
By chocodropss

6K 1.6K 518

Most impressive ranking: #68 in cult A new school term had just begun and everyone felt positive vibes. They... More

Author's Note
Author's Note


470 95 38
By chocodropss

~Got a secret, can you keep it, swear this one you'll save, better lock it in your pocket taking this one to the grave. If I show you, then I know you won't tell what I said,cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead~ PLL

A month later

I was walking to my class after having breakfast at the dining hall.

Rose ville high school was the new age school with high class technological capacity. It was built in the heart of Asaba, Delta State. It was painted sky blue and grey. It was a full time boarding school, with few students being day students mainly because of health issues. It was one of the best schools in the state.

The hostels were at the back of the school together with the school's clinic. A small fence separated the hostel blocks from the main school. The staff rooms were on another building adjacent to the main building.

The classes comprised of jss1 to jss3 with ss1 to ss3 having both art and science classes respectively. The senior secondary was located on the first floor while the junior secondary was located on the ground floor together with their respective toilets. The laboratories, music rooms, dance studio, library and drama rooms were located on the second floor.

The cafeteria and assembly hall had their own building respectively. Two trees were planted between the staff room building and the main school building. The national and school flags stood at the front of the assembly hall.

There was a football field in juxaposition with a basketball court. The school was well equipped in all ramifications. There was also an indoor swimming pool.

It was where rich parents enrolled their kids, senators, Governors, house of assembly members and even certain celebrities. Rose ville was the IT school.

I adjusted my black plaid skirt before getting into my class. The class was full and noisy. Everyone was talking on top of their voices. It was almost as if everything was back to normal, only that nothing was okay.

I walked to my chair and sat down while waiting for the Bell to ring so we can go for assembly. I was already tired and it was just Monday. I brought out a novel to read.

I was too invested in my novel that I didn't know when someone hit me and the book fell out of my hands. I looked up to see Derin, my former friend.

"I'm sorry Zara. I wasn't looking." She said, apologetically and I smiled at her. She sat down beside me.

We didn't talk for a while and none of us made any effort to talk. What happened a month ago was still fresh in our memories and it drew  us apart. I ignored the voice in my head telling me to talk to her; I took my book from the table and opened it to the page I was reading.

It was suddenly time for assembly. I quickly put my book in my locker and followed the rest of the class, out and into the assembly hall. The assembly was as short as it could be. After that, we left the assembly hall and went back to our various classes.

"Zara." I heard a masculine voice call out. I turned to look at Mide, kambili's ex.

"Oh hey,Mide." I said, feigning a smile.

"I've not seen you around this past month. How have you guys been holding up?" I knew he was referring to myself and the girls. I suddenly felt like the bad person. I was supposed to be asking him the very question he was asking me.

Kambili commonly known as Kay kay has been my friend since jss1. I met the other girls through her. We literally became friends because of kay Kay. She was like the glue holding our friendship together and when she died, our friendship died as well.

"Um, we've been good. Only that the girls and I haven't really been talking since it happened. I've not even seen the two zee's for a while now."

He nodded. "No problem but I'll really like to see you guys functioning again. The school needs that girl power." He said and walked away.

I saw the twins, ziora and zikora together with their friend,Anita coming down the hall towards me. I quickly left where I was standing and walked into my class. I sat down on my chair as I watched everyone in the class go about their activities.

How come no one bother to ask what happened to her? How come they're not concerned? I understand Kay Kay was kind of a bitch but it doesn't change the fact that she was one of the best students here, both academically wise and sport wise. She was a very good swimmer and dancer. She always talked about how she wanted to swim at the Olympics. She was that ambitious.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I brought out my tab from my locker. I opened it and the first thing I saw was an anonymous message from an app Derin built for us last year.

I know what you did with Segun. I need you to give me the kambili's killer or I send everyone the pictures. I looked at the message in horror.

How did they even get access to the app? The app was heavily guarded. It'll be very hard for you to have access to it, talk more of sending a message to me. The app hasn't being used since Kay Kay died. We all left the app on our tablets but none of us opened it or anything. I looked at the message for a while and I scoffed and immediately deleted the message.

I looked around and saw Derin looking at her tab too with horror written all over her face. I guessed she must have gotten a threat too. I opened the math app on my tablet and began to work on the problem we were required to solve.

It was soon break time but I sat down on my chair. I hardly went to the cafeteria after Kay's death. I usually took snacks from the staff room's dispenser, I even lost my appetite at some point. After everyone left the class, I stood up and went to the staff block. I entered the lounge and paid for a meat pie and a bottle of soda. After paying, I left to my class. I needed my peace and quiet and I knew I was going to get it there.

I sat on my chair, eating what I got. I suddenly brought out my tab to look at my profile on the app.

"You got a message too right?" I heard Derin ask. I looked up and saw her in front of my locker. I deliberated talking to her about it or just ignoring her.

"Yes I did. Do you have any idea of who sent them?" I asked after drinking from my bottle.

"No, I don't. But I think we have to reach out to the others. They may have received something like that too. We need to know what to do next." She quickly chipped in. Derin was the type of person that hated to be put on the spot. She liked easy ways out, she enjoyed looking for solutions to problems.

"I don't know about that. I haven't spoken to the twins since like forever. I'm not even sure they got any message. It's possible someone is just playing with us. This might be a prank, and it could be from anybody." I shrugged. I tried to act like I wasn't bothered, but deep down, I was scared to death. I didn't know what the future held for me or if this was really a prank or not.

Derin suddenly laughed and I was shocked at her action. "Are you serious right now? A prank? From who? The twins can't pull something like this, they're obviously too busy trying to redeem their social lives. I can't pull this kind of prank on you and myself. So wake up Zara. Someone is pulling the strings here and we are about to be their puppets if we don't act fast." With that, she left me in the classroom and I knew we were in real trouble. Something had to be done, and it had to be done fast.

Hey guy, how was the chapter? Please don't forget to vote, comment and share my book. Thanks guys, much love.

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