Pretty, Reckless, Winchester

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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She's survived demons, death, and all sorts of creatures that haunt the night. She's pretty sure she's seen i... More

Playlist and Holly's Updated Aesthetic
I. Man in the Wilderness
II. Mama, I'm Coming Home
III. Blood Brother
IV. Southern Cross
V. Turn the Page
VI. Who'll Stop the Rain
VII. Nothin' But a Good Time
VIII. As Time Goes By
IX. I Won't Back Down
X. Goodbye Stranger
XI. Free Ride
XII. Eminence Front
XIII. Nothing Else Matters
XIV. Send Me an Angel
XV. Rockin' Down the Highway
XVI. Somewhere Over the Rainbow
XVII. Fight the Good Fight
XVIII. Brothers in Arms
XVIX. Just Another Night
XX. Old Moon Madness
XXI. People Are Strange
XXII. Killer Queen
XXII. Stairway to Heaven
XXIII. Fade to Black
XXIV. Heartbreaker
XXV. Some Kind of Monster
XXVI. Soul Survivor
XXVII. The Road So Far
XXVIII. The Weight
XXVIX. Hit Me With Your Best Shot
XXX. Long Black Road
XXXI. Girl Gone Bad
XXXII. Only a Matter of Time
XXXIII. The Gambler
XXXIV. The Boys Are Back In Town
XXXV. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
XXXVI. Tequila Sunrise
XXXVII. The Prisoner
XXXVIII. Brother
XXXIX. Run Through the Jungle
XL. Right Now
XLI. Travelin' Man
XLII. Give 'em the Axe
XLIII. Land of Confusion
XLIV. Dazed and Confused
XLV. Changing Tracks
XLVI. Don't You Forget About Me
XLVII. Over the Hills and Far Away
XLVIII. Midnight Rider
XLIX. The Unforgiven III
L. Fare Thee Well (Dink's Song)
LI. Crooked Little Man
LII. With Heaven on Our Side
LIII. Make Me Smile
LIV. Mama You've Been on My Mind
LV. Born to be Wild
LVI. Instant Karma
LVII. Man in the Box
LVIII. Renegade
LIX. If You Want Blood (You've Got It)
LX. Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me
LXI. Stuck In the Middle With You
LXII. Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)
LXIII. Real Wild Child
LXIV. Where the Streets Have No Name
LXV. The Memory Remains
LXVI. Wind Cries Mary
LXIX. All Along the Watchtower
LXX. Good Times Bad Times
LXXI. Jumpin' Jack Flash
LXXII. Rip This Joint
LXXIII. The Big Empty
LXXIV. It's Never Too Late
LXXV. Space Cowboy
LXXVI. Break on Through
LXXVII. I Am the Fire
LXXVIII. Ramblin' Gamblin' Man
LXXIX. Wheel in the Sky
LXXX. Magical Mystery Tour
LXXXI. Rev on the Red Line
LXXXII. Back in Business
LXXXIII. To Beat the Devil
LXXXIV. The Prophet's Song
LXXXV. Good Times Roll
LXXXVI. Stranger in a Strange Land
LXXXVII. Makin' Monsters for My Friends
LXXXIX. The Necromancer
XC. Let it Ride
XCI. Please Call Home
XCII. Paranoid
XCIII. Searchin' For a Rainbow
XCIV. Damage, Inc.
XCV. Solsbury Hill
XCVI. Till It Shines
XCVII. Archangel's Thunderbird
XCVIII. Peace of Mind
XVIX. Play the Game Tonight
C. Tears in Heaven
CI. And So It Goes
CII. God Was Never on Your Side
Book Three

LXVII. No Time

179 2 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

[Who We Are]


There was a dead, bloody body draped over the hood of a truck. Mary Winchester was washing blood off her hands and brass knuckle claws in the shop sink. She left the shop and texted the message, 'Lester's down. Who's next?' to Ketch.

As she got into her car, Ketch messaged back, 'Fred Macrae, ID Kirby Sheffield, WY Jody Mills, SD'

Sam, Dean, Holly, Nate, and Toni were in the bunker where the power and air supply had been shut down. Dean and Nate were shining a flashlight at a locked circuit control panel. Nate tried to open it, but had no luck.

Dean slammed his fist against the panel in frustration. "All right. The garage?"

"Doors are warded and the walls are reinforced steel." Toni replied.

"Okay. Um, you know, maybe we could get out through the air vents." Sam suggested.

Toni scoffed. "You wouldn't get far. There are choke points in the duct system not even I, nor your sister, could squeeze through."

