Katsuki Bakugo x Reader (DISC...

By anxiousdeku

9.4K 204 46

Hey guys! I love Bakugo so much, so welcome to a one shot book about him! *NO LONGER WRITING* More

Requests! (Important Please Read!)
Separated (Apocalypse AU) (Fem Reader)
Sleepy Memories (Fem Reader)
Happy Birthday! (Fem Reader)
Would You Be So Kind? (Fem Reader)
You Messed Up (Fem Reader)
Furious Victory (Fem Reader)

Grab My Hand! (Fem Reader)

2K 37 5
By anxiousdeku

Disclaimer: This is the only one shot of this book. If you want more Katsuki Bakugo one shots, please let me know with a comment. I don't own any MHA characters or the image. I own the plot. Flashbacks and thoughts are in italics. Bakugo maybe be OOC (Out of Character) so sorry in advance! :)

Warnings: Language (It's Bakugo, what do you expect?)

Reader has a wind quirk.


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(Y/N/N) =  Your Nickname

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

 (Y/N) woke up slowly with a groan, squinting at the bright lights. "She's awake!" A voice called out, (Y/N) too tired to identify who it was. She felt a pulsating pain in her chest, head, and legs. She could feel dried blood on her arms, legs, and face. Her (E/C) eyes shut once again, trying to avoid the light as much as possible. "(Y/N)!" A different voice called out, this one more feminine than the other. (Y/N) groaned again and slowly opened her eyes, only to see a heart monitor. She took a deep, painful breath and turned her head to the other side, seeing pure white walls. She attempted sitting up, only to yelp in pain and be lightly pushed back down. She sighed and looked up, only to see her best friend, Kirishima looking at her in concern. "Kiri..." She mumbled, clearly exhausted. "Hey, (Y/N/N)..." He whispered, sending her a weak smile. She sat up slowly with his help, sending a weak smile to the rest of her classmates. Some smiled back, while others kept their gazes to the ground. "What...happened?" (Y/N) asked, placing a hand on her hurting head. Before anyone could answer, a cough was heard from beside her. She slowly moved her head, only to see Izuku in the bed next to her. "Hey, Midoriya. You feeling okay?" She asked, sending him a small smile. Izuku nodded, his eyes full of sorrow. "Okay, seriously. What happened?" She repeated, feeling anxious. The class remained silent as (Y/N) sighed, tugging at her (H/C) hair in frustration. Kirishima took a shaky breath before speaking. "Bakugo was...." He began, (Y/N) feeling her chest grow heavy. The heart monitor sped up rapidly, Kirishima hesitating to continue. "He was taken by the villains. They won..." Ashido finished, placing a comforting hand on both Kirishima's and (Y/N)'s shoulders. (Y/N) gasped as she felt tears stream down her face, small sobs beginning to escape. Her memory finally came back to her, only causing more tears as the horrible night replayed in her mind.

