The 5th Dimension |✔

By bibliophile_panda25

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W A R N I N G: Don't read this book. I wrote it when I was 13. Trust me you will die of regret if you choose... More

°-C H A R A C T E R S-°
"What lies behind those woods"
"Welcome to Moon Hills"
"Tiara Lavington"
"Are you alright?"
"The School Match"
"Out of the ordinary"
"You are not human"
"Tell me what you know."
"Careful, incase you hit a demon"
"The Super Ex."
"A Conversation With Ms.McCarthy "
"Who is it?"
"This Is The Hunt"
" Questions "
"Dream Or Nightmare"
"The Walk"
"The Unexpected Guest."
"The Argument"
"The Meeting"
"Be Careful Girl"
" Vicious Night "
"Save me!"
"Ready or Not"
The End Is Just The Beginning.
Author Note

"The End"

78 34 28
By bibliophile_panda25

°S E R E N A°

"But master, you said that you won't hurt the 1st dimension." Alex said surprisingly.

"Alex, you are back. My boy. You are really doing a good fight. That's good." The leader said

"You said you won't hurt the 1st dimension they have nothing to do with any of this."

"Did I?  Well, son I never said that."


"I should have known that vampires can never be trusted. I kept your promise, in return you should keep mine." He shouted in agony.

"Okay, Lord." He replied in a slow voice.

I looked towards Alex angrily, how can he be so foolish to believe the dark lord. I can't accept this. All my friends and my family will die. I will never let this happen.

Alex looked towards me from the corner of his eyes. I muttered looking towards him. "Why?"

"My fellow demons, kill this horrifying creatures and take some special care of my daughter." The dark lord said and disappeared in the air.

"You can't do this." I shouted. "You think he will leave the 2nd dimension after destroying our world."

He was silent. A one-eyed demon started to walk towards me but Alex lifted his hand in order to stop him.

"How can you be such a fool? Alex, how can you--"

"Shut up, Serena--" He walked closer to me. I could feel his breathe on my face. "--- I didn't know that this was going to happen."

"Why didn't you listen to me? I warned you, didn't I? Why--"

"I'm sorry."

"It is too late, Alex. It is too late."

His eyes turned into blood red. He Pushed me to the ground and commanded the demons. "Kill everyone."

"You can't do this."  I shouted

"Yes, I can."

I glanced towards Ronald. He was too hurt to fight, still he was trying his best to defend himself. Camilla screamed, I looked behind.

Andy had a sword, that went right through his chest. Camilla screamed. "Andy!"

Andy fell down on the ground. Blood dripping from his chest. The Demon rushed towards Camilla who was down on her knees crying with pain.

Someone pulled my hair from the back and pushed me towards a rock. I hit my head so hard that I was barely able to stand up. I got kicked in my lower abdomen by someone. Even though I wanted to burn that creature, I couldn't because I was too hurt and my arms were paining.

"You are a fool, dear--." I tried to look at the demon. It was holding a dagger and was pointing it towards my face. "-- So, I guess it's time that you say goodbye to your life."

"No, I think you should say goodbye to your life." I didn't know who said that. I tried to glance towards direction of the voice.

Zera stood there pointing an arrow towards the monster's face.
The creature came running towards her. Zera ran towards her too but suddenly Zera went on her knee and shoot arrow on it's knee. She fell down on the ground "Here you go." Zera smiled and took out a knife from her shoes and threw it towards the creature.

The knife went straight through it's head. Zera smiled towards me. She came and helped me to get up. "You, okay."

Out of nowhere, A creature jumped over Zera both of them rolled on the ground. I ran towards them.

"Serena!" Alex said gently, he was standing quite far away from me. "I will give you another chance because I like you. Come with me and I will treat you like a queen. You and I will leave happily and you will have everything you ever needed. Don't you want to rule the world. Everybody wants to rule the world. It is a sad but its true. "

"He is a liar, Serena. Don't listen to him." Ronald shouted. I looked towards him. He laid on the ground and was punched and kicked by a group of monster.

I looked around me and found all my friends in a state of pain. Camilla crying, Eric trying to protect Camilla, Andy laid dead on the ground, Zera screaming as the demon stamped on her hand.