"I say we kill her. I mean, you heard Ketch." Holly said, glaring at Toni.

"Said we had about three days of air left. So if we ice her, maybe that buys us an extra day." Dean added.

"I assure you, Dean, Holly, I'm an extraordinarily shallow breather." Toni told them.

Dean scoffed. "Yeah, right."

"If we ever get out of here, I am the one who programmed your mother, which means that I am the only one who can undo it. And since I assume you want Mummy back, you need me."

Nate eyed Toni suspiciously. "You believe her?"

"I don't know. Look, if she's lying, sure, we take her out. But Mom is still out there, brainwashed. If she's telling the truth, then we do need her." Sam replied.

Holly crossed her arms. "All right, you're so smart, how do we get out of here?"

"The only way out is to pull the manual override." Toni informed.

"Is that a thing?" Sam wondered.

"Oh, it is. But it's outside the bunker, where we can't reach it."

"Awesome." Dean and Holly muttered.

Sam's eyes widened. "Wait a second, guys. We're in a giant vault loaded down with – with occult books and lore. There's gotta be something somewhere in here – an item or a spell –some hoodoo that can reverse the lockdown."


Sam, Dean, Holly, Nate, and Toni were sitting around the table reading lore books.

"I think Nate and I got something." Sam said, reading. ""When the Romani people were forced to assimilate in Europe, the, uh, the Roman used a spell, the Abrogation ritual, as an act of rebellion against their persecutors. The Devla turns back complex mechanical processes, resets equipment, machinery.""

"What's it take?" Holly asked.

Nate looked over the list. "Seems like pretty basic ingredients. Nothing we don't already have. Oh."

"What?" Toni questioned.

"The mechanisms "must be anointed with the blood of virgins." That's gonna be hard."

Dean looked at Toni, raising his eyebrows.

"Not even close." Toni said.

"All right, well, then, I guess we keep lookin'." Dean decided.

"Or we fake it." Sam suggested.

Toni frowned. "Excuse me?"

"We fake it. I mean, Nate and I've read half a dozen purification rituals in the last hour. If we used one of those on – on our blood..."

"Then what? Revirginize it?" Dean asked.


"So we purify the blood, then do the spell." Toni noted. "Two-step, hybrid magic."

Sam cut his hand and dripped his blood into a bowl while reciting a spell in Latin. Dean, Holly, Nate, and Toni followed with their blood. As Sam finished the spell, a white light emanated from the bowl.

"All right, that's step one." Sam told them. "Step two, you're up."

Toni recited a spell while sprinkling something into the bowl with the blood. "Fármichi, fármichi, mashuna parra, mashuna parra."

There was a rumbling sound and the table started shaking. Electricity started cracking and the lights flickered on and off.

"It's working. It's working!" Sam cried.

The bunker was powering up as Sam, Dean, Holly, Nate, and Toni looked around the room in surprise. Then, the bunker powered down.

"No." Toni sighed. "No."

"What happened?" Sam wondered.

"Ketch! He knew we'd..." She exhaled sharply. "He must've put some kind of mystical dampener on the bunker's lockdown. Magic won't work."

Sam, Holly, Nate, and Dean sighed dejectedly.


Dean unrolled blueprints on the table. "Okay, we have... exhausted brains, so I saw we try brawn."

"How?" Nate asked.

"Walls. Now the garage, the Crow's Nest, these are all reinforced steel walls, right? But right here," he pointed to an area on the blueprints, "that's nothing but concrete. And right there, that's an old sewer pipe, goes straight up to the surface... to the override."

"So wait a second. We're just gonna..." Sam was cut off.

Holly smirked. "That's right. Straight Shawshank this bitch."

Dean and Nate stood in front of a concrete wall each with a pickaxe. Sam and Holly were off to the side. Dean and Nate swung the pickaxes at the wall and got hit in the face with debris.

"Goggles?" Sam and Holly asked.

"Goggles." Dean and Nate confirmed.

Sam, Holly, Nate, and Dean took alternate strikes at the wall, the pickaxes were making a clattering sound and concrete was flying. After several strikes, they had barely made an impact.

Dean grunted, "Yeah."

The four of them were breathing heavily.

Sam groaned. "Oh, yeah."

Sam, Holly, Nate, and Dean slowly sat down against the wall, exhausted.

"We earned a break." Nate said.

"Yeah." Sam agreed.

"We'll get there." Dean and Holly reassured.

"No. No, we won't."

Sam twisted around to look up at where they were hammering. Dean, Holly, and Nate followed.

