A Bullet is the Key.

By haleycomet246

1.7K 61 2

It was supposed to be simple... Except there is always the calm before the storm and in this case.. the silen... More

Chapter 1
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 2
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 3
The Bullet is the Key
Chapter 4
A bullet is the key
Chapter 5
A bullet is the Key
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 8
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 9
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 10
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 11
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 12
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 13
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 14
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 15
A Bullet is the Key
Final Chapter
A Bullet is the Key

A bullet is the Key

61 2 0
By haleycomet246

 My heart beat faster in fear of what else I would find in this room, so I quickly left the room and raced out of the hallway. I didn’t watch where I was going and collided with a hard solid wall. When did they put I wall in front of the door? I thought before I felt familiar arms wrap around my waist to keep me upright from falling to the ground, pulling me into the warm wall, which now I realize as a body. His arms tightened around me as he pressed my face harder into his chest. As I had been running away from that room I hadn’t realized that the doors had been opened as if someone was coming inside when I collided with them in the entrance way.

“Bell” he whispered my name against my hair.

“Ryder I… was so scared… don’t go please…” I sobbed against his chest my hands gripping the fabric of his shirt tighter, my knuckles turning white.

“Emma!” I heard Chrissie scream; though this time around her voice wasn’t hard but filled with fear.

I pulled my face away from Ryder’s chest to see a very pissed off Bobby charging at Ryder, my eyes went wide.

“Ryder!” I screamed and pushed him away from me just as Bobby swung his fist and barely brushed Ryder’s cheek with his fist. The momentum of Bobby’s fist flying at Ryder’s face though caused me to be inches away from the impact myself.

“Bobby!” I screamed. He didn’t hear me as he lunged once again at Ryder, but this time by the look in Ryder’s eyes he wouldn’t back down.

I felt arms pull me out of the way so I wouldn’t be hit as I had just barely missed Bobby’s first attempt to hit Ryder; turning my head I was surprised to see Chrissie was the one next to me. Looking back at the two boys before me I watched as Bobby threw a punch and Ryder dodged it before sending his flying into a wide eyed Bobby, the sound of fist hitting skin echoed.

“Chrissie what the hell?” I asked her not taking my eyes away from the two boys before me.

“Emma do not look more into that day please, it’ll bring you only pain and suffering. Please” I heard her whisper next to me. I didn’t pay attention to what she had just said because in that moment Bobby lunged and took Ryder down into the snow. A punch was thrown but Ryder blocked it before crashing his fist into Bobby’s nose, he looked smug as he heard the satisfying sound of the bone cracking. Bobby groaned and rolled off of Ryder as he held his gushing nose, he took his hands form his nose to spit out the blood onto the snow. Blood poured from his and you could already start to see the discoloration of the area around nose where it was changing to black and blue. His eyes were full of hate.

“Don’t you dare touch me you scum bug” Ryder snarled in a deadly voice as he got up off the ground.

“You deserve that you son of a bitch, she is mine!” Bobby screamed as blood flowed from his nose, the sight was horrifying.

“Emma I am sorry for whatever will come to happen, I’ll try to stop it and I regret it.” I heard Chrissie mumble beside me, I took my eyes away from the boys fighting and looked at her as she held regret in her eyes.

“What?” I whispered.

“I can’t tell you, just please be careful who you trust some people aren’t who they seem to be, its an act to get your attention and trust,” was her last words as she walked off with her head down. I heard a groan as Bobby made his way back to his feet, his chest rising and falling rapidly. I looked at Ryder to see he only had a growing bruise on his cheek and a busted lip. My heart filled with pride at the man before me, I knew he could kick anyone’s ass. Bobby was finally up on shaky feet he stumbled towards me, just as he went to reach for my arm I was pulled away and into the familiar chest of Ryder.

Bobby’s eyes flashed with anger, “Give her to me” he snarled.

Ryder just held me tighter; I could feel his body begin to shake with anger.

“NO” was the only words he spoke. I watched as Bobby began to shake as well, his nose was dripping blood as he stood there the amount of bleeding had stopped but now it was swelling and it would be hard for him to see soon. I heard footsteps come up from behind Ryder and I felt the presence of Jace stand beside him.

“Leave Bobby” Jace’s voice said with anger. Bobby didn’t move, Ryder was still shaking and by the tone of Jace’s voice he was prepared to attack him if he didn’t leave. Bobby just glared at the two boys behind me. I knew that they had the same look on their faces as well. All three of them wouldn’t back down from their glaring contest.

“Enough!” a voice yelled, I turned to see Bryan and Mike making their way over. It was Bryan who spoke.

“Bobby leave her alone and stop trying to start fights with Ryder” he said calmly once he was closer, it was odd because in one moment I’m in Ryder’s arms then the next I was sandwiched between Mike and Bryan. Soon I realized why once I heard skin makes contact with skin again earning an annoyed sigh from my lips.

