Hypnosis for begginers

By HypnoGirl

8.1K 70 50

Have you ever wanted to be hypnotised? This is your chance. Hypnosis is a greatly misunderstood topic. Most p... More

Questions and Answers
Deep Trance Induction
Anxiety Relief trigger

Deep trance and trigger setting

1.2K 11 16
By HypnoGirl

First, I want you to think of your feet. Yes, your feet. Focus on them, and notice how you feel them more as you do... As you focus on them, feel them starting to relax, to become more comfortable...
Move your attention to your legs, and feel it happening there, too: the power of your mind helping your muscles to relax as you focus on them... Focus on them more and more, move your attention towards your hips slowly and feel your muscles start to relax...
Your mind is powerful.. If it wants to relax, your body will follow it... And as your attention shifts towards your belly... Towards your chest... You may start to feel your breathing become deeper, more rythmic... Let your breathing become more deeper, more relaxed.... Allow yourself to feel the stress start to slowly drain off you...
When you breathe in the cold air... And breathe the warm air out... You are breathing in the relaxation...And breathing out the stress...
You are doing so well...
When you are ready, let your attention shift to your shoulders... Feel them starting to gently relax... Then you can focus on your arms, feeling the stress draining out.... Until even the tips of your fingers are so relaxed...
You are doing great... Now, I want you to do it again.. I want you to focus on your feet again, and to notice how much more relaxed they are now... I want you to focus on them again, to make them twice as relaxed as before, so much better... And when you are ready, I want you to move towards your legs, letting them move to the most comfortable position now.... You are doing so well... I want you to keep moving your attention upwards, feeling every muscle in your legs relax as you focus on them... With each second of focus, you feel twice as good and fall twice as deep..
Keep going... Let your attention shift through your hips, relaxing them, to your chest... You are breathing so much more deeply, breathing in the wonderful relaxation... Breathing out the stress... Breathing in, slowly, rythmically.. And breathing out the stress, so it can leave you...
You are doing perfectly, you just have to keep going...
Soon, you'll find your attention shifting to your shoulders... to your neck.... All that tension will start to let go, to vanish, to leave you more relaxed than ever before... Let that tension and stress leave you, as you become more and more relaxed and feel better and better...
You are doing great...
When you are ready, let your attention shift to the back of your head... Feel your thoughts start to relax, too... Feel how free you feel without them, as you relax more and more with each single passing moment... Let your attention wander around your skull, relieving more and more tension, leaving you more and more relaxed...
You are doing so well... Keep going...
When your mind is already so relaxed, I want you to let it relax even more... I want you to focus more and more on the relaxation you feel...
When you are ready, you will want to do it all again... To focus on your feet again, feeling how much more relaxed they are now, how much better you feel than when you begun... Your attention will shift through your legs, leaving them so relaxed, more relaxed than you ever thought possible... Let yourself relax more and more... Feel yourself coming so deep as your attention comes to your chest and to your breathing... Notice how good and easy it is to breathe in the relaxation... And breathe out the rest of the stress... Breathe in the relaxation... and breathe out the last bits of stress...
Let your attention come to your shoulders... to your neck... and as it reaches your mind, you notice how empty it feels, and you love it... Let yourself relax more and more, as the last thoughts leave your mind and let you come to this blissful state of pure relaxation...~
You are doing so well... You are already so very deep, so very relaxed, so free of thought and worry... You love this state of relaxation, of freedom, so very much... You can come here whenever you want, but you would love to be able to come this deep, or even deeper, instantly... You can do that, too...
From now on, when someone you trust uses the words "Let go of your mind", you will feel a wave a of relaxation fill you so quickly... It will pass through your feet.. through your legs... through your chest... and when it reaches your head, you will love to feel all the thoughts and worry melt away into nothingness, letting you reach this deep state of relaxation and comfort...
You can use these words whenever you need them... tell yourself to let go of your mind, and you will feel the amazing wave of comfort and relaxation you are feeling now, starting with your feet... coming through your legs... Touching your chest to make you relax so deeply... and reaching your mind, where it brings you so fully and wonderfully under, letting you completely relax, feel completely free and full of bliss...
From now on, whenever you are safe and I use the words Let go of your mind, you will find yourself melting away into this comfortable and deep relaxation...
Let that fact sink deeply into your mind, become your deepest knowledge... Let yourself accept those words, accept their power... You are doing amazingly, as you let yourself accept that truth so deeply within your mind...
You love this relaxation, but you know that you must come back up eventually, come out of this blissful state of relaxed trance... Whenever you are ready to return, let yourself keep reading...

Soon, you will feel your thoughts start to come back, one by one... The first one will touch your mind now, welcome it as it comes into your head... Only your thoughts will be able to return to you, all the worries are far lost to never return...
Let yourself start thinking, a thought at a time... let yourself start noticing your surroundings... First, the sounds, then, the smells that surround you completely. Realize how easy it is becoming to let them come back into focus, as your body starts moving gently as you get ready to stretch...
Let yourself be comfortable, as thinking becomes as easy as it once was, as you are able to let your eyes wander through your surroundings before returning to these words...
I will count from one to five and, with each number, you will find yourself closer and closer to the surface, feeling so fresh and well rested, feeling how light you are without any worries...
One, realizing that you are feeling so much better, so free...
Two, allowing your thoughts to return to your mind, realizing how much lighter they feel now, without any stress...
Three, feeling more awake, more aware.. Noticing your surroundings more and more.
Four, you are already almost completely back, feeling so rested and energetic.
Five. Welcome back.

You can now stretch and come completely back.
I hope you enjoyed your time under, and that you feel much better now than when you started. The trigger is now set, and besides its use on my scripts, you can use it whenever you want, too. Hopefully it will be useful to you.
Leave a comment telling me, from one to ten, how deep you went. If you want to, leave a suggestion for anything you want to see in future chapters. I'm thinking of making an anxiety relieving scripts next; what do you think?
Goodbye my darlings, and I hope to see you around next time!

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