Chatdrien short stories

Od Wiildsstories

271 4 2

short Chatdrien stories I've come up with, but are too short to make a fanfic out of Více

Chat Blanc


79 1 1
Od Wiildsstories

Adrien's father had just signed him up for ballet classes. At first Adrien was upset, how would he have the time or energy to fence and dance? But his father's assistant Nathalie quickly informed him that he would no longer attend fencing classes. That made Adrien slightly relieved, until Nathalie informed him about which class he would be attending. "Expert class?! But I've never danced ballet before!" He protested. But he knew it was hopeless. Adrien's mom was a well known ballet dancer, one of the best in Paris's history. So Gabriel had really high expectations of his son when it came to any kind of dancing or physical activity in general. "It's your father's words, Adrien. You will have your first class in one hour" she said before she left. Adrien sighed.

Once Adrien arrived at the dancing studio he gulped. He knew this would be the biggest challenge he've faced so far. He hoped that the teacher wouldn't be too strict. He walked to the boy's changing room and changes into his ballet clothes. He looked into the mirror and slightly frowned at himself. 'I look ridiculous. This suit really point out my scrawny and weak body' he thought to himself. Adrien then hurried to the other students. The teacher still hadn't arrived yet. He grabbed the one of the rails and tried his best to relax. He was stressed. And scared. Scared of how his father would react if he'd fail and not keep up with the other students. He started to slightly shiver without even realizing it. He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt someone touch his shoulder, he turned around and saw a familiar face. "Marinette?" "You okay Adrien?" She asked, very concerned. Adrien just smiled at her "yeah, just a little nervous" he replied. "I didn't know you did ballet, I thought you were more of a 'fencing guy'" she said with a slight smirk on her face. Adrien just rolled his eyes before gently poking her nose. "My father controls my schedule and he decided to replace fencing with ballet" Marinette laughed. They could play around and joke like this, they were best friends after all. "Hopefully the teacher will take it easy with you, he's kind of strict sometimes" Marinette said as Adrien gulped. Suddenly all the students gathered in the centre of the room, Marinette grabbed Adrien's arm and pulled him over to the big circle. Then the teacher entered. It was a man, Adrien had sort of expected the teacher to be a woman. This guy had blonde messy hair, green catlike eyes, a black tight ballet suit, big muscles, a black mask and cat features such as ears and a tail. Adrien looked around and suddenly noticed that he was the only boy in the class. The teacher walked over to the students, he then locked his eyes on Adrien. "You must be the new student, Adrien if I remember correctly?" Adrien nodded. The teacher walked over to him and got really close. "I will be your teacher, my name is Chat Noir, but you can call me Chat, newbie~" he said as Adrien's face slightly heated up. He was really attractive. Chat then then started the lesson. Adrien did his best to keep up with the others and to stay on their level. After about 15 minutes they got instructed to stretch their left leg up over their shoulders. Adrien gulped. 'My leg's gonna fall off' he thought as he got in position. He watched how the other students did and tried his best to do as they did. He couldn't get his leg all the way up like the girls did. Suddenly he felt someone take a strong grip of his leg, he looked back and saw Chat, slightly smirking. Adrien turned red. "Not quite right, Agreste~" he cooed as he slowly pulled Adrien's leg further up in the air. Adrien's eyes widen as it started to hurt. He took a stronger grip of the rail and started to squeeze it, he closed his eyes and bit his lip. 'Make it stop, Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP!' He thought to himself. Chat then suddenly grabbed Adrien's other hand, Adrien looked at him, slightly scared. Chat leaned really close to Adrien's face which made him blush even harder. "Just relax and let me take the lead~" he cooed into Adrien's ear which sent a shiver down his spine. Then it happened. Adrien got hard. Really hard. 'Fuck' he thought to himself. Chat didn't notice it, tho he leaned Adrien's leg further up in the air. The pain got stronger and Adrien's hand started to shake. Then Chat slowly took down Adrien's leg again as he spoke out loud to the other students "Okay class, time for the next exercise". Adrien sighed heavily in relief.

Once the class was over Adrien felt completely beated. His body hurt everywhere. This clearly proved he was more of a fencing guy. He waved at Marinette before turning to the boy's changing room when suddenly Chat grabbed his wrist, Adrien turned around to look at him when Chat suddenly pulled him closer. "Seems like you're having a hard time keeping up with the other students~" he said in a dark and seductive voice which made Adrien blush. "I can give you extra classes if you want~" he said. Adrien nodded, knowing his voice would break if he tried to speak. Chat pulled him even closer and whispered in his ear "And try to control yourself next time, kitten~" Adrien knew what he was talking about, he heated up even more as a shiver was sent down his entire body. Chat then let go and walked to his office. Adrien just stood there, blinking and blushing really hard. He snapped out of it when he got an sms from Nathalie, he checked it. 'We're standing outside now Adrien'. He hurried to the changing rooms, changed back to his normal clothes and ran outside to the car.

