Under the Mistletoe


329K 12.8K 4.8K

[MxMxMxM] |🎄❄️ Six months ago Sol, Alex and Byron welcomed Lachlan into their relationship. Now with Christ... Еще

December 1, 2019
December 2, 2019
December 3, 2019
December 4, 2019
December 5, 2019
December 6, 2019
December 7, 2019
December 8, 2019
December 10, 2019
December 11, 2019
December 12, 2019
December 13, 2019
December 14, 2019
December 15, 2019
December 16, 2019
December 17, 2019
December 18, 2019
December 19, 2019
December 20, 2019
December 21, 2019
December 22, 2019
December 23, 2019
December 24, 2019
December 25, 2019
December 26, 2019
December 27, 2019
December 28, 2019
December 29, 2019
December 30, 2019
December 31, 2019
Bonus: Christmas Photo

December 9, 2019

10.9K 449 205

☀️ = Sol
🏋🏼‍♂️ = Alex
😈 = Byron
💕 = Lachlan


Heart = Owned

Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️
Good luck in your exams today, sweetheart!

You'll absolutely smash them, baby

Bye Bish😈
msg me when you're finished and we can go out to for celebratory lunch !!!

a whole bb💕


Alex sets his phone down once he's certain Lachlan is in the exam room and returns to the parcels around him.

It's not often he works in the office as he's normally given delivery shifts - which he prefers - but he does enjoy the peace of being away from the outside world occasionally. Somewhere he can sit and think about his life, about the direction he's going. He doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in the mailroom, that's for sure.

As a kid, he had bigger ambitions. Hell, when he was 5 he wanted to be Santa Claus. Now, delivering parcels everyday, he amuses the thought of his childhood wish coming true.

But still, it's not the life he sees himself living long-term. At twenty-three he  knows the world is at his fingertips, he's just unsure about the direction he wants to go. Sometimes - most of the time - he feels slightly inadequate around Sol, Byron and Lachlan. Each of them have a direction, a dream. Sol found his in law, Byron in journalism, and Lachlan in history.

And, fuck, Lachlan. My sweet has come so far since the first time we met.

The memory brings a soft smile to Alex's face. It took another six months after that first encounter for them to meet again, Alex just happening to stumble across him in a busy part of the city. He'll never forget the date, either. February 9th, 2018.

The bell above the door chimes as Alex steps into the cafe. While the sun offers a warm glow in the cold weather he's relieved to be in an actual building filled with the smells of fresh pastries and coffee. He eyes the lines of cakes and muffins in the glass cabinet as he steps into line, reaching for his wallet and wondering what Sol and Byron might like as an after-lunch dessert.

His eye catches on the four muffins sitting on the front counter. Chocolate, blueberry, apple-cinnamon and white chocolate and raspberry. Their individual favourite flavours... plus an additional one.

Alex frowns, trying to decide quick as the line moves up but his thoughts are interrupted as the bell chimes again and somebody runs into his back.

"Shit, sorry sir, I wasn't, um--"

Alex blinks at the familiarity of the voice. Glancing over his shoulder, he's surprised at the wide blue eyes that stare back at him, and even more surprised as the man squeaks and steps away.

"Oh. I... Hi." Lachlan twists his hands into his shirt, cheeks reddening, and Alex can't help but smile.

Lachlan, the last man they invited into their bed six months ago. Alex remembers the wild night. Remembers the way Lachlan brought a new kind of joy to the bedroom.

"Hi yourself. Come here often?"

"I... Uh. No, um. Sorry, but. Uh, was that a pick-up line?"

"What?" Alex splutters, shaking his head. "No. No, it wasn't. Sorry. Um, how are you?"

"Oh! Sorry. I'm good. Uh, you?"

Alex bites back a smile at the awkward interaction. He begins to respond when he's called up to the counter. Twisting around, he blinks in surprise, having not decided on what he wants to buy yet. The cashier watches him with bored eyes and a pressed-lip smile.

"Ah, shit. I haven't even looked properly," Alex mutters and looks at Lachlan who stares at his feet, face and ears red. "Do you want to go ahead?"

Lachlan startles, blinking up at Alex and then around him at the cashier, who is clearly growing impatient. Lachlan stares for a couple of seconds before nodding jerkily and stumbling around Alex.

