By the way, The King's Missio...

By CrystalTale

637 64 14

If the two guys near him that some how extremely look like his friends noticed him sweating when they got sen... More

•summary + author's note•
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
author note 2.0

chapter four

48 4 2
By CrystalTale

~ = chapter four = ~

Ann looked at the three guys, back and forth before huffing in exasperation and amusement. "Well, seems that you're hesitating to go in, i'll go first!" 

She grins cheekily before walking in. "Adios~"

"Oh-uh- Ann, wait!" Daniel ran after.

Stephen and Hosuh shared glances at each other before shrugging and following after the two.

Walking inside the cottage wasn't a much of a pleasant feeling. It was quite dark inside - doesn't help that the shallow see-through curtains are covering the barricaded windows which kinda gives off a very kidnapping and dark vibe - yeeeah- the four can tell that it's gonna be an blast trying to navigate their way in and out of this cottage.

"Jesus, did the owner of this cottage even cleaned up after abandoning this?" Stephen complained, disgust plastered on his face as he looks around while trying not to get too close to the cob webs. What a big awful mess.

Daniel lightly smack Stephen on the shoulder. "Focus on the mission on hand, we need to find the people. Any signs?" He asked, looking to the others.

Hosuh, unfortunately shook his head, looking through the dusty bookshelf. Ann at the other hand, seems occupied with the couch, sniffing around the designed furniture.

She sniffs a bit louder which disgusts Stephen even more. As he was about to complain, Ann screamed. Screamed like a god damn banshee and it's not helping the fact that her voice is high-pitched. No ears were bled during this moment.

"I found it!" She shoves the pillow and lo and behold, a lever. In honest plain sight if you removed the pillow.

"That's great, Ann! We're getting closer to finding them!" Hosuh cheered before moving to the couch. His hands reached out and flipped the lever before they hear a moving door probably noise coming from behind them.

They turned to see the bookshelf opened up, with light coming from below. Stephen stepped a bit closer to the entrance, looking down, he says. "It's a staircase, going down apparently."

Daniel noted in his head. "Alright guys, be caustious, don't do anything risky and let's go slow." He steps forward and walks down the staircase, taking the chance to be braver - braver than Stephen, maybe? - soon his silhouette disappeared leaving only sounds of footsteps.

Stephen went second, then Ann, then Hosuh. The entrance stayed still, left open.


The group walked down the staircase, slow and quietly. They don't want to awaken anything that is not supposed to be awaken, especially zombies. Actually no, Stephen would like that.

Reaching the end of the stairs, Hosuh picked up a torch from one of the torch-lights as there are no lights that can been seen or shining throughout the room. 

Daniel nodded and took the torch from Hosuh, lining up in front before walking forward through the hallway that they entered.

Looking around, it just seems to be barren cold walls and bland cold wooden floor. Not a single interest in sight, dusty and full of cob webs. Stephen hopes that there's no spiders lurking around here.

In what seem like forever, they stopped in front of a door. Murmurs can be heard inside and clanging of chains. Daniel wasted no time to think and bursted inside.

Inside the chamber-looking room was a buncha of women, each around their ages of 15-20+. Hosuh gasped and pointed at the chains holding them all together before Ann gets to them
and lock-picking them, Stephen looks out and watches while inspecting the room from a distance.

Daniel walked over to the girls, in soft gentle steps. "It's okay, we're here to save you. We haven't captured the person who did this but we will!" Their eyes filled with hope, maybe a bit of reassurance, reassurance and relief that they can come home.

Daniel smiled a gentle soft big smile before turning to the sound of a lock opening. Hosuh ran after to each girl from the left, undoing their chains and helping them up, Stephen on
the other side.

The greenhead turned to the female pinkhead with a proud smile, he nodded. Ann smiled brighter before helping along with the others.

After they all checked that all girls were safe, not bruised or anything more, they marched upstairs and out. Hosuh talked with one of the girls while some girls are trying to talk to Stephen who remained nervous and quiet but still answering. 

Daniel lead them outside the building and back to the village where the girls were each escorted to their homes safe and sound.

As Hosuh escorted a girl to her home, he turned to see the lady who asked help from them when they first got here. He called out to her. "uh- Hello miss! All of the girls are safe and have returned to their respective homes. You must be delighted to see your daughter again, aren't you?" He softly smiled before stopping to the lady's frowned face. "Oh- is there something wrong?"

The lady sighed and tried to speak before coughing into poor sobs, Hosuh immediately hugged her for comfort. "Oh dear, what's wrong, maam?" The gray-haired man asked.

She stuttered through her words, tears falling from her delicate eyes. "M-my daught-ter is n-not he-re.." Hosuh froze.

"She's not?!" Three voices rang in together before they both turned to the trio. The old lady bowed her head, nodding.

~ = this chapter is written by crystal_tale = ~

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