Bound By Madness

By Calintha

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Story begun October 19, 2019. She started life as Juniper, the daughter of a miner and his wife. After an acc... More

1. Planting A Seed
2. Tangled Roots
3. Twisting Branches
4. Withered Leaves
5. Wilting Blossoms
6. Tainted Fruit
7. Frozen Ground
8. Burning Skies
9. Stagnant Waters
10. Muddied Paths
11. Silent Storm
12. First Thaw
13. Creeping Vines
14. Pruned Flowers
15. Grasping Brambles
16. Falling Leaves
17. Changing Colors
18. Hidden Meadow
19. Seasons End
20. Winter Freeze
21. Frost 's Fall
22. Springs Warmth
23. Gentle Rain
24. First Blooms
25. Summer Heat
26. Evening Fires
27. Morning Sun
28. Autumn Harvest
29. Colorful Leaves
30. Bitter Harvest
31. Finding Home
32. Meeting Family
33. Broken Beginnings
34. Adding Insult
35. To Injury
36. Whispers Unheard
37. Perfectly Broken
38. Temporary Reprieve
39. Breaking Up
40. Forgotten Memory
41. Undesired Company
42. Shared Contract
43. Finding Treasure
44. Back Again
45. Graceful Dance
46. Gifts Given
47. Asking Favors
48. Perfect Melody
49. Gathering Flowers
50. Unexpected Changes
51. Uncertain Truths
52. Bound Together
53. Growing Closer
54. Building Family
55. Charming Thieves
56. Uncertain Future
57. Finding Comfort
59. Poisonous Performance
60. Unraveling Mysteries
61. Uncertain Events
62. Separation Anxiety
63. Dearly Departed
64. Forgotten Skills
65. Closed Doors
66. Spiritual Awareness
67. Broken Meetings
68. Admitting Truths
69. The Calm
70. Quiet Moments
71. Before Darkness
72. Steals Everything
73. That Matters
74. No Cure
75. For Madness
76. Can Break
77. This Bond
78. Between Us
79. The Morning After
80. Our World Burns
81. And The Ashes
82. Smother Everything
83. While We
84. Rebuild
85. Our World
Filling The Void

58. Moving Forward

169 10 2
By Calintha

"Faith... Why did you just toss the cap into the fire? Didn't you spend hours working on it? I thought it was for Ellery? I'm confused," the Listener mumbled as he looked up from the plate of eggs and toast.

Ellery refused to accept that one. It's okay. I just need to make the next one even better, that's all. Someday I'll make one he'll accept.

"Faith, just how many caps have you made Ellery?" He looked shocked at me, his eyes wide as he sat his fork down on the table.

Hmm, I'm not really sure. Some of them have taken longer than others and sometimes the materials are harder to work with or just difficult to find. I usually try not to take more than a couple of weeks to get everything I need together and it takes a few days to make the cap once I have what I need for it.

I shrugged. It didn't matter to me how many I had made, only that none of them had made Ellery happy. But at least I would continue having the chance to try. That was all that mattered, the chance to someday regain some part of the friendship that I had lost with Ellery so many years ago.

Even so, I couldn't help the ache in my chest as yet another cap turned to ashes before my eyes.

"Faith, if there is something I can do for you, please tell me now, before I have to leave on that contract. I can't help you while I'm gone, so let me do something while I am here. Please?" Destin spoke quietly, his voice pained.

While you are gone, if you come across any nice cloth in black, yellow, or gold, will you bring some home with you? I should start a new hat soon and it would be good to start gathering the materials as soon as possible.

Giving a sigh, the Listener could only nod as he turned his eyes back to the fire.

"I'll try, Faith. I'll try."


"So, you've finally stopped hiding away from the rest of us. Does this mean you are ready to actually work again? You realize that your place here is-" The False Leader began, stopping when the sound of a throat being loudly cleared came from nearby.

"Ahh, Faith, I do believe the Listener was looking for you. He came back from his most recent contract and wanted to see how you were doing," the Kitchen Master said, giving the Pretender a look that I hadn't seen on him before.

Thank you, Kitchen Master. I shall go look for him now!

Giving him a confused smile, I waved and hurried to grab a plate of food before running quickly up the stairs, ignoring the angry call of the angry Nord woman as she turned toward the Redguard who simply crossed his arms in front of him and shrugged at her.

"She's still recovering, Astrid. Give her space. We still have time before we need to send anyone out for the contract. Otherwise, we wouldn't have let Destin take that contract. She'll be ready in time," the Kitchen Master's voice faded as I moved further into the depths of the Sanctuary.

Maybe, just maybe, I would take the time to slip the trinket I had been holding onto under his pillow later on. It'd been debating it for a while, wondering if it was worth giving up for someone who always seemed as if he didn't like me. But if he would step between me and the Pretender, maybe there was hope after all.

Just the thought of that had me smiling as I carried the loaded plate through the spot a door should be, rushing over to place the food down in the middle of the table.

Listener! You're back! Did everything go well? Are you hurt? Do you want me to get a potion from the Not Child? I'm sure Babette would part with whatever is needed!

"I'm fine, Faith, thank you! So, Babette is it? Sounds like you two are getting along better. Did something happen?" The Listener chuckled, reaching out to grab a roll before it tipped off the plate and taking a bite before grinning at me.

Things are going much better than I expected, my Listener! The Not Child was showing me some of her poisons today and explaining how they worked. It was a bit confusing, but she didn't mind that I didn't understand it all. Oh! She even gave me one to use if we ever get into a bad situation! Here, I have it on me. I'll show you!

I reached into the small leather pouch I'd added to my collection, not wanting to stick something so dangerous into a pouch filled with other items. No, even if the bottle wasn't that fragile, I would rather not take chances. Pulling the bottle out, I turned to show the Listener and was stopped short by a hand grabbing my wrist as another came out to pluck the bottle from my fingers and place it carefully on the table.

"My sweet Faith, you should be more gentle with such things. What would Cicero do if something happened to you? The Unchild makes very potent poisons and great care must be taken while handling them. Of course, if Faith wishes, her Cicero would be more than happy to teach her how to handle the poisons. He's quite used to such things," my Jester Assassin whispered into my ear as he reached his hand behind me, his dagger soon coming into my field of vision.

There was a subtle sheen to the blade I hadn't noticed before, the slight shimmer of an old enchantment almost hidden beneath a coating of fresh poison. The scent of canis root and something else lingered in the air as he sat the blade down next to the bottle and lifted his now empty hand to trace my jaw.

"Cicero would happily teach his Faith how to become a better hunter. Perhaps someday he could even join her as she stalks her prey. Ahh, but not now, no. Cicero has too many duties to Mother to leave her side, especially in such a place as this. Cicero must keep Mother safe, but he can still teach Faith and help her improve. Besides, Cicero wants to dance with his lovely Faith once more before she must leave his side yet again," he said, his lips brushing against my ear with each word.

I wasn't sure what type of dance he meant, one with or without blades in hand, but it didn't matter. I seemed to look forward to both equally these days. They both set my heart to racing and left me breathless by the time the dance was over.

I would like that, my love. Let us eat first and then you can choose what follows next. Teaching about poisons or dancing together.

"Perhaps Cicero can figure out a way to do both at once, teaching as he dances with lovely Faith. That way the dance can last even longer."

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