Forever mine

By kankuro-chan

8.6K 191 18

Naru fic More

Chap 2

We found dad

2.4K 38 12
By kankuro-chan

Naruto sighed as he looked out the window. "Yo Naruto! Whats wrong?" Kyuubi, his older brother, asked as he sat down next to him. Naruto turned to his brother and smiled faintly.

"Its nothing, Kyuu. Its just ... I'm tired of all these tours. I want to take a break." Kyuubi nodded and patted his brother's head.

"Yo! Kyuu, Naru! Get your lazy asses up!" Naruto rolled his eyes at Kiba's antics. "Watcha want Kiba!" Kiba grinned and sat in the seat in front of him.

"Well, haven't you heard? Neji has a song idea, Deidara has a clue to your missing father, and they both want you guys down there." Naruto sighed and got up.

"Alright, but we'd better get a break soon. I'm really tired, and don't you dare tell me I'm alright, because I'm the one who has to fucking sing here! As for the Deidara part ... Why the hell didn't you say that sooner?" Kiba trembled in fear and nodded.

"Alright, alright! Iruka says he has a surprise for everyone. You're not the only one who is tired, Naruto. Now hurry up and get down there, because Deidara looked distressed." Naruto and Kyuubi both nodded and moved over to the front of the bus. 'I just hope that Dei found our father, or at least a trace of him! His case turned cold 5 years ago and its been 9 years since he disappeared. I miss him so much' Naruto sighed and sat down at the table in front of Neji.

"Alright now, what is it that is so important, Neji." Kyuubi asked, looking concerned that Neji called them over a song and looked sick.

"Look, I know that only Naruto and you are the ones who write the songs, but ... m-mmy little cousin, Hinata, well ... she was molested in her sleep about two months ago. The creep didn't get too far, but from then on, she couldn't sleep. So about a week ago, she fell asleep at three in the morning and the creep came back ... It was her step father. She woke up just when his hand was about to touch her. So you see my song idea is about that, what do you guys say?" Naruto looked torn between crying for her, and going to kill the bastard, but he calmed down and reached over the table for his friend.

"Its ok Neji, we can write a song about that, to raise awareness. And I think its a good thing to do for her." Neji smiled at Naruto and nodded in understanding. Naruto lost his father when he was only 10 years old. His father was his only guardian, and he went missing leaving his three only sons to fend for themselves.

"Alright Neji, me and Naruto will think of how we can pull all of that in a song for your little cousin. Send our regards." Neji smiled at Kyuubi. Kyuubi, Naruto's older brother, was 12 back when their father went missing, he having to take care of his younger brothers at such an age.

"Alright, un. Now for my meeting! The truth is, that I tracked down father to Fire county, in a small village named Konohagakure, but that is where the trail ends. So, I say we go there if we want any chance to find him this year, un." Everyone nodded at him, while he finished his explanation. Deidara was the middle child, he was 11 when his father went missing, and he fought along with Kyuubi to keep their little brother when the social services people came for him.

Kiba and Neji were found by the brothers when they ran away from home after their fathers found out their secret at the age of 15. They stuck with Naruto, Kyuubi, and Deidara when they found out that their secret was the brothers' secret as well. Truth is that the whole group was gay, and to make it more interesting, they were the bottoms, the girls, or more commonly known, the ukes. They are all older now, mostly 19, 20, and 21 for Kyuubi with a 30 year old Iruka guarding them.

"Alright Dei, we should talk to Iruka and see if he can get us to go on tour over there." Kyuubi said as he eyed Naruto's exhausted state. "No need, Kyuu. I've gone ahead and made plans to go over there, but for our vacation." Naruto perked up and jumped across the table to hug the new man tight. "Iruka-sensei! I love you for this!" Iruka chuckled and patted Naruto's head.

"Its ok Naru. Besides, we all have to go home sometime this year." Everyone eyed Iruka curiously. Iruka was once a teacher, and he took them in back when they were all thrown out in the street and treated like monsters, especially Naruto, since he had ... that special something about him. "Ohh Kami-sama! You guys please don't tell me that you've forgotten that you were all born in Konoha!"