“What the hell” I mumbled when I turned around to see Jace punching Bobby one more time in the face before backing up. Ryder stood off to the side with a smug look on his face.

“I hope I broke your nose more you son of a bitch!” Jace yelled, his body heaving as he let all his anger out.

“I’ll have her soon anyways” Bobby said as stood up and made his way to the nurse’s office to fix his busted up face, his hand once again holding his nose as the blood gushed out.

Fear crept up my spine as I heard his threat; Bryan tightened his arm tighter around me.

“Ry” I whispered. Ryder turned toward me and saw the look on my face cause in the next second I was back in his arms. His hand rubbing down my hair, he whispered sweet nothings in my ear. I didn’t even realize the boys had left and we were standing alone in the quad.

“Come on we have to get you to class Bell” He grabbed my hand and pulled me after him. We walked in silence as we made our way to where my class was his class was across campus. He would be late. Once at my door for my management class I turned around with a small smile on my face.

“Thank you” I told him softly.

“What was in that room Bell?” his hands still held me softly but tightly as he pulled me closer to his body.

“Ryder… I can we talk about this later please?” I begged him. He just nodded his head at me as I turned around and made my way into the room. Everyone’s eyes were on me as I entered and took my seat. I didn’t care that whispers were going on around me. Taking out my notebook I began to write down what was on the board, as well as doodle on the page margin. As I heard the teacher continue talking I began to write down on a separate piece of paper about the coming carnival.


Date: March 30

Time: 10am-8pm

-Ferris Wheel, Carousel, food trucks, Booths, pony rides, merry go-round-


-Dollar for each booth, food booth two dollars, rides all cost 3 dollars each-

The professor’s voice droned on and on as she continued with her lesson. My pen had a mind of its own as I doodled on the edge of my paper, swirling lines around and around. Thoughts filled my head about what I had seen in the old green house. I cannot believe the haunted eerie feeling that crept up my spine and into my mind. After I had seen those alarming ghastly words written across pictures taken of me- pictures that I had no idea had even been taken. Though some of the pictures seemed to have been taken in familiar places where a select few of our classmates hung out at like Chrissie, Tori, Bobby, Ryan, Sydney and others. Could it be one of my classmates taking the pictures? The penmanship was messy and splotchy from the red paint that it was hard to decipher if it was written by a man or woman.

A dreadful feeling began to creep into my bones and make my thoughts spiral out of control.

Irrational things came to mind, things that make no sense at all. Like why is it hard to hold your breath forever under water? Why does the sky look blue? Why do we park in a driveway and drive on a parkway? Why was Bobby acting like he owned me?


Glancing up I noticed the professor had finished her lesson and that class had ended. Grabbing my stuff I got up and made my way down the stairs and out the door. The click of my heels echoed against the floor, my feet still ached from my bat out of hell run I did this morning. Why did I decide to wear heels? I still have no idea if Ryder got out of sight before that unknown person entered the hallway because my curiosity was starting to get the best of me. People moved past me in a flash.

“Emma” I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around to face Mike.

“Yes” He came to stand before me, his eyes held anticipation as well as a serious look that was shadowed. Looking around him in a suspicious manner he dragged me into the nearest empty lecture room and locked the door behind us. He let go of my arm and took a tentative step back. His eyes now looked guarded.

“Mike what is wrong?” worry slipping into my tone. I took a step forward as he took a step back and sat in the seat nearest to him.

“They know Emmie,” he mumbled while he placed his head in his hands, I watched the look of anguish cross his face. His normal peaceful brown eyes looked tortured and full anguish.

“They know what Mike?” worry laced my voice as I took a step toward him and kneeled in front of him. Taking his hand in mine I gave it a slight squeeze.

“I don’t know how they know… Emmie.” He just rambled non-coherent words and ignored my first question.

“Mike what do they know?”

I watched as a tortured flashed across his eyes, his mouth opened then closed like a fish before he finally spoke.

“Someone found out about me and Bryan being together.” He spoke in a barely audible whisper. A gasp left my lips.

“Oh Mike,” I said softly as I wrapped my arms around him pulling him to me as I felt his body shake with unshed tears. I could feel his distress as if it was my own. There is a thing that must be told, Mike and Bryan are gay they have been for many years. It is a secret among those few who know what they hide. For someone to leak this secret it would devastate the boys so much and their hearts would be crushed beyond repair. They would be looked down upon by the football team and made fun of in the locker room. His body continued to shake in my arms. I could not imagine how much suffering he must be feeling at this moment, a secret this big would make you want to hide though they shouldn’t have to hide who they really are. As I processed what he said it made me think of what Sydney had said about Emily leaving for a reason. Could this person be the one who made her and Torrance leave as well as know the secret between Mike and Bryan?

My heart dropped.

Mike sobbed in my arms his tears sinking into my shirt. I just held him in my arms as he just cried; this was hard on him I know. My big footballer was in tears. 

