Wild Girl. (Hiccup X Reader)...

By Red-Ramen

312K 7.8K 4.3K

Hiccup, a boy living in the village Berk. Being a weakling yet the son of the chief. Y/n, a girl flying on he... More

Chapter 1. Berk.
Chapter 2. Night Furies.
Chapter 3. Unholy offsprings.
Chapter 4. Lessons.
Chapter 5. Eels.
Chapter 6. Tail fin and dragon training.
Chapter 7. New outfits.
Chapter 8. Never an option.
Chapter 9. "Leaving!"
Chapter 10. Going for a spin.
Chapter 11. Betrayal.
Chapter 12. Dragonborn.
Chapter 13. The Nest.
Chapter 14. Time to disappear.
Chapter 15. Fire burns.
Chapter 16. Done with.
Special Chapter~ "Happy Snoggletog, Y/n."
D-RoB Chapter 1. Academy.
D-RoB Chapter 2. Flaming squirrel.
D-RoB Chapter 4. The Dragon Conqueror.
D-RoB Chapter 5. Picking his dragon.
D-RoB Chapter 6. Sickness.
D-RoB Chapter 7. Trust or Nah, part 1.
D-RoB Chapter 8. Trust or Nah, Part 2.
D-RoB Chapter 9. Scars of the Past.
D-RoB Chapter 10. Twin Chaos.
D-RoB Chapter 11. Nasty Landing.
D-RoB Chapter 12. Fears.
D-RoB Chapter 13. Eggs On Berk.
D-RoB Chapter 14. Are We Family? Part 1.
D-RoB Chapter 15. Are We Family? Part 2.
Book two released!!!

D-RoB Chapter 3. Night Problems.

4.7K 131 71
By Red-Ramen

Author's Note: A lot of people have messaged me about the storyline. Right now, the plan is to get Dragons: Riders of Berk, but I'm honestly not sure about HTTYD 2 will be next or RTTE. So dear readers, make yet another decision for me.

Also, I will NOT be doing every single episode of any of the series because I tried to do it before and I got stuck and I don't want that for this book!

Write right here what you want!

And if you don't feel comfortable about commenting, you can always message me! That still counts!

Now, go on and enjoy the chapter!

Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

As you fly through life it's always good to know who you can trust,

Y/n were free falling through the sky with Hiccup beside her, she turned around in the air to look at the ground.

And who you can't.

Hiccup smiled when Toothless came diving down, catching him while Y/n fell further.

"Nice catch, bud." He praised the dragon.

She smiled when she could hear Shadow getting closer and soon enough she came to a stop when she caught her. "You just had to wait so long, didn't you?" Y/n said with a playful smile which Shadow returned.

I know I can always count on Toothless.

Y/n and Hiccup flew back up the rest, side by side.

And it's important for him to know, that no matter what, he can count on me.

"It's your turn. Jump."

"I don't wanna jump. What if-"

"You have to believe she's gonna catch you. It's a trust exercise." Y/n told Fishlegs with a smile.

"I like to do my trusting on the ground, thank you very much." The blonde Viking boy responded.

"Like this, Chickenlegs! Woohoo!" Snotlout shouted as he slide off of Hookfang's back. But the dragon just kept flying straight.

"So, should we mention something to Hookfang?"

"Let me sleep on it." Ruffnut answered to Tuffnut's question.

"Hookfang, get him!" Astrid shouted to the dragon from Stormfly, the big dragon looked at Shadow, who roared at him, making him look down, catching the sight of his rider getting closer and closer to the ground.

"Not feeling the trust!" Hookfang shrieked before diving after after Snotlout.

"That's gonna hurt in the morning." The h/c haired girl said as she watched the boy crashed through Mildew's roof before flying back out with a scream, making another hole in the process.

Hiccup and Y/n looked at each other with a pained look, "Something makes me think we're going to hear for this." Hiccup muttered as Snotlout joined the group.

Y/n looked down with a smirk, seeing the old man shouting after them as they flew by.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Ceiling again? Didn't we have roofing material for dinner last night?" Y/n heard Hiccup joke from her room.

