for nothing I got a special surprise for you.

He then pulls out of his pocket two tickets

Fallen: What is that

Bennet: Hamilton

Fallen: Oh my God ... wow!!!!!

Bennet: Well is this a yes

Fallen looks down and closes her eyes she took a deep breath and said "Okay". In excitement Bennet was happy and he waited while Fallen went to get dressed while she was getting dressed, she thought about her first official date with Eden and how nothing went right, and she thought that meant they weren't supposed to be together don't believe me well here see for yourself

[Fallen and Eden first date]

Nervous as hell Fallen is at work wondering if it will actually happen or will this be another broken promise while she listens to him her trust is not there all the way and with past promises she wasn't too sure if things were going to be different.

Fallen: He said we was going to the movie and then dinner

Rose: Okay talking to you about my little brother is weird but calm down stop thinking so much please you are making me a nervous wreck

Fallen: Sorry it's just nothing seems to be working out

Rose: Why are you so emotional and scared it's just a date

Fallen looks at Rose and walks to the bathroom and balled in a corner all she can hear is the echo of words her dad said to her about Eden a long time ago.

[Dad : Fall he is not good for you he is the type of guy who will let you foot the bill he don't have a stable job which in my eyes makes him lazy and he still out there wilding around he not in a state of being a head of anyone more than anything you will have to lead in this state so no move on from thinking you two will be anything more than friends.]

And with all that in mind she feels emotional because her heart feel something different then what she hear so she is torn and she is scared do to her own perception of him and while consistently praying to God asking him if he is not in this please tear it apart even if that means hurting her now it will save her later in life and if something else went wrong between them that was her sign of them not being meant for each other. But on the other hand, who was more nervous Eden everything he had planned was going downhill and he felt sick about it and with his cousin being in town he was seeking for help to fix it

Trent: Dude what the is going on

Eden: You wouldn't understand

Trent: Try me out

Eden: Um no I think I will keep this one

Edison: I bet you it's about Fallen

Trent in surprise looks at Edison and then he sits down next to Eden

Trent: What did you have in mind for her

Eden: I said I am good

Edison: For some odd reason he is very tender when it comes to talking about her, he hardly says anything about her with this one he is very low key even though we see it in plain sight

Trent: Who else knows about you and her

With death eyes towards Edison he turns his attention to Trent

Eden: Just Rose and that's only because she heard a conversation we had and even though I tried not to keep it between me and her every time I saw her, I couldn't help myself

Trent: What happen to Kels

Eden: I was never serious about her... you knew that I was simply just sex nothing more

Trent: And here I thought you always wanted to tag her remember how you use to talk about her and how you could wait to tap that ass remember

Eden looks down in guilt

Eden: Yeah, I remember that

Trent: Well gone ahead get it out your system tap that ass... you always been a lady's man you say one word and they would be throwing the panties at you and man you even had paying for everything dinner rent bills truthfully why would you work when you had women at your feet who wanted to give you everything

Eden looks at Trent and puts hands over his head

Trent: Wait a minute... What's wrong with you

Eden: Nothing I just need some air

He walks out and instead of driving his car he walks up and down the side walk thinking about Fallen and how damaged he is and if how he really don't feel like he deserves her and all she haves to offer him and as much as he loves her, he was no way near the perfect man she deserves. With 2 hours until they're official date he is thinking of calling quits since nothing was going rite

Trent: Hey E wait up man. Now hold up a minute

Eden: What you want man I really don't need to hear about all I am capable of making females do alright I know that already I was gone take her out tonight, but I can't

Trent: Why not

Eden: Because the money I put aside for her was token off my card to pay a bill I had plans on paying next week and then to add insult to injury the restaurant I planned on taking her to gave my reservations to someone else so now I have no money and nowhere to take her. Like every time I gain confidence to take her out something happens, and I know in her eyes it makes it look like I just keep stringing her along and I don't want to do that with her I just don't

Trent: She inspires you to be different. I mean I knew you always liked her but me and the boys always thought it was about sex with her

Eden: Of course, I am highly attracted to her can't help the physical thing between us but more than that I am attracted to her mind and her soul and who she is on the inside as well as the outside