"Could I get, um, two small hot chocolates and a white chocolate and raspberry muffin, please."

His voice is just as sweet as last time we met, Alex thinks. He wonders how he can be so certain of something that happened six months ago. But with the man standing right in front of him now, Alex knows he'll never forget the way he sounded that night.

"That'll be twelve-ninety," the cashier says and Lachlan pulls his wallet out, grabbing a couple of notes and coins. He lays eleven-fifty on the counter and pats at his jean pockets, a frown marring his beautiful features.

"Uh, maybe cancel one of the--"

"Make it three hot chocolates and two of the muffins," Alex cuts in, stepping up beside him and holding his card out to the cashier. Lachlan stutters out an objection, but the cashier already has the order put through and is scanning Alex's card.

"I could've handled that," Lachlan murmurs as they wait for their order. Alex smiles at the petulant tone and shrugs.

"You scored yourself a momentary sugar daddy, maybe just accept it."

If he didn't watch the man as closely as he did, Alex might've missed the slight shudder that dropped down his spine. Quirking an eyebrow, Alex steps up beside him, brushing their shoulders together.

"Oh... you want a sugar daddy? Or maybe just a daddy--"

"S-Stop." Lachlan turns and presses a hand to Alex's chest. His cheeks couldn't be redder, and Alex watches in amusement as the flush spreads down Lachlan's neck. His amusement vanishes when he sees tears filling the man's eyes, though.

"I'm sorry. That was inappropriate of me."

Lachlan doesn't say anything, and the two of them stand there in silence until their order is called. Lachlan juggles with his drinks and muffin for a second before following Alex from the little café. The two of them stand at the door, an awkward silence hanging between them, until Lachlan turns away.

"Anyway, um, thank you for this. It was... nice seeing you again—"

Knowing he can't bear the thought of not seeing the man again, the night the four of them shared sitting at the forefront of his mind, Alex almost drops his own drink as he grabs Lachlan's shoulder.

"Wait, wait. You... I mean. I'm heading home to lunch with Sol and Byron now. I know... I mean, shit, look, they'd love to see you again—"

"See me again or fuck me again?"

Alex purses his lips, releasing Lachlan's shoulder. Fair call, honestly, but he won't ever forget the way Lachlan fit so perfectly with them.

"What if I said both."

"I'd say no, thank you."


"Well, firstly my sister's waiting for me at the bus stop," Lachlan says, holding up the second hot chocolate and Alex internally face palmed for not picking up on that earlier. "Secondly, uh, look, I had a great time but—"

"Okay. Okay! Wait, before you finish that sentence." Alex moves to step in front of Lachlan, and he briefly wonders why he's suddenly so desperate. "You know our address. This is my formal invitation to dinner, tonight, 6 o'clock."

He doesn't stick around to hear the rejection, and flees like a wimp instead.

He's surprised as all hell when, at 5:56PM, there's a knock on the door. He opens it to the most beautiful sight, the breath rushing from his lungs.

Lachlan wears a soft, blue blouse, and white slacks. He looks like a wet dream wrapped up and Alex's mouth goes dry.

"Hi. You came."

Lachlan's cheeks grow rosy but his words are bold as he brushes by Alex.

"I suppose every baby boy needs a daddy."

Alex cuts the memory off with a bitter laugh. Lachlan hasn't called him that now in nearly three days. Which is no fault of Lachlan's but it still leaves a hole in Alex's chest.

Alex just hopes the dry streak will end soon. He misses the way Lachlan whispers it like a sin, whining and whimpering beneath him. He wants to bite his pale skin again, bruising that flawless neck.

But, he thinks, after today Lachlan is done with his degree. Surely that calls for celebration tonight?

Alex holds tightly to that thought as he returns to the parcels around him, excited to get home this afternoon and have his men like a buffet.


Sol & Alex

Thoughts for dinner tonight?
Thinking a celebration for Lachie

At home or at a restaurant?

Well... I got my Christmas bonus early, so
Was thinking that new place?

I'm happy for that. Do you want to message the gc or just Byron? Maybe surprise Lach.

I'll go and wake Byron up now and tell him

I forgot he wasn't at work.
He fell back asleep?!

