Different Dimensions (FTO/OOO...

By Hangy_Wangy

27.8K 646 473

In FTO, Mario, Daveed and Brandon were training when a mysterious green portal appears out of nowhere. After... More

Intro to Story
Thank You!
Portals and Mystery Dude (Chp 1)
Decide pls
He's back?! (Chp 2 Pt 1)
He's back? (Chp 2 Pt 2)
Face Reveal
Terrified Mario (Chp 3 Pt 1)
More introductions! (Chp 4 Pt 1)
New people Attack!(Chp 4 Pt2)
Another Enemy? (Chp 5 Pt 1)
Thank you!
Dreams and Riddles (Chp 5 Pt 2)
Earthquakes & Riddles (Chp 6 Pt 1)
Earthquakes & Riddles (Chp 6 Pt 2)
Going Home... (Chp 7 Finale)

Not-so-terrified Mario (Chp 3 Pt 2)

1.4K 41 59
By Hangy_Wangy

(A/N: It has been quite a while since I have updated this story (for me it has been). I have been busy for the past week or so and haven't had many ideas for this chapter. If you have any ideas for me for this story, pls share! My brain can't think of many ideas ;-;. Also, I am thinking of making an FTO x Pokemon story! If any of you enjoy pokemon as much as I do (I can name any pokemon (In an image or shadow) from gen 1 to gen 6 (Kanto to Kalos)), pls let me know if you want that story! I already have MANY plans so... yeah! That's enough from me so... HOPE YOU ENJOY THE CHAPTER!! P.s If anyone wants to know what the pokemon things will be like, I will upload a oneshot of it. Sorry that this is such a long A/N :s)

Outside the infirmary of Camp Oasis...

(Xylo's POV)

After putting 'Mario' on the bed, I left the infirmary. Once I got outside, I saw Kaykrae and Bryan yelling at each other so I ran in to stop them.

"Hey! Stop it you two!" I yelled as I walked into them and held each hand in front of them. They back away from each other, Bryan was glaring at me and Kay looked at me as to say 'thank you'. I smiled and nodded then turned to Bryan.

"What happened?" I asked Bryan.

He huffed and said, "I came to ask Mario why he cheated on Kay but she said that he didn't. I argued back saying he did and he even admitted it. Then she said that he's from 'another dimension'?!"

"Well, he is," I said calmly.

Bryan just looked at me, dumbfounded, "Excuse me?"

I sighed at the idiot. "This Mario is from another dimension. This means that he never was in a relationship with Kay." He looks at the infirmary with a weird look, then back at me and Kay.

"Wait, he really is?" He said, still puzzled.

"Yes, have you not noticed his clothes has changed, he is quite taller, and he doesn't have lightning powers? Instead, he has weird earth dragon powers." I explained to him, irritated. He finally made the 'oh' face, showing that he finally realised what I was saying. "Do you finally understand?"

He nodded. I sighed in relief that I no longer have to explain. "Good."

"Hey, Kay, sorry for yelling at you. Also, I might want to apologize to Mario for attacking him, when he wakes up of course." Bryan says while rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's alright, Bryan. Plus yes, that would be a good idea. Now how about we come back later to check up on him?" Kay suggested. Bryan and I nodded our heads as we left to our cabins.

~~~Few Hours Later~~~

(Mario's POV)

I woke up in a room that looked kind of like the infirmary in our guild. Though, it looked more like a cabin than an infirmary.

"Where the hell am I?" I said out loud to literally no one.

"You are in the Camp Oasis infirmary, Mario. How are you feeling?" I turned my head to face the door and saw three people from before. One was the person with purple clothing, the lady with the snake tail and the Bryan look-alike. I felt my blood boil at the thought of Bryan attacking me again.

"Umm good? Who are you guys and what is he doing here?" I say with confusion and anger in my voice as I point to Bryan."

"Well, that's great! Sorry for attacking you earlier. It's just you look like someone we know who is also called Mario and she is his girlfriend." Bryan says while pointing to snake lady before adding on. "Also, as you know, my name is Bryan, son of Aphrodite."

Next to introduce themselves was the purple man. "My name is Xylo, son of Hades. Originally son of Apollo."

Lastly, Snake lady introduced herself. "I'm Kaykrae, the camp counsellor of Camp Oasis. I am not the daughter of a god or goddess as I am a naga."

"Well, hello... I guess," I started off. "My name is Mario, A-rank cavern dragon slayer of the Divinus Magia Guild of Alantide." They looked at me, puzzled.

"What's a guild?" Kay asked. I looked at her, trying to figure out a way to explain it.

"A guild is where various magic users come together as a group to fulfil a purpose they set for themselves. Different guilds have different purposes. In Alantide, there are four main guilds; my guild, Divinus Magia, Grimshade, the Wandering Coins and the Protectors. My guild's purpose is to help ex-criminals like me to make up for all the crimes and wrongs we have committed. The Protectors is quite self-explanatory because they protect everyone. I don't know about Grimshade or the coins so that's it."

They look at me with curious faces, then Xylo spoke up. "Since there is another you in this world, are their other of us in your worlds? Like, do we have counterparts."

I nodded. They got excited and Kay spoke up this time.

"Well, how about we tell the other campers and Mario can explain to them?" Xylo, Bryan and Kay looked at me with puppy eyes.

I sighed "Fine. I'll explain your counterparts." They jumped and raced out the door to tell everyone else.

'What did I get myself into?' I thought to myself as I was walking out of the infirmary.

~~~~Ten mins later~~~~

I finally found the place where everyone was. As I walked in the door, everyone turned around and looked at me, confused.

"Mario? What the hell are you wearing?" Someone with redish-tipped white hair said.

I shrugged and walked over to Kay and Xylo.