Everyone palled and stared at Iruka. "Y-You mean this Konohagakure, is KONOHA? The same village where the people tried to kill me for the demonic side of me?" Naruto's eyes flickered from a bright sky blue that the sky was envious for, to a bright red that made blood look like pink lemonade. "Now, now Naruto! Be nice, those people have changed, besides, you are more likely to beat them up if they even try to harm you." Naruto sighed and sat down. 'No use in fighting with him. Besides, we have to get there in order to find our father ... but if what Dei said was true then ...' Naruto's head snapped up and he stood up abruptly

"DEIDARA! KYUUBI! If the trail ends here, then ... we made a full complete circle! And dad is ..." Naruto let the information sink into their minds as he looked out the window and to the approaching horizon. "Dad is in the village!" They both exclaimed together, staring at Naruto and wondering how it was that they didn't think of that before. "Then it also means, that someone in that village wanted us out of the way, so he took father and led us into a wild goose chase!" Naruto growled out, his eyes changing colors and his whisker marks growing larger in definition.

"Or, maybe ... something else had him. Think about it, it took us four years to follow your father's trail, and yet as the trail indicates, its four years old! Nothing human can travel a four year travel in the same year!" Kiba spoke up looking directly at the brothers and wondering if they knew what he was talking about. "Yeah, Kiba is right, my demonic side tells me so. I say we go back to the village and talk to ... Grandma and Grandfather, maybe they can help us. Kyuu, Dei, I say you guys lay low until I say to come out. Our grandparents only know of me, they think you both are dead." Kyuubi and Deidara nodded in agreement and started to plan out their stay in Konoha.

'Get ready Konoha, I'm coming back, and this time, I'll be ready, ohh I'll be more than ready!' Naruto grinned as he looked out the window. Konoha was still three days away by bus, one and a half days by ninja travel, and only half a day by demonic travel, but he will allow them three days peace before he returned, Kami-sama only knows how on edge he was about it all. 'I'm not that weak little gennin I was before. I just hope that you will listen this time instead of letting fear cloud your judgment.' Naruto sighed and turned to look at his band mates, 'Yeah, I'm not a monster, on the contrary, I am more gentle than I was as a child now, because of my family. A family you all tried to deny me of, but I already forgive you'

"Sasuke! Get me my pet" Sasuke sighed and rolled his eyes as he walked out.

"Why not call him your love, because you treat him better than a pet, and I think it hurts him far too much to be called a pet. You know he loves you right?" Itachi spoke up as Sasuke walked out the door.

"Yeah I know Itachi, but he must understand that he mustn't leave me, so I will punish him." Sasuke walked back in with an unconscious Minato in his arms and a worried expression on his face. "Father, I found him this way! I don't know what happened!" Fugaku stood up abruptly and walked over to Sasuke, the same expression of worry plastered on his face. "ITACHI! Get Sasori in here!" Itachi nodded and left the room, appearing a minute later with Sasori beside him.

Sasori walked over to Minato and made a few hand signs which caused his hands to turn green. As he hovered his hand over Minato's body, he began to come too. "M-My ... N-Naru ... Kyuu ... Dei ... my family ... I must ... Naru ... they are worried." Fugaku lowered his lips to Minato's forehead. "Slow down my love, tell me what it is that you want." Minato blinked and stared at Fugaku, his eyes started to water and Fugaku smiled warmly at him.

"Fugaku, my love. I have to go. The reason I've been trying to sneak out is because of my ... my ..." Minato fell silent and closed his eyes. Fugaku shook him repeatedly and cried silently into his bright yellow hair. He held onto Minato for dear life and whispered all sorts of loves into Minato's ear. "Father, if I may. He is not dead, only unconscious. There is a cure, it seems to be a clan thing, or ... a human thing. Maybe we should go out and take a human?" Sasori whispered, knowing full and well that the room full of vampires could hear him well.

