The Alpha Wolf (Fem Wolf Izuk...

By GoodStoryBoy

47K 737 473

Izuku Hikitsuga is a boy with a quirk that just wont activate. his best friend Bakugou has stayed his friend... More

Awakening Ch. 1
To be a Student Ch. 2
USJ Ch. 4
The Way of The Wolf Ch. 5
True Power! Ch. 6
The Wolf's Pup Ch. 7
New Story Coming Soon
A Small Talk (A/N)
New Book (Update)

Villain vs Hero Ch. 3

5.5K 93 21
By GoodStoryBoy

Izumi POV

It was the next day at UA and I was exited. I heard from dad that we're having our first hero lesson today and im pumped. I walk to UA and see Kacchan walking too "Hey Kacchan wanna walk with me!" I asked him not actually going to give him a choice "Sure Izu," we walked for a little while until I suddenly felt strange. I turned and looked at Katsuki 's handsome face and began to blush. After a moment I realised Katsuki was blushing too 'So thats hoe he feels eh?' I though a little excited. I guess Katsuki could tell i was excited to be around him because I was wagging my tail. Eventually the school was in sight. And I felt happy to know we were almost there. After we got into the school we went our separate ways to go to our lockers and then to class.

I was 40 minutes early so I decided to take a nap in wolf pup form. I was woken up by my dads loud voice saying "I AM HERE WALKING THROUGH THE SOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" I couldnt stop myself "DAD PLEASE BE QUIET!" He looked startled "Heheh sorry Izu," the class looked surprised and all of them were about to yell in unison before I gave them a cold glare. "All Might is your father?!?!" They all said in unison quiet enough to where it didnt bug me. "Yes now lets drop the subject," after dad explained the rules for the activity we were sent to get into our hero gear. Every one of the girls had skin tight suits where as I had a black and blue kimono with a white moon on the back.

(Like this)

I also had a blue fan with a moon painted on it.

(Exactly like this but with a moon on it)

I walked out after doing my make up and everyone was starring it was ticking me off "Only the pack Beta can stare at me and as for the rest of you, your only low ranking Omega's," I said as I walked into line next to Katsuki and blushed. All Might explained the rules then pulled teams (I'm only doing ONE fight)
Hero's: Lida Tenya and Uraraka Ochaco.
Villains: Katsuki Bakugou and Izumi Yagi
I was excited 'Im with the beta!' I looked at Katsuki and blushed. After we got our bomb planted it was time. Bakugou would go and look for them while I protected the bomb. I know were going to win we just have all of the stats. After a whike team hero's were ready so I got ready as well. "Hey! I see them how should I approach Izumi?" I thought for a minute until I got a plan "Try to pull them to the opposite end of the building from you and keep them there," "Right!"

After a while I heard foot steps down the hall. 'It doesn't matter how slowly and quietly you move Ochaco I will still hear you Ochaco,' I thought smugly because my Alpha personality is active. I saw her at the door way and decided to make conversation "How are you Uraraka?" She tensed obviously thinking I didn't know she was there "Umm I'm doing fine," she said "So are you looking for something to levitate?" She tensed again "I thought so, sorry little omega but you won't be getting in this room," "IZUMI ITS A TRAP THE ROBOT BASTARD IS ABOUT TO CHARGE YOU THROUGH THE WALL!" Yelled Katsuki, as he said that I began to hear foot steps "DAWN OMEGAS DOUT MY POWER!" I roared as I waved my fan creating a wall of grey flames surrounding me and the bomb that engulfed the whole room. Right before Lida got to the door to charge me Uraraka stopped him. 2 minutes remained amd I was beyond angry. 1 minute left and I began calming the fire around me so that I wouldnt burn my hero costume. "Tsk, tsk, tsk you couldnt even get past such a calm fire hero's, like I said all you are is weak omega's that should learn their place," I said with venom in my voice. 10 seconds left and I began counting down while fanning myself "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, we win," after I said that the fire went out and dad announced "Team Villain Wins!" I walked doen to the entrance of the building to see Katsuki waiting for me "Hello, Kacchan," he looked at me then smiled.

After everyone was finished with their matches we were changing until one of the girls asked a question "Hey Izumi, why do you where a kimono as a hero suit?" Asked Yayarozu "Its comfortable and wolves prefer comfortable of uncomfortable any time," she nodded her head "Ok girls! I want to take us all to do some karaoke today, everyone in the class is invited! Any of you want to come?" I thought about it for a second "Sure ill go," "Great!" After all the girls said they'll go we left and Mina went and asked the boys.

It was later in the day and I had just arrived at the karaoke place. When I arrived all the dudes and girls were already there "Aww now I feel late!" I said pouting they all laughed "Ok everyone we're doing the singing by random pull ok? Now single or duet?" Everyone said duet "Duet it is, ill pull the names and the lucky winners are Izumi and Bakugou! And you will be singing Demons by Imagine Dragons!" We went up tmto the front and grabbed our microphones, and Katsuki grabbed an acoustic guitar because you cant really control karaoke volume. After he was all set up and I was ready we began singing.

