Blood Ties (My hero academia...

By MigyTheWorld

96.8K 1.7K 974

Izumi Midoriya was born with a unique quirk called Blood Master which ables her to controll and manipulate bl... More

Just another day
I will be a hero
The symbol of peace have arrived
I am no.9
Training with All Might
Blood for All
New stories (not a chapter)
Lets beat some robot a**
The blood sucker vs the blood master (filler chapter)
Its my time to shine
The first step
The darkest time (Filler)
A bloody explosion
An Explosive day (Kasumi filler)
Class prez
USJ PART 2: Flare Unchained
You got the wrong girl (Izumi Filler)
Author breaks the wall (Authors filler)

Aftermath and girls day out

1.9K 48 30
By MigyTheWorld

Police Station
No PoV

Everyone in class 1-A we're currently outside the USJ facility while the police were rounding up all the villains they were able to arrest while Cementos was hauling the Noumu that was now missing an arm and both of its legs thanks to Flare.

A man wearing a brown trench coat and hat was currently counting off the class making sure everyone was present and unharmed.

"Ok everyone seems to be unharmed, well everyone except for that girl with green hair that is." He said as he checked his list one more time.

"Is she going to be ok?" A boy with half white and red hair asked the detective.

"Dont worry she will be fine, however I still need to question her about this whole ordeal... Naomasa I leave them to you." He said as a man with a cat for a head looked at him.

"You got it meow!" He saluted.

'So cute!' The girls expect for Kasumi said, she was more interested on the fact that this 'Shoto' character showed concern for her bestie even if he kept ignoring her since school started.

"Ok everymeow go back to your bus please, we will take care of this in the mean time meow." He said as the cat office instructed the students.

"YES SIR!" Everyone except for Kasumi and Shoto replied.

Everyone waited for Kasumi to tell them what to do but she was only staring Shoto down.

"Hey Kasumi-chan your orders!" Ochako said.

"Wha- Oh right, Ok everyone get back on the bus... except for you Half and Half... I need to talk to you." She said as she stared him down.

"Oh my is she going to confess!?" Mina thought.

"So bold!" While the others though of the same thing as they began their walk back.

"... What do you want?" Shoto asked.

"I want you to stay away from Izumi." Kasumi said.

"... Does she want me to?" Shoto asked.

"I think the better question is... do YOU want to?" Kasumi returned the question.

"I dont get what you're trying to say?" Shoto asked confused.

"Ever since school started all you did was avoid Izumi and me... this is not the Shoto that Izumi and I played with all those years ago." Kasumi said.

"I am not the same as I was all those years." Shoto said remembering his childhood.

"I guess not... so unless the old Shoto reappears or at least you stop being an unapproachable douche, you can stay the hell away from me and Izumi... got that you half and half bastard." Kasumi said as she walked passed Todoroki purposely bumping his shoulder.

Shoto then grits his teeth, turned around and yelled at Kasumi.

"YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I HAVE BEEN THOUGHT, SO YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT TO CALL ME ANYTHING!" Shoto shouted for the first time in a long while.

Kasumi then stopped dead on her tracks, looked back at Shoto and gave him a face that seemed to say 'Bi**h do I look like I care.'

"Your right I dont know what happed to you to make you this... this hybrid of Zuko, Toshiro, and Sasuke... and frankly Todoroki... I dont give a damn." Kasumi said aa she continued to walk away.

U.A clinic

Izumi was currently laying in bed, she has a few bandages on her body but other than those injuries she is very much ok.

All Might was in his civilian form sitting on a stool beside her bed while Recovery girl was making sure she was ok.

"Is she really ok Recovery girl?" All Might asked.

"Yes, she will be ok, She is amazingly resilient, but she still needs plenty of rest." Recovery girl said.

Suddenly Izumi sheet began to shift and she began to wake up, she looked to her side and saw All Might and Recovery girl looking at her with a worried smile.

"All... Might... Recovery Girl... where... am I... WAIT THE OTHERS -OW!" Izumi said groggily at first but when she realised that her friends were not with her she panicked and agitated her bruises.

"Carefull child your bruises are still not completely healed, dont worry your friends are all ok, your Vice President took them back to your class." Recovery girl said.

"Oh thank goodness... wait... where is Flare?!" Izumi asked in a panicked tone.

"Dont worry about him too young Midoriya, Young Bakugou has taken Flare with her, they are both ok." All Might said.