"No, Sasori. The only time you all may take a human and bring them into the castle is for mating. For all other purposes, they die and wither away. We must wait until the Uchiha crest stone lights up. That is when your mates are near." Everyone nodded and looked upon Minato with worry in their eyes. Minato had been selected by fate and destiny to be Fugaku's mate long ago, but he did not come easily, for the first few weeks he mumbled something about Naru, Kyuu, Dei. The last of the prestigious Uchiha vampire clan began to think that it was some sort of language, but after that first week, Minato began to talk and as the castle curse began to take effect, he forgot what Naru, Kyuu, Dei meant.

Minato was a kind, bubbly man that adored all of the young Uchiha vampires like his own sons. Soon he was referred to as "Dad" for it was what he wanted. Minato often fell asleep with them watching and in his sleep he mumbled things about the Naru, Kyuu, Dei. They soon found out what it stood for. Naru stood for Naruto, Kyuu stood for Kyuubi, and Dei stood for Deidara. It soon became a habit to listen to Minato mumble about "His boys, his life, his pride and joy" Every single night.

They would wonder if those boys missed their father, it they were even worried that Minato hadn't shown up. Most of the time they would watch Minato with a small twinge of guilt in their subconsciousness, but they would always dismiss the feeling and watch Minato tell about his memories in his sleep. In one memory, Naruto fell into a small fever, and Minato would cry for hours as the memory kept on tormenting, usually making Minato mumble out, "No Naruto, don't die on me ... I love you too much ... come back to me ... come to me as I come to you."

The first time the Vampires heard Minato say that, they were worried that Minato would leave them all for Naruto, but when questioned, Minato didn't know what they were talking about. The dream sessions continued on non the less as Minato dreamed up all of his memories and told the vampires unknowingly. Sasori would always relate to the one named Deidara, his passion for art at such a young age, making Sasori wish he could meet the young unknown artist, making him unknowingly ... fall in love with the faceless entity.

Itachi would always enjoy listening to Minato as he laughed about Kyuubi's intelligence, not known to anyone that Itachi was intrigued by the small human genius, making him want to meet this young Kyuubi and share thoughts on many topics and challenge his intellect.

Even though, all of the Uchiha enjoyed the thought of meeting the famous Naruto, Deidara, and Kyuubi, Sasuke would always want for Minato to be happy. He didn't want to meet the sons of his dad, he wanted his dad to be happy, to live happily, but his thoughts were never answered as Minato didn't know what they were talking about. Sasuke still wanted to get his dad reunited with his sons, but he always wanted Minato to stay with them.

Kakashi walked in and interrupted their musings. "Maa, maa. What is this about?" Everyone's head snapped up as he walked into the room and took in the sight of Minato's unconscious form. "Ahh, so my teacher finally snapped ehh? Well it is expected. Anyways back to the less important matter at hand ... the Uchiha crest stone has finally glowed, and it glowed brightly. I'm guessing that your mates have arrived in a group." Itachi stood and nodded. "Well that's good, if we bring them here, then maybe one of them can help Dad."

Sasuke stood up and walked over to Kakashi. "Kakashi, I want you to make an investigation. Find out where Naruto, Kyuubi, and Deidara are. Minato said that they were worried and called for his family." Kakashi nodded and gave one last look at Minato and headed out. "Alright then, someone go tell Shino that Dad is unconscious and someone go to Gaara, they both will be hurting deeply." Sasori nodded and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Sasuke looked behind himself and took one last glance at Minato and followed Kakashi. 'Don't worry Dad, I will find your Naruto, Kyuubi, and Deidara, and keep them safe. I will find a way for them to be able to come into the castle and be with you. I promise,' Sasuke thought as the door closed behind him and took with it the last glimpse of Minato.

"What do you mean there is going to be a snow storm in 10 minutes? We need to hurry up and go! We are 2 days early and so very close to the village!" Naruto yelled as Iruka stopped the bus. "Look Naru, the bus doesn't do good in the cold. We already have engine failure and one tire is about to break off. If we move during a snow storm, we will most likely die!" Naruto pouted and turned on his heel and headed into the forest on the side of the road.

