𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘)...

By xxxlejindaryxxx

132K 7.4K 1.7K

In which Jeongguk finds himself falling for a witty vampire who seems to understand him more than anyone else... More



2.9K 181 39
By xxxlejindaryxxx

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Jeongguk pulled the covers that were over his head off of him, looking up to see Taehyung who stood in the doorway of his room. Today they were supposed to go to a party with Hoseok and Jimin, though the thought of it now made Jeongguk almost sick. 

He was still angry with Jimin, and even though only a day had gone by since their fight, they still haven't spoken since. Jeongguk would have been fine if it was just Hoseok, Taehyung, and him going that that party, but the thought of seeing Jimin gave him anything but excitement.

But, Jeongguk had a plan.

Though he knew it was incredibly dumb and somewhat childish, the younger decided he was going to fake being sick. He knew if he texted Hoseok with a lie he would buy it, but the problem was Taehyung.

"Oh Tae, I think I have the flu or something," Jeongguk said, faking a cough "when I woke up this morning, I couldn't stop vomiting. I think it's better if I text Hoseok and tell him that I can't make it."

Taehyung walked over and placed his palm on his forehead, feeling his temperature "you feel fine to me. Maybe you just had food poisoning."

"No seriously Tae, I feel sooo bad," Jeongguk said, attempting to sick "I really don't think I can go."

A small smirk formed on the older's lips "acting sure isn't your strong suit."

Jeongguk groaned in annoyance as he threw the covers over his head again, hating how Taehyung was able to see right through him.

Taehyung chuckled lightly as he laid down next to him, trying to get comfortable in the younger's bed. "So why don't you tell me the real reason you don't wanna go to this party, hmm?"

Jeongguk threw the covers off of him for the second time, still in his pajamas. "One of my friends and I got into a fight, and I'm too much of a coward to face him."

"Which one?" Taehyung asked.

"Jimin, the one that I've known since I was little" Jeongguk told him "we got into a fight about...well, you."

Taehyung's eyes widened "me? How come?"

Jeongguk looked away, suddenly wishing that he had never told him the true reason. He went quiet, though Taehyung playfully nudged him.

"Baby, what is it?" Taehyung asked, "you can tell me."

Jeongguk sighed as he met his gaze once again: "he thinks you're a bad influence or something. I don't get why because he doesn't even know you, but he said that he was trying to protect me, and he was thinking that I'm this a love-struck daze or some shit." 

Taehyung blew out a sigh "well, I don't exactly look the friendliest, and I'm older than you so he is probably scared for you. I think he really is trying to protect you, he just has a bad way of showing it."

"Maybe, but he knows I can handle myself," Jeongguk said, "I don't know, it's just really out of his character to me."

"Maybe he suspects," Taehyung said, which made Jeongguk frown "about me."

"I don't think so," Jeongguk said, though he felt his heart skip a beat "when we were little, we used to read a bunch of books about all of those magical creatures and he always knew those things were fake."

"You did too, and look what happened" Taehyung replied, "all I'm saying is that he might know than you think, that's all."

"Maybe, but I hope not," Jeongguk said, "anyways, I'm not going."

"Jeongguk, look at me," Taehyung said, and the younger did what he asked. "I'll stay by your side the whole time, and you can just try to not talk to him. And if he has something to say to you, I'll deal with him."

Jeongguk still wasn't convinced, so he stayed silent. But, he was being stubborn on purpose since he was curious as to what the older would do to convince him.

Taehyung then kissed his forehead, mumbling a quiet "please" and then kissed his nose, ear, temple, and then cheek as he repeated that same six-letter word.

Jeongguk couldn't get enough of his cuteness, and he also knew that he should be brave, after all he was Jeon fucking Jeongguk. Why should he let someone else have control over him?

"Okay fine, I'll go" he said, making Taehyung smile.

"Yay!" He exclaimed, then pecking his lips "now let's get you ready because this is not going to work."


"They're already here" Jeongguk said, as he and Taehyung got out of the car "Hoseok just texted me."

"Alright" the older replied as they walked up the house together. Jeongguk was nervous, though he didn't want to be. 

