Noble Heirs

By kytaradraco

3.9K 73 52

Formerly "The Next Generation of Lukedonia" You've heard of double trouble; now what happens when the Nobless... More

Chapter 1-A Perfect Match
Chapter 2: Double Noble Trouble
Chapter 4: Gone Missing
Chapter 5: Failed Experiment
Chapter 6: Spirited Away

Chapter 3-A Fighter At Heart

508 10 4
By kytaradraco

~age 53 (about 4 by human reckoning)~

Caziel Crede di Raskreia, resembling his uncle with his black curls, possesses the potential power of the Lord's lineage but already shows his father's temperament. Even now he sits on the ledge of Raizel's favorite window, legs crossed, struggling to read a book while his father gazes out of the window. So intent is he with his endeavor that he does not hear his sister's graceless entrance and does not see the bean-pouch take flight until it strikes his face. He cries out.

"Rey! Why did you do that?!"

"Because I'm bored," she groans. "Uncle Frankenstein won't play with me and Mama is busy. Come play with me, Cazi."

"Valereya," Raizel states. "Apologize to your brother for throwing something at him."

Valereya frowns at the floor. "Apologies, little brother. Now come play with me."

"I don't want to," Caziel sighs. "You're so...bellacrose," he states eloquently.

"What?" Reya inquires, puzzled.

"You like to fight," Caziel explains.

"That's bellicose, Caziel," Frankenstein explains, entering the room. "Little Lady, he has a point. He does not like to fight, as you do."

"He's so boring!" She complains. Struck with an idea, Reya turns to the human with an innocent, coy smile. "Will you fight with me, Uncle Frankenstein?"

Frankenstein smirks at the little girl. "You know how your father feels about you fighting, Reya."

Raizel turns gaze upon his daughter with emotionless eyes that belie his worry at the prospect. Would training really help curb her bullying tendencies? Perhaps if she had someone to fight, she would not abuse her brother. Raizel sighs.


"Yes, Master?"

"Please train Valereya."

Frankenstein's eyes widen in surprise. "As you wish, Master." He looks down at the equally astonished child before him. "Valereya Lavana di Raizel, you are now my student in combat. Come with me."

Frankenstein leads Reya downstairs, around corners, through corridors, to a room she has never seen before. He inserts a peculiar key into the lock and twists it, and the massive doors swing open with a soft whisssssh. Curious, she follows him into the room and her eyes grow wide with awe. The floor is covered with soft mats and the walls with various weapons and objects. Excited, Reya dashes toward a small bō staff.

    "Not yet, Little Lady," Frankenstein warns. "You'll have to grow a bit before you can use those."

    Reya sighs. "Yes, Uncle Frankie." Then her eyes brighten as she looks up at him hopefully. "Can we start now?"

    He smiles. "Of course."

~ one week later ~

    Frankenstein launches two projections of his dark power at the little girl. She jumps out of the way and grabs one, giving it a yank. It throws her to the floor and vanishes, leaving a burn in her palm. Reya growls with frustration and pushes to her feet with her other hand.

"It burned me!" She cries. "You didn't say it would burn!"

Another spike appears out of nowhere and she has to block with her hands. It slices clean into both and she yelps. Tears roll down her cheeks and she looks up to see two more headed her way. She jumps backward and trips, and raises her arm to protect her face; it also is cut. She clenches her teeth in anger and stands, planting her feet in a crouch. Frankenstein smirks and summons spikes behind her. She extends her legs and leaps into the air, clearing the spikes, and when she lands, she breaks into a sprint toward him. Spikes approach from both sides and she ducks, letting them collide with each other. Another one rises out of the floor and nips at her leg; she jumps to the side and keeps running. She dives for Frankenstein's legs and wraps herself around them, throwing him to the floor. He laughs and pushes her off.

"Well done, Miss Reya! That's the first time you've reached me!"

She slumps to the floor and sits cross-legged, panting with exhaustion and wiping away tears. "I wanna stop," she whines.

"Of course, dear," he says gently, scooping her into his arms. "Let's..."

"Frankenstein!" A strong, masculine voice booms from the doorway. Frankenstein turns and Reya shrinks into his arms.

"Uncle Nelo," she whispers.

Nelo tosses his head, his black curls bouncing out of his eyes. "What have you done to my niece? What do you think gives you the right to harm my brother's child, human?" He spits the word like it has a bad taste. Little Caziel, standing quietly at his uncle's side, hides behind him. He knows what happens when the Noble and the human are together. Nelo has been living with Gejutel for several years because he cannot tolerate the man.

"Well? You think you don't have to answer me?" Nelo takes a step and swings the back of his hand toward Frankenstein's face. Reya squeals and quickly places herself in the way, catching her uncle's hand across the side of her face. His large ruby scratches her cheek. She cries out in pain and turns her irate little face on him.

"Don't hit Uncle Frankie! Papa told him to train me!"

Nelo's eyes widen in shock and grief at hurting his beloved niece, but then they narrow in hatred at what she called the human. He reaches out to her.

"Come, kitten. We're going for a walk. Let me see your face." He takes Reya out of Frankenstein's arms and gives him a sideways glare as he examines Reya's face. He touches the lightly bleeding cut and heals it. "You shouldn't have gotten in the way. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"But you meant to hurt Uncle Frankie," she sniffles.

Nelo clenches his jaw and takes a steadying breath. "Let's go now. Come, Caziel." He takes Caziel's hand and leads him out of the room, Reya still in his arms. She turns back to Frankenstein, who smiles and winks, and she smiles in return until the door closes, cutting off her view of him.

"Reya, my darling," Nelo begins gently, "please do not refer to that human as your uncle. It hurts my feelings."

"Why?" Reya asks, bewildered.

"Because he is not your papa's brother, like I am. He is just a human and doesn't deserve that title."

"But Papa lets us call him that," she replies innocently.

Nelo grits his teeth. "I will talk to him about that. At least don't refer to the human as Uncle in my presence. Understand?"

"Yes, Uncle Nelo." Reya places her cool little hands on Nelo's face and he smiles.

"I love you, little kitten," he says.

"I love you too, big lion," she giggles.

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