B6)The Lycans Boss

By Love-Saya-Chan

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(Uploads Monday & Fridday) Grace left home with Lucy in search of a cure for Andre. Along the way, Andre begi... More

1: Temporary Andre
2: Tremor
3: Escape
4: Weird Magic
5: Larry/Blaise
6: HideOut
7: Baby's First Words?
8: Claimed
9: Mysterious Cathedral
10: Betrayal
11: I win
12: Darkness
13: Too late
14: Year One
15: Reflection
16: Sisters Bonding
17: See
18: Conquering Grace
19: Baby Light
20: Punishment
21: Failure
22: Year Two
23: Breaking
24: Accept?
25: Year Three
26: Luciana and Kiki's Secret
27: Bethy's Arrival
28: Greatest Sin
29: Dolores Attack
30: Year Four
31: Unexpected Guests
32: A Promise
33: Issues
34: Year 5 of the Begining
35: Make A Move
36: Final Moments?
37: Dolores Last Trick
38: Where Is Grace?
39: Found?


158 5 1
By Love-Saya-Chan

Grace blinked a couple of times and sat up, she stretched. "Did you sleep well?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah," she sighed. "It's good to sleep on a bed."

"Yup," she smiled. "Eat some breakfast, then we need to head out, Andre is becoming reckless, I had to put him to sleep again, the potions aren't helping, he burns through it quickly, it's like he's fighting sleep."

"Andre is a fighter," Grace smiled.

Lucy placed a hand on her belly. "I would've had suggested for you to stay at home since your pregnant, but you would've had said no."

"Exactly," she stood and washed up. "How long until we get to your hometown?"

"Not long," she said. "We have two days, depending on the obstacles we may encounter like those thieves."

Grace chuckled. "About now, the potion should've had worn off, right?"

"Yeah," Lucy laughed. "Unless a coyote had them for lunch."

Grace wrinkled her nose. "Right," she got dressed. "I hope my family is alright; something always tends to happen."

"I'm sure they are okay," Lucy said. "Besides, I did leave protective spells on each corner of the lands."

"Thanks," Grace sat down and drank the tea. "Hmm, sweet."

After breakfast, they gathered their things and made their way out of town. Andre was wide awake and restless. He wanted to get out. "Calm down, Andre," Grace sighed. "I get that you want to get out, but that's not going to happen. Your danger to yourself and everyone, including us."

Andre calmed down and lowered down to sniff her stomach.

"Hmm," she looked down.

"I think Andre senses the baby," Lucy said.

Grace smiled. "Yes, there's a baby in there, and no it's not yours, remember we talked about it."

"I can tell Andre recognizes your voice," Lucy said. "And that's a good thing; maybe we won't need any potions, maybe Andre will come out of that state on his own."

"Yeah," Grace reached between the bars and stroke Andres nose. "Everything will be okay; I won't ever leave your side."

The journey to Lucy's home was long and exhausting, they encounter more thieves, and Andre escaped twice. But he always came back, bloody and angry. Lucy said it was animal blood.

And now they arrived in the town. "Wow," Grace looked back. "It's like I enter a different world, it's so, gloomy here. Why is it so dim?"

"It suits us," Lucy said.

"Oh," Grace frowned. "But how is everything lit?"

"Crystals," Lucy said. "There dosed in magic, and they create an illusion so the humans that stumble upon our town will go through it, they'll think it's an ordinary road."

"Oh, clever," Grace looked around. "Your town is beautiful."

"Thank you," she smiled. "Now, let's get to my house."

Grace looked at Andre, who was asleep; there was no need to knock him out anymore.

The wagon stopped. Grace looked at the small house. "It's so small."

Lucy chuckled. "Is it now?"

Grace got off and followed Lucy inside. "Oh, huh?"

"Illusion," Lucy said. "The outside looks small, but in reality, it's huge."

"I see," Grace smiled. "Where are we going to put Andre?"

"The bottom floor," she said. "Let's get Andre inside."

Grace went back to Andre and found him growling at a woman, who was provoking him. "Filthy Lycan, what are you doing here? When the council finds out about you, they'll cut you down, dirty mutt!" The woman jams him with a cane.

"Hey!" Grace ran over. "Leave my husband alone!"

"Goodness," the woman wrinkled her nose. "This town is getting infested with dirty mutts! How did you get in here?! Answer me, girl!"

"Dolores," Lucy walked out of the house. "I thought we have agreed you would stay out of my property."

"Lucy," Dolores glared. "I knew it had to be you who brought them," she spat on the ground. "Your bringing danger to our town."

