
By sexystylinson28

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written by ss98 Edward and harry styles are twin brothers with sinister intent and too dark eyes . Louis ha... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twnety- one
Chapter Twenty- Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty- Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty- Six
Chapter Twenty- Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty- One
chapter Thirty- Two
Chapter Thirty- Three
Untitled Part 34
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty- Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty- Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One

Chapter Forty-Nine

643 11 0
By sexystylinson28

The elevator doors slid open and they were open to the red carpet, golden walls of theircorridor. Harry fished out the keys from Edward's jeans pocket because the man himself wasincapable of it, not discreet at all when he smirked at Edward's scowl.


"I suggest you don't start anything that you will be too tired to finish." Edward spoke with a proudlittle smirk teasing his lips as well as Harry's. 

"I? What about you, Edward?" Harry inspected the bunch of keys for the correct one.

 The door became insufferable when it didn't seem to cooperate with the key Harry had forced intoit. It finally gave way after he switched to a different silver key. He flipped the light on and held thedoor open for Edward to walk through.Just as they had left it, the apartment as remained until they came back. Spotless and smelling likethe detergents of the cleaning crew that was due to work while they were out. 

"I did not exploit myself today." Edward told him, his face hovering an inch away from Harry's. "Ican go all night if I choose to." 

Harry sucked in a sharp breath as his pupils narrowed and the green of his eyes became two portalswith the promise of the finest forestry, bold and made to complement the groan he releases. Edwardsmirks at his brother's weak reaction and shoulders past him to get Louis into the bedroom. 

"Petal?" Edward tried to coax Louis out of his sleep before he touched the mattress, as they allneeded a thorough shower.Louis hardly responded with more than a muted mumble and act of further snuggling into Edward'sshirt. 

"Wake up, sleepy petal." He whispered gently into the boy's ear. "Darlin', you need to take ashower." 

Edward kept himself from tripping by leaning his side against the wall, his hands gripping Louis'thighs with such strength that they had to be causing bruises. His body was tired too, even if not asdrained as Louis' and he couldn't keep up the carrying feat for very much more.Louis' little yawn was cute as a button but Edward could not allow himself to be fooled. His petalcan be very deceptive when he's lazy to move on his own. His overpowering cerulean eyes blinkedawake and that resistance of his got milder, weaker. Louis' eyes were always so bright whenhe was like this. 

"Shower?" Louis looked over his shoulder to document just how far off the ground he was. "Yeah.Okay." 

"Would you like me to put you down?" Edward asked during the process of completing the action,thereby giving Louis no choice but to stand on his own feet.

Louis yawned again before swaying on his feet got old and he rubbed away the exhaustion in hiseyes with the balls of his palms. He was taken by the hand and led into the bathroom, pouting whenthe immensely bright light momentarily impaired his vision.He found himself looking up at Edward where the man spun him around and began to undress him.

 "Hi."Edward gave him a look of indignation, but smirked at his amusing petal and lifted the boy's shirtoff his body. 

"Hello."Louis waited for Edward to be right in front of him before grinning and giving his nearest feature -chin - a kiss. His spoiled jeans were unbuttoned and dragged down his legs, pulled off over hissocks after Edward pried his Vans off

 "What's gotten into you now, petal?" Edward didn't sound half as exasperated as he set out topretend on being. 

"What?" Louis giggled, feeling extra high off his buzz from earlier. 

He has to stay away from hotchocolate if it'll make his lips as well as his nerves this sugary.Bemused, Edward stayed on his knees and pulled off Louis' socks while he was down there. Louiswiggled the toes of his left foot against Edward's thigh and sniffled at his poor reflection in themirror. Edward stood up and took Louis by the bum, cupping the boy's behind even when he'soutraged enough to gasp so loudly.

 "Oye." Louis doesn't do a damn thing to fight Edward off, bare down to his scandalous lace panties.

 "Yes, petal?" Edward pulls his cheeks apart and swallows up Louis' uncomfortable whine, lipscrashing into the boy's."Yes, my fussy and confusing petal?" 

Louis pokes Edward's neck with his forefinger and stretches up to kitten lick over the minor attack."I love you, my simply-cannot-play-along Daddy." 

Edward's scoff is hardly plausible when Louis slithers out of his arms with how petite he is anddrops his panties without much care for where they landed. Purposeful and prying eyes followed thenude silhouette of his body, memorizing his feminine curves and tracking the planes of his thighs,back and arms. 

"I do not know what I'm supposed to playing along with, petal." Edward calls out, a little helplessby the way his upper body follows after the boy while the lower half is stuck.

 Louis giggles and switches the taps under the shower-head on, testing the icy water as it sprays outat him. "Doesn't matter now. I'm hungry." 