Trent: You love her

Eden: Yes

Trent holds his head down

Trent: She is different

Eden: Always have been

Trent: Well let's make this first one to remember

Eden: How

Trent: Let's just say I can't pull a couple strings and help you out

So, with the help of Trent Eden went to see what can potentially happen. Meanwhile Fallen is freaking out because nothing fits the one, she had in mind ripped a heel on her shoe broke and to add insult to injury her period starts she already had somewhat of a bad day at work and with 30 minutes to spare she can't find a thing and not once have she heard from Eden which scares her even more

Rose: Calm down I am sure it is something in here you can wear I mean you do have a lot of clothes so come on

Fallen: This is a sign I should just forget this and go to bed, and I haven't heard from Eden and look at the time its official we not meant not be so if you excuse me, I am going to bed

Rose tries to talk Fallen out of it, but her mind was made up and under the covers she went but then she was interrupted by the doorbell

Rose: Just a second

When she opens the door, it was Eden

Rose: You better have a damn good reason why you

But he moves past her and went straight upstairs to find Fallen silently crying

Eden: What are you doing get up you gone miss our first date

Fallen: What

Eden: Come on get up and get dressed and there has been a change a plans so get dressed woman

Fallen looks at him and he kisses her and whips her tears of her face and as he walks away an outfit popped out to her and so she put everything together and comes down stairs

Fallen: I am ready

But once she looks at Eden, she gets butterflies because she can see that twinkle in his eyes that get her every time making her feel like she is the only girl in the world

Eden: God you look good and the things that come to mind... ummmm

He says hugging her tight whispering in her ear

Eden: You smell good as hell ... what you trying to get into tonight

Fallen: Down boy come on

Rose: Wait E can I talk to you real quick

Eden: What's up sis

Rose: Hurt her and I will kill you that is my best friend and if I lose her over your whore like mentality it is me you need to worry about

He laughs

Eden: Don't worry I am not going to do that with her

Rose: You bet not

Then he grabs Fallen hand and walks out the door

Fallen: Wait where is your car

Trent: Hello I am your driver for that night

Fallen: Trent I didn't know you were in town

Trent: Hello my dear get in the car

As she gets in the car with Eden getting in after her, he pulls her close to him wrapping his arms around her and holding her hand with one hand and the other hand slightly feeling on her he just lays on her shoulder the heat between them is so strong it's hard not to feel it almost electric. Looking Fallen in her eyes he says

Eden: Happy Birthday my love

Fallen: Thank you

She says as she grabs his ears and kiss him but while she does that Trent puts on the radio and funny her favorite song plays Ella Mai – Naked and she looks at Eden and laughs

Trent: Okay love birds we are here

So, he runs to open the door for them and confused Fallen looks at Eden

Eden: What's wrong

Fallen: Where the hell are, we!!!!

Eden: Baby you got to trust me come on

Fallen: Where are we E

Eden: Oh my God woman just get out the car so I can show you

Putting her foot back in the car

Fallen: No... take me home

Eden: WHAT!!! Fallen get out the car

Fallen: No!!!

Eden: What is wrong with you come on get out the car so I can show you

Fallen: Just tell me now you know I hate surprises anyway because looking on the outside of this place I just don't think it's gone end well

Trent: You two better figure out something Damn its cold out here

Eden: Fallen what are you scared of just trust me

With her arms folded she sits there. So, Eden closes his eyes and takes a deep breath feeling her he realizes what is wrong

Eden: Fallen look at me... Baby please look at me ... FALLEN

She looks at him

Eden: I need you to trust me right now baby please get out the car ... come on

Looking into his eyes she takes his hands

Trent: FINALLY!!!!