She knew at that moment that his father, Stoick, had confronted him about what happened earlier that day with Mildew and Snotlout.

She didn't pay much attention to it as she sat and played with the thing in her hands.

She had leaned against Shadow on the floor and Shadow had taken the opportunity to place her head in the girl's lap.

"I can't just let this be in the bag. Hiccup will find it at some point." She told the Night Fury who roared in agreement.

"But where to hide it." She turned the gears at its bottom, making it's crystal change color.

She looked around her room, which looked a lot like Hiccup's. Her desk were covered with drawings of different dragons and people.

The cover on her bed were poorly hanging from it and touched the ground as she didn't care about how it looked.

"Under the bed?" She asked Shadow, who let out a tired growl, telling her no.
"The drawer?" She asked, pointing at her desk. Shadow she her head lazily.

Y/n hummed as she thought of where to put it, her eyes caught on to the chest in the corner of her room.

As she stood up Shadow complained to herself about her leaving making the girl let out a little giggle, she opened the chest, seeing it filled with old drawings and books.

Some where hers and some she had carried with her from her old village, some drawings were even her, drawn by her mother.

"No one will suspect something like this being with a bunch of drawings." She stated, beginning to move the books and drawings out so she could get the stolen device in the bottom of the chest.

"There." She said as she placed it inside, she carefully placed some books above the device before carelessly throwing down the rest of the books.

About to do the same thing with drawings when one made her stop in her tracks. The one picture that meant the world to her.

The drawing held her mother standing on the right with a soft smile and her hair falling perfectly around her face, her father standing on the left, a grin on his face as he glanced towards his wife.

At last, in the middle, were little Y/n being lifted up by her parents while she laughed from the fun she had.

Y/n let her hand go over her mother's face, remembering the moment clearly. One of the few moments she remembered with her mother along with her happy father.

Before everything went wrong. Before she died and her father blamed her.

She smiled at the memory and placed the drawing to the side while filling the chest with the rest of them, finally done, she took the drawing in her hand and went to her desk. Smiling as she pinned it to the wall.

"Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad." She said before walking to Shadow, who had heated her rock up, she didn't feel like sleeping alone on her bed, she wanted to be close to someone, that being Shadow was no problem.

When the dragon saw her going towards her, she opened her wings for her. Y/n smiled and laid down, Shadow pulled her closer with her paws, holding her close as she wrapped her wings around them both.

"Goodnight, Shadow." Y/n could feel her eyes getting heavy, the last thing she heard were the dragon's low, soft growl before the sleep took her.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Y/n. Y/n, wake up!" Hiccup shook Y/n while Toothless tried to wake his sister up, but they wouldn't budge.

"Come on, come on." Hiccup muttered as he kept trying to wake the sleeping girl up. Toothless moved in front of him, sniffing the girl's face before starting to lick it.

"Ugh- Toothless, Toothless- Stop! I'm up, I'm up!" Y/n pushed the males face away, "Why would you wake me up like that?!" Her voice was high, Toothless just gave her a gurgle in response, making Y/n give him a dumbfounded look.

"Uh, sorry, Y/n. But I need to tell you something, and I don't think you're going to like it." Hiccup informed the sleepy girl as she rubbed her eyes, "What is it?"

"Everyone's boots were taken by a Zippleback. Mildew got the entire village to get angry at it, and I may have kinda promised we would fix it.." Hiccup finished with a little nervous laugh.

Y/n silently looked at the boy before mumbling something under her breath and turned over to sleep once again, her back to Hiccup.

Hiccup's jaw were ajar, "Oh, come on!"

~No one's P.O.V~

"We're going on night patrol." Hiccup stated to the others, when Hiccup couldn't get Y/n, he decided to take it into his own hands.

"Night patrol. I love it!" Tuffnut exclaimed, "What is it?" He then asked.

"Its where we patrol at night. To keep an eye on the dragons. Make sure they don't get blamed for anything else." Hiccup explained before Fishlegs spoke up.

"Have you cleared this with our parents? Because some of us might not be allowed out after a certain hour."

"Not allowed or afraid?" Snotlout mocked him.

