My Soulmate (HoO/PJO AU)

By Zebra2606

298K 4.9K 5.5K

When you turn 14, you get a tattoo that describes your soulmate. As you spend more time with them, it gets mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Authors note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note (IMPORTANT)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 32

3.8K 75 55
By Zebra2606

Hey, I'm back after a long break from writing. I've been going through some rough writer's block and I haven't found a way out of it. So I've been working on this chapter periodically since November. Also, thank you so much for 66k reads. I'm truly blessed to have readers like you.

Also, I want to say happy holidays to all my readers out there! I hope the holiday spirit has visited.

Thank you guys so much for sticking with me throughout this more-than-a-year-process. This has been a journey. This book is the first I have published that got more than eight hundred reads (well I've only published three so far). But the point is, I am so thankful to have wonderful readers like you guys in my life. Thank you.

Jason's POV

Ash moved away two months ago. Piper has become herself again, much to my relief.

I was the first one she came to after he left, and I was the one who spent nights upon nights talking to her, trying the best I could to help her feel better. I felt like it was sorta my fault she was in the whole situation. I had been wishing and wishing for Ash to just disappear, and now that he's gone, I have to say, I wish he stayed.

Sure, I'm glad they aren't soulmates, but Piper is wrecked.

Any normal person would never wish for someone to feel this way, but in a way, I did. I didn't think about how this would hurt either of them, I just wanted him gone.

Piper would never be like this if he had just stayed. If I had just not wished for him to go away. If they had never met.

"...ason? Jason, are you listening?" Piper sends me a confused look.

"What? Oh, I'm sorry Piper. I must have zoned out." I say sheepishly, she smiles and nods.

"You seem to do that a lot these days," she comments. "Are you feeling well?"

"Yeah, I just haven't been getting a lot of sleep," I say.

Piper and I have been having quite a few sleepovers for the past couple of weeks. This just so happens to be one of those.

"It's not because of me, is it?" she asks.

My eyes widen in surprise. "Gods, no! I've just been staying up late studying for finals," I say. This was only half true, though. It was studying and the guilt of knowing that I wanted Ash gone.

"Yeah, I'm nervous about them, too," she adds.

She looks around her room and smiles when she looks at a picture we took on her first date with Ash. Were we outside the building with Annabeth on Percy's shoulders and Piper on Ash's on both sides with Frank, Hazel, Nico, Will, and me in the middle. Leo and Calypso couldn't make it, but it was fun nonetheless. It was a good picture, we were all smiling and just having a good time.

Then she looked around her room again, finally landing on me.

We never have our sleepovers at just one of our houses. It just depends on who has the house to themselves. It's not like we do anything other than watch movies, eat snacks, and sleep, but our parents would think we were doing other things.

This being said, we usually have them at her house due to her father always having to travel.

"Grease or The Kingsman?" Piper asks, now looking at the tv.

"The Kingsman, obviously," I say and she laughs.


"Still my favorite movie. I don't care how many times I watch it," I say. Piper just laughs and scrolls through more movies, looking for another one to watch.

She's lying on my chest with her arms around me, and even though she doesn't know it, it's the best day ever. Sure, she's done this before, but those days had their shot at being the best, now it was today's turn. It's never a bad day when we cuddle.

Piper clicks on The Lorax and hugs me tighter. I wrap an arm around her shoulder and she sighs softly.

"Jason?" she asks.


"Are you free tomorrow?" Piper asks.

"I'm always free for sleepovers, Piper, I already told you that," I say.

"Not a sleepover. I was thinking about dinner," she says.

My breath catches and I move to look at her. She's watching the movie but I can tell she notices me.

"Like a date?" I ask.

"Like a date."

"Um-I, I would love to," I stuttered.

"Great! It's a plan then," She said.

I have no idea how she managed to stay so calm. I'm practically jumping out of my skin. She asked me out on a date. Piper McLean asked me out. This means I'll be going on a date with Piper.

Now I know I won't get any sleep.


The time came when I had to go home and get ready. Piper said we were going somewhere fancy, but she didn't tell me exactly where. This is New York City we're talking about, there are tons of fancy restaurants.

Nevertheless, I put on a navy button-up shirt, khakis, and dress shoes. It's formal enough for a very nice place, while also not being overdressed if we go to a less formal place.

I put on a jacket, knowing that spring in New York isn't the warmest. I walk outside and head toward the meeting place Piper and I decided on.

When I get to the spot, I have to keep from gasping at the beauty of Piper. She was wearing a blue blouse tucked into a jean skirt. A simple outfit, but she looked gorgeous. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Hey, Jason!" she said, smiling.

"Hey, Piper. I hope you weren't waiting long," I say.

"Not at all, just got here.''

"Well then, how about we get on our way?''

We walked for a while, turning on multiple streets until we got to the entrance of Dear Evan Hansen. "What are we doing here?" I ask.

"My dad is the actor playing Larry Murphy, so we get to watch for free," she says.

"No way, I've been wanting to see this for ages!"

"Precisely why we are going.''

We walk in and the lady at the ticket counter addresses Piper by name and vice versa. Piper walks into the theatre even though no one else is there yet. "Are you sure we should be coming in here before the show starts?"

"Yes, Jason I'm sure. My dad has reserved us the best seats in the house."

Piper leads me to the seats and we sit down. She then pulls out a playbill for the show and hands it to me. I try to thank her but I'm completely speechless. I'm getting to see Dear Evan Hansen! And what makes this whole thing a million times better is that this is a date with Piper.

Soon people start filing in and taking their seats. The whole stage is in the view from here and the stage is set up with Evan's bed. Multiple ringtones and noises sound as another effect.

People start filing into seats as it gets closer to showtime. Piper takes my hand and we talk for a while, never letting go. We don't talk about anything in particular, more just random stuff.

"... and then I walked in on her singing to a Justin Beiber song from like 2012. Who would have thought?" I say.

"I would have never guessed Thalia would be a fan," Piper says giggling.

Gosh, her laugh is the best sound on Earth, especially when I know I caused it.

The lights dim and Piper squeezes my hand. "Ooh, it's starting!"

This may have been the show I've been wanting to see for a while now, but I can't pay attention. I blame the giggle. Man, is it a cute giggle.

I luckily can watch most of the first act without getting distracted too much. A few minutes here and there where all I can remember is staring at Piper hoping she doesn't turn around and catch me.

When intermission rolls around, I can honestly say I enjoyed the first act quite a lot. Sincerely, Me has always been my favorite and Will Roland is an amazing Jared. Not to mention my main man Ben Platt as Evan. And can I just mention Mike Faist?

Let's just say it was breathtaking.

"Well, we already know my favorite song, but what's yours?" I ask.

"I'm a sucker for If I Could Tell Her. always been my favorite, hands down," she says, laughing. "I've always liked songs like that. Where the main person is trying to see if the other person would be interested or something by hiding behind someone else like Evan with Connor. You know?"

I give her a puzzled look and she sighs. "Songs like Heartbreak Girl and I've Got This Friend by 5 Seconds of Summer. Where the person of interest is being told that the main person knows someone who likes them but it's actually them," she starts. "It's like me saying 'Hey, Jason, I know this person who likes you and they're here in this room, but don't look because they're embarrassed. But in actuality, it was me I was talking about."

I nod my head and am about to tell her something else when the lights dim again and the chatter dies down. The second act is starting.

Heelllloooo my lovely readers! this chapter is dedicated to @kEEtkEEpEr123. I know you hate me for taking so long to update, but I promise I'm doing the best I can with the time I have. Till next time! 

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