"Thank you All Might... so the villains... did you manage to capture them?" Izumi asked laying back down on her hospital bed.

"Most of them at least, the ring leaders of the whole operation managed to slip away, but rest assure we will find them." All Might said as he gave his signature smile.

"-sigh of relief- That makes me feel a bit at ease." Izumi said.

"Well I have to go now young Midoriya, I have to meet with Tsukauchi." All Might said as he left the U.A. Clinic.

"Well your injuries seems to be all healed up, just rest here for a few more hours and then you are free to go." Recovery girl said as she returned to her office in the next room.

2 hours later

Its beem a few hours and Izumi is currently wearing her school uniform.

"Man I feel like I have been alseep for days." Izumi said as she walked out of the nurse's office only for a small dragon to jump into her arms.

"FLARE! I am so glad your ok!" Izumi said as she rubbed cheeks with her cute dragon.

""IZUMI-CHAN!"" Izumi then looked infront of her and saw all the girls running towards her, she smiled and gave them a small wave but they didn't stop or even slow down.

"Guy, guys slow down, GUYS NO NO NO STOOOP! -OMPH-" Izumi tried to stop them but she was tackled by 7 of her female friends.

"GUYS GET OFF ME!" Izumi yelled but the others were busy laughing to hear her.

However the sounds of laughter slowly became the sounds of tears as the hirls began to stand up.

"-sniff- I thought I lost you... BAKA!" Kasumi said as tears began to stream down her face.

"Please be more careful Midoriya-san." Momo said with a worried tone.

"But you were totes awsome back there." Mina said energetically.

"You were totally rockin" Jirou said with a thumbs up.

"Yeah yeah yeah! You were soooooo AWSOME!" Hagakure said as she began to bounce around.

"But you nearly made everyone in class have a panic attack... we were so worried -ribbit-" Tsuyu added to the conversation.

"But she is ok now and that's whats important!" Ochako said.

Izumi could only smile at her friends small antics.

"Thanks you guys, don't worry I'll try and be more careful next time." Izumi said as she stroked the head of a sleeping Flare.

"Hey Izumi are you busy tomorrow?" Kasumi asked.

"Dont we have school tomorrow." Izumi reminded.

"Actually Nezu-sensei said we get 3 days off of class... so do you wanna hang out tommorow, just us girls, we can have a girls day out!" Mina said with an excited tone.

"A girls day out huh... sounds fun to me." Izumi said as she gave a bright smile.

'Must protect!' Everyone thought at the same time.

"So where are we gonna meet?" Ochako asked.

"How about Kiyashi-ward mall, we can play games, shop, eat, and have lots of fun there!" Mina suggested.

"Sounds cool!" Tohru said happily.

"Eh might as well." Kasumi said nonchalantly.

"That sounds delightful!" Momo smiled brightly.

"That sounds like it would be fun. -ribbit-" Tsuyu said.

"Ok." Jirou said with a shrug.

"Ok tommorow at 9:00 we all meet at the mall ok." Izumi said with a smile.

"YEAH!" Everyone said at the same time.

Time skip -Kiyashi-ward Mall-
9:00 A.M.

Ochako, Momo, Kasumi, Kyoka, Tohru, Mina, and Tsuyu were all at the fountain waiting for their final friend to arrive.

"Izumi is really running late." Momo said while looking at her watch.

"Flare must've chewed on her alarm clock again." Kasumi said with a smile.

"GUUYYSSS!" A female voice called out to the group.

"Oh there she i-" Kasumi stopped on her tracks as she saw Izumi.

"Sorry I am late... Flare chewed on my clock AND the dress I was gonna wear today." Izumi said with a smile.

"..." everyone was speechless, they thought Izumi was beautiful in her hero suite and School uniform but this... there is no words to express on how cute she looks.

(This is her but her hair is is longer and she is wearing a pink bow like Nezuko from KNY)

"Guys is something wrong?" Izumi asked.

"N-no... its just..." Tohru started.

"You look drop dead gorgeous Izu-chan!" Ochako said as she gave Izumi a hug.

"Haha thank you, My mom designed it for me, so I figured I would wear it since flare chewed on my original dress." Izumi said.

"Well that doesn't matter now, YOU GUYS READY TO HAVE FUN!?" Mina started.

"YEAH!" Everyone said with smiles on their faces.

"Ok first stop the arcade!" Mina said with a smile as everyone followed her.