"Does Bryan know?" I whispered softly. He didn’t speak just shook his head at me, signaling that Bryan still had no idea. Pulling back slowly I cupped his face in my hands and starred into his brown eyes, they lost their spark as a faded glaze look covered them. Standing up I grabbed Mike and pulled him up with me as we got closer to the door, I turned and whipped his eyes. Red rims circled them now.

We stepped into the hallway; classes had not begun yet so we made our way to the outside quad.

Mike wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me tighter to his side. A thought crossed my mind, why was he holding me close? I should have known the answer to that question before we stepped outside because the moment my feet walked out the door I was twisted to face him. He had a sorry look in his eyes as his face descended toward mine causing my eyes to go wide.

“Mike… don’t you dare-“my voice was cut off when his lips touched mine, it felt odd. A gasp sounded from behind us put he didn’t pull back. My lips were frozen in place and I could not comprehend what the hell was going on around me. Because all I knew was Mike’s lips were on mine and it felt weird considering it felt like I was kissing my own brother. It felt like minutes went by when in fact it was only seconds before he pulled away from my flushed embarrassed confused face. His eyes looked remorseful. A sigh left my lips as I realized why he did it; it was a show, a show to say he wasn’t gay if that person happened to be in the quad at that time and saw the kiss.


“What the bloody fuck!” a voice screeched behind me. Turning slowly I caught the glaring angry roaring blue eyes of Ryder. His eyes were the color of a raging storm. The blue had darkened to an almost black meaning he was pissed. He took one look at me then turned around and pushed his way towards the parking lot where his shiny black motorcycle sat, hopping on he tore out of the parking lot in a blind fury.

“Emma I am sorry” Mike said wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug, a sniffle left my nose and I realized I had started crying. His hand moved up and down my back in a soothing manner. The crowd had walked off.

“Mike it wasn’t your fault” I mumbled. He pulled me away from his chest and whipped the tears from my face.

“Mike what the heck happened here?” Bryan’s voice demanded. I turned around to see him making his way towards us an unreadable expression on his face. The look on his face told me he saw the kiss and Ryder drive off in a rush.

“Bryan…” his voice trailed off. The look on his face made my heart squeeze in sympathy, because he would have to tell Bryan that someone knows about them being gay.

I gazed at Bryan afraid for their relationship, but nothing was said because in that next second Bryan had pulled us into a hug.

“I am sorry, thank you.” He mumbled into the hug. I felt my breath caught as he mumbled those words, Bryan knew. A sad feeling swept over me. We had tried so hard to make sure that no one found out that Bryan didn’t have to worry. Our peaceful moment was shattered by the loud baring noise that erupted from my phone.

Boom Clap the sound of my heart the beat goes on and on, Boom Clap you make me feel good come on to me come on to me now. Boom Clap you make me feel good come on to me on to me now. No silver or no gold

Ryder’s ring tone rang out loud and clear. I let it continue ring, as I didn’t want to deal with the yelling and angry words he would throw my way if I answered. It had been an hour since he stormed off, and hour we have been standing here doing nothing but hugging. I know both boys needed this right now in this moment. Ryder would have to wait.

Pulling backwards I let them both go and took a step backwards.

“Bry you okay?” I asked while looking at him.

“I understand why you did it Mike, just lets refrain from kissing anyone that isn’t me,” he said with laughter in his voice though you could hear the hidden pain that lingered underneath.

“I am sorry honey; I did not think he would do that. Though you have to admit, that if that someone who knows was here they would be very confused.”

Mike and Bryan just smiled at me as they walked off and away from me. I just shook my head at those two in wonder. They were two complete goofballs; I cannot believe that Mike did that though. We could have made that someone see us in a different way and I do not mean with lips locked. The kiss was very weird I will admit. Oh my god! I thought I just had my first kiss with my gay best friend. Laughter sprang from my lips as the thought passed through my mind.


When I heard the noise from my phone I remembered that I had missed Ryder’s call and that I should probably check that. As I pulled out my phone I saw I have a voicemail and a text message as well.

Unknown number 2: What does it feel like to be betrayed by your so-called best friend?

I looked at the text with a quizzical arch in my eyebrow, what the hell I thought. Though my answer came the moment I pressed play on the phone, my heart snapped. Because the first thing I heard was.

“Oh Ryder…Oh Ryder that feels so good, give it to me harder. I want it all.”

That voice that all to familiar voice that played from the speaker was none other than my so-called best friend Chrissie. Chrissie was with Ryder in a way that tore me to pieces. As I made it to my car on shaky legs, I had a hard time coming to terms with what I had just heard. Just before the tears fell from my eyes, the voicemail continued on and what came next shocked me even more so than what I heard at first. Jumping in my car I made my way towards Ryder’s house, the message still ringing in my ears determination drove me forward. The tears did not fall and the ones that did were from the anger I was feeling, truth to be told I was beyond pissed.

I drove like a bat out of hell, because once I got to his house all hell would break loose.

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