The Right Side of Wrong

By quoting-machine

3K 43 19

When Ben made the proclamation to give the new generation a chance, he expected resistance. He expected bad m... More

The Real Me
Pleasant Goodbyes and Warm Welcomes
How To (Not) Be Yourself
Even Warmer Welcomes
Your Happiness
Nothing Has to Change
Part of the Solution
It's Going Down
Girl Talk
Broken Children

Change the World

290 5 9
By quoting-machine

The sound of my breathing was deafening in the ship's hallways. I found myself so distracted that I almost walked right onto the deck.

Lumiere caught my eye as I flailed to stop myself. I quickly regained my composure and signalled to him that I was ready.

As the trumpets played I ran my fingers through my bangs to get them out of my face.

"The future Lady Mal!" Lumiere announced to the crowd.

I let out a giant breath as everyone began their clapping. Here it was. My big day, as Carlos had called it.

I stepped out into the open, then turned to face my audience. A few small gasps could be heard as they got a good look at me. Just like last time, Evie made a statement with my outfit. She had taken off the front of the skirt, so that it started around my knees and just brushed my ankles in the back. That was already a push against the traditionalism I was supposed to be presenting. Then, she had insisted that all four of us VKs wear fingerless gloves, a popular item on the Isle.

"We're a united front," she had explained. "I want everyone to know that if you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us."

I stumbled forward, trying not to make my injury obvious, but I was certain that most of the crowd could tell that something was wrong. And no doubt at some point during the night, my dress would shift enough for people to notice the bandaging.

When I paused, overlooking the steps and dreading my voyage down, Lumiere leaned over and whispered in his thick french accent, "You work it, girl."

I laughed, glad to see someone in the kingdom didn't hate me.

I caught Evie's eye. She was standing in the front, next to Doug. Her hands were covering her mouth and I wondered if she was admiring her work on my dress, my hair, my makeup, or if she was just shocked to see that I showed up. But she was happy. And I, in turn, felt a flood of relief.

I made my way down the stairs as more cheers broke out. The heels caused shooting pains through my calf, but I made it all the way down with a smile still plastered on my face.

Perhaps the Beast could sense my discomfort, or maybe he was just being polite, but he met me on the last few steps and offered out an arm to help me down.

"Hi," I breathed out. The rest of the Cotillion had settled and was once more distracted by previous activities.

"Hi," he greeted.

Belle joined us, fidgeting next to her husband.

"Ben is on his way," the Beast promised. "And you look... beautiful."

His hesitation left me uneasy. I still wasn't on great terms with either of Ben's parents. "Oh," I murmured, halfheartedly. "Thank you."

"I know we were shocked at first," Belle cut it, "but you- you are exactly what Ben needs."

I blinked in sudden realization. They were being serious. The both of them.

"I- uh-" A smile tugged at my lips, but it was uneasy.

"Ben told us that he had a talk with you," she explained, although it didn't do much to help my understanding. "About his... situation. I don't think he's ever been stronger or happier than he is when he's with you. We were worried about his transition into becoming a king. But now that he has you, I think we're in good hands."

"I, um... Thank you," I said, flustered.

Their attention was drawn to Evie who stood behind me, patiently waiting for my attention.

"Of course." The Beast gestured for me to go with her.

"Hi," we said at the same time, giggling.

She took me by the arm and led me back to the rest of our group. "How are you?"

I sighed. "I sorta feel like I'm gonna throw up?"

"Yeah? Okay. That's okay."

I nodded, turning towards the steps as the fanfare played once more.

"King Benjamin!" Lumiere announced.

Ben strode out, with his usual calm smile. Evie and I cheered with the crowd as he made his way toward the edge of the steps and watched the crowd bow before him.

"Go get him," Evie smirked, leaning into me.

We met at the bottom of the stairs, bowing/curtseying for one another. As my back straightened, he reached for my hands and looked me over, concerned.

"Your leg?" he asked.

"I told you, it's fine," I reassured him.

"I hope so... I have something for you."

I raised an eyebrow, watching him reach for one of his suit pockets and pull out his class ring. My breath hitched, having completely forgotten about it.

"You don't have to take it, if you don't want to. But it will always be here for you."

I nodded. "I want it."

He smiled, and slid it on, up to my fingerless glove. Since it wouldn't fit over the leather, it sat loosely around my knuckle, but I was positive that it wouldn't fall off anytime soon. It was too precious.

He looked up, addressing the group around us. "I owe you guys so much."

"Yeah," Evie joked.

"You got that right." Carlos patted him on the back with a smirk lighting his face.

