United Together

By soccerlover35

28.8K 1K 119

23 teenage girls mysteriously disappear from their home one night without a single trace to where the could b... More

The kidnapping
Let hell begin
More people
The ring
3 month anniversary
Stealth Mission
Is this the end?
Mission Impossible
The Devil Herself
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2


1.7K 56 6
By soccerlover35

It's been a week since we got here now, I'm still sporting a bruised face and body but overall my injuries have healed well and I can do most things myself.

I've really gotten close with Ash, Christen, Carli, Tobin and Alex since we seem to be the oldest and the ones responsible for finding a way out of here. The others are just trying to get through their time here without losing it or breaking down.

A lot has changed in this last week, it's becoming more obvious that they want us here for multiple reasons. One, to get whatever 'key' they keep blabbering on about and two, to train us for something. An experiment, a tournament, something that they need us for and our skillset.

When I beat those guards up on the first day Lilith said something about 'knowing there was a reason they gave me number 1' and it got me thinking, what if we were being watched beforehand, before we got kidnapped. They could have been stalking us for months on end and your number is something like your ranking in this place.

I've trained in martial arts most my life and learnt archery over the last 5 years or so, meaning I have a pretty wide skillset compared to most teenagers and I can't help but wonder if that's the reason I'm number one.

Ash is big, she has muscles in places you didn't know muscles existed and the tattoos just add to her scary kind if look.

"Hey Ash, you train right?" I ask putting my theory to the test.

"Yeah, started like heavy bodybuilding when I turned 17, do it for almost 3 years now," Ash tells me

"do you do any other athletic things, hobbies or stuff that could give you an edge in a stressful situation," I ask.

"I mean I used to box when I was growing up, picked that up fairly quickly because I had to defend myself against my dad but when I moved out I stopped and started bodybuilding full time" Ash explains

"Thanks, Ash that helps a lot," I say deciding to ask Carli the question next.

"Yo Carlos, what physical activity do you do," I ask the older girl who glares at me for the name.

"I mean my dad owns a shooting range so he taught me how to shoot from a young age, don't know if that counts as physical activity but I did track too" Carli explains.

This all makes more sense now. I'm number 1 and I can do mixed martial arts as well as archery, I also have a photographic memory but I don't know if they know that. Ash is number two and used to box and now bodybuilds. Carli who's number 3 can shoot well and is fast. We have the lowest numbers because of our unique skill set.

The day is pretty regular, the alarm in the building goes off in the morning at 7:00 am, we have to be up and changed for breakfast by half-past. We then get some 'downtime' until 12:00 which basically means we are locked in our room. Lunch is then about 30 minutes long but you're not allowed to speak during that time.

When I first came back into the eating area, everyone started clapping for me which was nice, showed that they appreciated my efforts at least.

After lunch you've got an activity slot, this means you have to do some sort of exercise. They have a gym, shooting range, boxing ring, archery arena, freerunning course. Anything you could want, they have.

The thing is your constantly monitored here, there's someone recording down data on what you're doing so I never do the things I'm good at. I'm not giving them an edge over me.

After that, the kids who are still in education go off for lessons, in our room that includes Mal, Tierna, Emily, Lindsey, Morgan and Rose. While the rest of us have to do manual work, like fixing appliances or cleaning rooms and stuff.

We are currently about to head off for lunch now since they've unlocked our doors. They do this all the time, unlock your room making you thing that your free and not trapped but in reality if you step out of line just once you get the repercussion for it.

"Why were you asking me and Carli about the sport we do?" Ash whispers in my ear as we walk down to the eating area.

"I've got a theory, I'll tell you after lunch" I whisper not wanting anyone else to catch on.

We walk into the eating area and head to our table, all of us sitting down in silence waiting for our turn to get our food. I look at everyone here and my eyes land on Julie, again. I can't help but stare at the girl, her perfect cheekbones and blue eyes just make you lose any concept of time.

We haven't had much of a chance to talk or rather I've been too much of a woosy to go over and speak to her. It's not like I can have a relationship in this place anyway.

Our table gets called up soon so we all head over to the food station and get given our meals. I'm heading back to my seat when the doors are suddenly barged open and three men come storing in, I get a better look and see its Vex and a few of the other guards I beat up on my first day here.

"You! I'm going to kill you" he says charging towards me, I put my tray on the table behind me and get ready to defend my self. He sends the first punch and I block it again, punching him in the face instead. He's about to attack me again when Lilith comes in.

"Stop!" She screams making the while place go silent, you could hear a pin drop in here.

"What has the boss told you about touching number 1, it needs to be in top shape for testing," She says making the three guards stand away from me.

"Sorry ma'am," they say in unison, walking back to wherever they are meant to be. I pick my tray back up and head over to my table.

"did you hear what she said" I whisper to Ash and Christen who sit next to me.

"Yeah, something about testing," Christen says looking at me worriedly.

"whatever it means, it doesn't sound good," Ash says, I nod in agreement and try to forget about it while I eat my lunch

Lunch goes by fairly quickly, I mostly spend it worrying about these 'tests' I need to be fit for. We are heading off to our activity slot now and I've decided to pick free-running today since it could come in very handy trying to get out of here.

I head to the changing room and get dressed into the workout clothes they provide for us. As I walk in I notice Julies also here taking off her top and revealing her six-pack. My eyes seem glued to her stomach as she awkwardly clears her throat.

"Sorry you've just got a good physique," I say trying to play it off cool.

"I could say the same for you," Julie says back to me, is she flirting with me?

"and how would you know that," I ask smirking at her.

"Well, I did see you in your bra and underwear last week remember," She says grinning at me while my face drops and instantly goes 10 shades redder.

