Playing With Fire

By Paulinemartin100

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What if it was the other way around? If Beth had met Mark first? Beth is married to Mark, one of America's r... More

Part 1 Hotter than sin!
Part 2 The lie's begin
Part 3 Are you spying on me?
Part 4 Duracell Bunny!
Part 5 Future mother in law!
Part 6 If i can't have you (I don't want nobody baby)
Part 7 Hickie

Part 8 Funny how things turn out!

295 15 12
By Paulinemartin100

BETH: I'm sorry! (crying)

Beth ran over to the sink and rinsed out her mouth.  She turned to look at Mark who was covered in orange sick.  Shaylynn was trying not to laugh.

BETH:  Take off your pants and i'll put them in the wash!

Shaylynn glared at her

BETH: Well he can't get into his car like that!

SHAYLYNN: Why should you care?

MARK: Don't you two start arguing!

Mark stood up and began to unbuckle his belt.

BETH:  I hope you're wearing boxers! (laughing)

MARK:  I am today!

They both laughed.

BETH: I think there's a pair of your jeans in the laundry room

MARK:  A pair you forgot to cut up?

BETH: I didn't think of looking in there! I'll go get them

MARK: You can just throw these in the trash!

BETH: Make sure you check the pockets then

MARK:  Before you do you mean?

They both looked at each other and laughed

BETH: I don't know what you mean? (smiling)

Mark rubbed his head where Shaylynn smashed the vase

BETH: Is it sore?

MARK:  I'll survive

Beth disappeared to the laundry room.

SHAYLYNN:  You can get the jeans on then leave!

MARK: You can't throw me out!

SHAYLYNN: Wanna bet?

Shaylynn's phone rang.

SHAYLYNN:  Hi,..... I won't be long!  Yeah me too!  Bye!

Shaylynn hung up just as Beth walked back into the kitchen.  She didn't look well.

BETH:  I feel so sick and tired!

MARK: Are you alright?

BETH: I just need a sleep

MARK:  You should go get checked out

BETH:  I will. 

Beth handed Mark his jeans then he began to put them on.  Beth watched him, he caught her staring and smiled at her.

MARK:  Want to go out to dinner later?

BETH:  No thanks, I don't feel too great.

Mark removed his belt from the other trousers then put it on.

SHAYLYNN:  Is that you going now?

MARK:  What are you? Her bodyguard?

SHAYLYNN:  I'm only looking out for her.

MARK: I'll call you later Beth

BETH: I'll probably be in bed.

MARK: We'll discuss the divorce papers

BETH:  Okay, thanks

He reached over and kissed her cheek.

MARK:  I'll see you later,bye

BETH:  Bye Mark

Mark disappeared out of the house.  They heard the front door slam shut.

SHAYLYNN: Beth, do you still love him?

BETH:  Of course I love him, it's not his fault.

SHAYLYNN:  Oh my god, what the fuck have I done?  No matter what happens someone is going to be hurt!

BETH: It's not your fault, its mines for cheating on him!

SHAYLYNN: I should never have introduced you to Kelly

BETH: You should have!  I love Kelly, I'm in love with him!

SHAYLYNN:  And what's going to happen when Mark finds out you're pregnant with Kelly's kid?

BETH:  He wont find out just yet

Beth put her hand on her stomach

BETH: I need to lie down, I could sleep for a week

SHAYLYNN: Okay, I need to be going too.

BETH:  I'll have a few hours then head over to the Firehouse to see Kelly

SHAYLYNN: Well take care, phone me later if you want to chat.  Are you staying here tonight?

BETH: No, i'm heading to the apartment.  I think i'll put this place up for sale.

SHAYLYNN:  Good idea

Shaylynn gave her a kiss

SHAYLYNN: I'll see you later

BETH:  Bye Shaylynn

Shaylynn picked up her rope

BETH: It's okay, i'll get the broken vase!

SHAYLYNN: Thank you! (laughing) See ya!

Shaylynn disappeared leaving Beth clearing away all the mess. Beth made an appointment with her obstetrician for the following day as she never felt too good and thought it was best to get herself checked out. Later on that night Beth found herself looking at her and Mark's wedding video. She cried all the way through it. Mark looked so happy in it.

Kelly phoned her around 7.30


KELLY: Hey, where are you?

BETH: At my North side house

KELLY: What are you doing there?

BETH: My office is here, I had some things to catch up on

KELLY: Oh. Are you paying me a visit at the Firehouse?

BETH: Yeah, I was just about to leave. I'll be there in 15 minutes

KELLY: Okay, can't wait to see you

BETH: Me too

Beth drove her Bugatti to the Firehouse, parked up then walked inside.  Kelly smiled when he saw her walk into the common room.  She fell in love with him all over again.