Taehyung took his hand and held it, their fingers then entwining "don't worry about it, okay? It'll be fine."

"Right" Jeongguk thought to himself, trying to stay positive "it'll be fine."

Hoseok and Jimin was waiting on the lawn in front of the hosts' house, and once they spotted the two Hoseok began frantically waving, while Jimin gave a small yet awkward smile.

The two walked up to them, and Hoseok's jaw dropped as he studied Taehyung, mouthing to Jeongguk "he's so hot" when the older wasn't looking.

Jeongguk gave Hoseok a small hug, while he and Jimin just awkwardly nodded at each other, trying to smile.

"This is Taehyung," Jeongguk said "Tae, this is Hoseok, and Jimin."

"Hi!" Hoseok exclaimed, already going in for a small hug. Taehyung accepted though he glanced at Jeongguk as a cry for help.

"God! You're so cold" Hoseok exclaimed, "should we get you inside-"

"Oh no, my body is just naturally like that" Taehyung reassured him "but it's great to meet you, Hoseok, Jeongguk's told me a lot about you."

"You too!" Hoseok exclaimed "and Jeongguk talks about you too, actually he once said-"

"Hobi" Jeongguk shot daggers at him, afraid that he might somehow embarrass him.

Hoseok laughed awkwardly, and Jimin mumbled a quiet "hi" to which Taehyung gave him a respectful smile.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go in!" Hoseok exclaimed, to which the teenagers did. When they walked in, the party was wild. Music was blasting loudly from its speakers and there were tons of people dancing.

Jeongguk and Taehyung's hands remained entwined as Jimin announced that he was going to go say hi to a friend. Hoseok and the young couple made their way to the kitchen, which was where the alcohol was.

Jeongguk sat up on one of the counters as Hoseok found a keg. Jeongguk tapped his boyfriend on the shoulder, getting his attention.

"Can you get me some?" He asked, gesturing to the keg.

"Are you sure? You might get a little crazy if you have too much" Taehyung said, "and I have to take care of you tonight."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes "I'll have no more than two, promise."

Taehyung smirked as he went to get him a drink and also one for himself, though Jeongguk didn't think that vampires were able to get drunk.

Hoseok had gone to God knows where, so it was just the two of them. Taehyung handed the younger his drink before taking a sip of his own, and they let their free hands entwine. 

"So, what do you think of them so far?" Jeongguk asked, "my friends, I mean." 

"Well, Hoseok is nice, but a little too loud and energetic for my taste" Taehyung replied, "and Jimin seemed sweet, but I can tell there's tension between you guys."

Jeongguk sighed, taking a sip of his drink. He winced at the taste, but still drank it nonetheless. "Is it really that obvious?"

Taehyung nodded, and Jeongguk continuing drinking out of his red cup. Taehyung noticed how glum he looked and then squeezed his hand lightly, coming up with an idea.

"Hey, you wanna dance?" Taehyung asked.

Jeongguk shook his head "I'm really bad at it."

"Oh come on, how bad can you be?" Taehyung said, "I doubt anyone will notice, so let's go."

"I don't know-" Jeongguk said but Taehyung still pulled him to the dance floor, laughing at the younger's complaints.


Jimin stood across the room, talking to a friend. Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed Taehyung and Jeongguk dancing not far from him, and out of curiosity, he made an excuse to leave as he tried to get a better view of them.

Taehyung and Jeongguk were swaying to the song playing, and Jeongguk looked nervous and stiff, though Taehyung was totally into it. Eventually, the younger grew more comfortable and they both began to move together flawlessly.

What stood out most to Jimin was the fact that they both looked so happy. They both were smiling and holding each other, almost in their little world. Jimin tried to tell himself to be happy for them, to be happy that his best friend had found someone he really cared about; but all he felt was sadness.

He didn't know why exactly, but he just felt sad.

Then, Taehyung leaned in and kissed Jeongguk on the lips, both beginning to make out while next to all of the other sweaty bodies, and that's when Jimin felt his heart shatter inside of his chest.