"Ugh! Naru! Get back over here now!" Iruka huffed and began to go back inside to get the others for a search party when Naruto ran into him jumping around excitedly. "Iruka! there is an abandoned castle about half mile down inside the forest, I found the trail, how about we go there and spend the snow storm there?" Iruka starred at Naruto and weighed the pros and cons. "Alright, lets go, lead the way while I drive." Naruto beamed up at Iruka as he got out the bus and walked to a hidden path a few feet ahead of them.

"What is Naru doing out there while you are driving the bus towards him?" Kyuubi asked as Iruka edged the bus over to where Naruto was. "Ohh, he found us an abandoned castle to stay at while the snow storm hits." Kyuubi's eyes bulged out and he stared incredulously at Iruka.

"You mean there is a snow storm waiting to strike and you have my little bother out there? How could you Iruka!" Iruka sighed as Naruto made his way on the bus. "Calm down Kyuu! I'm fine, I was only directing Iruka to the hidden path. Now Iruka, follow it down a little and you will begin to see the castle in about ... Now!" Iruka and Kyuubi gasped as they starred at a huge majestic castle that looked so old and ruined that they were sure no one lived in it.

"Damn! We heading over there guys?" Kiba gasped as he, Neji, and Deidara came into the cabin of the bus and stared at the huge castle in awe. "Hell yeah! I found it, and besides we are only going to stay in it till the storm clears up ... and its falling right now isn't it?" As Naruto said that a few flakes of snow began to fall and cover the window in which they were looking through. " Well at least we won't have to sleep in here, someone go see if its open, un." Deidara said as he began to grab stuff to take inside.

Naruto rolled his eyes as the rest took a few steps back. "I'll go! I want to explore this place anyway. Kyuubi you grab my stuff since you never take many things with you." Kyuubi rolled his eyes and left to get Naruto's stuff as Naruto made his way off the bus and to the door of the grand castle. He knocked on the door and tried the handle, and to his surprise it opened. He took a step inside and felt a strange warm breeze ghost over him and out the door. "Spooky, but I guess it will do." Naruto took off his back pack and pulled out a few candles and wood he had picked up before getting on the bus.

He walked over to the fireplace and placed the wood down. "Geez, I forgot the matches, oh well." Naruto made a few hand signs and made a small fire ball jutsu. He felt a gaze fixed on his movements, but made no sudden moves and acted like he didn't know they were there. Suddenly the door busted open and Naruto threw a few shuriken at the intruders, only to pin Kiba's arms to the door. "Sorry Kiba, its just I felt a gaze fixed on me while I prepared the fire and lighted the candles. You guys done unpacking the bus?" Kiba rolled his eyes as he took the shuriken out and tossed them over to him. "Barely! We need a hand you know!"

Naruto rolled his eyes and made four Kage Bushin No jutsus of himself and sent them off to the bus and to set up base camp for everyone. "Alright, status report guys." Kyuubi stood up and walked over to Naruto. "I found more wood for the fire and secured the area for us." Kyuubi dropped the fire wood on the floor and sat back down. Neji and Kiba stood up and walked over to Naruto. "Well Naru, we found some deer and caught two of them." Kiba led both dear, still very much alive, to a post beside the fire place and tied them there. Neji walked behind him and put straw on the floor next to the deer and walked away.

"Ok, so Kyuu, Neji, and Kiba got the wood and ... pets done, now what did the rest do?" Deidara pointed to his desk station that was already set up with a laptop and a generator. "Good Dei, now Iruka-sensei, what did you accomplish?" Irula lifted up a few extra traps that he had and pointed to the monitors on four corners that beeped at the slightest movement. "Alright, so we are ready to stay here, and if the event that we are snowed in did happen, and with our luck it just might, we are set up at least one week, got it?" The group nodded and went to their respective tents. Naruto sighed and looked up towards the stairs where he saw a young man staring at him, but when he blinked the man was gone. 'It must be the exhaustion.'

Sasuke burst into his father's room where all of his brothers and his father were standing around Minato. "I've got some news, and I don't know if its bad or good." Fugaku nodded his head and made a motion for him to proceed. "W-Well ... There are humans in the castle." The group of vampires looked stunned at him and Sasuke sighed. "That's not all. It seems that three of them are the famous ... Naru, Kyuu, and Dei." The group gasped and soon Sasuke found himself surrounded by his brothers and father.