"Hungry for?" Edward is suddenly behind him, crotch pressed indiscreetly to the curve of Louis'posterior.

 "Food, Daddy." Louis rolls his eyes. 

"Shower then-" Edward pecks his temple and steps back. "-and come out for your snack."

 "Where are you going?" Louis has to ask when he notices Edward leaving him."To take care of something, petal." 

The man slides the bathroom door closed, frosted glass coveringfraction by fraction of his face until both pulsating deep green eyes disappear behind it.Edward exits the bathroom and is on his way out the bedroom door when he makes an involuntaryspin on his heel. He goes into the closet instead and to the half of the closet that Harry and Louisshared. It originally started out with three equal portions and neat dividers but then Louis nabbed afew of Harry's shirts and now they're just a big mess. 

He extracts a pair of sweatpants-turned-shorts that are Louis' favourite shade of black, and one ofhis younger brother's hockey shirts that their petal always found so comfortable. The irony lay inthe thick fibres of the warm material that Louis never complained about. Next was a pair ofunderwear that was cotton and Louis' best choice for panties. 

Setting them down on the bed in a spot where Louis could see them the second he walked out of thebathroom, Edward plugged his phone in to charge then left the room without any obligationshaunting him.Harry was just setting the kettle on the stand that would let it cool after a bout of water was sloshinginside for a boil. Edward found him like that, stirring his green tea just like he recently always didbefore going to bed. His brother was a damn tease when he found the energy to be. 

"How is petal?" Harry kept his head bowed and hand controlling the whirlpool in the pit of his mug. 

"Showering." Edward replied, Harry already sidled up next to him after a moment of standingagainst the kitchen island. 

"On his own?"

 "Yes. He isn't as tired anymore."Harry was most overbearing when it came to novelty things about their relationship. 

He dideverything he could with his petal, which included any showering opportunities. He set the spoon inthe sink and took a sip of his beverage, never giving up his smirk from knowing Edward's eyes wereon him permanently.Edward was unforgivingly abrupt when he grabbed Harry's neck with a firm hand and risked the lifeof a tea mug when he yanked his forward for a deafening, silencing kiss. 

Harry was immediatelypliant but also attentive, his hands around Edward's wrists and lips moving in trainedsynchronisation with Edward's.His back was pressing into the counter and the muscles he'd exercised everyday for six months didlittle to soften the pain. He groaned and concentrated on the kiss, his mouth opening and Edward'stongue exploring its confines. Edward felt like the distance was too much even for minimal, andclasped Harry's cheek so his thumb dug into that artful bone structure. 

Edward licked the palate of his mouth and breathed heavily into the air they both released, rubbinghis tongue over Harry's in a fervent approach. Harry was void of oxygen and had to breathebut this was more important. "Don't break me." Harry heard himself say, mouth torn away from Edward's with a thumb pressingagainst the swollen pillows now that his brother's lips were at his neck. 

"You'll know when you're broken, Harry."Edward chuckled and dug the pad of his thumb harder into Harry's mouth, breaking the barrier ofhis lips to have it wrapped up by the suction of the man's tongue. 

He hooked his fingers overHarry's shirt and pulled so suddenly that the other end of the neckline tore through the seam.Harry's skin was not like Louis', yet so perfect in his own way. Edward ran his the wet muscle of histongue over Harry's pulse and tasted the remnants of vanilla with musk body gel. He nipped at thefine baby hairs on Harry's skin and got a thigh between Harry's legs.Growling in a very in-human manner when two hands slid down the length of his back to land overhis ass, pulling his whole form that much closer between Harry's legs. 

Their bodies were sewn together in the dim lighting of the kitchen, Edward's back hunched like aformidable creature leeching on the vitality of something youthful. His jaw fell open and his teethgot snagged on the creases of Harry's skin as he traced his sharpened molars over it, leaving a reddroplet behind to be remembered by.Harry gasped to the skies with his head thrown back when Edward's chest rumbled with the hungerof lust, sinking his teeth into Harry's skin. It was stronger than Louis', firmer and more muscular topenetrate with his dagger teeth. 

Louis' blood entered his mouth almost instantly as they coated the caps of his pointed weapons, butHarry hissed out of miserable pain and had to fight his human instinct to flee from harm. He finallygave in with a freshened groan, long and appreciative, as his skin relented and Edward sealed hislips around the wound. 

The resounding 'crack' was all he needed before he started sucking and moaning his pleasureinto Harry's bloodstream. He pulled off Harry's neck with a wet sound that will forever ring in thelatter's ear, looking like a wild animal when Harry saw him again with bloodstained lips.

 "What's this?" Harry teased him, familiar with and deprived of his older brother's animalistic side. 

He dabbed Edward's reddened lips and the latter followed by doing the same, staring at the bloodlike it was foreign. "It's yours." 

