Chapter 2: Double Noble Trouble

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    ~about 120 years later~

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~about 120 years later~

The rain cascades fiercely from the lead-grey sky. Two tiny toddlers of 20 years (1 and a half by human reckoning), virtually copies of Raizel and Erga, press their little noses unhappily to the window.

"Wan' go aside," Caziel, the little boy, whines.

Valereya suddenly clambers down and sprints across the room, her little feet thundering heavily on the floor. She climbs a chair and stands on the table, laughing and stomping.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Reya stops cold and both twins stare at the imposing human who has just appeared in the doorway. Frankenstein crosses his arms and raises his eyebrow at the little girl, and she nervously climbs down from the table. He approaches her slowly and deliberately, his eyes never leaving her. Then he smiles.

Frankenstein catches Valereya by the waist and swings her into the air, tickling her ribs. She screeches and squirms. Caziel quietly walks to the rug where he had left his ball, and he sits down to play with it.

Reya laughs so hard her face turns slightly blue. Chuckling, Frankenstein puts her down, and she immediately reaches for him with her stubby arms.

"Mo'! Mo'!" She cries.

Frankenstein grabs her hands and swings her around in a circle, bringing screams of joy and laughter. Then he puts her down, wraps his hands around her body, and tosses her into the air several times. She shrieks at the top of her voice.

Tired of seeing his sister have all the fun, Caziel abandons his wooden ball and runs to Frankenstein, wraps his arms around the man's leg, and sits heavily on his foot. Frankenstein cries out in surprise and lifts his leg, pretending to try to shake off the little boy. Caziel laughs and holds tighter. Reya hastily scrambles from Frankenstein's arms and sits on his other foot, laughing with excitement. Frankenstein walks slowly and heavily about, swinging a child with each step, and the twins squeal and scream with joy.

Reya tries to climb Frankenstein's leg, succeeding until she grabs something she really shouldn't, and Frankenstein cries out in surprise and grabs her hand; he was not expecting that. Erga suddenly appears in the doorway, a wild look in her eyes.

"I heard screaming. Is everything alright?"

Frankenstein smiles comfortingly. "Yes, my lady. The children and I were playing."

"Mama!" Caziel shouts, and runs to her. On the way he trips and face-plants the floor.

"Caziel!" Erga cries, and hurries to the child. Caziel makes no sound until his mother snatches him up from the floor, panicked; then the tears flow.

"My darling! Are you hurt? Let me see!" Erga tries to examine her son's mouth, but Caziel buries his face in her shoulder, continuing to wail. Reya, suddenly jealous, commences weeping and runs to her mother, clinging to her leg. Erga bounces Caziel while rubbing Reya's head, attempting to soothe both. Her efforts are futile and her face contorts with exasperation.

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