The group of girls then arrived at the arcade where it was bustling with lights and sound, there were retro and new games that were littered around the place.

"So what do you guys wanna play first?" Mina asked.

"Oh oh oh I wanna playa racing game!" Tohru smiled.

"Laaaammme! Lets shoot some guys!" Kasumi said.

"Hey they have guitar hero here lets play that!" Jirou pointed at the guitar hero machine.

"I wanna play a fighting game -ribbit-." Tsuyu said.

"Do they have claw machines here?" Ochako asked.

"How about we play DDR first?" Mina said.

"How about you Izu- Izumi?" Kasumi said as she begam to look for Izumi.

"Dang it where did she go!?" Kasumi said.

"I'm here." Izumi's voice resonated from behind the girls.

"Where did you go?" Ochako asked.

"I got a ticket for the game I wanted to play." Izumi said.

"Really, what is it?" Mina asked with a smile.

"Dance rush stardom." Izumi said.

3 mins later

"Ok its my turn." Izumi said as she walked upto the machine.

"Ok what song should I pick... ah here we go crazy shuffle."

The song then began to load and everyone was waiting for Izumi to start.

(Like this but its Izumi, credits to the dancer.)

Everyone was staring at Izumi as she followed the steps on the screen perfectly, some people even took out their phones and started to record her.

The song soon ended and Izumi was panting slightly since the dance she did was the hardest one in the game, her friends then grouped around her and told them she was amazing.

"YOU WERE SO GRACEFUL IZUMI-CHAN!" Tohru said as she flailed round her arms.

"Yeah you totally rocked the house!" Jirou said.

"You were very elegantly, it looked like you were floating on the mat." Momo said as she has sparkles on her eyes.

"You play too much of this game." Kasumi said with a smirk.

"Shut up." Izumi said with a smile.

After Izumi's little dance session they began to play again, they played racing games, shooting games, DDR, just dance, fighting games and alot of claw machines.

"Oh oh oh look look the Karaoke is available, Izumi you should sing something!" Mina said as she pushed Izumi to the mike.

"B-but I-I -sigh- fine... lets see here... oh hey have this song, Yosh lets sing this one." Izumi said as she began to imput the song number and her song began.

(Life will change from persona 5, its a cover credits to the singer.)

As Izumi finished her final note a wave of clapping could be heared all over the arcade, Izumi turned around and saw a crowd formed around her and her friends were the one clapping the hardest.

"T-THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" Izumi gave a bow and a smile.

After a few minutes the crowd begam to vanish leaving the girls alone.

"So you guys got next?" Izumi asked as she handed the microphone back.

"What no way, after that perfoywe would only make ourselves look bad." Jirou said.

"Yeah!" The other said.

"Scaredy cats, gimme that!" Kasumi said as she also imputed a song.

(Astral chain 'Dark Hero' its a really cool song)

As like before a crowd formed round Kasumi as she sung, the otger girls were also awe struck but Izumi only clapped to the beat of her song.

After her song Kasumi walked down the stage and high fived her friends as they also complemented her on her singing.

A frw hours later

All of them were now infront of the mall shopping bags in hand as they begin to say goodbye to one another.

"I had fun today, we should do this again sometime." Izumi said with a smile.

"Yeah... it was kinda fun to hang out with other girls who wouldn't treat me like a ticking time bomb." Kasumi said sheepishly.

"Dont worry Kasu-chan we love you for who you are." Mina said with a smile.

"Yeah, oh next time lets hang out at my house we can go swimming there." Momo said with a smile.

"Sounds cool." Jirou said as she pulled up the black sunglasses she bought earlier.

"That sounds like its gonna be fun -ribbit-" Tsuyu said with a smile.

"Yeah... oh look its time already see you guys!" Ochako said as she began to run towards her station.

"Ochako wait for me!" Mina followed her.

"We should go too Tsuyu." Momo said as they began to walk as well.

"Sure thing." Jirou said with a smile.

"Well Tohru lets go as well -ribbit-." Tsuyu said.

"Ok!" Tohru said happily as they began to walk away.

"So did you have fun?" Kasumi asked.

"Definitely." Izumi said with a smile.

"Thats good... so lets go too?" Kasumi asked.

"Yeah I am beaaat!" Izumi said as they began to walk to the station.
Hey guys hope you like this little break.

Hope you also liked it in general.

Thats all for now.

MigyTheWorld out PEACE!

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