'(Y/N), Izuku, Todoroki, Bakugo, Shoji, and Tokoyami were attempting to make their way back to Aizawa and The Wild, Wild, Pussycats. They had gotten word from Mandalay that the League of Villains was after Bakugo, and that they had permission to fight if needed. Izuku, (Y/N), Shoji, and Tokoyami were able to find and help Todoroki and Bakugo, deciding to work together to keep Bakugo safe. "I don't need protection!" Bakugo exclaimed, sulking as he walked with the others. (Y/N) sighed and walked over to her grumpy boyfriend, grabbing his hand. "Stop whining, okay? It's just to keep you safe." She explained, kissing his cheek quickly. Bakugo sighed and nodded, speeding up a bit. (Y/N) smiled and returned to her original position, only to stop when the group realized Bakugo and Tokoyami were taken by Mr.Compress. They met up with Uraraka and Asui, who helped Shoji, Todoroki, Izuku, and (Y/N) make their way to the villains. "Give Kacchan and Tokoyami back!" Izuku exclaimed as the group landed on Mr.Compress. Mr.Compress shrunk down as Dabi shot blue flames at the group, causing them to have to dodge. Izuku and Shoji were hit by the flames, while Todoroki and (Y/N) were able to dodge. "Midoriya! Shoji!" They both exclaimed, moving out of the way to avoid Twice's surprise attack. Todoroki used his ice while (Y/N) used her wind, knocking Twice out of their way. After the long battle had finally calmed down a bit, Shoji spoke up. "I don't know what your quirk is, but you keep flaunting your right pocket. Were these...Tokoyami and Bakugo?" Shoji asked, holding up the two marbles. Izuku smiled and the group began running off, before Mr.Compress revealed that the marbles Shoji had weren't really Bakugo and Tokoyami. "Shit! He still has Katsuki and Tokoyami!" (Y/N) exclaimed, the group rushing back towards the villains. Suddenly, a sparkly lazer came out of nowhere, knocking the real marbles off of Mr.Compress' tongue. "Aoyama!" Izuku exclaimed, smiling at the fabulous man. Shoji reached out and grabbed a marble, successfully retrieving it. Todoroki reached for the other, only to be stopped by Dabi. Dabi reached out and grabbed the marble first, smirking down at the half-and-half boy. "That's sad...poor little Shoto Todoroki." He said, Todoroki grunting in frustration. Dabi moved back into position and turned to Mr.Compress. "Confirm it. Release them!" He ordered. Compress sighed and listened. "That stupid brat ruined my Grand Finale!" He exclaimed, releasing his quirk. Tokoyami was up in the air by Shoji, while Bakugo was in front of Dabi. Dabi smirked and grabbed Bakugo by the neck, pulling him into the portal. "Game over. We win." Dabi said, almost completely gone into the portal. "KATSUKI!" (Y/N) screamed, rushing towards the portal. Izuku tried to hold her back, but remembered his arms were useless at the moment. Bakugo watched as his (H/C) girlfriend rushed towards the portal, tears of desperation falling down her face. "Stay back...(Y/N)..." He mumbled, a single tear falling down his face before he was pulled in completely. (Y/N) fell to her knees as the portal disappeared, the idea of Bakugo actually being gone sinking in. "KATSUKI!" She screamed, the others watching in sorrow. She screamed and screamed until she physically couldn't. Tears were streaming down her face as she finally fell unconscious from the injuries she had received earlier on, her adrenaline finally running out.'

(Y/N) sniffled quietly as the class watched in sympathy. There was a few minutes of awkward silence before someone finally spoke up. "(Y/N/N), I must apologize. If only I was faster, I could've saved Bakugo..." Todoroki admitted, a sad look on his face. (Y/N) looked up at him with her red eyes, shaking her head softly. "No, please. I don't blame you, nobody does. Don't apologize for something that was out of your control!" She exclaimed, standing up despite her injuries. She limped over and hugged the dual-haired boy, him stiffening before quietly returning the hug. She pulled away a few seconds later, returning to her bed. (Y/N) began crying once again as she quickly placed the blame on herself. "If only I was faster... I could've saved him!" She exclaimed, sobbing in front of her class. She didn't care how they saw her right now, she just wanted the pain in her chest to stop. "Well, let's save him now." Kirishima declared. (Y/N) stopped her sobbing and joined the class in looking at the shark boy in shock. "Todoroki and I were here yesterday. On our way to your's and Midoriya's room, we saw All Might and a police officer talking to Yaoyorozu. She had made a tracking device and stuck it on a villain. She gave them a tracker." Kirishima explained. "Wait, so that means you're going to have Yaoyorozu make another tracker?!" Iida exclaimed. Kirishima put his head down while Todoroki glared. "So what if it does?" Todoroki declared. "This is something we must leave to the pros! This isn't the place for us to act, you idiots!" Iida yelled, shocking the rest of the class. (Y/N) sat in silence, waiting for someone to speak up. "We know that! But, I couldn't do anything! After I heard that my friend was being targeted, I couldn't do anything! I didn't do anything! If I don't do anything now, I won't be a hero or a man anymore!" Kirishima ranted, Denki asking him to quiet down afterwards. "Iida is right. If we act now, we'll just be acting like villains." Tsuyu said. "I know you all are correct, but still! Midoriya, (Y/N). You guys may have failed last time, but he's still within your reach! We can save Bakugo!" Kirishima exclaimed, holding his hands out to the two. (Y/N) smiled and nodded, sniffling one last time. She grabbed Kirishima's hand, letting him pull her up. "If acting like a villain is what it takes to save Katsuki, then I'll do it. I'm in!" She exclaimed, her classmates frowning. Iida shook his head disapprovingly while Todoroki sent her a small smile and nod. She nodded back, looking to Midoriya. He stayed silent, looking away. "We leave tonight. Meet in front of the hospital if you're coming." Kirishima explained, helping (Y/N) into her bed. He then left with the rest of the class. (Y/N) turned to face Midoriya once everyone was gone. "Midoriya, I'll understand if you aren't doing this." She said, sending him a small smile. "I'm in." He declared, a determined look in his eyes. (Y/N) smiled and nodded, relaxing before the plan.