"We're not gonna hit dirt for three days." Sam told them. "Two if we're lucky. I know you three feel it – the air, it's thin." He inhaled deeply. "And it's getting thinner. How did this happen?"

"What part?" Holly asked.

"All of it."

Dean replied dejectedly, "Yeah. You know, it wasn't long ago, I thought we had it made. We saved the world. We got Cas back. We had Mom back. We got Nate back. I mean, it wasn't perfect, but still, we had 'em. And now..."

"Now they're all gone." Sam finished. "And Mom, what they did to her..." He scoffed. "I just fell for their company line." He said emotionally, "Man, I..." He inhaled deeply and exhaled sharply. "Nate and I saw what they were doing, and we – and we thought, hunters on that scale, working together... how much good we can do. And once I was in, I... I just followed. Cause it was easy. Easier. Nate was more hesitant, but still ended up following them."

"Easier than what?" Holly asked.

"Easier than leading."

Dean, Holly, and Nate nodded in agreement and each hung their heads. Sam picked up a piece of concrete and tossed it. Holly picked up another piece of concrete and started twisting it around, resting her head on Nate's shoulder.

"Is this how you guys pictured it? The end?" Sam questioned.

Nate shook his head. "Not at all. I mean, I got a second chance; third, technically, something I never would happen. This seems kind of a dumb way to go out."

Holly nodded. "Yeah. I don't know. With everything we've done, this seems incomparable."

"Oh, you know it's not." Dean said. "I always thought we'd go out like... Butch and Sundance style."

Sam chuckled. "Yeah. Blaze of glory."

"Blaze of glory." Dean and Holly repeated with a smirk. "Son of a bitch."

Dean and Holly closed their eyes and smiled.

Sam, Dean, Holly, Nate, and Toni were in the war room.

"You're lunatics. This is a colossally stupid idea." Toni told them.

Dean walked into the room. "Yep. Big, beautiful," he held up the grenade launcher, "and dumb. I've had this thing for so long. Been waiting for the perfect moment to use it. H has too."

"The explosion could kill us all. You could bring the whole bloody place crashing down."

Dean and Holly chuckled. "Yeah."

Sam and Nate chuckled. "Yeah."

"You're lunatics." Toni said. "Action movie-loving, cheeseburger-eating, moronic American lunatics."

Sam and Nate ushered Toni out of the room. Nate pulled Holly out, but she ran back in and stood against the wall.

"Okay, beautiful." Dean saw Holly and shielded her body with his, knowing that she wouldn't listen. "Yippee ki-yay, mother –"

There were several explosions followed by debris falling.

Sam, Nate, and Toni were sitting on the floor in the other room, hands over their ears. As the explosions ended, Sam and Nate turned on a couple flashlights and went to find Dean and Holly.

"Dean? Holly?" Sam and Nate asked, shouting. "Dean! Holly!"

Sam and Nate stumbled through the debris to the concrete wall. There was a huge hole which was blocked with concrete debris from the explosion.

"Dean?" Sam and Nate asked again.

Sam and Nate made their way back to the war room, struggling to walk as the lack of air was taking its toll. They were helping each other stand up. In the war room, just as they collapsed to the ground, the bunker began to power up and air was pumped into the room. A door creaked open and Dean limped in, his knee bloody and torn open, Holly following, her shoulder cut up badly, staining her shirt.

Dean and Holly looked at Sam and Nate. "Hey, lunatics."

Mary walked up to Jody's house and knocked on the door.

Jody was surprised. "Mary?"

"Hey, Jody. Uh..." Mary sighed and smiled. "You got a sec?"


Mary entered Jody's house.

Sam, Dean, Holly, Nate, and Toni were outside with the Impala outside the bunker. Dean was handcuffing Toni in the backseat while Sam and Nate through cigar box of cell phones.

"Uh, dead." Sam noted.

"Wait, I got one." Dean said, dialing. "Garth? Hey. Oh, man. It's good to hear your voice. Listen, uh, those Brits I told you about, they've got a hit out on American hunters. I'm guessing that goes double for werewolf hunters, so... No, I don't have time to explain."

Toni was shifting around in the backseat, clearly annoyed while Sam and Nate each tried another cell phone.

Holly frowned. "Sit still."

Dean continued. "You and Bess need to get someplace safe. Okay? All right."

"Hey." Sam said, looking at Dean with concern. "Jody."

They drove to Jody's house.

"Jody?" Dean and Holly asked.

"Jody. Alex." Sam called.