"It is." Harry rolled his back in a full rotation and revelled in the drip off new blood down the sideof his neck. He's been waiting so long to have a mark like this on him from Edward.Edward eyed the blood with unblinking vision until Harry tilted his head to the side and he surgedforward again to lick it up. His tongue was a hot relief to Harry's chilly skin. 

"I've waited far too to give you this." Edward said with his whole hand wrapped around Harry'sthroat, infusing his brother's pulse into himself.

 "You have." Harry swallowed and his Adam's Apple pushed against Edward's palm. 

Edward conceded. "You were my whore for longer."

Harry's dilated eyes miraculously narrowed to black targets with all-green mapping around it. "Ifuck our Lou just like you." 

"You fuck our petal." Edward's lips curled into a sinister but self-satisfied smirk. "However, not likeI do, brother."

* * * * *

"Hey." Louis greeted as he saw Harry walking into the bedroom.Harry was still flying on Cloud 9 and gave Louis a true grin. 

"Hello, petal."Louis' mouth falling agape when he saw the man's neck. He forgot about the hockey jersey he waspulling on in favour of rushing over to the man and examining the cause of broken skin.

 "What happened?" He asked urgently, trying not to touch the open injury that looked ghastlyand......familiar. "Wait."

 Harry watched the gears shift and mesh in Louis' head, his smug expression never expiring. Louiseventually sighed when he touched his own neck where the torn tissue of Edward's mark on himremained to date, shaking his head not disapprovingly.

 "What if I had gotten normal boyfriends?" He asked quietly, knowing even as he said it that such afantasy could never make him happy. 

"You-" Harry seized his hips and tossed him onto the bed. "-would not get fucked the way you'reabout to."Raising a challenging eyebrow, Louis pushed himself up onto his elbows and spread his legsenough for the deed to be enticing. 

As the air got thicker with with the belly of the beast of arousalwaking up from a day of meagre at a theme park, Harry pulled his shirt over his head.Louis got more than an eyeful of Harry's naked torso on display with the precisely carved musclesdown his abdomen, the V-line that led Louis to a happy trail of sensual enjoyment.

 Louis' libido woke up and ran his excitement through the roof, eliciting a challenging pout from hisrounded lips after Harry had stripped off his shirt and crawled up the bed. Between his legs theman's body fitted, his hips landing against Louis' and his lips taking over the boy's brainfunctionalities.

 Arms circled Harry's neck as Louis' manhood twitched in interest. He closed his eyes and got lost inthe press of Harry's bare, damp chest on his as he was pinned to the mattress. A tongue dipped intohis mouth and tasted what Harry's been without, hips slamming into the space between Louis'thighs. The boy shivered and his back arched upward, Harry's hand skimming over his delectablemilky skin.

 Louis fisted the sheets as Harry attached his lips to his left nipple, rolling the nub between his teeth.The whirling pool in the dungeon of his abdomen stirred along with the submissive that wasaroused whenever he was touched in this sinful way.Harry flipped him over with one fluid, sudden motion. Louis' face was smashed into the sheets andhis lungs deflated with the loss of air within them, skin prickling with the need to be pleasured. 

Hechoked on the saliva under his tongue when Harry dug the heel of his palm into the back of hisskull.It didn't hurt, the pressure was intense and he started to resist when he thought his head might popoff his neck with the strength Harry was forcing onto him. His eyes teared up and his fingers clawedat the sheets in desperate attempts to free himself, his muscle tendons lighting up with the fire ofharm.Louis jerked and moaned when Harry's palm spanked the curve of his bum, leaning over him so hismassive weight brought the boy deeper into the springs of this contraption. Being in just panties leftall of his sensitized skin out in the open, beckoning abuse. 

"I worship this ass of yours, petal." Harry turned his face into the side of Louis' head, releasing hisskull from the cradle of his hand. 

"Daddy." Louis pressed his clenched fists into the mattress and Harry covered them with his hands,mouthing at Louis' neck and sucking bruises into it. 

"Yes, petal?" Harry pinned Louis' wrists above his head and sneaked a hand down between them.Louis whined when he lived through three more spankings, loving how it made his damp skin tingleand itch.

 "E-Edward?"Harry is smiling into Louis' shoulder as he shifts their bodies to be the perfect positions. 

The telltale sound of fingers being lubed up by saliva and Harry's being zipper lowered made Louis fret andgiddy. He didn't get any prep which was a common happening in their hurried fucks, and wetfingers poking the clenching muscle of his hole made him eager.Louis whined and unknowingly rutted against the sheets. He wriggled his bum against Harry'scrotch so the man groaned and got up on his knees. The sight of Louis' 

"Look up, petal." Harry said lowly in his ear.Louis' gaze lifted from the threads of their bedsheets to find Edward standing in the doorway like hewas there the whole time, winking at the boy upon eye contact. His head bowed again when Harrypushed him forward by his waist. 