Time Skip:

(Y/N) sat on the train next to Todoroki. Izuku sat on the other side of Todoroki, while Iida, Kirishima, and Yaoyorozu sat across. They had discussed the plan and were now on the way to the location of the tracker. After an hour long train ride, they arrived in a very populated area. Kirishima began to run off, yelling about finding Bakugo. "Wait a second! We have to take into account the villains could know what we look like! We need to blend in!" Momo declared, Izuku nodding in response. "Yeah! Stealth Mode!" He exclaimed, doing the gesture for 'Wakanda Forever!'. "That's making you stand out more, Midoriya." Todoroki explained, internally face palming at his broccoli friend. "Alright, how do we blend in?" (Y/N) asked, feeling anxious. "We need disguises!" Momo exclaimed, gesturing to a huge shop. The group went in, putting on some ridiculous clothes. "I feel stupid." Iida declared, Kirishima smiling brightly. "Really? I love mine!" He said. Izuku was trying to imitate Bakugo with the help of Kirishima, making (Y/N) smile. She adjusted her wig, feeling her eyes tear up. "God, I miss him..." She mumbled, catching Todoroki's attention. Todoroki had known her since they were children, so she was like family to him. He sneakily rubbed her arm, providing some comfort. "Please, don't worry. We'll find him." He whispered, making (Y/N) smile. "Thanks, Todo." She replied, smiling at him. He nodded and the group went towards the location of the tracker.

Once they arrived, they quickly saw it was a Nomu factory. "No signs of Kacchan. We should look around the area." Izuku declared. The group nodded but before the could leave, a loud explosion was heard. "What the hell?!" (Y/N) exclaimed, looking around. "Everyone okay?" Iida asked. The group nodded, but froze at the sight they saw. The League of Villains was there, Bakugo in tow. Up in the air, was All for One. The six froze in fear, never feeling this type of fear before. They watched as Best Jeanist was injured, tears streaming down (Y/N)'s face. Izuku gasped quietly when All Might came to the scene, ready to fight. He began fighting All for One, but he had to hold back because of Bakugo. Meanwhile, Bakugo was too busy fighting six of the villains from the league. He didn't want to admit it, but if All Might didn't win soon, he might not make it. Izuku and (Y/N) moved to get off the piece of wall they were hiding behind, before Iida held them back. "We can't fight! We don't have our licenses!" Iida whispered, causing (Y/N) to glare at the blue haired boy. "Iida! Look out there! Katsuki is fighting six villains! I can't let him get hurt or captured again!" She argued, struggling in his grip. She was unsuccessful, tears of frustration streaming down her face. "Wait, I have an idea! One that doesn't require us to fight!" Izuku declared, the others looking at him carefully. "What are you thinking, Midoriya?" Todoroki asked. "The key to my plan is you, (Y/L/N)." He said, shocking (Y/N). "Alright, I'll do it!" She declared, zero hesitation. Izuku spent the next few minutes explaining his plan, the others agreeing.

Bakugo began struggling in his fight, feeling his muscles begin to tear. He gritted his teeth in pain as he continued to fight, not really knowing when he could stop. The villains froze, causing Bakugo to be confused. He looked to where they were looking, gasping quietly when he saw a huge pillar of ice. "Half-and-half?" He mumbled, completely confused. He quickly dodged a knife from Toga as he looked up, seeing something flying across the sky. He ran a bit closer, freezing when he saw what it really was. He saw his girlfriend, (Y/N), holding out one of her hands. Her other hand was holding onto Kirishima's, who was being supported by Izuku and Iida. "Katsu! Come on!" She exclaimed, desperately trying to reach further out. Bakugo smirked as he saw Shigaraki try to grab him. Bakugo set off a huge explosion, flying through the air and grabbing on to (Y/N)'s hand. "You idiot!" He shouted, sending her a small smile. (Y/N) smiled at him as some tears ran down her face. "Katsu..." She mumbled, taking a deep breath as the group landed. As soon as they hit the ground, the group rolled across the pavement until the stopped. (Y/N) scrambled to her feet, throwing herself into Bakugo's arms. He barely had time to stand before he quickly hugged her back, breathing in her scent. "That was so risky, (Y/N). Fucking hell..." he whispered, smirking as she pushed herself closer into his arms. "You scared me...so fucking much." She mumbled, hugging him tighter if possible. Kirishima, Izuku, and Iida watched with small smiles as the couple was reunited. "I'm not fucking leaving again. Never fucking again..." Bakugo whispered, quickly kissing the top of her head. (Y/N) relaxed in his arms, her heart finally feeling at peace. 

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