KELLY: Beth! (smiling)

She smiled back then said hello to everyone else was was sitting there.

KELLY: Coffee ?

BETH:  Em, yeah

She walked up to him and they kissed each other.  Taking her hand they walked over to the coffee machine and he began to pour her out a coffee from a jug with a red lid.

KELLY:  Decaf ?

He smirked

BETH:  Oh! (laughing)

She looked at him as he made her coffee.  He was so unbelievably handsome and she couldn't believe he was hers, everything was perfect.

BETH: I've made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon (quietly)

KELLY:  Okay, am i coming?

BETH:  Yeah, I want you there!

He reached over and kissed her

KELLY:  Lets go to my office

The next day after Kelly had a few hours sleep they went out for lunch then went to Beth's Doctors for her appointment.  Beth was given a full health check and had bloods taken.

DrMAXWELL: So, when did you last have a period?

BETH:  I can't remember! I had a bit of one last month

DrMAXWELL:  What do you mean?

BETH:  It only lasted a day or so

DrMAXWELL: Okay, i think i'll give you an ultrasound.  We might not be able to see much if you think you're only about six weeks

The Doctor handed her a bottle if water

DrMAXWELL: Drink this, you'll need a full bladder

BETH:  All of it?

The Doctor nodded as Beth downed the whole bottle of water. A few minutes later Beth was lying on a bed while the Doctor left the room to get some Ultrasound gel.

KELLY: God, i want to jump on you!

They both laughed

BETH: You had plenty this morning!

Beth felt herself going red, Kelly laughed even more. When Dr Maxwell returned she had vitamins in her hands too.

DrMAXWELL:   I have some vitamins for you too

BETH: Thank you

She squeezed some gel on her stomach then pushed the probe against it. It came up on the screen. Beth and Kelly smiled at each other. A few minutes of the Doctor making some calculations ...

DrMAXWELL: You're around 12 weeks Beth

BETH: I'm what?! (shocked)

She was pregnant with Marks baby

Kelly got up from his seat and just stared at Beth

BETH: Kelly!

KELLY: Not again! Did you know?

BETH: No! I swear! I never wanted kids with Mark! You knew that!

Kelly began to walk away

BETH: Where are you going?

Kelly never spoke

BETH:  Kelly?!

KELLY: i don't know! (shouting)

Beth jumped then burst into tears

BETH: Don't you walk out on me! You promised you wouldn't do that again!

He slammed the door behind him

DrMAXWELL: Are you alright?

BETH: No (crying)

DrMAXWELL: Do you want me to call someone?

BETH: Shaylynn! I want Shaylynn!

Half an hour later Shaylynn picked Beth up from the Doctors.  She sat in Shaylynn's car crying.

SHAYLYNN: Beth, you'll need to tell me what's happened! You're not ill are you ? Have you lost the baby?

BETH: No!  I'm 12 weeks pregnant!

SHAYLYNN:  Oh my fucking god! It's Marks!

Beth cried even more

SHAYLYNN: Oh for fuck sake! I don't believe this!  Where's Kelly?

BETH:  I don't know!  He walked out on me again!

SHAYLYNN:  I'm gonna kill him!

BETH: He said something about "Not again" what did he mean?

SHAYLYNN: An old girlfriend of his was pregnant and she told Kelly the baby was his!

BETH: I must've been pregnant when Kelly and I first met!  I wouldn't have slept with him if i knew i was pregnant!

SHAYLYNN: I know you wouldn't have! Damn you Severide!  I'll call him.  What are you going to do? Are you keeping it? What about Mark?

BETH: Of course i'm keeping it, it's my baby! (crying) I don't want Mark!

SHAYLYNN: As soon as Mark finds out you're pregnant by him he'll try and take the baby from you!

BETH: I can't have an abortion!

SHAYLYNN:  I'll phone Kelly!

BETH:  Can you drive me back to the apartment please!

SHAYLYNN: Sure, there's kleenex in the glove compartment

Shaylynn got a hold of Kelly on the way to Beth's apartment. He was on loudspeaker.

KELLY: What do you want?

SHAYLYNN: Where are you Kelly?

KELLY: That doesn't matter!

SHAYLYNN: The hell it matters! You and Beth need to talk things through!

KELLY: We have nothing to talk about! It's not my baby! We're finished!

SHAYLYNN: You can't leave her in this state!  She had no idea she was pregnant when you and her first met!

Beth held a kleenex against her mouth to stop herself from crying, Shaylynn was watching her.

SHAYLYNN: Kelly i swear to god! I'll ....

