Montana long lost daughter

By Krownmerere

44.9K 1.7K 707

Just read because I know y'all niggas nosy πŸ€—πŸ˜πŸƒβœŒπŸΎ More

Chapter 1πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 3πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 4πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 7πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 8πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 9πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 11πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 12πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 13 πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 14 πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 15 πŸƒπŸƒ
part 16 πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 17 πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 18 πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 19 πŸƒπŸƒ
Update πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 20πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 21πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 22πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 23πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 24 πŸƒπŸƒ
New book πŸƒπŸƒ
Part 25

Part 5πŸƒπŸƒ

2.6K 108 74
By Krownmerere

Montana p.o.v

She looked really sad and nodded her head an was about to walk away

"Wait do you have some where to stay" I ask

She looked at me and nodded and keep walking

"That was weird" Ben said

"It was Kd" said

In a weird way I did  felt an connection like she was mines I thought 💭

Von p.o.v

I was honestly sad that he didn't accept me I said while crying at the buss stop

Know what am I supposed to do I said while crying

I can't go back I just can't I said while crying

Lord knows when the bus is coming again and it's so cold out here . I don't have know phone

I remember I just cried my eyes away untill
I passed out 😵

~ Kentrell p.o.v~
"Montana what if that was ya daughter then what"

"I don't know I would take care of her and never let her go"

"She look just like her mama to just like her"

"What happened between you and gu mama"

"Well she left. I never understood why she left while we where so and love her parents wasn't shit tho

So when I mad enough money me and her was gone run away and start something

But looks like she couldn't stay with here parents any more and left and I guess left me behind.

I did here some thing about her being pregnant but I never look into it

"That's so sweet and sad" 😢 Kd said while fake sobbing

"Nigga shut up and come on so we can go to club"I mushed his head and told him

"Yaya bring ya on na fa we be late" "Don't make me come up there"

"I coming dame" she said with an attitude

"Bitch who you talking to like that"

"Nobody", she said while quickly straighten up her act

We all got in the car and was talking and cracking jokes until Kd big Eared as screamed stop make everybody fly forward

"Dame bitch why the fuck you stop so hard make me hit my head on this dashed board Kd and while rubbing his head

"You big ears and should of had an set belt on and why the fuck yo dumb ass screamed stop" any ways Three said

"Look the girl from ear stretch out on the bus bench".

"Y'all think we should help her" Kd asked sounding concern

Yeah Montana said while already out the car

Why y'all tryna pick that homeless girl up any ways all we know she might have something Yaya looked disgusted and said

"Girl shut yo man looking ass up Kd said you just mad the homeless girl look bettes then you"

Which kind of had ever body geeked

Montana brought the girl back in the car and set he on me

"What you gave her to me fa"

" Because I finna drive move Ben"Montana said like he was in the verge to cry

I touched her and she was dumb cold 🥶

"Y'all don't think it's was because it was could out side"

"I saw her started to slow snuggle up to me and she kind of made me feel some type of way"

I didn't know I was staring that hard until Kd snap me out

"Kentrell ,kentrell, hay man Yaya ball head ass tryna talk  to you"

"Shut up Kd" she said

"We needs to hurry up and get her to the hospital quick she stupid cold. I said frantically


We rushes her inside and  the doctor 👩‍⚕️ quickly took her back their

We was all worried especially Montana you can tell he look like he way about to cry

Kd ass being dramatic ass usual and doing all that fake ass crying

I had no fucken why I'm worried and I don't even know her 

"Kentrell what's yo problem" Yaya asked  why rubbing on me

I put my head in my hand "I'm kind of worried about old girl"

"Smtch" she said and sat pack in the seat

"What yo problem" I pointed at her while kind of getting annoyed

"You over here stressing over an girl you don't know"
"Shut the fuck up yaya ,Dame" cause you starting to piss me off

All she did was sit back and mumbled

~6 hours later~

The doctor came out and every body got up
"The family of Von Jackson"she screamed

"Right here" Montana said

"Well she have ribs that are broken and never healed right and her arms ,both of them that was one of the  problem and they never healed properly  and She have  bruises every where and also cuts. And she have some boiling burns ."

"We want to give you some ornaments to put on their to make the bruises and every thing else go away"

"And what happened to her and her causes of passing out she gotten to cold and she look like she way stressing dramatically and the ribs was another part of it to"

"You may see her when she wakes up witch will probably be in an couple of hours  Any questions ."

"Yeah do you think it's possible to get any DNA 🧬 test while she still sleep".Montana asked

"Yeah it's possible just follow me this ways" she said

We watched Montana walk and left behind

We all looked at each other with an saddening looks

"Dame she must of really went threw it huh"three said

"Dame Kd" said with glossy eyes

"I knew this was tearing him up shid it was tearing all of up and we don't even know old girl"

Montana came back and sat down without saying anything  and put his head in his hand

Eventually 40 minutes went by and the doctor can back

Well we have you DNA 🧬 test and she is indeed your daughter 100%.

Montana a mouth drop.Just like every body's else

I don't know how doctors shit works. So I just threw something together

Because look the girl from ea

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