The Enigmatic Outlander

By Pensive_rambler

454 31 1

Enigma - A person, thing or a situation that is mysterious or difficult to understand. That is how Shaden en... More

2 - Illegal. Illegal
3 -Why Simba!?
4 - Is that a nest or what?!
5 - And a good amount of food goes to waste
6 - Pro- Shaden or Anti-Shaden?
7 - I am Louis Enrique Emerson
8 - It was not her fault, she was not at fault. I loved her and you killed her
9 - But I really am sorry, I am engaged
10 - Rock Paper Scissors
11 - I am the Protagonist and you are all my sidekicks
12 - Then you either bleed or break a bone
13 - One fucking family dinner!!
14 - Good to meet you Amtullah Urmi Mahfouz
15 - Shut up Louis. She is after all, just 15
16 - Teary eyes and Snotty nose
17 - Cam has a sister named Cam??
18 - You don't have a crooked nose!
19 - Woman, stop going all cannibal on him!!
20 - I see. You have decided to wear your pants...
21 - Huh? Illegal? Like underground? Huh?
22 - Broken ribs and a broken heart. Aren't we a perfect pair?
23 - A rabbit high on helium?!
24 - You have a little something there
25 - Everything Darling, you gotta show some skin
26 - Oh yeah! You are Remora. Red+Gamora
27 - My favorite phrase, 'Time of death'
28 - Woah Woah! Wait right there, you green looking Jealousy monster
29 - So, who decided to puke lemons and lavenders all over the room?
30 - Let's go meet that Asshole with a fancy name
31 - This is my Happy 'not-an-ending'

1 - "Ouch! And here I thought you loved me!

44 1 0
By Pensive_rambler


Hey guys,

I am soo excited to share my story here. I donno how this will go, but i hope that you could enjoy it. 

Louis's Pov

"Why are you grumpy mopey today?" Ashton asked as he flopped beside Casey. "Oh no." he gasped conspiratorially and leaned towards Casey to whisper loudly for everyone else to hear. "You are on your periods right?"

"For heaven's sake, stop linking everything to periods Ash." She snapped for which we all give her a suspicious look. "And yes, I am on my periods." She muttered as an afterthought.

"Then I repeat my question: why are you grumpy mopey today?" he questioned again. Mabel groaned at this.

"Oh come on Casey! It's not a big deal. You don't even know that guy personally. Stop worrying about him." Mabel said giving her a bored look.

"Who is this guy?" Sam asked coolly, though I can see that he is anything but cool with Casey crying over a guy. Ashton looked over at Sam with an amused expression which Sam dismissed immediately.

"It's some Indian scientist. So apparently he and his family were attacked a day or two ago and we still don't know what happened to them." Mabel said a little annoyed but anyone could still sense a tinge of sympathy in her voice. Ashton wrapped his hands around Casey's shoulder and tried to console her.

"Hey Casey, it's okay. Don't fret over things you don't have power over. I guess they will be okay." Brendan said offering her his fries which she reluctantly took after a while. It should've been really worrying her because reluctance with food and Casey are never a pair.

She sniffed her nose but looked at us with a strong face, "Oh Come on! Stop looking at me as if I am some emotional wreck." She said exasperated.

"That's because you look like one." Haru said and quickly covered it up with a cough when Casey glared at him.

She sighed heavily and slumped down into her seat. "It's just that he was an awesome scientist and also I really loved his speech about his family when he was getting the Nobel Prize. I feel really sad that something bad happened to such a good family." She said scrunching her nose.

We just looked at each other in understanding thinking that she just needed some time to lighten up. Just then Jordan entered the cafeteria with a huge mysterious grin plastered across his face.

"Why are you smiling like a madman walking out of the principal's office?" Brendan asked looking at his twin in confusion.

"Because I just got to see a smoking hot Asian girl socking him verbally." Jordan said looking triumphant that he was the first person to get hold of the gossip.

"Smoking hot Asian girl? Who is she? I don't remember our school having any other Asian girl other than Mayuri." Haru said with a smirk. The Japanese boy was excited to meet another Asian, that was for sure.