Strong☀️ sent an Image.
Out like a light, lol

Have fun
I'll call up and make a booking for 6 xx


Sol blows against Byron's face, leaning on his elbow as he watches his first boyfriend struggle with waking up. Byron's nose crinkles at the air and he peeks an eye open, scowling.


"Good to see you're finally awake."

"Shut up. I was awake at 7 this morning."

"For two seconds to wish Lachie luck, then you crashed again."

"I think you should be grateful I even woke up."

"I think you should shut up."

"Make me."

Sol doesn't need any more encouragement. He leans forward, kissing Byron fiercely. He tastes like last night's dinner, and Sol grimaces as he draws back.

"Okay, please brush your teeth before we go any further."

Byron grumbles under his breath but kicks the blankets off and disappears down the hallway. Sol rests back against the headboard, waiting patiently for his return. It takes longer than he expects it to and his patience begins to wear thin when Byron steps back into the bedroom.

"What the fuck took you so long?"

"I had to grab sustenance," Byron says, holding up two bottles of water and a bag of candy.


"Because," Byron shuts the bedroom door and kicks his pants off, "I don't intend on us leaving this bedroom in the near future."

"Oh, yeah?" Sol sits up, grabbing the front of Byron's sleep shirt to pull him closer. "Tell me more about your intentions."

Byron laughs into a kiss, straddling Sol's lap and lowering his mouth to nibble at Sol's neck. The two of them move fluidly, and for a second Sol feels like they're in high school again, mucking around in Byron's bedroom. It's different when Byron shoves Sol down and begins to tug his sweatpants down.

"Instead of telling you, I'm going to show you."


Heart = Owned

a whole bb💕
done ✨

Bye Bish😈
thats my bb right there
a queen
an intellectual queen

a whole bb💕

How do you feel it went?

a whole bb💕
yeah,, good
the first exam was mostly a breeze, there was a bonus q at the end i think i smashed tbh
second exam... a little harder but
i think it went well?
i calculated in my head before i left and maybe an 85%
we'll see

Bye Bish😈
i like that you're "it was hard" exam is still an 85%
hi my names byron vernon reed and my "good" is maybe a 62%
literally kms

a whole bb💕
it's bc i study
which evidently u don't = your** not you're

Bye Bish😈

Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️
Wow @ Bye Bish😈 he really went straight for the jugular there

Bye Bish😈
u can pay for ur own celebratory lunch @ a whole bb💕

a whole bb💕
sol dropped me off so will u pick me up??

Bye Bish😈
yeah nearly there now

Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️
Excuse me??
Does that mean you're driving and texting??
@ Bye Bish😈 ?????

Bye Bish😈
lol my bad

Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️
Stop it ?? !!

Well, he stopped it

Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️
I might actually kill him?? If he doesn't end up killing himself??

a whole bb💕
can you wait til i get my free lunch...❤️

Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️
Of course, sweetheart x

a whole bb💕

Bye Bish😈


Despite the hype, Lachlan barely touches his sandwich at lunch. Byron watches him carefully as the man picks the lettuce and tomato out before nibbling along the edge of his BLT without the LT.

"Feeling okay?" Byron asks, sipping from his coffee. Lachlan glances at him and offers a soft smile, nodding. Byron frowns, reaching for his hand. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, just tired," Lachlan reassures, squeezing Byron's hand before returning to his sandwich. Byron doesn't push it, but his frown deepens when Lachlan's phone dings and, after taking a look at the screen, the man silences it and flips it face-down.

When they get home, Sol greets Lachlan with a hug and kiss, which Lachlan returns before excusing himself to the bedroom. Sol raises an eyebrow at Byron who shrugs, closing the door and removing his coat.

"He said he's tired. I'm not going to push it, but I might go and snuggle him while he naps."

Sol hums under his breath, disappearing into the kitchen, his voice calling loud that he'll wake them at 4:30PM as Byron heads to the bedroom.

Inside the room, Lachlan has already stripped down and is climbing beneath the blankets. He looks at Byron as the door clicks shut, and offers a kind, inviting smile that has Byron's heart skipping.

"Cuddle?" Lachlan asks and Byron's already walking across the room, kicking his shoes off as he climbs beneath the covers beside Lachlan, who is now shirtless.