"Alright, everyone. May I have your attention!" Kay yelled, getting the attention of everyone. She carried on. "This is Mario, and yes he looks like who you think he is but he isn't. Mario, would you like to explain?"

I stood up. "Sure. My name is Mario, as you already know. I am the A-Rank cavern dragon slayer of the Divinus Magia guild in Alantide."

Everyone looked at me, shocked and baffled.

A boy with ginger hair raised his hand, but I already knew what the question is.

"What's a guild?" He asked.

I sighed, irritated that I must explain this again.

One explanation later

As I finished explaining, I got a chorus of oh's from everyone.

"Hey, since you have a counterpart in this world, do we also have counterparts in your world?" A blue haired man said.

'I'm seriously getting a sense of deja-vu here' I sighed for like the millionth time today.

"Yes there are, but first, who are you guys?" I asked, realising that I don't know anyone here.

"Well, I'm Ritchie, son of Hermes."

"I'm Austin, son of Apollo."

"I'm Michael, son of Athena. Pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Bri, daughter of Aphrodite. One of Bryan's sisters."

"I'm Lily, daughter of Aphrodite and Bryan's other sister."

"I'm Colin, son of Momus. David's brother and Lily's boyfriend." He said as he wrapped an arm around Lily.

"I'm Jake, son of Kione but raised by Poseidon. Technically Mitch's brother. Also, Bryan's boyfriend" He says while hugging Bryan.

"I'm Mitch, son of Poseidon and Jake's technical brother."

"I'm Brandeen, son of Ares."

"I'm Brick, son of Hades. Xylo's actual brother."

"I'm Seekah, son of Ares. Brandeen's brother."

"I'm David, son of Momus."

'He looks alot like Daveed... I miss his stupid smile.'

I looked over everyone to see someone who looks like a cowboy Inmo.

Kay sees where I'm looking and speaks. "Oh, that's Inmo, son of Hermes or Ritchie's brother. He's mute so he doesn't talk."

'That is SO weirdly different compared  to Inmo back at home."

"Oh ok. So I guess I shall start talking about your counterparts then?" I asked and everyone nodded there heads.

"Well, Ritchie. You are one of the guild leaders of my guild, Divinus Magia. You have a twin, who is the other guild leader of the guild. You are a lightning devil slayer. Also, Ritchie from my world doesn't have ginger hair. His is dark blue. You also like my world's Michael." I say as I looked over to see him a large blush on his and Michael's face.

"U-Uhh..." They were both speechless.

"Anyways, Austin. I haven't actually spoken to you properly. You are the guild leader of The Wandering Coins after the other leader, Reaper, was killed. You are a requip mage." Austin looks at me excitingly. He then jumps around happily.

"Also, your girlfriend is Bri or Dream." I added on and he stopped dead in his tracks. He slowly turned to me with his face as red as a beetroot.

"Wha-What?!" They said in unison. I just carried on.

"Michael... Well. You are an interesting human." He looks at me confused.

"What do you mean?"

"You are a very short guild leader of Grimshade. You are a shadow god slayer. You look like you haven't slept in years and you also like Ritchie back." Now that I have explained, his face was a bright shade of red and looking at Ritchie, who was returning the look.

"Moving on, Bri. You are the guild leader of the Protectors guild and I don't know what your magic is. Your boyfriend is Silver or Austin and you are the queen of dragons." Once again, someone's face turned red.

"Lily, I have literally never talked to you. No offense but I never go to Grimshade. You are the A-Classed resident bartender and Colin is your boyfriend." She looks at me with a smile. 'That's the most normal look I've had since I got here'

"Not suprised, Colin's my boyfriend here too!" She says while hugging him and he hugs back.

I nodded and carried on.

"Colin, you're a b-rank shadow dragon slayer from Grimshade. Obviously Lily is your girlfriend. Also, I think of you as a little brother as I am also a Dragon Slayer and we decided to make a pack together with the other dragon slayers."

"Cool." Was all that was said from his mouth.

"Umm Jake, you are actually called Jakey in my realm and you actually have light blue hair. You are a B-Class time mage and are in the Protectors guild. There is also a little yellow creature that follows you and his name is Oliver. Your boyfriend is Bryan and there is an evil future self of you who is trying to change the timeline." I say and this shocked Jake.

"Wait what do you mean future-self?"

"Jakey in the future came back in time to change the timeline. I don't know why though." He slowly nodded.

"Mitch, or AngrySnekBoi in my world. You are a poison dragon slayer of Grimshade. You don't like anybody and are very rude. Although, you somehow like someone called Pat? I dunno. I also consider you a brother as well as colin because, well, you're a dragon slayer." He looked totally baffled.

"Brandeen? You look very different compared to my Brandon, who is Ritchie's twin. You are a wind devil slayer and can fly. You are the other guild leader of Divinus Magia. I don't know whether you like anyone becaude you are very private."

He simply nods his head.

"Brick? I have never met you so I can't say anything. Can say the same for Seekah. I haven't talked to either of you and know nothing about you other than Seekah is an Ice mage."
I say and they look at me sad.

I look over to David with a sad smile on my face.

"David, you are an ice devil slayer of Divinus Magia. You have a tendancy to strip every now and then and it irritates Ritchie alot. You have an open door policy because you literally don't have a door. You don't have ginger hair. Instead, you have black like mine. Also..." My eyes started to water as I started the last bit. Everyone was shocked at this.

"Also what?" David asked, curious and confused by why I'm crying.

I sniffed. "You're... M-My b-boyfriend."
This made me realise how much I missed him. This also made the room go silent.


(A/N: Ayy, chapter 3 is complete! I really couldn't think of an ending and it's literally 12 in the morning. I can't sleep so I decided to write this. Hope you enjoy and leave me some ideas for the next chapter! Remember, it's in the FTO POV next!)

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