My Very Own Stalker {Complete...

By likethecolour

420K 14.9K 3.1K

Arie star is a senior in high school. She's the average teenager, likes the quarterback of the football team... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20- Stalker is revealed!
Chapter 21
Nominate My Very Own Stalker

Chapter 14

14.2K 548 173
By likethecolour

Chapter 14

"Are you ready?" Noah asked, and I looked over at the medium sized house. The light's were on, indicating that someone was in the house. A few cars occupied the driveway. Am I ready? Well, my palms were sweaty, and I had the movie Mean Girls flashing through my head. Heck no, Im not ready. How the heck can you be ready for this kind of stuff?

"Sure." I replied, flashing Noah an uneasy smile, that he thankfully didn't notice. I know I may be over-exaggerating. Im basically making it sound as though Im about to rob a bank, with cops fifteen minutes away. Noah got out of the car, and opened the door for me. Such a gentlemen.

"Thanks." I mumbled shyly as I got out of the car. Noah held my hand, causing my face to immediately go red. Stupid heat! I blame society. I smiled at Noah and together we walked towards the front door. Noah knocked, and flashed me a reassuring smile. I took a deep breath and smiled back. Here we go.

It took sometime, but finally the door opened. And, insert paparazzi. Seriously. The girl that opened the door seemed as though she just walked out of a magazine. Her dark brown hair was long and wavy, and reached her waist. Her blue eyes had gray flecks in them. Her smile was a bright as the actual freaking sun. Oh no, is she another Regina George?

"Hey Blondie!" She greeted Noah, and he gave her a playful glare. She laughed and I couldn't help but feel like a third wheel. Her gaze then turned to me and her eyes were laced with curiosity.

"And, you are?" She asked, and I was surprised she even acknowledged me. I gave her a nervous smile.

"Im Arianna. But, you can call me Arie." I said, fiddling with my hands and she flashed me a smile, that could make any criminal turn good.

"Well hi Arianna, my name is Teddy." She said, and I smiled back,

"Nice, to meet you Teddy." I said, and she nodded. She then gestured for us to come inside. And, we did. She walked in behind us,

"Thanks for coming Arie, welcome to my house." Her house was filled with pictures of her, her mom and dad, and a little boy. Im not even kidding. They were plastered everywhere, showing off there bright smiles.

The overall theme of the house, are the color orange, red, and green. If the color blue was added you would think a clown decorated the place. But, it actually looked pretty and cozy. There was a spiral staircase leading upstairs. We heard laughter and talking, so we followed the sounds.

We walked into an orange themed living room. With three teenagers my age seated in a circle. They all smiled when they saw us. Teddy smiled at the five other kids, and gestured to me,

"Guys. This is Arianna. Noah's....friend?" She added as a question and I nodded. They smiled and stood up. A guy with short auburn hair walked up to me first. His eyes rolled over my body making me feel very violated.

"Wow. Noah you should bring hot friends more often." He said, giving me a wink. I blushed and laughed, as Noah playfully shoved him. Teddy smirked, and rolled her eyes,

"Don't mind him, he's a big flirt. Isn't that right, James?" She asked and auburn haired guy, or James smirked and shrugged,

"What can I say? Too many good-looking women out there." She yet again rolled her eyes, but I could sense something between them.

"Well you guys came just in time. We were about to play a good game of Never Have I Ever." A girl with blonde hair tied in a French braid said patting the spot next to her. I sat down beside her and her deep blue eyes sparkled,

"With OJ of course. Last time we did it with alcohol my dad find us drunk, and past out at my house. Let's just say he wasn't too happy." French braid girl said giving me a small smile.

"My names Kayla by the way." She said, and I nodded, "Arie." I said back, and she laughed,

"I already know that silly." I laughed too. Noah sat next to me. Teddy and James joined the circle. The other guy people flashed me a smile. He had short dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He gave everyone a questionable look,

"Well, who's going to get the OJ?" He asked, and James rolled his eyes,

"Why don't you go get it? Lazy ass. Every-time we do something together, you always find a way to get out of work. Why don't you go get the OJ, Carter?" He said and Carter frowned,

"I so do help out! Like remember that time that....." He trailed off and James nodded,

"Come on. Tell me when you ever got off your lazy butt?" He asked cocky, and Carter frowned. After coming up with nothing, he sighed and stood up walking towards where Im guessing is the kitchen. Noah and James laughed, and I sat back watching these guys. This is definitely not mean girls.

"Sorry about that beautiful, but since you're going to be hanging around us you have a right to know how lazy Carter is." James said, and I raised an eyebrow,

"Im going to be hanging around you guys?" I asked, and Teddy looked sad.