"Tell us where they are now!" Sasuke gulped and nodded. "Follow me and I'll take you to them, but be warned, the one named Naru he ... he saw me, and sensed me. He isn't a normal human." Fugaku nodded and walked beside Sasuke while he led the way to the abandoned part of the castle.

There in the open was a small camp site and sitting beside the fire, were two blonde men and a red head. Naruto looked up and sensed something or a group of somethings looking straight at him. "You're right Sasuke, he can sense us, but more importantly ... that is MINATO!" Sasuke chuckled at his father's expense and held a hand up. "No father, that isn't Dad, that is the famous Naru. Look closer at his face and you will see why he isn't Dad." Fugaku stared incredulously at Sasuke then searched the young blonde's face. There he saw the three whisker like marks on ear cheek and understood what Sasuke was talking about.

"But how is it that they can all still be alive inside the castle? We've tried to smuggle in humans through this part, and the curse still kills them." Itachi mused as he stared at the red head. Then it clicked. "Get Kakashi over here Shino!" Shino nodded and left in a puff of smoke. "Whats wrong Itachi?" Sasuke asked, concerned at the tone of voice Itachi used at Shino.

"Remember Kakashi said that our mates were close and they would appear in a group ... I think that's them." Sasuke tensed and looked down at the young blonde who pinpointed him and stared directly at him. "He's seen me, look at him he is staring straight at me" Sasuke murmured, still entranced by the blue orbs that held his gaze. "Kami-sama, Sasuke is right!" Fugaku whispered, surprised that the young blonde could sense and locate them so easily.

"Yo" Kakashi said as he appeared beside Shino, looking quite confused as to why he was summoned over to the abandoned part of the castle. "Kakashi, look at these humans, are they our mates?" Kakashi turned his confused gaze over to Sasuke then to what Sasuke was looking at. Kakashi gasped at he saw a blonde young man look straight at him, but more at Sasuke, then at the rest of the group. He saw a tanned man with his hair up and a long scar across his nose. Kakashi had never seen such beauty, and it entranced him. "Y-Yeah, those are our mates ... Kami-sama that is one beautiful sight. I never thought I'd ever find my mate, and yet here he is." Kakashi mused as he walked closer to the balcony to get a better look.

"I say we go down there and take them, or at least make it known that we are here." Sasuke nodded and began his decent down the spiraling stair case and in front of the group.

Kiba, Neji, and Iruka moved close to Naruto and his brothers as they saw a group of men descend the stairs. 'Oh Fuck! He is so damn hot, It think I'm drooling,' thought Kiba as he took in the sight of Shino and the rest. Kiba chanced a look at Neji and Iruka, only to find that both of them were drooling with poorly concealed lust in their eyes.

Naruto's eyes widened as the man he saw before came down the stairs and stood in front of them. "You, you are Naruto I presume?" Naruto gasped as the man walked closer. "I ... Uhh ... How ... Y-Yeah I am Naruto, but how do you know my na-name?" Sasuke quirked a brow and gestured over to his friends. "I've been listening, dobe." Naruto's eye twitched in annoyance and he growled low in his throat. "Look here, Teme, I know for a fact that we've been whispering over here and that there is no possible way for you all to have heard that. Now if you would please ... tell me where you heard the name Minato!" Naruto growled, his fists clenching and his teeth grounding together.

"... How do you know that name?" Fugaku broke the silence between the two groups. "That is for us to know, and for you to shut the fuck up and tell us, un!" Deidara seethed through his teeth. They had all come this far, and for them to know the name was something big. "Calm down brat, we just want to know why you know that name." A red head said as he walked closer to Deidara. Naruto growled low in his throat, the sound came out animalistic and ferile.