Jimin felt tears well in his eyes as he walked away to the backdoor, going outside. He sat down on the grass and curled up into a ball as he cried, feeling the wind blow.

He knew he was being selfish and he hated it. Jimin hated how bad of a friend he was being and wished that he could just be happy for Jeongguk; but ever since that night he didn't have a good feeling about Jeongguk and Taehyung, and it wasn't because he thought the older was an influence.

Jimin secretly knew why he was so emotional, but he knew if he admitted it he really would be selfish.

He heard the door open behind him and froze, praying that it wasn't Jeongguk nor Taehyung there. Instead, Jimin heard a soft laugh, which he immediately recognized.


"Whew, maybe I had a little too much" Hoseok muttered to himself, but then stopped in his tracks once he saw someone curled up in a ball in front of him. "Hey, are you okay?"

Jimin turned around, and Hoseok gasped once he saw his tear-stained face. Hoseok walked closer until he stood in front of Jimin, his face holding nothing but concern. 

"Jimin? Are you okay?" He asked, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder "what happened? Did you see Namjoon?"

"No, I'm not okay" Jimin replied "I didn't see Namjoon but...I'm the worst friend ever."

Hoseok tried to comfort his friend as he continued to cry. "Does this have to do with Jeongguk? I noticed you guys were tense tonight."

"We had a f-fight" Jimin told him, fighting his tears "because I wasn't supportive about T-Taehyung. I don't really wanna talk about it but, I was basically t-telling him b-bullshit."

"Why?" Hoseok asked, confused. Just like Jeongguk, he found the action extremely out of character.

"Because I just h-hated the idea of them together" Jimin found himself blurting out "I don't know why, but I did - I s-still do. I saw them d-dancing together and I just feel like s-shit."

Hoseok's eyes widened, and he began to realize something that he hoped to god wasn't true.

"Jimin..." Hoseok began, though he was being cautious "do you think you might, like Jeongguk?"

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked though he was lying. He knew exactly what Hoseok meant, but he still wasn't ready to admit it to himself.

"Like...do you like Jeongguk, romantically?" Hoseok asked, scared for the answer.

Jimin fell silent, thinking deeply about this. All his life he's only ever seen Jeongguk as a friend, his best friend really. But these past few days have been different, and Jimin has begun to wonder that maybe, he wishes that they were more.

Jimin nodded, feeling more tears roll down his cheeks "yeah, I think I do."

Hoseok sighed as he ran a hand through his hair "fuck Jimin, this is...this is bad."

"I know" Jimin exclaimed, putting his head in his hands "I never imagined I would like him like this but...seeing him with Taehyung-"

"-Made you realize how you truly feel," Hoseok said, beginning to understand "but Jimin, you know Jeongguk used to be in love with you, right?"

Jimin's head shot up, and he swore that his heart had skipped a beat "what? Did he tell you that?"

"He didn't have too, it was obvious," Hoseok said "I even knew it when I first met you both. The way he looked and talked about you...I can't describe it, but you would know that he loved you so much, and not as a friend. I also saw the way he looked at you and Namjoon."

"God, why am I so stupid?" Jimin mumbled. He had been oblivious to the fact that Jeongguk loved him since the first day they met, and he suddenly wished he could turn back time and tell him how he felt right now.

"But moved on" Hoseok said "he found someone who reciprocates-"

"-But I do like him!" Jimin defended.

"I know, but you didn't at that time" Hoseok replied, placing his hand on top of Jimin's "but, can you just promise me something?" 

Jimin nodded "anything."

"Please don't try and break them up," Hoseok said "I get that these feelings came out of nowhere, but let me help you with them. I just don't want you doing things that I know you'll regret because if you were to try and split them apart, I don't think Jeongguk would ever forgive you." 

"I won't" Jimin replied. To be honest, he wasn't planning on splitting them up. Really, he didn't have any plan of what to do now. But all he knew was that he didn't want Jeongguk to keep on hating him, because that seemed to break his heart even more. 

Hoseok squeezed his hand "I'm here for you, okay?"

"Okay" Jimin replied.

And though he still felt like complete shit, he was happy that at least one person cared about him. 

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