Byron's not sure how long they lay there, but eventually Lachlan's breathing evens out against Byron's neck and the man goes limp in his arms. Byron holds him a little tighter, pressing his face to Lachlan's hair and inhaling deeply.

"I love you, angel."

Byron's still awake when Sol opens the door, blonde curls bouncing as he cocks his head, smiling at the two of them. Together they rouse Lachlan, although not without some whining about being woken up, but once he's under the shower spray with Byron his mood lightens and he smiles shyly as they wash each other.

"You're awfully smiley today," Byron muses, wrapping a towel around his waist as Lachlan wipes mist from the mirror.

His younger boyfriend doesn't say anything, just catches his eye in the mirror. Byron watches him for a moment longer before sidling up to rest his chin on Lachlan's shoulder.

"So precious," he whispers against Lachlan's ear, loving the flush that spreads across the man's naked body. They stand together for a couple of minutes in silence before Byron kisses Lachlan's cheek and steps away.

"Where are we going?" Lachlan asks ten minutes later. Byron, who's already told him four times it's a surprise, doesn't respond as he pulls on a pair of dark slacks and encourages Lachlan to do the same. "You've already taken me out for a celebratory meal."

"Yeah, but I haven't," Alex says, stepping into the bedroom behind Lachlan. He wraps his arms around Lachlan's waist, kissing the top of his head. "Neither has Sol. We're also proud of you, you know."

Lachlan purses his lips, twisting in Alex's hold so he can wrap his arms around Alex's neck. He mutters something that Byron doesn't catch, but Alex's face twists and his grip on Lachlan whitens.

"Of course you deserve it, sweetheart. Is that what has you in a funk? You feel you don't deserve it?"

Lachlan sniffs and ducks his head when Alex releases him, and Byron watches with growing concern.

"I haven't treated you the best lately—"

"Baby, no." Byron steps up to him this time, drawing him against his chest. "What's happened is in the past. We don't need to dwell on it."

"But I feel so bad—"

"You don't need to. You've done nothing wrong, angel."

"I have," Lachlan whispers, tears spilling down his cheeks. "I let my emotions get the best of me and I ended up hurting you."

"Lachie, angel, seriously." Byron catches Lachlan's hand against his cheek. "You didn't hurt me. Okay?"

Lachlan sniffles louder this time, but he nods. Byron grips his hand just a little tighter, refusing to release it.

Yes, he thinks, I want to spend the rest of my life right here, with them.


Heart = Owned

Bye Bish😈

Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️
Please shut up.

Bye Bish😈
@ a whole bb💕 @ Sunshine☀️
you two just missed the greatest thing

a whole bb💕
what happened

Before you answer that
Is it appropriate

Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️

Bye Bish😈

Tell us when you get here then, we're about to be seated

Bye Bish😈
no i can't or i'll laugh
i have to text it

Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️
You don't have to do anything, actually.

Bye Bish😈
@ Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️ idk why ur so anti anyway ?
they're literally abt to see u

Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️
Not a big deal, but a woman mistook me for her grandson.

@ Bye Bish😈 sounds like you overreacted

Bye Bish😈
i diDn'T????
he has a massive fkn lipstick stain on his cheek
you should have seen the struggle
it was the best moment of my day
(besides cuddling w angel)

a whole bb💕

Lmao, so he has a lipstick stain on his cheek? Wash it off?

Bye Bish😈
nah see that's the best bit!!!!

Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️
It's waterproof...

Bye Bish😈


a whole bb💕


Lachlan doesn't think much of the over-priced food. He's beyond grateful for Sol spending his bonus on him, but he would've been equally happy with a home cooked meal and cuddles under a blanket on the couch with a movie.

That's not to say he isn't enjoying his lamb cutlet, though.

"We're so proud of you, baby," Sol says as the waiter returns with their dessert. "You've worked your little butt off these last few years to get where you are, and not once did you allow your emotions to get the better of you."

Until yesterday, Lachlan thinks. He keeps the thought to himself and smiles gratefully at Sol as the man reaches for his hand across the table.

"We also bought you a little something," Alex speaks up next. Lachlan glances at him as he reaches into his pocket. It's hard to not be distracted by the pink stain on his cheek, but Lachlan's attention is very quickly snatched by the small box Alex withdraws.

His breath catches and he looks around the table at the three men, all with equally large grins on their faces. Lachlan's fingers twist into the tablecloth as Alex pushes the box towards him.