"Just tell us where he is damn it! Tell us where our father is! We've come so far, looked so low, and for you to know that name is something that gives us hope! So please! Tell us already!" Naruto yelled, his demonic side coming out at last. Sasuke gasped and walked over to the blonde. He held the blonde demon in his arms as the trembling subsided and the sobbing began. "I just want my father back, is that so much to ask? I want him to take away the pain of having lived without him for so long! Those damn villagers took advantage of my father's absence! They beat me, and almost raped me! So why? After so long, why won't anyone ever let me live in peace. Even after all the cruelty in my life, I still love and cherish that village, I still love everyone in my life. Please just tell me where he is! Take me to him. I don't care if he is dead, as long as I know where he is and I can visit him, I will live and die in peace." Naruto sobbed into Sasuke's chest.

Kyuubi growled at all the vampires, moving to his brother's side. "You people! Fuck you all and your demon thinking! So what if my little brother is a demon! He fought in those shinobi wars for you people of Konoha and saved all the ninja, and yet you treat him like this. Just leave! Leave and never return! If you don't want to help us, then leave us alone!" Kyuubi hugged Naruto and ripped him out of Sasuke's grasp. "My brother said leave, un!" Deidara yelled as he held his brothers and began to cry along with them.

"Kyuu, Naru, Dei. Calm down! Calm down, it'll be alright. We will find your father soon. I promise" Neji said as he hugged them all and walked back to the camp site, leaving Kiba and Iruka to handle the intruders. "Please leave and take your demon hating with you." Iruka spoke low, his head facing down as his tears began to flow freely. Kiba bit his lip, wanting to ask the hot silent man why he was doing this, what he would gain by hurting his friend.

"W-We're sorry, we didn't know you were his sons. Please forgive me and my sons! We aren't a part of Konohagakure! Please, forgive us for being such bastards." Fugaku whispered, a hand out stretched to Naruto and his brothers. Naruto stood up abruptly and jumped the distance from him and Fugaku and hugged him tight, startling him with his dazzling smile. "You mean you know where he is? Will you take us please!" Naruto whimpered and nuzzled Fugaku's chest, trying very hard to control his sobs as the man patted his back caringly.

"Yes, I know where he is, and I'll take you ... Sasuke, take him. Itachi and Sasori, you take the others, they seem too emotionally weak to keep up. The rest may follow us, please." Sasuke nodded and hugged Naruto close, while Sasori and Itachi took Deidara and Kyuubi. Kiba, Neji and Iruka held onto each other as they began to climb the stairs and leave the cold part of the castle behind and enter a cleaner, much more warmer part with Kakashi, Gaara, and Shino tailing them and starring lustfully at their asses. "Iruka, do you think Naruto will be alright, he almost let his demonic side out. I'm scared that if he does that, then we won't get him back." Kiba whimpered, hugging Neji and Iruka closer and began to walk faster as he felt the burn of a stare on his ass.

"Yeah, I know what you mean Kiba, I've never seen Naruto act like that before either, but then again ... he's been waiting for years just to see his father again. He has been yearning this for so long that ... nothing else matters to him and ... is it me or is my ass burning with a stare?" Asked Iruka as he turned around and glared at the smirking trio tailing behind them.

"No, it's not you Iruka-sensei, I feel it too." said Neji as he turned to look at the smirking trio as well. "That's why I made us walk faster, the burning is getting to me! ... What is wrong with you guys! I need this ass for sitting!" Kiba yelled as he glared death at his hot guy and the other two.

"Hn, it's just so nice to look at that we need to see it. Is that so wrong?" Kiba a blushed and turned away from the smirking Shino as he sped up his pace. "Well that's just rude! I'll have you know that such insinuations are not necessary young man!" Iruka said as he was pulled along by Kiba. "No they're not, but talking the real deal is necessary, don't you think cutie?" Iruka blushed at Kakashi's comment and turned away, looking at his feet and not daring to turn around to face a chuckling, smirking Kakashi.

"How about you, long hair. Are you wanting some company on the little lonely side of yours? Or maybe that ass of yours is a little cold and wanting me there?" Neji blushed and spluttered, turning away from Gaara and making Kiba and Iruka walk even faster and move closer to Deidara and Sasori.