"Petal." Edward was crouching at the edge of the bed where Louis' face was planted, his deft fingersraising the boy's chin to look him in the eye. 

First, Edward kissed him. Kissed him passionately while Harry dared to spit on Louis' fluttering rimbefore slipping one lubed finger into it. Louis felt throttled by just one appendage and bit Edward'stongue unintentionally, the deepening of the kiss making him a cripple. 

"I'm going to watch, darlin'." Edward promised him, pulling away where Louis' lips couldn't followhim.

 More than anything after hearing those words, Louis wanted to put on a show for Edward that madehim jealous. It can be easy enough if he didn't everything right from the start.

 "Yes, Daddy." He pulled away from Edward when the man leaned in to kiss him, playing it off byturning around to be on his back again. 

He felt Harry's finger go as deep as it could before scraping his prostate and jabbing in a secondfinger. His walls tightened around the pair like it's his first time and Harry groaned loud, drawn outwith his body cloaking Louis' protectively. He imagined that tight heat around him and his fingerspushed in harder until Louis was writhing, sweating with arousal.Harry had Louis' bum turned vibrant red from his attention to it, rubbing his free hand over Louis'full and soft hips wishing it was his lips getting the opportunity to worship Louis' body like this. 

"I'm going to make you beg, petal." Harry dragged his moist lips over Louis' cheek.Louis let his bent knees fall to the bed, his legs splayed open and body moving in tandem with thethrusts of Harry's long, perfect fingers. 

They reached deep inside him but not deep enough, weren'tthick enough in the way that unravelled Louis stitch by stitch.His eyelids fall closed and his fingers twitched, head of his own c*ck peeking out of his panties'waistband. He felt droplets of precome on his lower tummy and Harry's lips to the left of his bellybutton. 

His jaw tightened when Harry licked a stripe across the tip of his hard-on, whimpering whena third finger fitted itself inside him.Harry yanked his underwear down and freed his swollen length, mouth landing safely over Louis'nipple. 

He suckled sloppily with wet spit trails all over Louis' chest, thrusting his fingers in and outof Louis' body in slow pumps that tortured the boy.Louis felt that ache growing, stretching him out in a far more painful way than Harry opening up.He moaned and forced his eyes open, catching the shape of Edward's dark form in the corner of hiseye. His thighs quivered and erection strained as his first orgasm barrelled out of him.

 The pressure on his prostate and lips praising his sensitive nipples, his smaller hands unable to domore than clutch Harry's shoulders like it was his source of breath convulsing with him as he archedand came across his tummy. Harry felt the clamping down around his three fingers and didn't pauseto pity the boy, wanting Louis so far off this edge that it broke him.Edward is saying something to Harry that Louis can't hear because his ears are ringing and theblood has just dispersed to the rest of his body, carrying winds of pleasure with it. 

The next thing hefelt was a lift and drop, his back landing on colder sheets and head on a pillow.Louis felt the fog fading away when Harry's face was looming over his, noses brushing as his bodywas locked in the cradle of Louis' thighs. 

"With me, baby?"He could only nod and kiss back when Harry's mouth closed over his, body buzzing from itspostcoital glow. Harry's fingers were out of him, leaving him open and clenching around nothingbut wanting.

 "You are only proving my point, brother." Edward's deep voice interrupts them, giving nothingaway about how he's affected by this.

 Louis pulls away from the kiss to look at him, satisfied by the evident bulge in Edward's pants."What point?" 

Harry is making his way down the delicious territory of Louis' body, fitting himself in under histhighs with the boy's legs over his shoulders. 

Edward watches him for a second before his blackeyes meet Louis'. "He thinks he can fuck you like I do." 

Louis is surprised by this, as it would have been the last thing he guessed. He was momentarilystunted when Harry plunged two fingers back into him, hissing at the cold contact on hisinsufficiently lubed walls. His body has to take the intrusion of two more from Harry's other handwhen the man inserts them. 

Four fingers deep in his lover, Harry pressed uncoordinated kisses all over Louis' inner thighs. Heclosed his eyes and his face was buried in the boy's soft flesh, bright red marks on the skin becauseof him.Using his opposing hands, Harry pulled Louis open enough for it to not hurt but it stungfrom such a stretch. Louis cried out and squirmed against it, biting his lip and releasing a hot floodof noises that expressed his torture.

 Harry created the tiniest of spaces between his fingers for his tongue to lick and teeth to nibble on.The tight stretch of Louis' hole kept him trying to get closer, shoving the tip of his tongue in so itburned so magnificently. His fingers pressed into Louis' warm folds where it was hookedover his rim and his tongue tasted what it could. 

