A Calling

By MorningstarUriel

359 37 26

A great evil is being awakened. After realizing that his whole life has been a lie, Jake sets out to seek the... More

Chapter 1 - The Sun
Chapter 2 - Human
Chapter 4 - The Cafeteria
Chapter 5 - Discrepancy Detected
Chapter 6 - Wait..What?
Chapter 7 - Christopher Waters
Chapter 8 - Purity
Chapter 9 - The Invitation
Chapter 10 - Migraine
Chapter 11 - Egregious
Chapter 12 - Whistle
Chapter 13 - Precious
Chapter 14 - Hush
Chapter 15 - Saturday
Chapter 16 - Skeletons
Chapter 17 - Vertigo

Chapter 3 - A Thorny Rosebush.. With No Roses..

22 3 4
By MorningstarUriel

Business was a drag, as per usual. We sat for an hour watching some ridiculous documentary on how the chain of command works, seriously!? Its not that complex and doesn't require a whole hours worth of the same explanation over and over. Two more long and boring hours later in what the school tries to pass as physics followed by English literature, and now i'm here, in the bathroom trying to forget every disastrous event of which lead up to me staring into the immense, shiny glass mirror, wishing I never lived.

My hair is blacker than, well, black. My eyes are a deep, dark brown. My skin, pale and as white as the page this is written on. I don't like my smile, it looks too fake, but that's probably because it is, I have no reason to smile, and so I don't. My ripped jeans are pretty standard, I am wearing a black leather jacket, it used to belong to one of my foster siblings before they got too old to be in the system anymore. My shirt is plain and white. It fits well around my 'structure' as Mary used to put it, whatever that's supposed to mean. I don't often wear things that make me stand out, I would much rather avoid the attention of other students, although Gemma Rosen and her friends think that it's a good idea to spread rumors and fake stories about how I am some sort of vampire. Even with my intense vision, I still fail to see the attraction these girls have for me. 

Suddenly the blank, wooden door of the boy's bathroom burst open - aggressively slamming its self against the light beige wall. As I arose from leaning against the gloomy, grey sinks, in came Christopher Waters - a popular school athlete on the Jordan & Cooper tennis team, co-captain to be precise. Everyone loves Chris, and he's a magnet for attention. "Hey! Jake, you okay?" Christopher exclaimed, concerned. UGH! I can't shake this guy! 

I took in a deep breath and sighed enough to cause a tsunami, "Hey.."

"I saw you come in here, you seem pretty down. Is everything alright?" He continued to push me, can he not take the hint?  I. Don't. Want. Him. Around. "I'm fine, thanks.. Just tired." I replied. Christopher began walking towards me, why won't this tool just leave me alone? He placed his hand softly on my shoulder, he was careful in his movements, wary. I felt his eyes searching for my own but I could no longer hold his gaze. "You can tell me, Jake." His tone endearing. God, it's impossible not to like this guy. No! I don't need friends. UGH! With every force held within me, I dragged my eyes up to meet his. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror, a powerful glare, terrifying enough to startle a raging bull. In an overly aggressive stance I could only imagine the immense and despicable horror that could even bring great fear to the iron heart Goliath the 'undefeatable' Giant. Even if it were only for a second, I made my point. Shrugging off the hand of poor,  afraid little Christopher I made my way to the door. 


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