Wild Girl. (Hiccup X Reader)...

By Red-Ramen

301K 7.5K 4.3K

Hiccup, a boy living in the village Berk. Being a weakling yet the son of the chief. Y/n, a girl flying on he... More

Chapter 1. Berk.
Chapter 2. Night Furies.
Chapter 3. Unholy offsprings.
Chapter 4. Lessons.
Chapter 5. Eels.
Chapter 6. Tail fin and dragon training.
Chapter 7. New outfits.
Chapter 8. Never an option.
Chapter 9. "Leaving!"
Chapter 10. Going for a spin.
Chapter 11. Betrayal.
Chapter 12. Dragonborn.
Chapter 13. The Nest.
Chapter 15. Fire burns.
Chapter 16. Done with.
Special Chapter~ "Happy Snoggletog, Y/n."
D-RoB Chapter 1. Academy.
D-RoB Chapter 2. Flaming squirrel.
D-RoB Chapter 3. Night Problems.
D-RoB Chapter 4. The Dragon Conqueror.
D-RoB Chapter 5. Picking his dragon.
D-RoB Chapter 6. Sickness.
D-RoB Chapter 7. Trust or Nah, part 1.
D-RoB Chapter 8. Trust or Nah, Part 2.
D-RoB Chapter 9. Scars of the Past.
D-RoB Chapter 10. Twin Chaos.
D-RoB Chapter 11. Nasty Landing.
D-RoB Chapter 12. Fears.
D-RoB Chapter 13. Eggs On Berk.
D-RoB Chapter 14. Are We Family? Part 1.
D-RoB Chapter 15. Are We Family? Part 2.
Book two released!!!

Chapter 14. Time to disappear.

9.4K 275 24
By Red-Ramen

Author's Note: Guys, we're getting close to the end of the first movie and I don't know why, but I'm so excited!!

~No one's P.O.V~

"It's working!" Fishlegs exclaimed as the giant dragon began to lose sight, but the noises also affected their dragons.

Hookfang accidentally flew into the side of the dragon, knocking his rider off and onto the dragon's head, "I've lost power on the Gronckle! Snotlout, do something!" Fishlegs shouted, throwing his hammer to him, Astrid flew away on Stormfly before the noises could affect her.

Fishlegs and Meatlug crashed on the ground. The dragon were about to step them down, but stopped in its tracks when one of its many eye stung, "I can't miss! What's wrong, buddy? Something in your eye?" Snotlout asked the dragon as he kept hitting the dragon's eyes with the hammer Fishlegs threw.

"Yeah! You're the Viking!" Astrid cheered on Snotlout as she flew by. Snotlout smiled at the girl, but when the dragon moved, and Snotlout fell off of its head, now hanging on to one of the dragon's horns, "Hey! Whoa!" He shouted when he saw how long he would fall down.

He looked back up and tried to climb back up to its head.

Meanwhile on the burning ship, Y/n tried to get the chains off but they wouldn't budge. The giant beast turned around, its tail hitting the mast of the burning ship, making Y/n jump out of the way before it could land on her.

Its claws then hit the end of the ship, making Shadow fall out of the ship and sink to the bottom of the sea. Y/n fell out too, her hood and mask falling off in the process. She searched for the dragon in the water, she saw her sinking lower and lower and swam down to her.

She tried to pull the chains, but it didn't work, she could feel her lungs beginning to burn up, needing fresh air and yet she refused to leave Shadow's side. She had been gone long enough.

Shadow roared in worry when blood from Y/n's yet to be healed, gash mixed in with the water. But the dragon didn't notice the tears leaving the girl's eyes, she hugged the blue eyed Night Fury, afraid of the fact that this might be their last moment together.

The air slowly left Y/n's lungs as she hugged the black dragon, she slightly pulled away to look in the dragon's blue orbs, they would have continued to stare into each other's eye till there end if it wasn't because of a third member joining them under the water.

Stoick came swimming down, fast. Y/n turned around, glaring at the man, she wished to kill him right at that moment, but she couldn't be so selfish.

She looked at the man and saw his eyes no longer clouded with hate as they had earlier. She glanced back at Shadow, before facing the Viking, they stared for a moment before Y/n hesitantly moved to the side, gesturing the man to get to work with her head.

Y/n began to blur out when Stoick moved towards the dragon, he struggled to get the tree made collar off of the dragon's throat.