"Hey. Things happen after the dark." He responded to Snotlout in a whisper.

"Hey! Guys, we have to do this." Hiccup cut them off before they could continue, "You heard Mildew. He wants the dragons banished."

"Permission to shoot first and ask questions later?" Ruffnut asked, "Asking permission to just skip the question." Tuffnut joined in on the question. He really just wanted to blast something, or better yet, someone.

"We're just patrolling! Nobody is shooting anyone!"

"I have a question! What's fun about that?!"

"It's not supposed to be fun, it's a Hiccup idea." Astrid spoke up for the first time, Hiccup glared at the girl which she returned. The only reason either of the put up with each other were because of Y/n. But she wasn't there.

~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n and Shadow flew over the ground in the forest. Laying on Shadow's back but her feet in the pedals.

"You know," Y/n started, "Maybe we should've listened to Hiccup. We're never going to get sleepy." She said, petting with Shadow's side.

They slept most of the day away and now, it was night time and they couldn't sleep. They had earlier encountered Hiccup and Toothless, who told them they would be night patrolling.

Not interested.

She sighed and lifted herself back up in a sitting position, "I'm so bored!" Shadow grumbled as they flew, her blue eyes lightened up when she saw movement in the forest.

She growled, catching Y/n's attention.
"What is it, girl?" She looked down in between the dark trees and the shadows they throw.

A growl was heard from the trees making the young girl frown, "A dragon? They're usually at the village by this time." Shadow looked up at Y/n and she simply nodded.

Seconds later, the two landed on the ground and Y/n got off of Shadow.

"Where did he go?" When she heard the bush behind her move, she pulled her sword while Shadow got ready to shoot.

Shadow quickly had to direct her shot to the side when Hookfang's head popped out of the bush, followed by the rest of him.

"Hookfang? What are you doing here?" She looked around for a certain rider, "And without Snotlout." As she asked, Y/n placed her hand on Hookfang's snout. She then scratched under his chin, "You got bored, didn't you?" The girl asked with a small giggle.

The dragon nodded in response, he purred and leaned into the girl's hand. Very few ever saw Hookfang acting like a little puppy, but he didn't care if Y/n saw him like that.

Shadow roared causing Y/n to look at her before looking at the Monstrous Nightmare once again, "She's right. You should probably get back to Snotlout, come on." Just as she began walking, she felt something lifting her off of the ground.

Shadow let out something like a laugher while Y/n crossed her arms and pouted, "This isn't fair." She mumbled, getting a soft growl from Hookfang, who held the girl in the air by her shirt.

"Let me down." Instead of doing what the girl said, the Monstrous Nightmare lifted her higher into the air, tightening his jaw to not lose the girl.

Y/n grumbled under her breath, "Fine... Fine! You win! We can do something." She surrendered, giving up on getting the dragon back to his rider.

Hookfang seemed a little skeptical at first, but decided to place the girl on the ground when Shadow roared at him.

"Soooo, what do you guys wanna do?" Y/n asked as she scratched her neck.

Hookfang smiled mischievously, making both females give him a little nervous smile.

"We are going to die."

~No one's P.O.V~

"Well, good to see you've had your own things to see to." Y/n said as she and Shadow entered the Great Hall, only to see it being destroyed.

Gobber, Stoick, Hiccup, Fishlegs and a few other Vikings were there, fixing the over turned tables and what else needed to be fixed.

Scratches and bite marks of what appeared to be a Monstrous Nightmare to her covered most parts of the Great Hall along with the clothes in there being teared apart.

What caught Y/n's eyes however, was the food. It wasn't touched at all.

"What happened?" She asked, just to get the confirmation she needed, even though she knew what happened, or at least what looks like had happened.

"I should ask you the same thing." Hiccup said when he saw the girl's clothes being burned at some places along with ash in her face and her hair was blown back, "Are you okay?" He asked, worry filling his voice.

She smiled, "Don't worry, Hiccup. I'm fine. So, what happened?"

As she asked that, the rest of the Dragon Riders entered the Great Hall.

"Someone broke in here and wrecked the whole place." Hiccup explained by his father's side.