Louis got himself up on his elbows, wanting to watch Harry down there between his legs workingmercilessly to invade his body and mind. His hair, damp from his recent shower, fell back like ashort chestnut curtain between his shoulderblades as his fingers and toes curled to sustain thepleasantness.He was already willing to beg. 

"Want something, petal?" Edward teased but his grim facial expression has shown none of that. 

Louis passed him a quick glare before Harry's tongue was fitted inside him and he could no longerthink correctly. One by one his fingers were extracted and Louis' walls clamped down around thewiggling muscle as it invaded the warm tunnel. Screaming from hot white pleasure, Louis couldfeel every move Harry's tongue made and his lips when they circled his puckered rim to suckharshly on it.

 "D-Daddy please." Louis started his onslaught of pleads. "Want your c*ck, Daddy."

 Harry didn't think it was good enough and forced his tongue in deeper, causing Louis to choke andfor his mouth to ache. Louis' body writhed in the mess he was in, come painting his tummy andfingernails scratching at anything it landed on. 

When Louis whined and a knuckle in him cracked from the way his flexibility was pushed beyondits limits, Harry sympathised and retracted. The boy's hole was unable to close as it clenched aroundnothing but cold air, the chill paralysing his insides and making him crave.

"Shh, petal." Harry set about calming Louis down by rubbing his sides and kissing his forehead."I've got you, baby." 

Louis wrapped himself around Harry and knew he was about to get what he wanted, almostforgetting that Edward was antagonising every move they made. 

"W-Wait." He pushed at Harry's chest when he man made to position himself, his head snapping upto look Louis in the eye with concern.

"Petal?"Harry was nudged back onto his knees, Louis not giving him a chance to breathe before engulfinghis c*ck with his mouth. 

He let out a long groan that caused his chest to vibrate, eager to haveLouis' mouth on him going deeper and deeper.Louis did it for two reasons. He wanted to taste Harry the way he knew they both liked, suckinghard and massaging the throbbing vein on the underside with his tongue. He also knew how wild itdrove Edward when he sucked him off, as it always gave him a dominant edge and made him fallapart. 

Digging his nails into Harry's thigh, Louis allowed the man to thrust his hips shallowly while histhroat got past the gagging reflex. Louis choked on Harry's length in his mouth, hot and thickshoving its way down his pharynx where it would turn his voice into a croak. He tasted thebitterness of Harry's precome and his eyes burned with tears when Harry caught him by the back ofhis head, thrusting into his mouth without fear of hurting him. 

"You are a slut, petal." Edward was right beside him all of a sudden whispering darkly intohis ear with those razors for teeth latching onto his earlobe. 

"I know what you're doing."Good, Louis thinks smugly and pulls off Harry's manhood with a desirable wet pop. 

He putshis palm on Edward's chest, meeting his eye for a brief moment to convey his salacious intentions,before pushing the man back. The act is timed with him letting go to grab Harry by the shouldersand pull him down, all the more close to his bare and aching body. 

Within him the unconquerable want began to stir as it roped every physical part of him intothe chaos. He had a crippling need buried so deep inside that he knew only Harry could sate it,could sate him. The resulting anguish was a hurt so encompassing that Louis need not domore than whimper before Harry knew what to do.

 "Petal." He scrambled desperately onto the boy's awaiting temple of a body with every ounce of lusthis body could conjure up pairing with a smidgen of spite for his older sibling, as he spat on hisc*ck and buried himself in Louis without hesitation.Louis made a sound that's a mixture of pain and undeniable pleasure, his gasp getting choked off bya pair of lips that taste like him. 

His fingers find their purchase in Harry's curls, his finger thatcarried the only tattoo he ever acquired tingling amongst the light brown curls.Harry halted his hips when he was hilt-deep inside his exquisite lover, chin resting on Louis'heaving chest as he peered up with black eyes awaiting a word. He met Louis' collarbone and torsowith his lips, desperately leaving little wet patches everywhere until he could smell himself on theboy. 

Edward was being devoured by jealousy and envy. He stood with his fists clenched at his sideswatching the most erotic scene of his life but his blood boiling with his inability to join. He lovedLouis and he loved his brother so this feeling is absolutely foreign to him. He hates theemotion that made him resent his brother between Louis' legs and stretched out against Louis' body.

 He felt that feeling evaporate when Louis whispered something not difficult to guess into Harry'sear. Harry pushed himself up until there was an arm's length distance between him and his petal,starting to rotate his hips so the boy's body was coaxed into opening further. Louis panted andscratched down Harry's back, hips rolling to their own rhythm as Harry pulled out and slammedback in.It hit Louis' insides at the exact spot he craved and he screamed with a hoarse voice upon the brutalimpact. 