"You don't want to?" She asked, with sad puppy eyes. And, I quickly shook my head,

"No. Im just shocked that you guys would want me as a friend." I said quickly, and James raised an eyebrow,

"Why wouldn't we? I wouldn't mind having you as a're hot." He said, and Teddy smacked him. I laughed along with everyone in the circle. Carter came back with six red plastic cups in one hand, and a jug of orange juice in the other. I jumped up and grabbed the OJ,

"Need a hand?" I asked, and he nodded. He gave each person a cup, and I poured the OJ in each one. After pouring the OJ in the cups, I sat back down with my own cup of OJ.

Kayla smirked, "Lets begin! Arie, we'll start off with you." Everyones eyes were on me, and I felt very awkward. But, instead of running away and hiding in a closet like I really wanted to, I thought of a Never Have I Ever.

"Ummm....Never have I ever made out with my boyfriends best friend?" It came out as a question. Kayla groaned and took a sip of her OJ. I raised an eyebrow and she shrugged,

"Never have I ever..." She trailed off, looking at the orange painted ceiling then she suddenly smirked, "Played a game of Hide and Seek." James scoffed and rolled his eyes,

"Thats it?" He asked, and she continued to smirk, "Naked." She added and James eyes widened as his face turned pale. He started to blush like crazy when his color returned. He raised the cup up to his lips, taking a gulp. Followed by Noah, and I gasped,

"Noah?!" I asked, and he laughed awkwardly scratching the back of his neck,

"It was back in Junior year. And, the girl I was dating at that time....suggested that we should play it naked." James chuckled,

"Good times man. Good times." Noah rolled his eyes and then smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Never Have I Ever had sex without a condom." James piped in, and everyone groaned taking a sip out of their cups. Well except me, Noah, James and Tedd. No, of course I wouldn't Im happily a virgin.

Carter frowned, "This game is getting too freaky, and my OJ's going cold. Let's play Truth or Dare." He said, and Teddy frowned,

"What? I like playing Never Have I Ever." She said, and Carter shrugged.

"Well Its either Truth or Dare or Hide and seek in the nude." James said, and Teddy groaned rolling her eyes,


Kayla smiled, "Great, now let's start with our guest." She turned to me, and I inwardly gulped. Is it safe to say, that at that exact moment I really wanted to run home and hide behind my mommy.

"Arie, Truth or Dare." She said smirking wickedly. Okay? If I say truth they would ask me something extremely personal. If I say dare then they would have me do something extremely crazy or worst in the nude.

"Truth." I blurted out. Maybe it's because I really don't want to run around naked. That's just awkward and weird.

"Okay." She tapped her pointer finger on her chin, and then smirked at me, "Arianna, how many guys have you made-out with?" She asked, and I inwardly sighed. Actually, in my mind I got down on my knees and started thanking the lord.

"Ummmmm......well, I made out with at least two guys." I said shyly, and James raised an eyebrow,

"Thats it?" He asked, and I nodded putting my hair behind my ear. Was I suppose to make-out with more? Everyone looked away except Noah. I could feel his eyes burning holes in my face. Awkward.

"Okay, Arie its your turn. Choose anyone in the group." Teddy said, and I looked around at everyone. My eyes stopped on Noah and he smirked at me as though he knew I was going to choose him. Well, he has another thing coming.

"James." I said, and he raised an eyebrow, "What's up doll face?" He asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Truth or Dare?" I asked, and he ran a hand through his auburn hair,

"Truth." He said, and I quickly glanced at Teddy then looked at James with a smirk.

"Have you ever kissed anyone that's in this circle?" I asked, and his face showed shock. But, it was gone as quick as it came, replaced by an emotionless mask. He started to blush and I smirked,

"Yes." He said, and I smiled already knowing who it is. Noah and Carter looked as though they already knew who he was talking about too.

James cleared his throat, his cheeks still painted pink. Just like Teddy's, who was busy looking down trying to hide her blush. I rolled my eyes, amateurs.

"Ummmm...Arie." Oh crap, he's going to get revenge. The asshole.

"Truth or Dare?" He asked and again I debated it in my head. Well if I choose truth he's probably going to ask me something extremely personal. I gave a quick glance his way, and a smirk was on his face. Oh crap. So, Truth is out of the question. Then what does that leave.....

