Rebel Knight


701 104 122

Will was a regular farmer, Keyword "was." Now his homeland is under attack and he must survive. Going through... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

47 6 3

Chapter 4

            Here we were again, running through trees to stay alive. Borrin’s heavy panting a little ways behind me. Jacob who was keeping a steady pace with me was also mumbling about how his bow is faulty. We ran for quite some distance before Borrin finally piped up.

            “Guys lets rest, my junk is chafing.” He wheezed.

            I slowed to a walk before stopping. We caught our breath and Jacob mentioned how hungry he was. He didn’t offer to go hunting seeing how he was still butt hurt over his last shot. I could swear Borrin was still chuckling under his breath about that.

            “I guess I’ll go get some food, start a fire Jacob.” I said heading off. I stopped and turned around. “On second thought, Borrin you make the fire.”

            I left cautiously just in case there happens to be anyone following us. My eyes darted from tree to tree; I admit I was a little paranoid. Every rustle in a bush made me jump. I doubt I could even take on one of those guys alone. I racked my brain for the dark armored guys’ names. General Darius had said they were called the Nartzi’s. The Nartzi were cruel and aimed to destroy every race other that their own.

            A little ways in front of me I could see a fire. Did I just walk in a circle? No, that’s not our camp. I crept into some bushes close to the fire. I peered out to see about five Nartzi’s eating around the fire. This was the first time I had seen them without their helmets on. I felt the blood drain from my body when I saw their faces. Each of them had ugly mustaches that were small and square; the mustaches rested on the upper lip and only spread as far as their noses. All of them had battle worn faces with scars and one of them only had one eye. I could hear them talking with thick accents.

            After standing in the bushes for a good half hour I snuck back towards my camp. Once I got a ways away from the Nartzi’s, I ran for my life. I was thankful that they didn’t hear me and terrified that they might be following me. I ran until I got to the spot where we had stopped.

            “Run, there are Nartzi’s over there!” I said breathlessly.

            Borrin got up and ran towards where the fort should be. Jacob was only in a towel because he had been washing himself. The towel didn’t stop him, he stood up ripped the towel off and ran as well. Here we were again, except this time Jacob was nude.

. . .

            The chilly night air was burning my lungs but I still ran as fast as I could. The trees around me were a blur as I ran past in the pitch black forest. The moon shined through the roof of the forest making an eerie light. The only sound was footsteps and heavy breathing.

            We ran until armed men jumped out of the bushes, surrounding us. They forced us on our knees at bow points. Jacob wasn’t too happy to have to be on his knees while still naked. The men didn’t look like Nartzi’s so they must be woodsmen. Nobody spoke, we just sat and waited.

            Our heads were covered with grain sacks and we were shoved through the forest. I could hear us entering a building from the doors that were creaking. Bright lights shined through the holes in the grain sack. Again I was brought on my knees.

            “What were you doing in my woods?” A deep voice said.

            I couldn’t quite trust them so I spoke up. “Well my mom made spinach soufflé again, so you could guess why.” I was answered with a slap across my face. “Mother is that you!” I yelled. I could hear Jacob and Borrin giggling to themselves.

            “It’s always smart to say something witty at first.” The voice said. “It doesn’t sound as funny while being cut open.”

            “Oh it is you mother!” I said. I could hear some other people stifling their laughs now.

            My grain sack was torn from my head. I found myself facing a large man. His moustache was thick and hung down on both sides of his mouth. His hair was short and dark brown. I looked around the room, it looked like a well-guarded place.

            “This must be the rebel’s fort!” I said.

            “How did you know we had a fort around here?” The large man yelled.

            I stood up and looked around a little more. “We are the new recruits!” I said cheerfully.

            “Well this makes it even more awkward to be naked.” Jacob said.

            “How do we know you are recruits?” The man said.

            “We have your standard armor.” Borrin said.

            “Anyone can steal armor.” He growled.

            “Well is General Darius here?” I said. “He is the one that recruited us.”

            “We will see about that.” He said as he left the room.

            After he had gone Jacob was handed a towel to cover up. One of our guards gave me thumbs up. We waited for word of our admittance. The sweat from running all this way had dried on my body by now and my mouth was dry. I was given some water when the big guy came back.

            “Looks like your story is true.” He said between clenched teeth. “Willard, show them to their quarters.”

            Willard, the one who gave me the thumbs up, led us to our room. It was small with four hay beds. Willard explained where to get food and where to practice before leaving us to settle in.

            “What a nice place.” Borrin said slumping in his bed.

            “Nobody look, I’m going to change into clothes now.” Jacob said.

            “So this is a bad time.” A voice said from the door.

            A guy no older than me walked in and sat down on the last bed. Jacob pulled on his clothes as fast as he could.

            “Who are you?” Borrin asked.

            “Your room-mate.” He said grinning. “I’m Eric, and you are?”

            Borrin shuffled in his bed. “Borrin, but we have a room-mate?”

            “Clearly Borrin.” I said. “I’m Will and this is Jacob by the way.”

            We talked for a while to know Eric’s background more. After some time of chatting I laid down. Interesting, I thought, we have another person to run away from battle with.

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