He grabbed on to it as Shadow began to roar in worry for Y/n when she saw her slowly sink in the water, bobbles flying out of her open mouth.

Stoick finally reared the collar off of the dragon and with out second thought, Shadow grabbed Y/n in one paw and Stoick with another, quickly getting out of the water.

She threw Stoick on the ground while she carefully landed with Y/n in her paws, "Y/n!" Hiccup shouted as he ran to her, Toothless right behind him.

Y/n didn't move, she were just laying there, "No..." Hiccup slowed down. Toothless kept running to his best friends, when he reached he nuzzled his sister, so happy to see her with out being hurt before turning his head to Y/n.

He nudged her head but it just fell back, Shadow whimpered when they didn't get a response from the girl.

Desperate, Toothless nudged her head a little harder, gaining a roar from Shadow as she held her closer to her chest. Toothless growled at Shadow when he lost sight of the girl he cared so much for.

Hiccup stood there not knowing what to do while the others were fighting to keep going.

Toothless' growl got louder when Shadow spread her wings around the girl, making him lose his sight of her completely.

It's not over yet.

Y/n felt her lungs burn once again.

What are you doing, laying there?

Shadow's eyes widened when the sound of coughing were heard from inside her wings.

It's not the time to give up.

Shadow opened her wings, revealing Y/n coughing water up. Toothless ran to her, Toothless and Shadow both ignoring the fight they just had as the girl they called their sister were still alive.

"Thank you, guys." She thanked them as they helped her stand up. She looked at Hiccup, who had tears running down his cheeks. She gave a small reassuring smile.

Stoick watched from behind them as Y/n turned her gaze to the giant dragon, "It's time to take this guy down, don't you think?" She asked as she clenched her fists, Shadow and Toothless growled beside her in agreement as they both glared at the dragon.

"Come on." She said, getting on Shadow while she pulled her soaked mask on, letting the hood stay down. She looked back at Hiccup along with the two Night Furies, Toothless growled, telling him to get on, but not in a threatening way.

"Are you coming or what?" Y/n asked him, he stood there for a few seconds, "You got it." He said, running up to Toothless. Getting on his saddle, he placed his feet in the pedals.

"Kid!" They heard a rough voice behind them, Stoick grabbed Hiccup's arm as he set his hook in place on the saddle.

He looked at the girl with a mask, "I'm sorry... for everything. For what I did to you two. And to your dragons." Y/n didn't turn to the Viking chief, but she did speak up, "How did you know where I were?" She asked in a monotone voice.

"Hiccup told me to help." That caught Y/n off guard, she glanced back at the Stoick, "Why did you help Shadow?"

Stoick took some time to find the right words, "You're not a threat." He told her, "You never were. And neither were the dragons." Y/n's gaze turned back to the dragon with six eyes.

"That's all I needed to hear."

"Hiccup," Stoick began, looking at his son, "You don't have to say anything- I'm sorry, too." Hiccup cut his father off.

"Hiccup, we don't have much time left."

"You two don't have to go up there." The chief of Berk told them both, shaking his head.

"That beast have controlled these dragons long enough, it's time for it to pay." Y/n stated, glaring.

At that one moment, Stoick saw something in her eyes, she were beyond angry, he could see the hatred in her eyes.

At that moment, he knew what she were doing, who she was.

She were protecting her people, like every chief would do. Like every alpha would do. She were protecting her people, the dragons.

Hiccup chuckled a bit, looking at his dad with a little smile, "We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard."

Stoick held on to Hiccup's hand with a tight grip, "I'm proud to call you my son." He sincerely told him, "Thanks, Dad."

Letting go of his hand, he went to Y/n, placing his hand softly on top of hers, "You'll always be welcome at Berk."

"Yeah, sure." Y/n responded, not taking him seriously, "Come on, Hiccup!" She shouted, flying straight up on Shadow. Hiccup nodded, following the girl.

Toothless and Shadow roared as they got up, "They're up!" Astrid told the others as she flew along side the twins.

"Get Snotlout out of there!" She commanded the twins before flying in a circle, gaining the dragon's attention.

"I'm on it!"

"I'm on it first!"

"Hey, let me drive!" The twins began to bicker as they flew towards the dragon, they kicked and punched each other, "Hey, don't push me!" Tuffnut complained as he almost fell off the dragon.