Harry aimed his thrusts there, at that precise angle, and started to pound into Louis with atype of urgency. His skin turned sweaty and his muscles strained with how fast he pushed himself tomove, skin slapping against skin and the heat surrounding him feeling like a drug. 

He appreciated Louis' intoxicating body by throwing his head back and groaning, lip bitten and hipsmagnetising to Louis'. His fingers fisted the pillow Louis' head rested on and he leaned down toconnect their lips, dropping to his forearms. Louis hiked his thighs up higher on Harry's sides,releasing small sounds everytime Harry drove into his prostate.

 Their pace turned brutal and hard when they both got close enough to their orgasms, Louisfeeling Harry so deep that his insides quivered with each collision. He let his jaw fall open andHarry immediately unite their lips, his tongue fucking Louis' mouth so he choked and fell prey towhatever he was being given. 

Harry grabbed Louis' ass from the mattress and pulled it up into the air, pushing himself deeper andcloser to the boy as he got sloppy. His thrusts hit significantly sensitive regions of Louis from thisangle and Louis was starting to clench sporadically around him, milking him of his orgasm. 

Helowered his mouth to Louis' nipple and his speed increased until Louis' pelvic bone started to achein good and bad ways.Louis' orgasm tore through him like a sheet from years ago being ripped off his raw flesh. Hescreamed and arched his back so much that Harry could trace a near complete perfect 'O' from it.Harry ran his palm down Louis' front and prodded around the area where they were connected, thedrag of his c*ck on the boy's rim making it swell and throb. 

"F-Fuck!" Harry muttered before he gripped the headboard and plowed into Louis' tightness thatwas getting increasingly worse, his climax draining him of his energy. 

Louis sagged against the sheets when his body simply could not handle anymore physical stress. Hefelt Harry's warm come splatter inside him and sighed contentedly from it, sharing a warm kiss withthe other man before he was emptied of his softening length.Just like how the cool air hit the flushed and exhausted surface of his skin in a blink, so was thetime taken for it to be gone. He cracked open his eyes tiredly to find Edward hovering over himwith a deadly look in his eye. 

"That wasn't nice, petal." Edward bit down hard on Louis' finger. "I did not appreciate youpushing me away." 

"Edward." Louis hardly sounded like he was speaking with a voice, just a whisper.He tried to move his legs but they were jelly.

 Edward moved them for him, a little forcefully as hemade them wrap around his waist before bringing a hand to Louis' cheek. "What, baby?"

 "'m ti-tired." Louis mumbled, whining high in his sand-papery throat when Edward pressed theirbodies together and he felt something hot drip out of him faster.

 "You must be." Edward's lips were on Louis' jaw. "You fucked everything out of my brother." 

Louis could barely register what Edward was saying but tried to stay awake to listen. "'m sorry."

 "Sorry for what, petal?" Edward's arms slipped beneath Louis' back and up the soft length of it,briefly lifting the boy up so his hands were on his shoulderblades.

 "Love you." Louis welcomed Edward's kiss.

 "I love you too, petal." Edward chuckled, too fond of his lover to be upset with him.

 Louis' eyes flew open along with a loud, raspy complaint when he felt Edward's semi-hard erectionsliding into him. "N-No, Edward."

 "Hush." Edward kept moving his lips from Louis' nipple to his ear and temple, avoiding Louis'prostate as he rocked into him. 

The bed creaked with Edward's gentle thrusts, forced to pin Louis' wrists down when the boy startedclawing at his back. Louis swallowed thickly and fought his moan, his walls and mind weeping withthis intrusion. It felt so good but he was too tired to appreciate it thoroughly.Edward was so skilled in the way he moved his hips only, rounding them filthily whilst mouthing atLouis' jugular. He had the release of Harry's orgasm to lube up the sore walls of his sweet petal,taking advantage of getting off without implicating Louis. 

"Consent, baby?" He asked when he was fully hard and still avoiding Louis' special spot. 

Louis was made desperate again and nodded frantically, offering himself up anyway he can.He had the breath knocked out of him when Edward started fucking him. His muscles were spasmicand lethargic, hardly able to keep up as Edward's heavy erection plundered his insides. The painwas bearable as he's experienced worse with the twins, the hurt of his lower region promisingexplicit soreness tomorrow but fuelled his awakening libido right now.This being his third orgasm of the night, he couldn't control anything that came out of his mouth. 

"Y-Yes, Daddy!"

 Edward was smirking into his neck and executed perfectly timed thrusts, changing his angle andgoing deeper until he pounded Louis' prostate. He loved watching Louis fall apart wrapped up inhim. "Right there, baby?"

