By SunnytheLightHero

969 58 21

what would you do if everyone, even your idol, gave up on you? Would you have any hope left? Would you cont... More

No Turning Back Now
Actually Not That Bad
What's Wrong With Me?
Blood On My Hands
Don't Hold Back
New Recruits
My Pain Only Increases
Author's Note


136 8 1
By SunnytheLightHero

Izuku Midoryia's journal
Entry 1, date: XX, XX, XXXX

If you went your whole life powerless, in a world full of super powers, how would you feel?

You'd feel worthless, right? Like giving up on all your dreams?

I know that feeling all to well. You see, I'm quirkless. There's no way I'll develop a quirk. However, ever since I was little, I wanted to be a hero who saves people with a smile on my face, like All Might.

Everyone tells me I should give up on my dream. I still hold on to hope. I have to.

Today started as a pretty ordinary day. On the way to school, I saw a hero fight, and took some notes. When I finally got to class, my classmates teased me a bit. That's normal. The teacher came in with a stack of papers, and said, "I'd pass out these career tests, but I already know what you all want to be. You want to be heroes!"

The class cheered, showing off their quirks, other than Kacchan and I. "Hey, don't group me in with these losers! They'll be lucky to end up sidekicks to some D rank. I'm going to UA!" Kacchan yelled.

"Oh yeah, isn't Midoryia applying to UA as well?"

That brought all eyes on me, followed by laughter.

"Midoryia, in UA? You've got to be kidding me!"

"A quirkless could never be a hero!"

"Quit your dreaming, it'll never happen!"


"Good for nothing"

Unlike the others, Kacchan wasn't laughing. He was angry at me. I felt a hand slam onto my desk, as Kacchan yelled, "what, are you trying to compete with me?!"

"N-no, its not like that!! I-I-I just was thinking... m-maybe I could try to be a hero too?"

"A kid like you can't do anything! You're worse than these losers, you're quirkless!"

"I-I'm sorry!!"

"We're not finished, Deku" Then Kacchan went back to his desk.

The rest of school went by in a blur. At the end of they day, Kacchan came up to me while I was still writing in my hero analysis book, along with two of his friends. Kacchan took my book away from me.

"Watcha got there, his diary?" Joked on of his friends.

"What's this? 'Hero Analysis for the Future'? Think that'll do you any good?" Kacchan said, waving my notebook. He then put the notebook in between his hands, and blew it up. Then he threw it out the window.

Putting his hand on my shoulder, Kacchan said, "hey, don't even try to get into UA, or else". He started burning my shoulder while talking.

Walking out of the classroom, Kacchan said one last thing, "oh, by the way, if you want to be a hero so bad, go take a swan dive off the roof and pray to have a quirk in the next life"

How could he say that? If I really did jump, what would you do then? UA probably wouldn't let you into the hero course.

I sighed as I left the school, and went to look for my hero notebook. Surprisingly, it wasn't there. I just shrugged it off and continued on my way home.

On the way, I heard a gurgling noise from a manhole. Then a sludge villain came out of it and attacked me. The villain shoved itself into my mouth, I tried to claw my way free but failed. I couldn't breathe, I felt my life slipping away. I thought I would die.

The last thing I heard was someone yelling "I AM HERE!!" before I passed out. When I woke up, All Might was slapping my cheek lightly. Turns out, he saved me. I turned into a studdering fanboy mess pretty quickly. All Might was about to leave, but I had a question. So, I grabbed onto his leg, and then I was flying. All Might landed on a building, and said "look, kid, I really need to go".

"Wait! I really need to know, i-is it possible to be a hero... without a quirk?"

"I'm sorry to say this, but no. It would be far to dangerous to be a hero without a quirk. It's alright to dream, but keep it realistic"

I should have expected that.. but it hurt so much more coming from the number one hero..

Maybe I should just give it up...

I continued on the way home, but stopped at the old park by my house. Kacchan and I used to play here together. Back when Kacchan's quirk hadn't manifested yet. Back when I wasn't useless. Back when we were friends.

What's having a friend like, again?

I sat down on one of the swing sets, and let my mind wander. After a while, a blue haired man with crusty lips came up to me. "Hey kid, do you know anyone by the name of Midoryia Izuku, by any chance?"

"Uhm... I'm Izuku, actually. Why? Do you need something?"

"I've taken an interest in you, Izuku. Tell me, what's your quirk?"

"I-I'm quirkless..."

"Well, I can deal with that. After all, you could be an important aspect"

"Important... aspect? Me? But I'm useless"

The man then held up my hero analysis book. "This here tells me otherwise. Some parts were hard to read, but what was legible, shows that you are very intelligent, and your knowledge on heroes could be very useful."

He then handed me my notebook, along with a business card. "I'm Tomura Shigiraki. This is an offer to join the League of Villains. Think about it, and contact me when you've decided"

Before I could respond, he disappeared into a purple mist.

Me? A villain? No, that can't be right, I want to be a hero-

"I'm sorry, but you can't be a hero without a quirk"

Well..... maybe. Maybe I'll think about the offer..

I finally got back home, and went straight into my room. I was surrounded by that face, on posters, action figures, everything. All Might's words keep replaying in my mind, until slowly they start to morph from "I'm sorry, but you can't be a hero without a quirk" into "a quirkless deku can't be a hero."

I looked around my room, the smiles that once filled me with hope are now taunting.

Why don't you show them? Show them how strong you really are. Show them how wrong they were.

The villains, they saw something in me. They said I was intelligent. They want me despite me being quirkless. Maybe they're not so bad. Maybe I'll join them.

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