"She is new and now that I think about it, I don't think she is an Asian. I think she is from India." Jordan replied scratching his head.

"Dumbass! India is in Asia." Casey said hitting the back of his head for which he just scowled at her.

"Why is it soo much about India today?" Ashton groaned looking back at Casey which she subtly ignored.

"So what happened between this new girl and the principal?" Sam asked steering the attention away from Casey.

"Oh right! So when principal was scolding me, she just entered the cabin and sat across from him ignorantly and-" he dived into the story and I zoned out of the conversation when Clara moved closer towards me to sit on my lap. She suddenly started kissing me without any warning and I just reciprocated her actions though I was not actually interested in her. Don't take me wrong, Clara is hot and all, but I don't really think I can fall in love ever again after what happened to me with Char. It's just so hard to forget about your first love.

Soon the lunch hour was finished and we started walking towards our class. Sam walked closer to me and nudged me with his shoulder. I looked at him and he just gave me a curious and concerned glance to which I smiled at him and waved it off. We entered the class and took our respective seats at the back.

I settled into my seat behind Casey and started speaking to her about the new song which came out. We spoke until Mr. Wichenstin entered the class with his huge ass chemistry text book.

"Morning class." He said hunching over the table, settling his huge glasses over the bridge of his nose. Even before he could start teaching anything the chairman and the principal entered the class with a brown colored and a very short girl. She must be the new girl Jordan was speaking about. I did not expect her to be in our class and she looks way younger than most of us.

"Okay class, this is the new student you have here." The principal introduced her with distaste which both the girl and the chairman ignored.

"Yes class, hope you all have good time here with her and also it would be wonderful if someone could help her with the classes she missed. I would be pleased if you guys don't gang up on her." The chairman joked but the girl still remained serious throughout the introduction. Chairman gave her a look over and sighed discreetly. She was about to walk to the only empty seat which was behind Sam and the bench beside mine, but stopped when she heard the chairman ask her to introduce herself.

"Do I really have to do that?" She asked with a raised brow to which the chairman nodded sternly. She sighed deeply before speaking.

"Name is Shaden Obeid. I am not a very pleasant person at the moment, so don't bother to make friends with me. I am not in a mood for making acquaintance. So I just suggest you to ignore me as long as possible." She said with a straight face and turned towards a fuming principal, a guilty looking chairman and a very uncomfortable Mr. Wichenstin with a forced smile. Mr. Parker, our chairman gave her a small smile before turning around and walking out of the class with Mr. Charles, the principal on his heels.

"Umm...I am Paul Wichenstin and I teach chemistry." He said smiling uncomfortably at her to which she sighed deeply and muttered something close to 'crap' to herself. She looked back at the poor teacher and apologized before walking towards the back to take the seat beside me.

The girl was indeed smoking hot, as Jordan put it. But at the same time, she looked very cold and distant. Everything from her dressing to the way she walked screamed 'I don't give two fucks about what you think.' But something about her is off and the emptiness in her eyes can be seen from miles. And something about her 'out of ordinary' introduction told me that she was actually genuine in what she was speaking. I have a feeling that there is more to it than what is seen. Yeah I'm sure there is more to it.

As soon as she reached the place, she placed her bag down and took out her notebook to write notes. I did not realize I was starring at her until she looked at me and raised her eyebrows in question. I smiled at her widely, happy to catch her attention. "Hi I'm Louis." I said giving her my charming smile which I know allured many girls. She looked confused and then hesitated for a moment before giving me a small smile. I looked back to the front to try and listen to the class and failed miserably.

Everything about her is interesting. The way she bites at her pencil when she is concentrating, the way her eyes follow every move our teacher is taking while teaching, the way she smiled at me politely though she wanted to show her middle finger to the world and ask them to fuck off, the way she doesn't flinch or feel uncomfortable under many scrutinizing gazes and not so discreet whispers, most of all her voice, It is strong and has firm, radiating authority. To top it all, she has a very weird sense of fashion. She wore dark red leggings and paired it with a long black top which fell a hand span below her knees with slits on both the sides and the top had long red sleeves almost reaching her wrists.

