My Kissing Buddy | ✓

By imsecretlyacarrot

12.3K 555 144

COMPLETE... but currently EDITING. She didn't want a kiss, but only one was enough to make her develop a crus... More

Intro? Or no intro?
Chap1er one
Chapter 2wo
Chapter thr33
Chapt4r four
Chapter fiv5
6hapter 6ix
Chapter 8ight
Chapt9r 9ine
Chapter 10n
Chapter 1leven
Chapter twe12e
C13apter thirteen
Chapter fourt14n
Chapter f15teen
Chapter s16teen
Chapter s17enteen
Chapter e18hteen
Chapter n19eteen
Chapter t20enty
Chapter t2enty-1ne
Chapter t2enty-t2o
Chapter t2enty-thr33
Chapter t2enty-4our
Chapter t2enty-fiv5
Chapter t2enty-6ix
Chapter t2enty-se7en
Chapter t2enty-ei8ht
Chapter t2enty-9i9e
Jayden's POV 😏😍
the A/N no one asked for

Chapter se7en

445 20 19
By imsecretlyacarrot

I HAD A DREAM. WELL, I didn't mean to sound like I was copying Martin Luther King Jr's speech when I said that...

I know having a crush can be something really complex to declare but...

Is Jayden a human being? Yes. Is he a boy? Most probably. Is he around my age? Definitely! And does he like me or has he ever touched me or looked at me? Now, here's where the questions get difficult to answer.

I mentioned it before and I'm easily flustered when it comes to boys. It wasn't that hard to conclude that I had a crush on Jayden and I know that I'm being too rush with this decision, but I'm a teenager. Teenagers are stupid at times.

Well, I wouldn't go as far as saying I like him. No, that's too stupid. I basically just think he's handsome, no lie.

You know who else I had a crush on? Alex. Yes, my best friend's boyfriend. No worries. My infatuation for him was purely just a fantasy. I just like his blonde hair and how smooth it looked. When it came to boys, blonde hair was always a win.

And green eyes. You can't forget about green eyes.

Well, that dream I had earlier was about Ryan instead. Ryan was somehow more handsome than his cousin and, surprise surprise, he had green eyes and blonde hair. Alex had brown eyes, there's the difference.

I always loved a face with tiny details. You know, the details that are too small to notice, but when you do, you can't really ignore them anymore. Like moles on exactly the right spots or like freckles you can only see up close...

Well, I'm talking so much. Lol.

So, it was after school when Bec dragged me to Alex's place where Ryan lived as well, but only temporarily. Alex told us before that Ryan had come to Brooktown for a few weeks while his parents were out working.

Surprisingly, I wasn't feeling as shy as I was when I thought about seeing Ryan again. It was as if we'd become friends just like that. What's funny is that we've only hanged out together once, and it was during that basketball game when I ignored him for most of the time.

I squirmed in the passenger's seat of Bec's car and looked out the window at Alex's house. I breathed in then out and turned to Bec.

"What, you nervous?" she asked with a cool smirk on her face.

"Noooo," I replied unsurely. But I was sure I wasn't feeling nervous.

Bec huffed and then opened her door. She stepped out and looked at me, leaning inside the car through her window.

"You coming?"


I got out of the car and marched all the way around to Bec's side and we walked together up to Alex's doorstep. Bec looked curiously at the door and studied it briefly before she could press the doorbell to the right of it.

It took two dings for someone to open the door. It was Alex.

"Sup guys!" he greeted as he moved aside to let us in. We both greeted him back and followed him inside closing the door behind us.

"How'd you get here so early? Weren't you at school with us?" Bec asked him.

Alex led us to the living room first and gestured towards the couch before he could answer. "Oh, I skipped right after lunch. You guys want a drink? I bet there's some soda in the fridge."


"Actually, I'll take a Sprite," I said.


Alex left the living room and headed for where I assumed was the kitchen. I looked around the living room one more time taking in the warm colours of orange and yellow. The place seemed small but big enough to fit a family of five and I know Alex was the only child so... family of three I guess? Plus Ryan of course...

After a few seconds, we heard movement coming towards the living room. I was expecting to see Alex but it was Ryan that came instead. He was wearing a black tee and grey baggy sweatpants.

"Hey guys!" He bounced on the couch right between me and Bec. "How are y'all?"

I looked at him and gulped as I smelt this wonderful scent coming from him. He smelt like the forest, not that I'd ever smelt one, but I imagine one would smell exactly like he did then. His curly hair bounced beautifully when he leaned back and slouched on the couch and I could only notice the fine drops of water within the strands as it shone.

I felt warmth suddenly and my cheeks, I was sure, were red. What's with boys and always showing up right after they've showered like in movies and cheesy novels?! I asked myself.

I kept a good distance between us and avoided eye contact because I knew perfectly well that I wouldn't stop looking if I didn't.

"Aren't you gonna say 'hey' back or..?"

I fell out of my reverie and looked at Bec and Ryan who were staring at me. I must have zoned out. "Y-yeah! Hey Ryan!"

Alex finally walked back to the living room with a can of coke in his hands. "Sorry, the Sprites are out. Blame that on Ryan."

He placed the can on a coffee table in front of me.

"Thanks." I took the can of soda and opened it carefully.

"You know," Ryan started out of the blue, "I did promise that I'd know more of you Jamie, so, what's the one thing you've done and never told anyone?"

Alex and Bec looked at each other with huge grins on their faces like it was one fat juicy check they'd won in the lottery.

I shivered and almost spat out the coke from my mouth after he asked. I could say that I'd been crushing on Alex before he dated Bec. I could also say that I admired Ryan because he was just so easy to talk to. But I knew saying either would be dumb, so I said something even dumber...

"Um... I-I used to watch porn."


Welcome to chapter 7. Writer difficulty: over 9000, seriously...

Gee! You better vote and comment because writing this chap was hard!!! I really didn't want to confuse y'all. I just wanted this to be perfect and well-understood.

If this chap still made you want to continue reading, well thanks! I'll see you on the next one!


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