xReader One-Shot Stories

Od Fiction-Junkie

61.7K 658 246

I just put everything into one huge "folder". Viac

2P!Canada x Reader - Because It's Stupid
Alice (OC) x 2P!Italy - Dipshit
Spain x Reader - Te Amaré Por Siempre (I Will Always Love You)
2P!Germany x Reader - Near You In Autumn
Alois Trancy x Reader - You'd Better Obey
Male!Belarus x Reader - Never Ending Snow
2P!Japan x Reader - Dreams Suck
Jean x Reader - Thunder
2P!Italy x Tortured!Reader LEMON - 50 Shades Of Violent
Oliver Kirkland x Kelsey - School Days
2P!WolfBoy!Russia x Red Riding Hood!Reader (REQUEST)
Yato x Reader: Daisy
Kaneki Ken x Reader: UNRAVEL
Come Back To Me - Comatose!America x Reader Songfic
2P!NyoJapan x Reader - There's A First Time For Everything (YURI WARNING)
2P!Canada x Reader - Because It's Stupid
America x Reader Songfic - Superman
Denmark x Dying!Reader - Endlessly (Songfic)

2P!England x Reader - The Body Bandit

1.8K 42 12
Od Fiction-Junkie

It wasn't until your second year of high school when you started getting all of these random gifts.

Cupcakes, boxed lunches, little love notes on your desk after lunch; The list went on.

You thought each one came from the guy you liked in class, since you noticed he'd look at you everyday.

You would smile and wave at him for each gift, thanking him after class for the lovely presents.

But little did you know that it was the ginger who sat in the back of the class. You didn't notice him very much, but when you did, he was always so polite to you.

And nobody else.

You were warned by your friends to stay away from him, but you always found him to be so sweet and caring. Maybe they were going off of anger, since he didn't like them much.

"Oh, come on, guys. He's not that bad", you defended.

"I bet you haven't heard the rumors, then, huh? About why he's transferred from school to school, and why the ones he cane from were all shut down in the middle of the year?" one of your friends started.

You simply rolled your eyes at her judgement.

"Are you trying to tell me that he's that murderer on the news? Because I highly doubt he is", you defended once again.

A few months ago, reports started coming out saying that there was a teenager admitting himself into different high schools around town and slaughtering his classmates. Not only that, but once he kills them all, he slices up their insides and bakes them into cupcakes, using the teacher's eyes as a substitute for the cherry on top. The media named him The Body Bandit, because families weren't able to identify their own children after the murder.

You didn't find it terrifying, not in the least. If anything, you found it fascinating.

"You're judging again", you said bluntly to your friend.

"Just be careful around him, __________. You don't know if he'll turn you into a sweet treat", she worried.

"Yeah, Yeah", you waved her off before turning to leave.

At the end of the day, you began to walk home alone. It was already starting to get dark, and you wanted to get home as quickly as possible.

You passed by multiple people, getting dog calls from almost all of them. You approached a small group of men, 5 to be exact, and tried to get around them.

The street closest to yours was narrow and didn't have much space between it.

"Excuse me", you said softly, making your way through them.

One man pulled you back by your arm, turning you around and smirking at you with a hungry expression.

"What's a pretty little kitten like you doin' out so late?" He cooed.

"Please, don't touch me", you asked nicely, taking your arm back.

"Heh heh, she's a polite one", another stated, trying to flip up your uniform skirt.

You yelp slightly, pulling your attire down.

"Leave me alone!" You said harshly.

They wouldn't listen and just continued to harass you. You groaned in irritation before grabbing the small pencil carrier in your backpack.

"Oh? Whatchya doin' there, little kitte-"

You interrupted him by driving a mechanical pencil through his neck. Once that one was stuck, you took another pencil and turned around to stab the one who flipped your skirt.

Screams of havoc broke out as you rampaged. For some reason, you enjoyed every second of it.

And you needed more.

Once you finished them off, your breathing heavy, you heard a laugh come from behind you.

You turned around to find...Oliver? He was clapping, smiling at your work.


"Marvelous job, poppet!"

"Why are you here?"

"You let their blood drain out like water", he continued, kneeling down to poke the dead men, "how dastardly creative".

"Stop avoiding my questions!" you yelled.

He dipped a finger in a pond of blood, licking the appendage clean with a smirk. You blinked in slight confusion, wondering why he was doing something so...vulgar.

"This would be a perfect recipe for my cupcakes", he stated sweetly, turning to look at you.

"And I couldn't help but notice how much you were enjoying yourself."

You looked away, "I wasn't enjoying myself".

"Those eyes of yours say differently, my dear", he paused.

From his pause, you started asking more questions.

"Why were you following me?"

He had a knife out, already slicing up the body parts and insides of your victims.

"Hm~? Oh! I was going to confess my undying love for yo-...I mean! Uhm...", he hesitated, his face going absolutely red.

You tilted your head in confusion, wanting to know.

"Oliver, were you the one who'd leave me all of those gifts...?" you asked in a soft tone.

He cleared his throat before answering.

"Y-Yes...it was", he confessed, picking up the bloodied arms, legs, and entrails.

"I've liked-...loved you for awhile now, actually. But you never seemed to notice me. You probably wouldn't like me anyways, seeing as my work is quite messy", he joked.

You listened as he spoke, trying to wrap your mind around it.

"A-Anyways, I should get these home before they smell any worse than they already d-"

"-May I join you?" you interrupted.

"I beg your pardon?"

You smiled at him and his thick, British accent.

"I'd like to bake with you. Especially with the disembodied parts of the men who attacked me", you grinned deviously.

He couldn't help but agree. His lips curled up into their own evil smile, his arms shifting the insides and limbs to one arm so he could outstretch his hand to you.

"Then by all means, M'lady...come join The Body Bandit's Band of Killers".

You took his hand and walked along side him, your smile never dropping.


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