"Who could have done such a thing?" Stoick asked as he looked around the Great Hall with saddened eyes, this place held so many memories.

"Looks like a dragon to me!" A certain blonde boy spoke up as he examined the claw marks.

"We don't know for sure, Fishlegs." Hiccup told him with a little harsh ending, really wanting him to shot his mouth.

The teen brushed it off, "Sure we do," He turned back to the claw marks, letting his hand go over them, "Look at these claw marks. It was obviously a Monstrous Nightmare, the spacing of the talons is dead on."

Hiccup gave him an annoyed look while Y/n kept quiet with a little frown, watching them interact.

"But how could this happen?! We had every dragon accounted for at all times! Right guys?" Astrid asked the others, while the Twins look at each other, Snotlout spoke up.

"When you say at all times, and every dragon, what exactly do you mean?" At the question, Hiccup deadpanned, "Okay.. What happened, Snotlout?"

"Well, I was detaining a suspect, who wasn't showing sufficient respect to the sash!" He said, glaring at Gobber. Getting the glare, Gobber responded, "I think I showed sufficient respect to a sash that says dumb."

"We gotta change that name."

"Anyways! As I was questioning said suspect, Hookfang may have, and I'm not saying he did! But it is possible he wandered of for a few..." He trailed off.


"Minutes?" The Twins guessed.

"Hours." Snotlout said, causing everyone, beside Y/n, to groan.

She didn't really understand, why are they so quick to throw accuses around and why did they always end on the dragons. Hookfang was with her the whole time having a blast, for real. It couldn't be him.

"That's way longer than minutes."

"Oh, no!" A rusty old voice was heard from the entrance of the Great Hall and the door slammed close, Y/n didn't have to turn around to know who it was, "Mildew." She growled under her breath.

"It's true! The Great Hall. So many memories, my three weddings, their three funerals. Oooh the funerals."

"Hookfang must have gone on a rampage. I hate to sa-"

"Not possible!" Y/n cut Gobber off, "Hookfang was with me all night. It wasn't him." She sat down on one of the tables, "Why do you think it's a dragon?" She asked, looking at the ground in thought.

"Y/n, look at the place, you think a human could do this?" Stoick asked the girl, who muttered a little, "Maybe."

"How?" Hiccup asked, wanting to believe her and stand by her side.

"I mean, don't you think it's weird? There haven't been a problem with the dragons in weeks, then, this morning a Zippleback, according to you, stole everyone's boots." She looked up, "And now, this. A dragon broke in here in the middle of the night and destroyed everything yet it didn't even touch the food."

"Why would these two things happen right after each other. It doesn't make any sense." Y/n said as she shook her head.

Stoick and Gobber looked at each other, thinking she might be right. That is, till Mildew spoke up, "Trying to protect them again, huh?" Y/n frowned, "Of course I am. They're my family." She admitted.

"See! Nothing but a lie. She'll do anything to protect them." He told Stoick while Y/n looked around, confused.

"I-I don't get what's-"

"You know what has to be done!" Mildew cut the girl off, shouting to the chief, "I do, Mildew." Stoick placed his hand on his son's shoulder.

"Starting tonight, I want all the dragons put in the academy under lock and key." He told his son.

"What?!" Mildew and Y/n shouted in unison making both of them glare at each other.

"That's it?! Look what they did!" Mildew shouted.

"But they haven't done anything!" Y/n yelled, anger and frustration filling her voice.

"Y/n." Gobber warned the girl, but she didn't listen.

"Every time something goes wrong you all blame it on the dragons! What's wrong with you?! When will you open your eyes?!" Her shouts got louder by the second, attracting the Vikings' attention as they crowded around the group.

"Y/n, stop." Hiccup said, grabbing on to her arm, but she pushed him away, "Don't touch me!" She shouted at him before turning back to his father, "When will you learn to trust them?! When will you learn to trust us?!"

"Y/n!" Stoick shouted at the girl, no longer wanting to hear her shout out all of his mistakes.

"Do we all have to die before you'll see your mistake?! If so, pierce a sword through my heart already!!" Y/n lowered her head, not wanting them to see her tears, even though they were tears of frustration.