"I was allowed to bring them," Lucy said. "My grandma, Luciana, allowed me to bring them so that I may help them. You can ask if you want."

"Your grandma has lost her mind," Dolores said.

"And don't ever, insult my guests," Lucy's eyes change to a bright purple color. "I warn you now, Dolores, I have been suppressing my anger after you tried to kill Zoey, but I won't tolerate your behavior any longer. Don't ever come on to my property; if you do, I will kill you."

"Just like your mother," Dolores said. "I'm happy I'm going to see that woman burn," she laughed and left.

"What an evil woman," Grace said.

Lucy groaned. "Yup, Dolores is the wicked Witch, who hates outsiders and is old fashion, she's also my grandma's sister."

"Family, sucks," Grace turned and looked at Andre. "Calm down, the evil woman is gone, it's alright," she pats his nose. "Open it up."

Lucy nodded. "Careful."

"Andre, come along," Grace smiled. "It's okay, I'm here," she grabbed his hand and led him inside the house and down the basement. "You need to stay here; it's too dangerous for you to be wandering around."

Andre growled and nudged her.

"I know you don't like it," she kissed his nose. "But until you change back, you need to stay here, don't worry, I'll be okay, and I'll come to see you, not stay."

Grace followed Lucy back upstairs. She hated leaving Andre there, but it's for his safety, she doesn't want that woman to keep tormenting him.

"Let's get settle in," Lucy said. "You can have the room closest to the basement, that way you can be closer to Andre."

"Thank you," she smiled.


"Dolores," Luciana sighed. "I don't understand why your here, again, complaining about my granddaughter."

"You know why," Dolores said. "How could you allow Lucy to bring those disgusting mutts into our town."

Luciana sighed. "Because my daughter caused them problems, and I'm going to repay them by helping the young man who lost his companion due to my daughter's mistakes."

"That's not our problem," Dolores said. "Let their Alpha deal with them, send them back."

"No," Luciana glared. "Dolores, do not forget, your still und4er watch for trying to kill Zoey, and for all your little lies and misbehaving. Do you understand why mother never picked you, the eldest, to become the HeadMaster? It's because of the way you act; you follow laws that are no longer valid. Please, sister, if you're not going to say nice things to treat people with respect, keep your distance, for the next few days we'll be discussing Bethy's punishment, and later a trial will be held, so don't be stopping by, we'll be busy."

"Mother," Kat walked in. "Dolores."

"No respect," Dolores glared. "I see the mutt inside you hasn't been taken out yet."

Kat glared. "Mother, I need to speak to you privately."

Dolores scoffs and left slamming the doors shut.

"She's getting worse," Kat said. "How long until she dies?" She covers her mouth. "That wasn't me."

Luciana smiled. "It's alright," she walked over and held her daughter. "Hmm, you're warmer than before."

"I know," she sighed. "Mother, if the worst is to come and I become the wolf, with no memories, help her."

Luciana sighed. "I can't believe this; I'm losing both of my daughters."

"You still have Her," Kat said.

"No," Luciana shook her head. "That one can never get out; there is no hope for Her."

"Hmm," Kat stepped back. "Mother, I fear She will escape, I have this terrible feeling in my chest as if a curse will fall upon us, we prepare for anything."

"Right," Luciana sighed. "Anyways, Lucy is back with her two guests, why don't you go and visit them, and see how bad is the man's condition."

"I will," Kat kissed her cheek. "I'll see you later, and also, please keep me inform about Bethy's trial."

"I will," Luciana said. "Now, go in peace."

Kat left the room.

Luciana gripped the rainbow jewel around her neck; she must alert the others and prepare for the evil that's about to unleash upon this town and world.


Grace Kenzie, blond hair, blue eyes, scent blossoms, Wolf/Lycan

Andre Lycan, brown hair light brown eyes, Lycan

Lucy Lagoon, black hair, green eyes, Witch (Genesis The Demon)

Bethy Lagoon, dark red hair, green eyes, Witch

Kiki Lagoon, black hair (sometimes different colors depending on her mood), light green eyes, Witch

Lani Lagoon, dark hair, unnatural yellow-orange eyes with red, Evil Witch

Dolores Lagoon, brown-grey hair, brown eyes, Witch

Kelsy Flower, blonde hair, blue eyes, Vampire (Dead)

Larry/Blaise, dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, Warlock (Dead)

It's here, the last book of the Lycan series, but it won't be over yet, it'll continue in future generations.





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