"Here we are, this is where Minato is." Naruto broke out of Sasuke's impossible hold and sprinted into the room, his brothers having a difficult time to get out of their prisons. "Dad? Daddy!" Naruto ran all over the room, then to the bed situated in the middle. There in the middle of the huge bed slept Minato. He looked peaceful and restful, but Naruto didn't see that. He saw past all the illusions and saw the real Minato, he looked sick and near death. Naruto cried and held his father close.

"WHAT DID YOU ALL DO? Take this illusion off! He isn't peaceful and restful! He is sick and near death!" Fugaku and his sons froze instantly and Sasori growled. "What do you mean illusion? He is not under an illusion!" Naruto scoffed and began to frantically take off his jacket and pull at a blue crystal he had hanging around his neck. He pulled the invisible top off of it and held the liquid to Minato's mouth. Slowly the liquid disappeared behind Minato's lips and Fugaku came to stand beside his love. "What did you give him?" He whispered warmly at Naruto.

"I gave him a family old remedy that is a cure for death." Fugaku froze as Minato slowly opened his eyes and stared at Naruto. "N-Na-Naruto?" Naruto nodded and wiped at his tears. Minato jumped out of the bed and picked up Naruto and ran to his other sons. "Let them go now" Minato whispered. Itachi and Sasori let go of each of their charges and Minato picked them all up and ran to the others.

"Run! You must run away from here!" Minato hugged his sons and took a protective stance in front of them, but was surprised when Naruto picked him up and ran with the others. "You're coming with us! We've already lost you once. We're not loosing you again." Naruto ran ahead of them and to the camp sight, he made a group of Kage Bushin no jutsus and hid with the rest as the clones changed into the group.

Fugaku stormed into the camp, and stood in front of the group. "MINATO! What have I told you about running? And you took my sons slaves with you as well!" Naruto stiffened and turned to his father, looking for his answers. "Fugaku and his sons are vampires that kidnap humans and use them as sex slaves. I was captured long ago and have been trying to flee this place for so long. This castle holds a curse that kills all humans that aren't chosen as the slaves. The meaning that you all lived means that you all are slaves as well, and they wont let you leave." Everyone gulped as the rest of the vampires came into view.

"Now, now Minato, no need to be feisty. If you come to us without a challenge, then I will not harm you as much during your punishment." Fugaku said as he smirked at the clone that acted like it was scared while the real Minato shivered in pleasure and anticipation and closed his eyes. Naruto stared at his father in amazement as Minato opened his eyes and looked at Naruto. "What? Do you know how good sex with that damned vampire is? It's so damn good, and the punishments! Oh god don't get me started. Just because I've tried to get out, doesn't mean I didn't like this place!"

Naruto rolled his eyes and watched as Fugaku began to calculated their surroundings, making Naruto want to act fast before they realize that those were clones. Suddenly there came a low whistle in the air and Fugaku was scratched by a shuriken. Sasuke and Itachi's eyes were wide open as they saw their father's blood seep out of the cut.

"Ah, so you want to fight, eh? Then we will fight!" The clones launched an attack while the real ones fled the scene. Iruka got to the bus and began to warm it up as the rest filled on inside. "Iruka, no time! We have to get to the bikes!" Iruka nodded and let another clone take over as they all made their way down to the back of the bus and to a hidden compartment. Naruto ran to the end and opened the door and started up his bike. "Hurry up guys, we don't have much time now!" As the bikes started to purr, the bus door was thrown open and a lot of screaming was heard

"MINATO!" Fugaku yelled as the bus began to quake and rock, the sounds of fighting began to reach them and Naruto began to make another barrage of clones. Naruto made a hand sign and they began to fade and become invisible as they all began to jump start their bikes. They made it out in time to witness as the clones were dragged off their bikes and thrown to the floor as the vampires began to try and rape them.

"Dad, I never knew they were like that! Believe me they cared for my well being when I began to cry about you." Minato nuzzled into the crook of Naruto's neck and hugged him tight. "Its ok Naruto, as long as we are away from that castle, I don't care about what happened. Although ... I will miss the wild sex I had with Fugaku." Naruto chuckled and signaled the rest to speed up. The village came into view 10 minutes later and Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.

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