I started walking towards Alex. "Serena! No! Please don't do this." I could hear them shouting but I have no other option than doing this.

"I knew you would choose me. I knew you would." I continued walking towards him. He pulled my hand and hugged me tightly. My face laid upon his chest. "I knew it." He muttered in my ears. He kissed me hungrily. "Serena! I can't take this anymore. I don't want to be demon. I am more desperate than I was before."

I kissed him on his lips and hugged him tightly. I muttered in his ears. "Go to hell." I took out the stake  from his pocket and stabbed him on his chest. He gave a little scream. "I am so sorry Alex but I didn't have any other option. I am sorry." My eyes filled with tears. "Please forgive me."

He fell down on the ground. "Thank - - you, Serena." He struggled to say "I - - was suffering a lot you made be free from this suffering. You gave me relief."  

Then he was gone

Suddenly the ground started to shake the demon started screaming and shouting their anger could be felt from the atmosphere. I didn't know what happened next as I became unconscious.


"Serena! You okay." It was Ronald who was leaning towards me. I was lying on a bed.

"Where am I?"

" It is the Marshall castle and don't worry. It's safe here. The war has ended and Alex is--" He hestitated.

"dead." I completed his words. "After all I killed him."

Ronald helped me to sit up. My head, arms, legs and everything, was paining. Ronald gently placed his hand on mine. "Thank you, Serena for saving our lifes."

"Well, I didn't do anything. You should thank everyone else." I said.

"Serena!--" The voice was unfamiliar to me. A girl entered she looked so beautiful- fair skined and her eyes were emerald green. She had brown hair and was wearing a silk blue dress. "Thank God, you are awake."

"I am sorry, but I don't recognize you."

"Well! I won't blame you. Most of them didn't recognized me."

"Zera! Is it you but the last time I saw you, you were - -"

"I know red." She completed my sentence.

"Well, she was transformed into a human just after war ended."

"Yes! Atlast I got relief from the burden and the curse."


I knew who it was. "Seb!" I said with joy. He stood near the doorway with a smile on his face. I ran towards him and hugged him. "God I missed you."

"I missed you too, Bunny." He said hugging back.

"Ms. McCartney, Serena has saved all of our life and you may not believe she has also got the power to burn down people." Camilla said in a low voice.

I looked towards her. Her depression and pain was visible in her eyes. Andy was her best friend and I knew what she was going through.

"Miss Serena! We are all thankful for your help." Ms.McCartney looked towards me with her eyes filled with pity.

"I think I should go to my home." I said. "Is everything normal in our dimension, I mean the time period and also my parents, if they know what had happened with me and all of that."

"Yeah! Serena. You don't need to worry about that, Ms.McCartney had already send some wizards to set things properly." Zera said.

While I was going out of the discussion hall. Eric, Camilla, Zera, Ronald and Ms.McCartney accompanied me there.

"It was nice to be friends with you, Serena." Camilla smiled towards me. I smiled back.

"Serena! I will come after sometime." Seb said and went away.

"Come to meet us, whenever you want." Zera said

"Sure." I smiled "Goodbye, Everyone."


I called my one and only friend Alina to pick me up from the Olive cafe which was quite close to Angelic church. I thought of walking there as I didn't want her to give any explanation.

I walked passed the road when I heard someone say, "Serena!" I turned around and found  Ronald, who was waving a hand and came running towards me. "Hey!"

"Hey, Is everything alright?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah! I just wanted to say something."

I smiled as I didn't know what to do. "I think you are a gorgeous, powerful and a generous woman and I am lucky to met you."


He suddenly hugged me and muttered in my ears "I love you" He gently kissed me on my cheek and went away from me and ran away giving me his attractive smile.

I went home and everything seemed normal till now. My parents were not home.

I went to my room and fell to my bed, exhausted. I slept for few hours.
When I heard a familiar voice say.

I sat up and the sight of him ran a shiver down my spine. "Alex but you were dead. I killed you. " He sat at the edge of the bed.

He smiled, "You are right I am." saying he touched my face but I didn't feel it.

"You are a ghost."

"Yes and guess what you have got some homeworks to do."

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