 Louis made a noise somewhere between a whimper and abrupt agreement.He moaned and scratched his nails on the knuckles of Harry's hand, whole body moving with howfierce Edward was being. He was full the whole time, stuffed to the brink with his lover fuckinghim stupid. When he was jerked upward too many times in a row, his hand grabbed the headboardand Edward grunted into the sweaty expanse of his throat.

Becoming far more desperate because Edward being high-strung for so long and Louis wanting ataste of one more release, he became more vocal in his needs. "R-Right there, Daddy.Harder!" 

Edward loved this side of Louis and bucked his hips in pivoting in a fashion of no mercy. He'scertain Louis was experiencing the real poison of pain but Louis looked ethereal with it. It was hiskind of drug to have when he was high like this.He started to make the entire bed bang into the wall with each thrust of his, Louis gasping andcrying out in alternation.

 His legs fell onto the mattress and Edward growled possessively as hefucked him no harder than he wanted. "Hard enough, baby?" 

Louis keened under the black spotlight of Edward eyes, feet digging into the mattress and handsabove his head. He was being torn apart and tied up with this wonderful pleasure, hacked to piecesby the pain. 

"Do-Don't sto-stop, Daddy. Please!"The head of Edward's straining hot shaft punched Louis' swollen prostate twice more before theyboth relented in the cat and mouse chase that was every sexual experience.

 Louis felt utterly brokenbelow the waistline and his body was on fire but Edward's still splashing his hot insides with comeand that extinguished his flame of hurt.It astounded them that Harry had gone to the bathroom and come back only to fall asleep withoutsaying anything. He seemed to know exactly what his brother was going to do.When both their breathing were levelled, and Edward rested his cheek over Louis' galloping heart,one of them spoke.

 "You've broken me."Edward chuckled with a shake of his head as Louis put the bedside lamp off. "Petal, you aren'tbroken."

 Louis combed through Edward's damp hair with his weak fingers, watching the ceiling. "Why wereyou jealous?"

 "I am always envious when my brother gets to be with you and not me. I am a very jealous person,petal. Anyone who touches you-" Edward draws in a quick breath and his hand tightens aroundLouis' hip. "-is someone I'd make bleed." 

"Even Harry?" 

"No, petal. I'd never hurt my pup.""

Then I don't understand." Louis frowns. He only now registers that Edward is still very muchsheathed inside him. 

"Besides myself, only my brother gets to have this piece of you." Edward's index finger taps Louis'hip bone that's a little visible through the skin. "Sometimes I fear that's not enough."Louis is well on his way to shocked with this revelation. 

"You don' don't like Harry touchingme?" 

"Sometimes." This voice isn't Edward's, but Harry himself who intervenes after being roused fromhis slumber.Edward is still drawing spirals on Louis' hip. "He knows how I can become over certain things,petal."

 Harry turns on his side when Louis looks at him, expecting an explanation. "It's not something hecan control, petal."

 "You're not......-" Louis is nervous to ask. "-going to hurt anyone?"

 "No." Edward responds firmly, almost like he's sternly settling his internal debate on the topic.

 "Not you or I, petal." Harry kisses Louis' forehead. "That's all that matters."It was an odd thing. 

Edward got jealous of Harry? Envious may be the word he preferred to use butthat was irrelevant. Louis hardly had the energy to think over it now, considering he was reassuredthat this flaw is as harmless as everything else about Edward. He was not settled by it. 

Louis smiles at him before turning back to the man tracing the skin around his belly button. "Youknow there's no reason to be jealous between us, Edward." 

Edward's arm wraps around Louis' middle and he gently lays a kiss on the boy's pudge. "Maybetake me to church for it, petal."

* * * * *

An hour before midnight came around but when the alarm went off for them to get up, Harry nearlysmashed it in trying to shut it up. He fell asleep again without caring for the chance they weremissing out on.The birds don't sing in the early morning hours in Seattle. Instead, the rain picked up and the softpatter against their windows is what woke the people up. When Louis opened his eyes he was in nodifferent a position to what he fell asleep in the night before, except a sliver of morning light peekedthrough their dark purple curtains and Harry was staring at him. 

"Hi." He spoke shyly, voice cracking as the product of last night's amorous and taxing activities.Harry smiles only wryly when he pecks Louis' lips, the latter held down by a dozing haphazardlyEdward. "Will you go somewhere with me?" 

"Right now?" Louis groans, muffling it with his pillow because his nether regions felt completelyuseless and a little shattered.

"Yes." Harry replies curtly, already rolling out of bed.Louis simply cannot move out from under Edward but Harry's manner of speaking and tone ofdetachment has him worried about what might be wrong. 