Sam, Holly, Nate, and Dean walked into Jody's living room. There was blood on the carpet. Alex stood by Jody as she sat, holding an ice pack to her face.

"Hey." Alex greeted.

"Hey. Where is she?" Nate wondered.

Jody pointed to Mary who was across the room, tied to a chair.

"Hello, boys. Hello, dear."

Alex took care of Dean's knee and Holly's shoulder. Nate assisted.

"When she clocked me out of the blue, I thought she was a demon." Jody told them. "I had no idea that brainwashing could be so thorough."

"Jody, she..." Dean sighed deeply. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. Fortunately, Alex came home."

"All I did was buy you time. You knocked her out." Alex said.

Dean grunted and grimaced in pain while Holly winced in pain.

"I'll get you two something for the pain." Alex told them.

Dean finished a drink while Holly twirled hers as he replied, "Make it a double."

Jody walked over to Dean and Holly and pat their arms in sympathy. Dean and Holly took her hands.

"Aw. You wanna play mother to my son and daughter?" Mary taunted. "They're all yours."

"Dean, Holly... that's not your mom." Jody said.

"What's the matter, Dean, Holly? Am I too different from the Mary you know? Or the Mary you imagined?" The front door opened. "Or too much the same"

The front door closed and Sam walked in with Toni, who was still handcuffed. "Here she is. Do your thing."

"All right, you said you could fix her, so fix her." Dean said.

"I, um..." Toni began. "Well, I –"

"She lied." Mary interrupted.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Mary's programming... It's permanent." Toni informed.

Dean frowned. "But you said..."

"You were going to kill me. The Mary that you know, the good Mary, she's hiding behind impenetrable psychic walls. And I'm afraid these walls..." She scoffed. "Well, they can't be torn down with grenades. Your mother can't be saved."

Mary smirked.

Two guns cocked as Dean and Holly approached Toni.

"All right, "Lady," time's up." Dean said. "We only kept you alive for one reason."

"Hey, guys." Sam called.

A cellphone was vibrating on a table-'Ketch' was on the screen.

"Listen, uh, Ketch keeps callin' Mom's phone." Sam informed.

"I'll get it." Mary replied.

"Let it go to voicemail." Holly retorted.

Dean shoved Toni. "Let's take a nice little short walk to the backyard."

"This is not going to stop." Toni warned. "Soon enough, they'll find out you're alive, and then... Well, if you want my advice – run."

"We're not running."

"Well, then, you die."

"Or..." Nate began.

"Or what?"

"Or we fight."

Several people sat around Jody's living room. Jody handed out some beer.

"Feet off the table, Jerry." Jody said.

Dean took a beer. "Thanks."

There was a knock on the door.

"That should be the last one."

The front door opened and two men walked in.

"Walt. Roy." Sam greeted.

"Well, damn." Walt muttered.

"We haven't seen you guys since –" Roy was cut off.

"Since you killed us." Dean finished. "No hard feelings."

"Uh, uh, please, get comfortable." Sam told them.

Holly asked Sam quietly, "Sure about this?"

You gonna tell us what we're doing here or what?" Walt questioned.

"Ah. Of course. Yeah." Sam said. "Um, so my – my brother, sister, Nate, and I, we – we, um..." He sighed. "No, you know what? Nate and I called you here because people... um, our people, are being slaughtered. And we're next. The British Men of Letters, they came here because they thought they could do our job better than we could. And they hooked us with their flashy gear and their tech. Most of you had the good sense to turn 'em down. I didn't. Nate worked with them for a little while, then rejected them. They said they wanted the same thing we wanted, you know? A world free of monsters. That's not what they really wanted. They want control. They want to live in a world where they can sit in some office and decide who gets to live and who gets to die. And they've killed people. They've killed innocent people just because they got in the way. They think the ends justify the means. But we know better. We know hunting isn't just about killing. It's about doing what's right, even when it's hard. So we go by our gut, right? We play by our own rules, and that scares them. That's why they want us dead, cause we're the one thing they can't control."

"So what do you want from us?" Roy asked.

"I want you to follow me. Take the fight to them. To hit them before they hit us. We go in fast and hard and we fight and we beat them down until they give up or until they're dead. Look, they're well-trained and well-armed. Some of us might not make it back. But we will win. We will take down the bad guys because that's what we do. They're scared of us. Yeah. Good. They should be."

"You know where we're goin'?" Jody inquired, tossing the keys to Sam.


"Gear up. We roll out in 10."

Sam turned to Dean, reaching out an arm to help him up. "You ready?" He turned to his sister. "You ready, Holly?"