Kelly hung up

SHAYLYNN: Asshole!

Beth just stared out of the window.

SHAYLYNN: Are you okay?

BETH: Yeah

SHAYLYNN:  You're not!

BETH: I've changed my mind, just take me back to North Side please

Then drove in silence till they reached Beth's house.  After walking into the hall, Shaylynn shut the front door.

BETH:  I'm going to splash my face with some cold water

SHAYLYNN: I'll make some tea

Beth disappeared to the downstairs shower room and locked the door behind her.  She sat on the floor then burst into tears.  She sat there for a good five minutes until Shaylynn was banging on the door.

SHAYLYNN: Beth, open the door honey!

Beth stood up and opened the door

SHAYLYNN: I'm so sorry

Beth nodded

BETH:  So am i

SHAYLYNN: I'll phone him again

BETH:   Don't bother, i'm not chasing him. I've done nothing wrong.

Shaylynn have her cousin a hug

SHAYLYNN:  Come into the kitchen, i've made us some tea

As soon as Beth sat at the kitchen table she recieved a text from Mark

"Do you feel any better today?"

BETH:  At least he's still thinking about me

She held up the phone for Shaylynn to see

SHAYLYNN:  You're going to have to tell him

BETH: I know

Just then the front gate buzzer went off.  Shaylynn got up to check the monitor.

SHAYLYNN: It's Kelly

BETH:  I don't want to see him

SHAYLYNN:  You need to sort this Beth!

Shaylynn pressed a button to open the gates.  A few minutes later she answered the front door to him.  Shaylynn just shook her head at him.

SHAYLYNN:  Running away from her has become a bit of a habit Kelly

KELLY: Where is she?

SHAYLYNN:  In the kitchen

They both walked into the kitchen.  Beth just stared at her tea cup.

KELLY:  Beth?

Beth looked up at him.  Her eyes were all bloodshot from crying

KELLY: God, I came here to end it and i take one look at you and I fall in love with you all over again!

Beth started crying again

KELLY: But Mark still loves you, you can still make things work with him!

SHAYLYNN: For god sake Kelly, in the same breath you're saying you love her then you tell her to go back to her husband!  How not you both just fight through this and work things out?

KELLY:  No, once he finds out it's his baby he'll be like a dog with a bone.  He'll be in our lives forever, then he'll probably fight for custody! It's not fair on the baby!

Kelly knelt on the floor in front of Beth and took her hands.

KELLY:  You know I love you?  But it's not going to work

BETH: I love you too, I always will

He kissed her hands

KELLY:  God, another love lost!

He wiped his eyes then reached up and kissed her.

KELLY:  I'm going, 

BETH:  It was nice knowing you! (crying)

KELLY:  Beth! (quietly)

SHAYLYNN: I think you two are fucking crazy! You both love each other, fuck Mark!

BETH: No, Kelly's right.  We need to end it.  I don't need the stress!

KELLY:  I'll still be here for you if you need anything, okay?

BETH: Yeah

Kelly stood up

KELLY:  I'll see you around


Kelly walked out of the kitchen then left the house.

SHAYLYNN: I caused all of this! I'm so sorry!

BETH:  I've just lost the best thing that's ever happened to me!

Shaylynn started crying which made Beth cry.

SHAYLYNN: I'm sorry

BETH: I'll be okay.  Can you leave me now, I want to be by myself for a bit before I phone Mark.

SHAYLYNN:  You're not going to do anything stupid?


SHAYLYNN:  Well phone me later okay?

BETH:  I will

Half an hour or so after Shaylynn left, Beth phoned Mark


BETH:  I have something to tell you

MARK:  What is it?

BETH:  I'm pregnant

MARK: You're pregnant! ....... Well I hope the Firefighter and you will be happy together!

BETH:  I'm 12 weeks pregnant Mark, it's yours!


Sitting outside at the Pierrot Gourmet cafe in Chicago , Beth, Mark and five month old daughter Bonnie were having breakfast.  Mark was holding Bonnie in his arms.  Beth smiled at them.

MARK:  What? (smiling)

BETH: Nothing.  We're in a good place!

MARK:  Yeah, the foods great here

BETH: You know what I mean! (laughing)

Bonnie was sucking on a bit of toast

BETH: Put her back in her stroller so you can finish your breakfast

MARK:  I will, it's getting cold.

Mark began to put Bonnie back in her stroller when something caught her eye.  She turned to see a Firetruck, Squad 3 driving past.  Looking at the window she saw Kelly, He smiled at her and waved.  She smiled back then had to hold back the tears. It's funny how things turn out!

                                             xxxxxxxxxxxx THE END xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Shaylynn belongs to RonnaSweeney51317

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