"When are you gonna accept dragons, and I mean truly accept them? I've saved everyone in this village, I saved you, your son, your people. I couldn't have done that without my family, I couldn't do it without Shadow and Toothless."

When she looked up, a single tear slowly ran down her cheek, and yet she didn't know why, "Without them, you would all be dead." She slowly began walking towards the doors, "They have their own mind, if you keep pushing them- pushing us away... We won't stay." She said as she opened the doors.

Y/n could feel something nudging her hand, she looked down to see Toothless and Shadow looking at her with soft yet sad eyes.

"Listen, I don't know why dragons do what they do, but I won't let them do anymore damage." She stopped in her tracks.

"I do. And what happened- it wasn't a dragon. I know that because I know them. I guess I really don't know you as well as I thought." She opened the door to let Shadow and Toothless walk out and they did, "Or maybe I just don't get humans after all." Was the last thing she said before leaving with her family. Her only one.

~No one's P.O.V~

Later the same day, Y/n sat outside of the Great Hall with Shadow and Toothless. Hiccup told her, he would try to convince him to believe her.

While waiting, Toothless and Shadow tried to get some sleep while Y/n sat, leaning into them with her chin in her hand, looking up at the dark sky, filled with stars.

Times like these, she missed it. Being free of any human worries and just fly around and both Night and day. The only thing involving humans would be destroying their things they used to catch dragons with.

That was good times.

When Toothless growled, Y/n was brought out of her daydream, "What's up, bud?" She asked, petting his head as he sniffed the air.

Y/n stood up and Toothless followed. He made sure not to wake up the sleeping female before looking up at his sister, Y/n.

"Did you-" A weird sound from the armory cut the girl off and Toothless growled again beginning to walk towards it with Y/n right beside him.

They walked down the stairs and towards the armory. Y/n almost pulled her sword when the door opened, Toothless looked at Y/n, who nodded.

Toothless pulled the door completely open so they could walk in. A man just by threw his garbage out of his window, catching sight of Y/n and Toothless entering the armory so he continued to look.

Toothless and Y/n carefully moved around inside of the building. Y/n had her hand ready by her sword while Toothless continued to sniff, trying to get a scent.

They both turned their heads and Y/n gasped when the window suddenly opened in the other side of the room. Y/n went over there, placing a hand on the open window to look out of the when a weird sound suddenly began in the other side of the room.

Toothless roared as a warning to the girl. When he saw fire burning a rope that lead to a barrel.

When the fire got to the inside, an explosion went off. Toothless ran to the girl, pulling her with him by his wings before he jumped out of the armory and ran away from it when it started to burn.


"There's a fire!"

Men began to shout as Toothless let go of Y/n, "Thank you, bud."

"The armory! Grab some buckets!" Stoick ordered. People did as they were told, but soon enough he saw Toothless and Y/n watching, "Toothless? Y/n?" He questioned.

"It was them! They set the armory on fire!" The man who saw them enter shouted, pointing at them.

Y/n frowned as she heard the Vikings shouted at Toothless and her.

"How dare they!"

"What troublemakers!"

"They need to leave! Now!"

"But we nearly got caught in the explosion." Y/n said, mostly to Toothless, "We haven't done anything!" She shouted, still sitting down. Her shout only angered the Vikings even more.

Shadow, who woke up from the explosion, jumped in front of the pair, growling at the Vikings to make them stay away. Y/b and Toothless stood up, glaring and growling at them, too.

This isn't going to end well.

No human noticed it. But Y/n's pupils turned to slits as she growled at them. The dragons around her felt her aura changing, knowing not to get in her way.

"Guys?" Hiccup let go of the buckets in his hands when he saw the angry nod surrounding the three.

The way the Fire from the armory lightened Y/n's face up in a dangerous way. Just at that moment, Hiccup saw her eyes, knowing she was pissed.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Every one of our weapons, gone!" Stoick shouted when the fire was out.

"Y/n and her dragons let us utterly defenseless!" Mildew told everyone and people began to agree with him.