Dean stood with difficulty and Holly held her injured shoulder. Dean said, "Ooh. Oh, no. I'm not goin'. Doesn't look like she is either."

Sam and Nate looked at them questioningly. "What?"

"No, my leg busted up the way it is, I'm no good in a fight."

Holly nodded. "Yeah, I'm no good in a fight with this busted shoulder."

"I-I'll take a jacked-up Dean and Holly Winchester over any ten other hunters any day."

"Yeah." Dean noted. "We saw you. You're ready for this. You and Nate show those sons of bitches who's boss."

"What about you two? What are you gonna do?" Nate asked.

Holly met his eyes before turning to Sam. "We're gonna save Mom."

Sam nodded.

Dean continued. "Look, if she's in there, if our real Mom is in there somewhere, then I'm gonna try and find her, bring her back."

Jody turned to Alex as she walked into the room with a duffle bag. "Okay, Donna's –"

"Waiting for me at a safe house." Alex interrupted. "I should drive straight there, no stops. And you'll call me when this is all over. I got it. And, Jody –"

"I'll be careful. I promise."

"Not what I was gonna ask. Kick it in the ass."

Jody smiled and kissed Alex on the forehead.

Dean said to Sam and Nate, "You two got this. Come here." Dean and Holly embraced Sam and Nate, Dean patting their backs. "You two come back."

"Promise." Sam and Nate answered.

"Bitch. Princess. Lover boy."

"Jerk. Shorty. Romeo."

"Hotshot. Moby. Mi amour."

Nate chuckled softly. "I don't have any good nicknames. Good luck, family."

"Yeah." Dean and Holly said.

Nate kissed Holly before pulling away and resting his forehead to hers for a moment.

Sam and Nate walked away and the front door closed.

Dean turned to Toni. "Okay, you got inside my Mom's head once before. What about me? You get me in?"

"You? I..." Toni sighed. "Perhaps. But I need my rig."

"Where is it?" Holly asked.

"At the base."

Dean and Holly looked at her skeptically.

Toni continued. "But I suppose with the right materials, I could cobble something together."

Dean and Holly chuckled.


Hunters' pictures (Claire, Garth and others) and information were being displayed on a large screen. There were several people sitting around a table.

"Target lists will be distributed shortly." Dr. Hess informed. "In Phase Two, there are no restrictions. Family members, bystanders. Don't... leave... witnesses. That will be all." Dr. Hess walked out of the room, passing Ketch on the way.

The Impala and Jody's sheriff truck sped down the road.

Ketch grabbed a woman by the arm, pulling her towards a computer, where she sat. "Paige, I need you to pull up the location of one of our assets, and I need you to keep it between us."


"Mary Winchester."

Paige typed. "She's in... Lebanon, Kansas."


Dean handcuffed Mary to a chair in the war room before saying to Toni, "All right, where's the stuff you need?"

"Should be in storage, next to the dungeon." Toni replied, going to walk away.

Dean grabbed her arm. "Ah. Think we're lettin' you out of our sight?"

"Need I remind you that my organization left me to die? At this point, I'm not on anyone's side but my own. So I help you try to save your mother, and when the dust clears..."

"What? We let you go?"

"I'd like to see my son again. I'm not asking for a pass. I'm asking for a head start. If it will make you feel better, your sister can watch me." Toni held up the handcuffs. Dean sighed, shook his head and unlocked them.

"She's going with you. Be quick."


Guards in battle gear were grabbing weapons from an armory while Dr. Hess looked on approvingly.


Toni was attaching electrodes to Mary's forehead. The handcuffs dangled from one wrist. "These electrodes sync your Delta waves with Mary's forming a psychic link." Dean was sitting across from Mary with similar electrodes on his forehead. "But to enter her psyche will take a certain measure of concentration and skill." Toni adjusted some knobs on a machine. "And as there's no time to teach you how to reach the necessary therapeutic dream state, I'm banking on this." Toni held up a large syringe and injected the liquid into Mary's neck. "Hypnotic agents laced with a potent sedative."

"Ah." Mary noted.

"It's enough to knock an elephant on its trunk."

Mary passed out. As Toni turned towards the table, Dean reached out and closed the handcuff around the table leg.

Toni scoffed. "Really?"

"Little insurance. You understand." Dean said. "She's gonna watch you."

Toni replied sarcastically, "This will hurt. You understand. I wouldn't expect anything less."

Toni injected Dean in the neck and he quickly passed out.