The rest of the crowd laughed along, although I doubt they had any clue what had happened to Ben today. "So, if there is anything that you need, or anything I can do for you-"

"Um, actually," Evie started beside me. "There is, Ben... I know a girl who would really love to come to Auradon. It's Drizella's daughter, Dizzy Tremaine. She lost her mother when she was young and since then, she's been like a little sister to me."

"Then, she should come," Ben said, quickly.

I could see how excited he was with the proposition. Seeing the Isle had only increased his desire to help the kids who were still there. Evie was offering him a place to start.

"Okay." Evie giggled, but it sounded like she was trying to mask tears. "Okay, great."

Ben leaned in and stage whispered, "She's a good guy, right?"

"Dizzy? The best," I confirmed.

"Actually! Um..." Evie cut in once more, then backed off as all eyes turned back on her. "Ben, there's a lot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon. Kids just like us who also deserve a second chance. Can I maybe get you a list?"

Ben's smile grew "Yes, yes! Absolutely!... please."

Cheers erupted around the ship at the proposition. He waited for them to quiet down before continuing.

"And seeing as I have everyone's attention, Lumiere, if you please."

Lumiere quickly found his spot atop the staircase. "And now, for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece, designed especially for his lady."

All eyes drifted to the other end of the ship, where a large rectangle, which had been covered previously, revealed a stain glass window depicting the two of us. We stood in front of a sunny sky, atop a green field. Ben was knelt beside me, holding my hand as if to guide me over the grass.

My eyes were drawn to a couple of features. The dress resembled the one I had worn to his Coronation, although not completely the same, but my shoulders were out in the open, and the glass was a pink color around them, indicating the scars that were there. My hair was dark purple, much like it had been when he met me, although I was certain that when he began this, I had already dyed it blonde. I wore fingerless gloves, like I would have on the Isle, but atop my head was a replica of the Queen's crown. And my eyes were bright green, much like they would be if I were angry or upset.

I gasped, unable to pull my eyes from the piece. "You made that?" I whispered.

He chuckled. "Yeah. I mean, I designed at least. Do you like it?"

"Yes." My voice came out almost like a sigh. "Ben, it's beautiful. It's... It's me."

"Of course it is," he exclaimed. "Who else would it be?"

I laughed. "No! I mean... that's me up there. That's the real me. I'm half-Isle and half-Auradon. And you captured it perfectly."

He shrugged. "Well, you'd think after all this time I'd know the real you."

I pulled him in for a kiss.

"I love you," I admitted. Not just to him, but to myself.

And finally, we both knew it was true.

~ ~ ~

After whisking me away for a few dances, Ben went to speak with Evie about her plans for bringing these new kids to Auradon. I had a feeling she was soon going to have a lot more on her plate than just sewing dresses.

I was sitting beside Carlos and Jane, listening to him explain our adventures from the past few days to her, when Jay approached.

"May I have this dance, m'lady?" He teased, offering a hand to me.

"Of course."

I followed him to the center of the ship and let him lead me through a slow dance.

"You always put your hair in a bun for big events. For once, I want to see it in a ponytail."

He glared at me. "Not gonna happen."


"No way."

I stuck my tongue out.

I felt grateful. So grateful. To have these moments with Jay. To have a family like Ben and Evie and Carlos. To be free.

"So..." he started, softly. "I take it this means we aren't packing our bags and stealing a limo?"

I grinned. "As fun as that sounds, I think we can stay. For at least a little longer."

He returned my smile. "Good. I was kinda worried how it would look to Ben if I ran off with his girlfriend."

"Nah. Evie and Carlos would quickly explain how incompatible we are."

"Then, they'd all run to the Isle to beat our asses."

Our laughter blanketed the deck of the ship.

As one song ended and another began, we slid away from the dance floor and toward the railing of the boat. It was gorgeous, looking over the water. The moon, in the distance, left a glowing reflection on the surface.

"I hear you gave up your seat as captain of the Tourney team," I said, breaking the silence once more.

"The traditionalism here is bullshit. The fact that I have to go through roundabout ways to get one of our most athletic students onto the Tourney team is bullshit. But Lonnie deserves it."

I glanced past him, towards the Isle. "That's why so many of the people over there are... criminals. Maybe they're right."

He shrugged. "We're here to change that, aren't we? That's why Ben's king-"

"No," I grumbled. "Ben being king is on that list of bullshit."

Jay hesitated, sensing my shift in mood. "You wanna talk about it?"

"Can't," I said through gritted teeth.

"Fair enough," he responded. "Do you want to talk about something else, then?"

I paused. "I don't know. I just wish I could be... better, you know?"

He put his arm around me, pulling me in close. "The fact that you had to go through everything you did sucks, Mal. And we're all recovering from our trauma. Carlos is going to go to therapy, Evie is trying to lose some of her perfectionism, and me... I'm dealing with my shit."

