𝘉𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘭𝘺. ➼ 2𝘬𝘪𝘮.

By Jensenpoiii

49.7K 2.5K 452

In which Minju doesn't like being unattractive. More



1.6K 89 7
By Jensenpoiii

The next day, Minju still has supporters around her ankle but she didn't catch Chaewon's cold. She reassured her hubby by saying "I'm immune!" with a grin and that made the pink-haired girl chuckle.

Minju sat beside Yuri and groaned. The younger looked at her weirdly.

"What's up with you? Time of the month or something-" Yuri got cut off when Minju glowered at her. "Geez! Just asking." She put her arms up and lowered it down when the depressed girl stopped shooting daggers at her.

"No. I'm just annoyed at the fact that I'm stuck with this thing for a week when it doesn't even hurt." Yuri giggled at that.

"How'd you get that, though? Tripped on your way to Chaewon's heart-" The hamster-like girl abruptly stopped constructing her sentence and threw a fit of laughter. Minju just rolled her eyes.

"At least I've got my way to her heart, unlike you who just stalks Yena unnie's Insta." Yuri stopped laughing at that, giving Minju a long face.


"So," Yena starts a conversation, walking beside Chaewon. "Have you gotten better?"

Chaewon smiles by impulse, remembering what happened the day before. "Yeah." Yena looked at her like she saw a code she can't decipher.

"That is soooo unlike you. Usually you'll say, 'If I'm not, I'd just be at home watching Netflix' or something. Did anything happen?"

"None of your business."

"Oh, it is, Ms. Kim. It's my duty to know what the fuck is happening to you and laugh at you when you do something stupid. So why the fuck did you catch a cold yesterday?" Yena blew curses unexpectedly and Chaewon just blew air in her mouth without opening it and just continued to walk.

"Aish. Kim Chaewon! Don't you dare leave me here!" She shouts as she sees the girl running away from her.

Yena pants as she looks around for a girl with pink hair and is slightly smaller than her, named Kim fucking Chaewon(her words, not mine). She swore to herself she'll kill her the next time they meet since she looked like she got chased by a swarm of ducks that she accidentally fed too much.(that actually sounds like a Yena thing to do)

She sighs to herself and sat on a bench. Yena was on the corridor to the open field so there's a bench to sit on and a vending machine if the student was exhausted.

The sweaty girl took a deep breath and exhaled again, repeating the action and closed her eyes, almost taking a nap but something cold and damp kissed her cheek, surprising her senses.

Yena willed her head to the side, catching a view of an intensely cute girl, smiling widely that it costed for her eyes to not be seen, stretching out her arm holding a can of Sprite next to her cheek.

She knew her name was Jo Yuri, Minju's best friend and remembered she also thought that she was cute back then and Chaewon's words ran in her mind, The second time you think she's attractive will forever be attractive.

"Looking for Chaewon sunbaenim?"

Help. Ive got 0 hours of sleep these past few days. I dont know wtf am i writing. I only know yulyen showing up on a 2kim book. And my candy bong z arrived while panicking at the fact that im sleep deprived.

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