"Dare." I said, and his smirk got bigger. Oh no no no. He pretended to think,

"Oh Arianna, what to do to you." He said and I felt extremely scared. Maybe he's going to ask me to run around naked yelling, "Im saving myself for James!" Okay, I doubt it. No one knows Im a virgin. Or, he's going to ask me to get his mothers laundry for him.

"Oh I know. I dare you to kiss Noah." Insert crowd gasping. My cheeks were Crimson, and my eyes flown out of their sockets. Okay, they didn't fly out of their sockets. But, they could have. Im sure.

Noah was watching my reaction. James smirked,

"Come on Arianna. Im sure Noah would love to be the third person you made-out with." He did not just go there. Fine! If they want a kiss, Im going to give them a kiss.

I confidently crawled over to Noah. I smirked, before crashing my lips into his. They lied. Those stupid fairytales and the romance movies. They all lied. I felt....nothing. I've been waiting for this kiss for a pretty long time. Since fourth grade to be exact, yet, here I am...waiting for at least some tingles.

I pushed deep in the kiss, trying to get some spark from Noahs soft lips. And, yet...I can't help but feel very disappointed. I pulled back, and me and Noah stared at each other for a long time. Did he feel them? The tingles? Did he steal the tingles from me?

Then the most bizarre thing happened. Blake freaking Davis popped up in my mind. Could he possibly be the reason why at this exact moment Im craving his lips and not Noah's? Holy cheese crackers!

A throat was cleared and I blushed, and quickly sat back next to Kayla. Nothing? Did it really feel like nothing? I had to be dreaming or something, because I've imagined kissing Noah before, and it was suppose to be pure magic.

I didn't dare look at Noah, and James was smirking, "Wow, that was steamy." He said, and Kayla and Teddy agreed. That was steamy? That was horrible! But, I guess I can't really complain. Noah did have nice soft lips.

My phone buzzed from my pocket and I excused myself, and walked into an unknown area. Seriously. This place was surrounded with colors, and I had no idea where I was going. I clicked answer,

"Hello?" I asked. If this is Mom, Im so dead.

"Arie? Where are you? I thought you would be at the star bucks." Mollies voice reached my ears. I started to panic,

"Well, Noah decided to....take me somewhere. Why?" I asked, and I could actually hear the frown in her voice,

"Why? Oh, no reason. Just that our freaky mother called asking where we were. So, how's your evening. I bet it's going fantastic." She said with mock cheerfulness. I rolled my eyes,

"You know. Sarcasm is not greatly appreciated." She scoffed,

"Sure. Try saying that to my ass." I frowned,

"Language." I said, and I knew she rolled her eyes,

"Whatever. You need to get to this Starbucks pronto. Luckily, I told mom that we were stuck in a long line, filled with nerds and star war geeks." I rolled my eyes,

"Nice one. Im on my way." I said, and I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Noah putting on his black jacket. He gave me a small smile,

"I already told the guys you had to go." He said, and I gave him a grateful smile, before walking out the door and to his car.

I tapped my fingers against my knew, trying to fill the silence. Was it awkward? No, It was filled with rainbows and lollipops. Im sorry, I tend to be more sarcastic in the most awkward situations. Noah sighed,

"So...." He trailed off, and I nodded,

"So..." I repeated.

"About that kiss..." He trailed off, and I knew what was coming. I nodded,

"Uh-huh." I said, and he ran a hand through his blonde hair,

"It wasn't anything like I thought it would be." He said, and I nodded my head in agreement,

"I know what you mean. I thought it would be fireworks and flying unicorns." I said, and Noah nodded in agreement,

"Yeah." He then chuckled, "Except I wasn't thinking on the lines of flying unicorns." He said and I laughed. He smiled,

"So, friends?" He asked, and I nodded,

"I guess so." I said, and he nodded. We pulled up to Starbucks and I spotted Mollie quickly. Noah parked the car and I turned to him.

"Thanks Noah. And, it's weird that things didn't really spark between us." He laughed nodding,

"Yeah. I would have loved having you as a girlfriend." He said, and I smiled. He kissed me on the cheek, his lips lingering before pulling back. I got out of the car and got inside mollies. She nodded her head in greetings.

"So, was it what you expected?" She asked, and I shook my head,

"No." I said frowning. I blame Blake. Im sure if that incident at the gym never happened I would have felt the tingles. But no.....Blake fudging Davis has to mess everything up! What an asshole.

____________________READ ME IM FUDGE SEXY!_________________

All I have to say is comment and nominate this story for best freaking book cover! Wooh! All you have to do is......

Just go here, and nominate this story: and choose "Special Awards Nominations" from the drop-down menu and fill out the form.

Also, Team Blake? Or Team Noah?





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