Dean 'woke up' sitting in a recliner in a living room. He stood up and realized that his knee was uninjured. He walked around the house into the kitchen from his childhood. He started to walk up the stairs and he heard a baby cry. He turned toward the living room he just left and there was a large crib in the room. He walked over and there was a baby in a pink onesie in the crib, making baby sounds. A little boy was sitting at the table coloring.

"Sam. Holly." Dean said.

Mary walked over, bent over the crib, cooing at Holly and covered her with a blanket. She smiled at Holly and walked into the kitchen.

"Dean, lunch is ready. Sam, put the coloring book away."

Young Dean came into the kitchen, sat at the table and he and Sam started eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, with the crusts cut off. Mary touched their heads.

"Mom." Adult Dean called. "We gotta get out of here, okay? You need to come with me. Mom? Mom."

Mary continued to move about the kitchen, oblivious to adult Dean.

"Mom!" Dean cried.

Sam, Nate, Jody and the other hunters pulled up to the BMOL base and crashed the gate. They exchanged gunfire with the armed guards outside the compound.

Inside the bunker, alarms were blaring while Dr. Hess and the others watched the scene outside on the security camera monitors.

"What is happening out there?" Dr. Hess asked.

"Perimeter's breached." Paige informed.

Outside, Sam shot a guard by the base door.

"Hunters." Dr. Hess realized. "Gentlemen, ladies, you know what to do."

The fight continued outside and a hunter and another guard were shot.

Sam yelled to Nate and Jody as a guard opened fire with a machine gun, "Get down!"


Dean walked over to Mary who was standing at the kitchen sink. "Look, I know that they messed with your head, okay? I know it feels better in here. It feels safer. But I-I need you to hear me."

Mary turned towards young Dean and Sam at the table. "I was thinking maybe we should take Holly to the park later, before Daddy gets home. Sound good?"

"Mom, look at me."

Dean grabbed Mary's arm and it was solid. She hesitated, pulled out of his grasp, and walked over to the oven. Dean stared at his hand for a moment, then looked up at Mary, as if realizing something. The oven door squeaked as Mary pulled a pie out of the oven.

"You're choosing this." Dean realized.

"Your favorite." Mary singsonged.

"Yes!" Young Dean cheered.

Young Sam smiled and held up his plate.

"After you eat." Mary said, kneeling between her sons. "I only want good things for you, Dean, Sam. I'll never let anything bad happen to you two."

Dean watched Mary with young Dean and young Sam.

"I hate you." Dean admitted.

At the BMOL base, the hunters placed explosives on the outside of the door while guards stood on the other side, guns ready. There was an explosion and the door was blown open. The hunters threw a canister into the building and smoke started to fill the hallway. Under the smoke screen, the hunters advanced into the bunker, exchanging gunshots with the guard.

"Go, go, go, go, go." Nate instructed.

A hunter and two guards were shot and the hunters, led by Sam, Nate, and Jody, continued moving through the bunker.

"Go! Hurry! Hurry!" Sam cried.


"You lied to me. I was a kid." Dean said.

Mary went back to the sink. She heard Dean, but was pretending not to.

Dean went on. "You promised you'd keep me, him, and her safe. And then you make a deal with Azazel. Yeah, it saved Dad's life, but I'll tell you something else that happened." His voice broke. "Because on November 2, 1986, old Yellow Eyes came waltzing in to Sammy's room, because of your deal."

Mary turned abruptly and walked past Dean to Holly's crib in the living room.

"You left us. Alone."

Baby Holly was cooing.

"Cause Dad was just a shell."

Dean approached Mary at the crib. "His perfect wife? Gone. Our perfect Mom, the perfect family... was gone. And I... I had to be... more than just a brother. I had to be a father and I had to be a mother, to keep them safe. And that wasn't fair. And I couldn't do it. And you wanna know what that was like?" Dean walked around Mary to look at her directly and she turned away. "They killed the girl that he loved. He got possessed by Lucifer. They tortured him in Hell. And he lost his soul. His soul. She became like me. Cold, calculating, forced into the life. All because of you. All of it was because of you."

In the MOL bunker, the machines were beeping as Mary and Dean remained in their dream state. Holly watched intently. Mary had tears running down her face as Toni looked on.


"I hate you." Dean said. His voice broke as tears ran down his face. "I hate you. And I love you. Cause I can't – I can't help it. You're my mom. And I understand... cause I have made deals to save the ones I love more than once." Mary continued to look away but seemed to hear him. "I forgive you. I forgive you. For all of it. Everything. On the other side of this, we can start over, okay? You, me, Sam, Holly. And Nate. We can get it right this time. But I need you to fight. Right now, I need you to fight. I need you – I need you to look at me, Mom. I need you to really look at me and see me. Mom, I need you to see me. Please."