"I'll see you out there Skye," Julie says walking past and touching my shoulder.

I'm officially never washing that shoulder ever again.

I finished getting dressed and head out to the course wanting to get started on some techniques I'm trying to learn. I walk out and see Julie doing all kinds of flips and runs across beams. I can't help but stand there in awe as she makes it all look so effortless and extremely hot.

"Are you going to stand there all day or join in?" Julie says shouting over to me. I'm about to laugh in response when I look over to see a guard watching us intently a scowl set on his face.

I jog over to where Julie is and pull myself up onto the beam.

"That guy is giving me the evils" I whisper to Julie, my back facing the guard.

"I know, he just stares at me the whole time I'm here, no one else," Julie says covering her mouth with her hand so she can't be lip read.

"Number 1, number 5, if you don't start doing something I'll put you both in isolation" The guard shouts to us, I just roll my eyes but do as I'm told and try to master this jump.

It's about 5 metres long and I always fall before I can grab onto the edge. I get ready to do my run-up preparing myself for a possible fall. I keep my strides long and powerful as I do my runup, when I reach to end I leap off one foot and place the other one forward onto the wall trying to keep me steady, I reach my hands up to grab the ledge but I start sliding down before I can get a grip of it.

I let out a frustrated groan as I go back to my starting position getting ready to give it another go. I have another go and yet again can't seem to get and grip in the ledge.

" You're doing it all wrong" Julie says making me whip my head around and see her coming towards me.

"What do you mean, I just don't have enough power to get there," I say

"You most certainly do with those legs, you just don't have the right technique," Julie says, I feel the blush creep up my face at the subtle comment but quickly cover it up.

"where am I messing up then?" I ask wanting to get this figured out.

"First of all, you're initially run isn't solely based on power, it's a key factor but speed is too, getting that speed and momentum while you're on the ground will give you the extra edge in the air" Julie explains, I nod my head listening to her advice intently.

"When you land on that push-off foot make sure it's your heel first and then roll your foot forward onto your toes allowing the momentum to come through" Julie says demonstrating with her foot.

"Then once you're going into the air you want to bring your chest up as well as your arms and the opposite knee needs to drive up forward and give you extra hight." Julie tells me, she then gets into position and runs towards the wall, her arms pumping her forward. I watch as she perfectly jumps off the floor and sends her body flying into the air landing onto the other side.

"Okay now I'm very impressed," I say to her.

"Come on, your turn now" Julie shouts waving me over. I take in all her advice and run with speed to the edge, rolling my foot forward and pushing my chest and arms up into the air, my knee following behind. I manage to land on the other side rolling down to help keep my balance.

"I can't believe that worked" I say giving Julie a high five.

"I'm not just a pretty face you know," Julie says smiling at me.

"Oh I know, you've also got a smoking hot body too" I as whispering tha last part near her ear, I walk leaving the girl in a blushing mess. Confident with my flirting abilities I call it a day and head back to the changing rooms.

- - - -

The rest of the day passes me slowly, the hours dragging on and on in this place. We are currently all in our room getting to know each of us a little better. The youngsters are telling us all about the teacher they have for the education lesson.

"I'm telling you guys, I thought my school teachers we're bad but this is another level," Mal says making the room burst into laughter again

"I've never smelt worse coffee breath on anyone, you would honestly think she inhales coffee beans" Rose says causing us all to laugh again.

"Right! And she stinks of sweat, she needs a wash more than us!" Tierna says, we continue to crack jokes about the different guards in this place finding it to be the one of the things we all have in common, our hatred for the place.

"and Skye, you really did a number on that guard, I saw him limping today pretty sure you've screwed him up for life," Kelley says as everyone hums in agreement.

"You mean Vex, yeah we'll I'm not even sorry for it, he's a dickhead that needed to be put in his place," I say making Ash and Tobin to high five me.

"Is his name Vex?" Carli asks me.

"I don't know his name actually, I just give names to the people here so I remember them better. You've got Lilith she's the woman in the suit who runs the place. Haydes he's like the head guard who took me and his main minion Slade. They are the important people anyway" I explain to the group.

"That's a good way of thinking about it, they're cool names too," Alex says to me

"Yeah sound evil, just like them I guess," Christen says receiving a chorus of agreements back.

Everyone starts chatting again but my eyes wander to Julie seeing her talking to Crystal, giggling along to something she's been told. The way her eyes sparkle in anticipation and her smile reaching her cheeks. The way she gets those cute little wrinkles on her forehead when she's trying to concentrate or how she fiddles with her fingers when she anxious or scared about something.

I'm still looking at her when I notice some sort of smoke filling in from the corner of the room, I get up from my seat and start walking towards it wondering what it could be.

"you okay Skye?" Julie asks me as I walk past her, I don't reply but start moving some things around to see what's going on. I move a box and see a small grid in the corner pumping out some gas.

"Open the door now!" I yell turning around and pointing to the door of our room. Carli jumps up from her seat and reaches for the handle but not in time for the click of the door lock to be heard.

"Shit, it's locked," Carli says, I start grabbing the sheets of the beds and stuffy it in the corner of the room.

"They're filling the place with some sort of gas, everyone grabs some sort of fabric and start breathing into it." I shout everyone scramble around for something to use.

I'm trying to fight it off as much as possible when two more vents start spilling the gas out too, the air starts to get thin and people start coughing trying to get a breath of oxygen from somewhere.

I watch as people start to collapse to the floor passing out from whatever being pumped into here. I run to Julie and grab her hand.

" It's going to be okay, everything going to be fine," I say as Julie passes out in my arms, myself following quickly behind her.

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