"You mean, your toxic masculinity? Or your impulsive stealing?" It was a joke. We had all talked the past year. I knew that certain things were sensitive to Jay, but I didn't expect him to pull away as I said that.

He leaned over the railing, dropping eye contact with me. "Or the fact that I'm gay?"

My whole chest tightened. Oh my god... "Yeah," I wheezed. "That'll fuck you up real bad... Coming from your family."

He rubbed a hand over his face. "I was so scared that I would see my father again when we went back to the Isle. He just... he wouldn't be happy with the guy I've become."

"Who cares! All our parents' were abusive assholes!" I cried, but he didn't seem convinced. Finally, I reached out and grabbed one of his hands. "Did your dad know?"

"I think he suspected," Jay admitted. "But I didn't even know. Not until I was away from his lectures and expectations. I mean, Carlos just kept asking me why I wasn't going out with any girls and I... I started thinking about it... But I- No, it's-" he groaned, frustrated.

"Hey, you don't have to explain yourself to me," I said, repeating what I had told Carlos only a few days ago. "Do you think that I care?"

"No..." he said, slowly. "But my father grew up in a traditional society. Just like Auradon. That's where he got his beliefs and ideals from. A place just like this... That's one of the reasons I was so ready to leave with you. The Isle sucks, but at least everyone there stopped caring about things like sexuality a long time ago. They've got more pressing issues on their mind."

I shrugged. "Yeah, well, so do we. I'm not going to tell you how to handle this, Jay. But, you know... maybe the people here will surprise you."

He finally made eye contact with me again. "What a pair of family disappointments we are."

I giggled. "I like to think more along the lines of we're learning from the past generation's mistakes."

"Sure," he agreed. "We can go with that."

Suddenly, Evie had arrived, throwing her arms around us. "We're going to change the world!" she shrieked, excitedly. Carlos followed along behind her.

"What's up with you?" I snickered, watching her jump around.

"Ben has official named me 'Counselor of the VK Initiative'. We'll start in small batches, grabbing kids of all different ages. The teens will go straight to Auradon Prep and some of the younger kids will be given homes elsewhere. I've already offered to take in anyone who needs a home as soon as I get a place of my own." She sighed, finally coming down off her excited high and looking out to the tiny island we used to call home. "Isn't it wonderful? We'll only take the kids who want to go and we'll propose visiting days for those who still want to see their families. We'll have to be selective at first, but soon enough, these kids will have a second chance! They'll be able to see how beautiful and kind Auradon really is."

"And we'll see to it that it stays that way," a new voice joined in. Ben wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "So... first four kids. Who do we pick?"

"Dizzy!" Evie started.

"How about Facilier's daughter?" Carlos asked. "She's sly, but then again, so was Jay," he jabbed at his friend. "She's pretty open minded. I think she could really use a change of scene and society."

"And Uma," I muttered, glancing at Ben. The whole group went silent, shocked to hear me suggest such a thing, but I was dead serious. "She deserves it. It's all she's ever wanted and all that she's been working towards."

Ben nodded. "That's what we talked about... when she had me trapped on the Isle, I told her that I was going to do everything I could to get those kids over. And I thought... I thought she could help."

"She can," Jay agreed. "She's brilliant. But, um... maybe put extra guards on the wand for the first week she's here."

We all chuckled. "Definitely. Until the kids are settled in, we need to keep an eye on them," I reasoned.

"A better eye than you kept on us," Carlos clarified. "We 100% could have broken the barrier if we wanted to."

"Yeah, no offense Ben, but we were pretty sly when we first got here," Evie joined. "You have no clue how much mischief we got up to."

"Fair enough, but in my defense, I kinda saved the day, didn't I?" He joked. "You didn't take over Auradon all because Mal fell for my charm."

I stuck out my tongue. "And I'd do it all again."

"Even putting a spell on me?" he questioned.

I considered it for a minute. "Hm... I mean, what can I say? I am evil."

"The new 'Mistress of All Evil'," Evie corrected.

Carlos shook his head. "Nope. As a Lady of the Court, I dub thee: 'Lady Mal, soon to be, Queen of All Evil'."

"Hey," Ben interrupted. "She'll be the Queen of everything. Not just the evil."

"I'm not a Queen!" I argued.

"Not yet," Jay corrected. "How about we stick with: 'Lady Mal, Defender of Auradon'."

Evie quickly agreed. "It's perfect."

"Well then," Ben announced, "To Lady Mal, Defender of Auradon!"

"Defender of Auradon!" they all cheered.

~ ~ ~

A/N: And that's it! Last chapter: DONE! I hope you guys liked it!

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