He winces as he gets himself a little freebut then Harry's there out of nowhere, taking him by the arm and lifting him up off the bed.Edward stirs and blinks awake to find Louis being carried off into the bathroom.

 "What are youdoing?"Louis feels something wretched twist in his gut but Harry is well composed. 

"Shower!"They're in the adjacent bathroom when Harry flips off the lights and closes the door. Louis starts topanic at that sign, his red flags going up again. 

"I'm not going to hurt you, petal." Harry tells him, almost amused by the troubled look in Louis'eye. 

"Then why did you close the door?" Louis fires back, being carried into the shower section wherethe spray was on and ice cold. 

He hisses at the demented and freezing water until Harry adjusts it tosomething tolerably warm.Harry doesn't take the time to answer him until he's set the boy down gingerly on his own feet andclosed the shower door. He's taking most of the heat - literally - by standing directly under theshower head whilst Louis is crowded up against the misted wall. Harry's hair is already drippingwet and his skin has turned light pink.

 Louis studies the look in Harry's eyes but every clear emotion is fleeting and he can't understandanything. His hands are upon the man's chest, looking up through the water droplets that hit his skina lot cooler than what Harry is experiencing. Water washes clean his skin but the aches and painswithin are skill lingering. 

"You need to leave, petal."Besides the water beneath his bare feet, these words themselves nearly send Louis to the floor. 

"Harry- What?" 

Harry contradicts his words by closing in on Louis with both arms beside the boy's head, his frownworsening with all the inner conflict he experiences. It pains him to say it. "Just- Just listen.You have to go, baby."

 Louis' eyelashes clump together with the water running down his face, his fingers tightening aroundHarry's nape as he keeps him close and prisoner. This mercurial side of Harry hasn't made thisdrastic a spin in all of Louis' life and it's scary. Why did he want Louis to leave? 

"Go?" He managed to rush out, one hand caressing Harry's cheek and the other being kissed at thefingertips by Harry's lips.Harry felt his heart clench at just hearing the word from his precious petal's lips. Louis mustnever leave. He must stay with them forever. 

"Petal, darlin'." Harry has a crazed look in his eye as he presses his forehead to Louis'. "What mybrother said to you, petal. I thought- I thought he was over it, baby, but he's....he's going to hurt youand I can't let him."

 "Hurt me? How would Edward hurt me?"Louis was blocked off from seeing anything behind Harry by how the man shields and towers overhim. That's the least of his worries when Harry looks so desperate to convince Louis of somethingso preposterous whilst appearing to be afraid of something.

 "He's dangerous sometimes, petal." Harry lowers his voice to something that cracks and needs to bepressed right up against Louis in order to make any sense. "Too dangerous."

 "You're not making any sense, Harry."

 For a split second Louis believes that Harry is about to forget this whole thing happened andabandon him in this rapidly cooling shower. That moment dies a sorrowful death along with thepulse in his blood vessels when Harry slams his fist against the tiles and doesn't move to flinch eventhough Louis does. 

"Why did I bring you in here, petal?" Harry asks, water racing down his visage in the hollows anddips of his facial bone structure. 

"T-To tell me this." Louis stammers, hands imprisoned by Harry's giant hand. 

"Why here? Why not out there?" Harry nudges his chin in the general direction of the door behindhim. "I didn't intend to let my brother hear what I'm telling you." 

"But I don't understand what you're telling me, Harry!" He almost shouts loudly enough tobe audible above the splashes and gushing of the water.

 "Shh." Harry covers Louis' mouth with his hand and brings their faces to be a hair's breath apart.

 "My brother used to be a certain way. It was terrifying to be around him. You don't know what he'scapable of when he's like that."

 "Like what?"

 "Jealous. He used to be that way with me, petal, and there aren't many things that scare me quitelike the way he did. He'll take it too far and you'll get hurt."Louis is staring right into this man's soul and it's the most overwhelming experience of his life.Harry is telling the truth and finally all those misunderstood glints in Edward's eyes make sense. 

"I thought he'd changed, petal." Harry goes on. "I love you and I don't want to ever lose you buthe'll....he'll lock you in rooms to keep you from going out. He'll hurt anyone who got tooclose to you when he's like that. A monster. I never thought he'd go back to it. Most of the time he'sokay but those few....seconds it takes to tick him off could get you hurt."

 Louis' lips are quivering along with his fingers at this news, bearing the brunt and full force ofHarry's unrelenting stare through it all. He is breathing with a heavy, constricting ribcage around hisheart. Harry's hand settles over his shoulder, his thumb brushing back and forth over Louis' clavicle.

 "Harry-" He relies dependently on Harry just as the man leans against him. "-I love your brother. Ilove you. I'm not afraid of him." 

Harry makes a disgruntled sound and keeps Louis tucked in under his chin. "You should be, petal." 

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