I don't deserve this...

"I know we missed Friday night, angel. But this was meant for you then."

Lachlan's chest tightens as he stares at the box, unable to bring himself to open it. It's Byron who chuckles and does it for him, picking up the necklace inside for Lachlan to inspect.

"You... your names?" Lachlan whispers, voice hoarse as he takes the necklace from Byron. It's a gold chain with a golden pendant on it.


"Just a reminder of our love for you, and that we have no plans of ever letting you go," Alex explains, seeming to notice the emotion steadily rising within Lachlan.

"I wanted to get your name tattoo'd across my arse but Alex said no," Byron tacks on with a shrug. A bubble of laughter chokes Lachlan, and he purses his lips to stop himself from tearing up.Now isn't the time.

But as Byron stands up to help him put the necklace on, the tears build stronger, and holding them back becomes harder.

"I... You didn't have to— Thank you. I love it," Lachlan whispers the last bit, touching the pendant sitting around his neck.

I love you.

The four of them hurry home after that. Lachlan wonders if seeing their names marked on him is what gets them so excited. He doesn't really care if that's the reason, he just knows that tonight he's happy to do as they want, happy to be held like he's made of glass and taken from behind.

A moan catches in his throat as Alex rocks into him, the bed already moving from Sol and Byron. Lachlan has missed this. Missed the four of them on the bed together, making sweet love the way they do best.

"Fuck, sweetheart, you're so good for me—" Alex grunts against Lachlan's was, hips thrusting erratically and catching that sweet bundle of nerves hidden deep.

Lachlan buries his face against his pillow, biting his lip as Alex's aim brings him closer and closer to the edge. His fingers twist into the blankets and he moans brokenly as Alex loses all rhythm.

"A-Ale— Lex— Hng, please, I'm gonna—" Lachlan chokes, shuddering and gripping the blankets tighter as the white hot coil surges through his gut.

"Say my name, sweetheart," Alex whispers, hands digging into Lachlan's waist to help flip him over. As soon as Lachlan's on his back, Alex breaches him again, rolling his hips faster than before.

"Alex," Lachlan whimpers, breathless. He stares at the man above him, eyeing the sweat as it drips down the side of Alex's face, along his neck and down his chest.

"Not that name." Alex shakes his head and presses harder into Lachlan, who arches at the penetration.

Not that name? Then what?

Lachlan struggles to think properly as euphoria consumes him, but past the bleariness he identifies a name he hasn't used in a couple of days.

Because I over-reacted. I don't deserve to call him that, not right now.

It wasn't an overreaction, a small voice says at the back of his head. After everything that's happened in the past and present, after how much pressure Professor Frank has put on you to ace these exams, after the stress of having Sol in another country—

Lachlan squeezes his eyes shut, refusing to cry again. He wishes he could get a grip, forget the weekend ever happened. But he can't. He has to live with the mistakes and move on.

Byron and Alex have moved on, so can you.

"Baby boy, please," Alex's voice cuts through the blur. "Say my name."

It's like a crack, growing and spreading until the light beyond it erupts outward, blinding everybody in its path. It leaves him panting and breathless and desperate. He's never been so sorry in his life.

"Daddy," Lachlan whimpers, feeling the golden pendant sit heavily against his collarbone. A physical assurance of his place here, with them. "Daddy, please, I'm— I'm gonna— hah!"

The white heat that unravels in Lachlan's gut explodes outward. His body trembles as he tries to catch his breath. Aware of wet droplets hitting his chest, Lachlan snaps his eyes open in worry. When his vision clears, and he sees Alex is the one with streaming tears, his heart cracks.

"Baby boy, sweetheart, thank you."

"F-For what?" Lachlan doesn't dare speak too loud, for fear of drawing more tears. He reaches a hand up to cup Alex's cheek, brushing the stray tears away.

"For everything," Alex whispers, catching Lachlan's hand and dropping down to cover his body head to toe. "You make me so damn happy."

With Sol and Byron to their left, panting heavily and collapsing onto the bed beside them, Lachlan realises what it really means to be part of a relationship. Clinging tight to the man above him, Lachlan feels his heart mend again.

We'll be okay, he thinks, and knows it's the truth.

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