While Y/n kept glaring at everyone and Toothless and Shadow growled and at times roared to keep them away, Hiccup began to plead with his father, "Dad, you know they wouldn't do this!"

"Sure, listen to your boy, Stoick. He along with that girl got us into this mess!" Mildew first shouted for everyone to hear before leaning close to Hiccup's ear, "See what happens when you leave them to wait alone outside?"

"What.. Did you say?"

"Sidney! Uh, I guess your throat slicing days are over!" Gobber shouted in sorrow, holding a destroyed sword.

Stoick sighed before tuning to his son, "These dragons have done too much damage. It's no longer safe to have them and Y/n on Berk. I want them gone."

"What?!" Hiccup asked, his eyes wide.
"Finally!" Mildew shouted with happiness.

Stoick turned to the glaring female, "Round them up and take them all to Dragon Island." He ordered the girl as she stood with crossed arms, "You're right about one thing, Stoick." She said, getting on Shadow, "It's no longer safe for us to stay here." She said, Shadow flew up, grabbing Toothless in her paws before flying away from the angry mob.

"From tomorrow! There will be no more dragon on Berk!" Stoick announced. Making the teens gasp, not wanting to let their dragon go.

~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n watched as the others said goodbye to their dragons on Dragon Island.

A boat was sailing them all the way back to Berk when they had said goodbye.

Y/n stood with Shadow, her eyes being back to normal. She had a frown on her face, wanting every human to get off of the island at the moment.

If they couldn't trust her and her family, how could they trust them.

"You know, I don't think you did it." Hiccup said as he walked to the girl with Toothless.

"I think you're right," Y/n eyed Hiccup, "We could definitely use your help." The girl sighed before responding, "I'm nor my family is welcome at Berk. I don't think your dad would like if I came back."

"Maybe he won't, but think about it. Is this really where you want to live with them?"

"Of course not!"

"Then come with us. Y/n, let's get the dragons back to Berk." He grabbed her hand, looking into her e/c eyes, "Together."

She looked at Shadow and then at Toothless, "I'll give it two days. If he hasn't changed his mind, I'm going back here, deal?"


"I'll just need a moment." Y/n told the boy, he nodded as he already had said goodbye to Toothless, he took his saddle off of Toothless and under his arm before getting on the ship.

Y/n turned to the two Night Furies, placing a hand on either of their heads, "I'll be back for you. I promise." She told them, she took Shadow's saddle off before walking towards the ship.

She stopped when she heard their steps behind her, following her, "No, guys." She turned back to them, "You gotta stay here." Y/n voice began to break, she never used to say goodbye to Shadow or Toothless. They were always together.

"You gotta take care of the other dragons." She said, getting on her knees. Toothless gave the girl a sad growl while Shadow looked down, "It's gonna be okay, guys." Toothless looked down for a moment before they both looked at the girl on her knees.

"Trust me." She said with a little small smile. The two black dragons nuzzled into her, almost as if hugging her with their necks and held her close with their paws. Y/n closed her eyes, placing the saddle on the ground and hugged them back.

When they pulled apart, Y/n pushed Shadow's saddle towards them, "That way, you know I'll come back. I always will. Nothing will ever separate us. Nothing."

The two laid down by each other as they watched the girl take slow steps towards the ship, not wanting to leave them.

When she finally got on the ship and it began to sail back, the two still were at the exact same place, watching their sibling leave with sad eyes and with sad growls.

She looked down at the planks as she leaned against the mast, "Mildew." She growled. If it wasn't for him, nothing of this would have happened. It was him all along. She knew without a doubt.

"What about him?" Astrid asked, leaning on the other side of the mast. She had barely talked to her for days. This was her opening.

"He lives on the other side of the island, how would he know what happened at the Great Hall so fast and why was he in the village when the fire broke out in the armory?" She said, but it came out more like a question.

"You really think he set that fire?" Astrid asked, walking closer to her crush.

Y/n nodded, "The boots, the Great Hall, the fire, I think he did all of it, and I think he did it so Hiccup's dad would get rid of all the dragons!" She told Astrid with anger in her voice, punching the mast.

"That's a pretty serious accusation. What are you going to do?"

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