Mary turned around slowly and looked up at Dean, eyes widening. "Dean?"


Dean's head snapped back in the bunker and the electrodes were being pulled off his head. Mary was still unconscious and as Dean looked around he saw Toni on the ground, throat slit. Holly was unconscious. He looked up and Ketch was facing him. "No."

"Oh, yes." Ketch said.

Dean lunged towards Ketch and they began to fight. Ketch threw Dean against a bookcase and Dean slid across the floor. Holly woke up and threw a punch at Ketch with her good arm. She was thrown into the same bookcase, landing next to Dean.

In the BMOL base, the battle continued as Paige and another hunter were killed.

In the MOL bunker, Dean struggled to get up as Ketch walked towards him and Holly.

"Oh, what? Thought you'd get your Mum back? Sorry, Dean, Holly. Not how this ends."

Dean and Holly got up and Ketch kicked them in the back of their knees.

"This ends with me ending you two."

Dean and Holly stood up again as Dean retorted, "We're gonna kill you."

"You two won't, but I'd very much enjoy it if you two tried."

Dean, Holly, and Ketch fought again with Dean and Holly ending up on the floor. Holly cradled her shoulder, as she'd hit it on the floor.

At the BMOL base, Sam and Nate moved through the bunker and shot a guard.

"You want to know what your mother said about you, Dean, Holly? All those long days and even longer nights out on the road, hunting? Hmm?" Ketch grabbed Dean by the collar and punched him in the face, then did the same to Holly. "Absolutely nothing."

Ketch pulled Dean and Holly up from the floor, holding on to their shirts. Dean and Holly's faces were bloodied.

"Ah. This is fun." Ketch said.

Dean growled and threw Ketch across the room, breaking through a table.

Holly stalked up to him and decked his face as hard as she could.

In the BMOL base, Dr. Hess was running through the hall. She approached a door and placed her hand on a pad alongside it. As it beeped to allow her entry, Jody grabbed her shoulder. Dr. Hess turned around and elbowed her in the face. As Jody stumbled along the wall, Sam and Nate entered the hall and ran towards Dr. Hess as she entered the other room.

"Hey!" Sam and Nate called.

As the door closed and Sam and Nate tried to get in, Walt came into the hall.

"I got this." Walt told them.

"Yeah." Sam and Nate answered.

In the MOL bunker, Ketch was attacking Dean and Holly with a table leg from the broken table. He got in a few blows, then pushed Dean up against the wall, the table leg pushing across his chest and neck. He was keeping Holly back with his foot. After several seconds, Dean lunged forward, grabbing the table leg from Ketch, and hitting him. Ketch remained with his back to Dean, trying to recover. Holly took the opportunity to punch Ketch again and was once again, thrown to the ground, hitting her injured shoulder. She stood up, holding her shoulder.

Dean panted heavily and leaned on a chair. "When you left us alone in the bunker, man, we knew you were psycho, but we didn't think you were stupid."

Ketch turned towards Dean and Holly. "I may be many things..." he pointed a gun at them, "...but I'm not stupid."

Ketch raised the gun towards Dean and Holly's heads, and there was a gunshot. Ketch cried out, dropped the gun, and grabbed his shoulder. As Dean and Holly looked past him, Ketch turned around and saw Mary standing there, gun pointed at him.

"Mom?" Dean and Holly asked.

"Mary." Ketch noted, dropping the gun and fell to his knees.

Dean limped past, kicked the gun away and went to stand next to Mary. Holly joined, still holding her shoulder.

"I..." Ketch grunted. "I knew you were a killer. You each are."

"You're right." Dean and Holly said.

Mary shot Ketch, and he fell over.

At the BMOL base, Dr. Hess was pacing around the room. She was agitated. "Whatever it takes – open a portal. Just get me the hell out of here."

A voice over the computer monitor replied, "I'm afraid we don't have the resources for an extraction at this moment."

The door to the room burst open in an explosion. Sam, Nate, Jody, and the other hunter ran into the room as Dr. Hess reached for a gun on the table.

"Don't! Don't." Sam told her.

Dr. Hess replied, "Listen, Dean –"

"It's Sam. And you must be Hess, I trust. You're in charge of this whole operation? Or, uh, what's left of it?"

"Sam, you and Nathaniel might think it in your best interest to kill me, to end all of this here."

Sam shrugged. "Mm."

Nate frowned. "It's Nate. You best listen to him."