Standing in front of the door Eden tells her to wait here while he opens up the door the lights come on and it is simply amazing this place is a fancy restaurant that with help from Trent he had close for the night so he could show Fallen a special night and this beautiful place had an ocean view and that is where he had they're table set up by. Just simply romantic

Eden: My lady would you care to take a seat

Fallen: This is amazing Oh My God I am so sorry I doubted you please forgive me

She says hugging him

Eden: It's okay Fall I know your scared, but I need you to trust me

She backs up

Eden: Fall what is it talk to me

Fallen: You scare me

Looking at her his eyes began to tear up

Fallen : Of course I love you E but I am so scared I fear that me and you won't make it and with other people opinions going through my head I am scared to take a risk with you I know I sound un stable and I am sorry for that but what if we don't

Eden: What is your heart saying

Fallen: What

Eden: When you think of me Fallen what is your heart saying

Fallen: To risk it all because you are a good man who head was in a bad place at the time

Eden: What else

He says as he moves closer

Fallen: That your different with me and I can trust you

Standing in front of her face

Eden: But what does your heart scream out to you

Fallen: It screams you love me and that I have your heart

Looking into her eyes his hand creeps up her neck then through her hair with his thumb rubbing across her lips

Eden: Then trust me

Then he kisses her, but this kiss was different then how he have ever kissed her because for the first time what she had been praying for happened right there. Fallen was always curious of knowing was Eden different with her and did he really feel for her what she thought he did even though he always expressed it to her she needed to know for herself and now she got what she asked for. Feeling every inch of his heart running through her body she was now secure with what was really going on between them

Then Fallen snaps out of it and tells herself Happy Birthday before she goes down stairs. She meets Bennet he tells her how beautiful she is and then they leave but sad to say they were being watched see while Bennet had plans to show her a good time whatever it was that Eden thought would cheer her up was too late so he stood there with flowers in his hand and a beautiful card watching her leave and for some odd reason his heart felt like it was breaking and he didn't understand it so he left the card in her mail box and flowers on her door step and left in disappointment and on his way home he thought of her and how could someone hurt a soul as beautiful as hers he thought of this all the way home but when he pulls up to his house he see a another car in the drive way so he pulls up and gets out the car when he gets to the door he hears the music up super loud so he wonders what is going on and the closer he gets to upstairs the music gets louder and he realizes it is coming from the bedroom and once he opens the door he see Kelsey in the bed with another man and when she see him her face is so shocked you would have thought she saw the dead rise so she quickly pushes the man off of her and she starts crying. Not feeling a thing Eden just stares and then walks outside so she tells the guy to leave which he did and then she yells for Eden to come back in

Eden: So, who is that

Kelsey: Just a friend

Eden: Riding you like that oh okay friends

Kelsey: I know you not jealous I mean let's be honest where you been for the last few days somewhere with Fallen

Eden: No actually I been trying to seek peace in my mind

Kelsey: Yeah that's what you all say!!

Eden: But I mean it I don't like drama Kels I like peace

Kelsey: Well I am sorry I like a little drama you can't change me accept me for who I am and love me anyway

Eden puts his head down and breathes

Kelsey: See with yo judging ass

Eden: That right there I can't do this

Kelsey: What

And within seconds he gets a bad head ache and surprisingly it was a memory pushing through for once he was seeing something from his past and when he came to, he looks at Kelsey

Eden: I am sorry

Kelsey: What

Eden: We were never together were we Kels

Kelsey: What yes, we were I mean are always been me and you

Eden: I just saw how we broke up Kels I haven't been with you in 2 years

Mouth wide open she stared in disbelief

Eden: Now how we ended should not have been like that and I should have apologized to you for wasting your time... so, her it goes

He takes her hand and looks her in the eyes

Eden: I am sorry for the time of yours I wasted but I believe me and you both know that we don't belong together. Thank you for loving me and helping me back to health but your heart is not with me nor is my heart with you, but I will be grateful for you because you taught me a lot and I appreciate that and you.

She looks at him

Kelsey: Get the hell away from me you are weak and full of crap I don't even understand why I wasted my time with you. I am about to go pack my bags and leave this depressed place and me and you haven't had sex since you gotten better so I aint missing nothing bye punk!!!!

And she walks away and leave like she told him she would but before she leave, she throws at him the ring he gave her. With all the being done Eden was not angry more so relieved if anything feeling like a load was lifted. So, he cleans up the mess she left, and he prays asking God for better understanding for what he saw.

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