Her hair was unkempt and it was very long. It reached till below her butt. Jordan was right, she was really hot but she looked really young. Like people would think that she did not even reach puberty kind of young. She kept running her fingers through her already messy ponytail making it even messier and untidy. She looked really tired and if the dark bags under her eyes are any indication of her tiredness, it is easy to say that she did not sleep for two days at the most. She looked worn out and making her brown skin look dull.

She kept biting her nails continuously which gave me a show of her fingers which were adorned with a few funky rings. She had a black and a white ring together on her index finger, two silver rings on her ring finger and a grey ring with a white inscription on her little finger. She kept twisting and turning the two rings on her index finger with her thumb repeatedly when she wasn't biting her nails. She looked anxious, nervous even and it was very obvious that it was not because of the new school or the prying students. I kept observing her so deeply that I did not notice the bell ringing or the students walking out of the class until Sam stood in front of me and hit me hard on my head with his binder.

"Bro, what the fuck. You are the reason I'm failing in my exams. You are murdering all my brain cells with that huge ass binder of yours." I complained dramatically. He just rolled his eyes and ignored me.

"Already planning methods to get the new girl. She seemed fierce though." Jordan said with a small smirk.

"Actually it's the opposite. She is not my type man. She is barely developed, though she has got a nice ass. I'm just curious about her. Everything about her is so different." I said looking back at the chair she was sitting on.

"She looks very familiar though. I think I have seen someone just like her during Olympics." Elijah said with a small frown. We just nodded at him absent mindedly.

"I have seen those kinds of clothes in Indian movies. I guess she is actually an Indian then. Oh! Then I could speak to her in Hindi." Haru said jumping excitedly.

"Guys, just leave her alone for a while. She looked like she actually meant it when she asked us to avoid her. Maybe she is going through a bad phase in her life." Brendan said sighing loudly to which Casey patted him on the back and looked at him proudly.

"You are one of the only reasons I'm able to tolerate staying on the team with these stupid hormonal teenager guys. I am so proud of you Brendan, so damn proud of you." She said hugging him to her side.

"Ouch! And here I thought you loved me!" Sam said placing his hand on his chest and feigning hurt. She rolled her eyes at him and just stuck her tongue out at him.

"Anyway, enough with the chit chat. We need to go practice. Hurry up let's go. Or else the coach will go all dinosaurs on us." She said clapping her teammates' backs.

"Aye aye captain!" They all said in a mock salute and followed her to the court.

No, she is not the captain of our school's baseball team but she's like the right hand to the Captain aka Sam. And also she is the only girl on the team too. While Sam is the Captain, the one who actually led the team was Casey. That was mostly because she has been in the team longer than Sam and she was friends with the entire team since childhood. On the other hand Sam and I just entered the friend's circle. Sam just smiled at her retreating figure with fondness and looked back to me.

"So are you gonna wait until I'm done or are you leaving?" He asked while walking to the boy's locker room.

I looked at him weirdly. "Man! You are so damn clingy and obsessed with me. Can't you live a second without me?" I asked in a high pitched voice to which he gave me a blank look. "Geez... Loosen up man; I will meet you at your home. I got a new idea for a song. I'll come down there for dinner." I said waving him off and walked towards my car.

As I reached the gates, I saw a slouched figure waking slowly away from the school. I did not have to take a second glance to recognize her. There was no one else who dressed up like that. And oh! I forgot her name as soon as it came out of her mouth. It is really hard to remember though, so I can't actually blame myself. I thought if she did not have a ride I could offer her one. But even before I could reach her, a car sped past me and stopped yards in front of her to reveal Mr. Parker's older daughter Carolina Parker. But Miss Rings did not even glance or notice her; she just kept walking with a blank face and faraway eyes. Yeah, that's what I'm calling her, Miss Rings. It suits her pretty well though. She has many rings on her fingers and also her hair is very curly and it resembles the black ring on her index finger. Anyway back to the situation on hand, Ringy still didn't notice Carolina standing there.

So Carolina walked towards her and patted her on her shoulder and then nodded at her sadly. They walked towards the car together, got in and then drove off. That was weird. Why was chairman's daughter taking little Rings from school? Very weird and fishy.

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