(Not my song)

We sang in harmony with one another. When we sang I felt that we were the only ones in the room. Near the end we were staring each other in the eyes our bodies pressed against one another. We were like that for a couple of minutes until he moved his face closer to mine and kissed me. I was so confused but I returmed his kiss anyways while telepathically asking him "Why did you kiss me?" I asked shyly 'Because I love you, Izumi I want to he with you and only you but I know you said that the beta is the only one for you an-' I interrupted him by saying "Yes your right the beta is the only one for me, my handsome beta," he pukled away got a breath then kissed me again but with more passion 'I love you' "I love you too,"

After we were done we realized where we were and turned red from embarrassment. But it seemed everyone was focused on something else so I read their minds 'I wont be able to top their singing they all thought except for Mineta 'I wonder if ill ever get a girlfriend' that was the saddest thing ive ever heard. After a minute everyone broke out of their trance. The dudes were the only ones to remember what me and Katsuki did and wanted to kill him for taking my first kiss. When we sat down I kissed him again "It was my turn," was what I told him and he smiled. All the girls were shocked but very happy for me and I was happy for me.

Bakugou POV about ten minutes ago

After we finished our song I was staring into her eyes and felt the strongest urge ever I wanted to kiss her. I tried to fight it but it was to strong and I gave up I wanted this. I leand in and kissed her I could tell she was shocked but turned to a look of just wanting my kiss then she started talking to me in my head after we were done the dudes snapped out of the trance we put them on with our song. They all realized what they saw and gave me a glare. I suddenly felt a strange urge again and growled at them like a wolf would 'Oh god she's making me act like her' after I finished growling at them Izumi leans in and kissed me startling me "It was my turn," is what she said which made me smile.

I took her home and dropped her off to her parents they offered to let me stay the night and I accepted it was quite late. I washed up and went to the private guest room that had some of my stuff in it. I got in bed and went to sleep.

When I awoke the next morning I felt something snuggled up against me I turned to see Izumi. I jumped out of bed and landed face first on the floor. I was panicking 'What did I do last night?!' Until sbe woke up and had a smile on her face "How is my handsome beta doing?" She said still happy then she looked shocked "What I-is it?" I asked "Umm Katsuki we need to get you a mirror," she said slowly. We went into the bathroom and I nearly collapsed at what I saw. I was still me but I had wolf ears and a tail I was an ash blonde guy with ash blonde ears and ash blonde tail. "We need to go to a quirk doctor," I said in awe. I dont hate the new form I just want to know why this happened.

We were allowed to skip school for today Izumi had to come with because it was her quirk that did this. When we got to the doctor he started running test after a couple test he said that this is permanent but I wouldn't transform any further and that its due to the feelings Izu has for me. I was relieved to know I wouldnt get a gender change as well. When we got home Izumi apologized again "There's no need to apologize in a way I feel closer to you now," "HEY BRAT HURRY UP!," yelled my mother I quickly covered my ears and said "GODDAMN VOLUME HAG!" She looked with a questioning face then realized I was in the same position as Izu with my ears.

The next day I was walking to school holding Izu's hand still getting used to the whole half wolf thing. When we got to class people bombarded us with questions and raised their volume a little too high making us angry "SHUT UP!" Izu and I said at the same time, they all apologized. After explaining the situation with my new appearance and abilities as well as Izu and my relationship they all shut up.

After a while of waiting for Mr. bags under his eyes to show up I fell asleep and so did Izu 'Huh wolves fall asleep this much?' I woke up the second Mr. Aizawa showed up and began class. "Ok class today you are designing your hero names and choose wisely these names will likely be the ones for the rest of your hero careers," stated Mr. Aizawa "And the person who will be judging your hero names is Midnight," Midnight walked into the room and began yapping her trap but I ignored her. I began thinking of a hero name 'maybe Death Explosion Murder no she wouldn't allow that one hmmm' I kept thinking until I felt a light tap on my tail and turned around to see Izu "Hey let me write yours I have an idea for yours," I shook my head in agreement because I couldn't get anything without death in it. After a minute sge handed mine back to me "Really Izu this one?" She shook hrmer head in confirmation "Okay." It was eventually my turn to share and I did "I will be the explosive hero: Explosive Fang," Midnight looked like she was contemplating my choice then said "It matches you perfectly Bakugou and I think its sweet your girlfriend thought it up for you! 10 out of 10 in my opinion!" I cracked a smile then returned to my seat. Next was Izu she went up there to present her name "I will be the wolf hero: Alpha Wolf," Midnight looked stunned that she picked such a proud name something Katsuki would have come up with. "A terrific name for a great young lady, matches your quirk perfectly!"

After everyone was finished we all went home for the day. Izu was holding onto my arm with beautiful eyes that sparkled with happiness. I dropped her off at her house and went back home. When I got back home I saw my mother and father watching a movie'S should watch a movie with Izu some time soon' I thought as I entered the house "I'm home mom, dad!" They turned with a sign of surprise then my mother had a warm smile "When was the last time you called your mother mom?" "The last time I called you mom was the last time you called me son," I said making them both laugh and I let out a light chuckle "So what do you two want for dinner?" "Hmm I think katsudon would be nice," "same here," "Ok katsudon it is then," I made dinner then went to bed for the night 'Izu thank you' I thought in my head with a happy smile on my face as I curled up and went to bed.

Sup everyone, I know I've been focusing this one a lot but I just have ideas for it that I dont want to lose. The next chapter of my fem sasuke story will be coming out soon. And i will be making this story stranger in a bit but Katsuki is also getting a light quirk buff later aswell again. Well Ja!

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