Haunting - Billdip

By yaboynate

21.1K 794 273

Dipper, now an 18 year old, has chosen to come back and live in Gravity falls with his Gruncles. It's been s... More



1.9K 73 15
By yaboynate

"Bill?" Dipper squinted, he knew that Bill was back but he didn't expect to see a human version of Bill, an attractive version of him at that.  His voice was different then it was when they had originally met, it didn't have that almost inhuman sound to it.  It was soft, like something that could sing you to sleep but there was a quality to it, a quality that made you feel a type of uncertainty but still, it didn't make you feel uneasy or scared.
"How are you back? And how are you human?" 

"Well, when you defeated me,"  He used his fingers to use air-quotations when he said 'defeated', "I still lived on in your mind.  You kept thinking of me and dreaming about me.  Each time you had a dream I got some power."

Dipper turned his head to the side as he thought about what Bill said.   It was his dreaming that brought the demon back, his own constant worrying about the demon, thinking about that day of Wierdmagedon that brought him back.  It was his fault.

"You see, Pinetree when you kept dreaming about me, which I'm flattered about, by the way, I gained more power until last night when I was strong enough to manifest into this form."

"Okay, but why only from my dreams, why not other people's dreams?"

"When I possessed you, I developed a link to your mind, I still do.   That link let me use your dreams to come back, I could also enhance your dreams of me, I could make them more intense to gain more energy."

Dipper thought about it, it seemed to make sense but he didn't like the fact that he was the reason Bill was back. Or, at least he tried to make himself not like it but there was something in him that was intrigued by the thought of him bringing Bill back.

"Though I am flattered that you're thinking of me, I'd rather that you talk." Bill sat on the bed his smirk evident on his face.

"How did you-" Dipper was cut off by Bill.

"I can read minds kid, or, your mind at least. That's another thing that I was able to do from our minds linking together."   Bill moved a bit closer to Dipper on the bed, this simple action was enough to get Dipper standing and quickly rushing across the room- he didn't know how he got there, he just knew that he was suddenly there.
"Oh, really Pinetree?  I get that I'm a demon and all but I'm not gonna kill you." Bill chuckled.

"You tried to kill me and my family.  Not once, not twice, multiple times."  Dipper pointed his finger accusingly at Bill.

"That was six years ago, are you still holding a grudge against me?"

"When someone tries to kill me I think I'll always hold a grudge against them.  Plus, how can I trust you to not try to kill me, you're a demon."

"Fair point," Bill tilted his head to the side as if he were motioning to something, "but that was before I needed you, you are the reason I'm here and I have no clue if I'll be able to stay here if you're gone."

"So the only reason you're not trying to hurt me right now is to keep yourself alive?" Dipper scoffed, crossing his arms over his body defensively, subtly trying to tell Bill that he didn't want anything to do with him.

"How about, we make a deal?" Bill got a smirk on his face, one that Dipper couldn't describe the nature of.  It wasn't necessarily evil, it wasn't sadistic yet it wasn't like anything he'd seen. It was Bill's signature smirk, one that only he could do and one he knew affected the Pines twin. 
It sent chills up his spine and at that moment he knew that he'd gotten himself into something he could never get out of, he didn't even plan to get himself into it yet he did.   It was as if fate had some twisted and sadistic type of karma, it was coming back just to intertwine Dipper with the apocalyptic past he'd attempted to burn from his memories.

"I'll never make a deal with you. I've seen too many people have the things they love taken away and broken because of your deals." Dipper glared at the demon, trying to force any thoughts of being intrigued away from his mind.

"You say you never will, but I know you want to.  You're curious about it, you wonder what it would be like to make a deal with me." Bill stepped forward, "Trust me, Pinetree if you make a deal with me, I'll make your life more interesting than you ever thought it could be, I'll show you things you never thought were real.   You'll learn all the mysteries that even science has claimed as only wonders."  By the time Bill was done talking, he was close to Dipper, close enough that Dipper could feel his breath on his face as he spoke.   

If dipper were still the same as his twelve-year-old self, he would have been as red as a tomato, Bill would have instantly known that he was intrigued.  Luckily, eighteen-year-old Dipper was the exact opposite as he used to be, at least, on the outside.  On the inside, he was still the same mystery-loving boy who still had the same insecurities as he did then, only now with new realizations tot them.

Dipper pulled himself from his internal panicking and stepped away from Bill, "My statement still stands.  I'm never making a deal with you." 

Bill had an excited expression, maybe one of shock too, most likely a mix of both.  He'd never seen the boy stand up against him as strong as this.  Of course, due to their link, he knew that Dipper was curious but he also knew that he was full of surprises so he couldn't' get too cocky about getting that deal.
"Alright, Pinetree," He smiled leaning close again, "but I'll be back."  And with that, he was gone without a trace, leaving Dipper to think of all that the demon had said.

Sorry for the later update today, I was busy all weekend.  I hope you've liked the book thus far and would love it if you'd comment on any suggestions or concerns that you may have or even if you just want to talk I'll try my best to answer.

- Qdwh (wkdw'v ph)

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