"I'll take your teeth out!" Ruffnut shouted back at her brother, the dragon's attention were on the twins, and so were Snotlout's.

As they continued to bicker, Snotlout took a deep breath before running along the dragon's head, he jumped off of the dragon and right in between Barf and Belch, landing on the dragon, "I can't believe that worked!" Tuffnut cheered.

They turned to fly away from the dragon with Astrid right behind them, but the giant were sucking in the air to fire a blast, catching Astrid and Stormfly in the wind as they couldn't get away.

The blonde Viking and her dragon slowly got sucked in by the dragon when a high pitched sound were heard from south, a Night Fury making its appearance.

"Night Fury!" A man shouted to the others when he saw the blue eyed Night Fury coming dive-bombing in, "Get down!" Gobber warned and the villagers got closer to the ground, hiding under their shields if they had any.

Before Astrid and her dragon could get sucked into the mouth of the Red Death, Shadow shot a plasma blast in its mouth while dive-bombing before fly by, Y/n looked back.

She saw as Astrid fell, screaming on top of her lungs when another Night Fury flew by in a fast speed, catching the girl by her foot.

Y/n flew over to the brunette and his dragon, "Did you get her?" Hiccup asked Toothless as he patted his cheek, Toothless looked down at the girl, who were upside down.

She smiled at the green eyed dragon, he mimicked her smile, giving her a playful growl as he threw her over to Shadow and she caught her by her other leg.

Both Y/n and Shadow looked down at the girl, "We're gonna take it from here." Y/n Sadi with a confident smile along with Shadow's grin. Astrid just couldn't see Y/n's smile.

The giant dragon roared as Shadow threw Astrid around to grab her by her arms instead and let her on the ground carefully before she flew off to save the day with Y/n.

"Go." Astrid panted while she watched Shadow and Y/n making their way to Hiccup and Toothless.

"That thing has wings." Hiccup said when the girl's got over to them, they flew straight up, Y/n looked back at the beast, acknowledging Hiccup's idea, she looked back at him with determination in her eyes, "Okay, let's see if it can use them!"

They turned around at the same time, going towards the violent dragon. Shadow and Toothless held their wings close to their bodies to get more speed as they dived towards the beast.

"Now!" And on cue, both Night Furies let out a plasma blast, the Red Death roared in pain as it fell to the ground from the power of the two blasts. While the two teens flew by.

The dust from its fall made it hard to see for the Vikings, but they could clearly see the giant wing slowly opening as if they hadn't been used in years.

"You think that did it?" Hiccup asked, looking back to get his answer, and oh, he got his answer when the dragon rose from the ground, slowly beating its big, tattered wings. It roared and glared at the humans along with the dragons.

"Well, it can fly." Y/n said when she saw the dragon following them. Toothless sped up with Shadow following behind as they flew in between sea stacks.

The areas being too neat for the dragon to get through, it slowed it down as it decided to crash into the sea stacks instead of avoiding them.

"Shadow!" Y/n called to the dragon, she blasted one of the rocks from the sea stacks that were about to hit the males, "Thanks." Hiccup thanked while Toothless gave a happy roar. Y/n nodded in response while Shadow gurgled.

The Vikings cheered when they saw the dragons and teens flying by. The loudest cheers being from the teens.




While they cheered, Stoick watched with worry and fear, and yet there were proud shine in his eyes as he watched his son and the girl the brunette liked.
Astrid gasped in wonder when they flew by, seeing how calm Y/n were made her eyes shine in wonder.

That wonder where pushed away when the Red Death got into view and crashed through another sea stack, making the dust and wind from it hitting the Vikings.

Y/n didn't have to look back to know the dragon were right behind them, she stated to look around as she thought for a way to win the fight. Shadow roared, looking up, Y/n looked up at the dark clouds, "Oh, I love you, Shadow!" She smirked.

"Okay, Toothless, time to disappear!" She called to the males as she sped up and flew towards the dark clouds, she let Hiccup and Toothless in the front, knowing it was too dangerous for them to be closer to the giant beast, she followed right behind. The Red Death right behind them, "Come on, bud!" Hiccup called as they got closer to the clouds.

While Shadow and Y/n had to change direction constantly when the dragon tried to snap after them, when it shrieked, they both knew what it meant, "Here it comes!" She warned and the females along with males quickly avoided the fire blast.

The crowd on the ground watched as they could see the giant enter the dark grey clouds, and soon enough were out of sight.

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