Terran Homecoming

By AmateurWriter74

713 19 4

The Terrans, an alien race descended from Earth, with a small crew make a life saving first contact mission... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 5

62 1 0
By AmateurWriter74

Peter Miller sat in his trailer when he heard the sudden blips coming from his monitor connected to his makeshift satellite sitting on his roof. He knew that someday something would arrive and today was the day. He would prove all those who called him a crack pot wrong.

He hopped into his driver's seat starting it up creating a cloud of dust and debris heading towards the coordinates of the Terran ship.


The General, Frank and Mark walked back down the corridor towards the interrogation room.

"So we are all in agreement?" the General asked.

"I will have to brief the President and see what he has to say. Talk to the other world leaders," Mark said. "The safety of the country and the world must come first."


"If you both wouldn't mind would like to go with the Captain back to his ship."

"Frank, do you think that is wise?" Mark asked apprehensively.

"I have a sense they are of no threat and they come here with no malice."

"Alright, have it your way."

They all entered the room standing in front of Captain Turner again.

"We are open to discussions but it will take some planning."

"Of course, I understand."

"I would like to see your ship," Frank said.

"We would welcome anyone on board."


"We will have an escort to take you back to your ship."

"Thank you," Captain Turner said rising from his chair.

The military escort took the Captain and Frank back to the scout ship.

"Looks like we have a guest," Martin said looking out the view port finder. "Look alive men."

The military escort arrived back with Captain Turner and Frank Anderson stepping out of the jeep and walking back towards the scout ship.

As they climbed the steps Frank could see all around silver plating with different monitors providing readouts about the status of the ship.

"This is incredible," Frank said astonished.

"This is just one of our scout ships," he said. "We just use it for reconnaissance missions. The main ship is orbiting up above."

Martin and the other crew members stood together awaiting orders.

"We ready to leave?" Captain Turner asked.

"Yes, ready to fire retro rockets."

Captain Turner guided Frank to his seat and said, "Strap yourself in. Sometimes it can be a bumpy ride."

Frank sat down and pulled the harness around his waist automatically clicking in. The initial thrust into the outer atmosphere pressed his back against his seat as he gripped the arm rests. Frank soon looked out seeing the blackness of space with all of the bright stars filling the sky.

"We purposefully kept our ship on the dark side of the moon out of fear."

The scout ship went towards the moon curving around to the other side where Frank saw a large blue and white shining metallic ship with several windows shining like a beacon.

"Scout ship, you are free for re entry," a female voice said.

"Thank you."

The ship landed in a large bay with other ships of various shapes and sizes.

Anna stood watch as they all filed out of the ship where her eyes brightened when she saw the Captain.

"Aiden!" she said running up to him and hugging him.

"Hey, said I would be back."

Frank stood looking around in state of disbelief.

"Mr. Anderson?"

"Yes," he turned to Aiden, "I'm sorry."

"It's quite alright," he said. "Allow me to introduce you to my wife Anna."

"Pleased to meet you," she said shaking his hand.

"Why don't you show him the view from the observation deck?" Anna asked.

He smiled and said, "Good idea."

Aiden escorted Frank to the observation deck where there were big floor to ceiling windows looking out. The ship slowly moved away from the moon where Frank could see all of Earth. He stood silently impressed.

"Ever since I was a young kid I always had an interest in astronomy until I grew up thinking I'd never get to see a sight like this one."

"That is why I am glad you decided to come," Aiden replied. "We are relying on people like you and others in your scientific community to be an advocate for us. Be able to appeal to them."

"It is definitely unprecedented," Frank said. "I mean you are talking about moving your whole civilization to a new planet. Has there been any work on possibly reversing what has happened to your world?"

"Our own scientists had tried for years where our system of government provided the resources required but every attempt has failed."

"I knew there had to be something to the stories of how advanced the ancient civilizations were back in the day. The Myan Pyramids. The pyramids in Egypt."

"You can talk to our historians if you like while you are here if you are interested."

"Yes, thank you."

From the main helm of the ship the lone Terran officer blended in working alongside the crew. The others were becoming oblivious to him where he quickly sat at the communications council using the encoded scrambler key given to him. He typed out his message that was short and to the point. Earth people agreed. Migration plan successful. Will keep you updated.

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