"But shooting me now, severing all ties with the British Men of Letters, at this particular moment, that would be a grievous mistake." Dr. Hess said.

"I doubt it." Sam answered.

Dr. Hess walked slowly to grab a folder off the table. "There are reasons to reconsider. Things that you don't know." She dropped the folder in front of Sam and Nate. Sam opened it and saw grainy pictures of Lucifer.

"What are these?" Sam asked.

"Lucifer is back. Yes, Sam, Nate. All thanks to your good friend Crowley. Not that it did him much good. Crowley's dead."

Sam looked up in disbelief and Nate looked slightly worried.

Dr. Hess continued. "And the Devil is out looking for his son, following in its mother's footsteps, tracking her and your friend the angel. If Lucifer gets his hands on that child, they'll be unstoppable. You can't face that alone. You need us."

The voice on the computer monitor said, "Listen to her, boy."

Nate narrowed his eyes, already making his decision. Sam had several moments of indecision as Jody and Walt looked on.

"Pass." Sam decided, shooting the computer monitor.

"You bastard." Dr. Hess retorted.

Dr. Hess grabbed the gun off the table and aimed it at Sam and Nate. Jody shot her in the head and Dr. Hess slid down the wall, leaving a trail of blood.

As Sam, Nate, and Jody drove away, the base exploded.


Dean walked into the room, shaking a pill bottle. Holly was holding an ice pack to her shoulder. Mary was cleaning up from Dean and Holly's fight with Ketch. Ketch laid under a bloodied sheet on the floor.

"Found some expired prescription painkillers, so..." he chuckled, "lucky me and H. Mom, you don't have to do that. It's not your job."

Holly met his eyes. "I tried telling her."

"This... All of this is because of me." Mary said.

"It's gonna be okay." Dean reassured.

"It's not okay." Mary sighed and walked towards Dean and Holly. "Since I've been back, I know... I've been distant. Cold, even. Leaving you two, working with them... I was trying to make things right. Just from a distance, because... being here with you was too hard. Seeing what I'd done to you two and to Sam, and to Nate, I..."

Holly smiled. "Mom, listen. What you did, the deal... everything that's happened since has made us who we are. And who we are? We kick ass. We save the world."

"I'm scared. What... What if he can't forgive me?"

Sam walked into the room and said emotionally, "Mom. You don't have to be scared of me. Or Nate."

Sam walked over and hugged Mary. Dean and Holly walked over and placed a hand on Sam's shoulders.

"Glad you're back, man." Dean told him.

Sam pulled Dean and Holly into the hug with Mary.

Mary pulled Nate into the hug. "You're family too, Nate."

There was a knock on the door and Dean went to answer. He saw a priest and looked down at his sister. "Did you--"

Holly shook her head and Nate said, "I did." He turned to Holly. "I know you said you didn't want a ceremony, but I figured you'd kick yourself if you didn't have one. I wanted to wait until you got your mom back, and now that she is, well, I called."

The priest walked down the stairs. "Before we start, I have two questions. Do you need a moment to change? And are your vows ready?"

Holly nodded. "I've had mine ready for awhile, as has he, and no, we're not changing. This isn't really your traditional ceremony after all."

Once everyone was seated, the priest began. "We gather here today to unite these two people in marriage. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish. Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all the days of your lives?"

"We do." Holly and Nate answered.

"Do you pledge to share your love and the joys of your marriage with all those around you, so that they may learn from your love and be encouraged to grow in their own lives?"

"We do."

"Since you both already have the rings and the official certificate, we'll move onto the vows."

Nate smiled. "From the moment I saw you in that bar, I knew I'd one day marry you. It's been a wild, unexpected adventure, which is to be expected in our life. You've been there for me through thick and thin, and I know that no matter what, you've got my back, and I've got yours. Nothing in our relationship has been easy or traditional, and I think that's what makes it so exciting."

Holly met Nate's eyes, trying to keep her emotions in check. "When you approached me that first time, I thought you were just another male hunter who was trying to woo me with a beer and a night of fun. But you turned out to be so much more. I didn't know what I was missing until you came into my life. When I lost you, I didn't know how I'd move on, and needless to say, I never really did. Then, a miracle happened. You returned to me, and it was the best day of my life. So here's to forever, however long that is."

The priest said, "Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have - the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth. You may kiss your bride."

Nate pressed a gentle kiss to Holly's lips, and once again, the family hugged each other as the priest left.

Holly looked up at Nate with a smile and mouthed, "Thank you."

Nate gave her a nod and pressed a kiss to her temple.

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