The next day when he woke up he immediately started to practice different poses and stretched out his body as much as possible. It was Saturday today so he had about an hour before his Chinese lesson. He didn't stop, he kept going, he didn't want to dissapoint anyone and especially not Chat. Adrien didn't know what it was, but he just wanted Chat to touch him and seduce him with that dark, deep and sexy voice. He blushed just by thinking about it, just by thinking about him. He worked even harder with the thought of Chat in the back of his head. Time passed 10 times faster and all of a sudden Nathalie opened his bedroom door. He slowly turned to her as she started to speak. "Your Chinese lesson has been cancelled Adrien, so your father fixed an extra ballet class for you, you will be leaving in 5 minutes" he got filled with joy by hearing that announcement. He nodded as Nathalie left the room. Adrien practically jumped up in the air in pure joy before packing down his ballet equipment and heading downstairs.

Once they arrived at the dance studio Adrien hurried inside, he was really eager to see Chat again and to get to feel his soft touch again. He quickly got changed and almost ran out to the dance hall. He looked around but didn't see anyone. He then decided to stretch out, knowing he'd have to do that anyways. He walked over to one of the rails, grabbed it and started to stretch out his body, repeating the same exercise he did yesterday, but still not able to get his leg as high as expected. Suddenly he felt someone grab a strong hold of his leg which sent a shiver down his spine. He turned around and saw Chat, slightly smirking "eager to get started kitten~?" He said in a dark voice which made Adrien blush. He nodded as Chat started to push his leg further up in the air. This time Adrien wasn't in pain. Suddenly chat let go of his leg, Adrien just turned to look at him, not realizing what kind of position he was in. Chat chuckled. "w-what's so f-funny?" Adrien said in a hesitant voice. Chat smirked and pointed at Adrien's foot, Adrien looked at where he was pointing and saw his own foot on his shoulder. 'IS THIS EVEN HUMANLY POSSIBLE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?' Adrien thought to himself as he got slightly scared. How was he gonna get his leg back down. Chat chuckled once more. "If you can take your leg back down by yourself I'll award you, kitten~" he said in a deep voice which made Adrien blush 'A-AWARD?!?!?!?' He thought to himself as he started to try his best to get his leg back down without breaking it. He struggled with it for a few minutes, with Chat watching him. 'This is so embarrassing' Adrien thought to himself as he made an other attempt. 'I don't want him to think of me as the weak and pathetic peice of shit I am. I want to impress him, show him that I'm worthy of being in the same room as him. But why do I feel so flustered around him? Yes he's hot as fuck, but why does the thought of him not wanting me around and him not liking me make me want to break down inside?' Adrien thought to himself as he stoped in the spot, getting lost in his own thoughts. Chat grabbed his leg without him realizing it. 'Could it be that I...' he trailed off in his mind, but got cut off when Chat whispered in his ear. "Times up kitten~ your reward will have to wait". A shiver was sent down Adrien's spine as his face heated up even more. The next second Chat helped him get his leg back down. "okay run around the room 10 times, without stopping" he then said as Adrien just blinked at him. "....10 times...?" He mumbled, not knowing that Chat heared him. He walked closer to Adrien. "Either you start running kitten, or I'll have to make you run~" he said as a smirk grew on his face, Adrien gulped as he started to walk backwards. He then turned around and started to run around the room, with Chat running after him. Adrien ran for his life, he wanted Chat to be close to him, but he was scared of him right now. And he didn't see that Chat caught up to him. Adrien couldn't get that 'reward' out of his head, what was it? What did Chat mean? Suddenly Adrien tripped on his feet and fell down on the floor and rolled a few meters. "Uuuuggghhhhh...." he groaned. Chat ran up to him and grabbed his arm. He pulled Adrien back up on his feet. "Are you okay?" He asked in concern. Adrien just smiled at him, he had taken much worse hit at his fencing practices "yeah, I've had worse falls" Adrien said, which made Chat even more concern. "Just a quick question, what does running have to do with ballet?!" He then asked and Chat chuckled. "You need to have a good stamina when dancing, kitten~" he said and got closer. "And who doesn't like a good ol' chase~" he cooed into Adrien's ear which made him blush and get really hard. Chat noticed and smirked. Adrien got really nervous and backed away. "W-w-what n-now?" He said really nervously. 'Get a hold of yourself Agreste!!' He thought to himself as he tried to calm down. Chat walked closer to him. He grabbed Adrien's wrists and pinned him down to the floor. Adrien turned completely red. Chat got up. "Lift up your leg as high as possible" he said in a slightly playful voice. He stood right above Adrien, Adrien could very clearly see his private area and tried hard not to sin. He lifted his leg about 50°. Chat grabbed his ankle and smirked at him. He started to pull it even further up. Adrien bit his lip, in slight pain. Chat stopped once they reached 90° and Adrien started to breathe heavily. "Tired already~?We're not done yet kitten~" he said, looking straight into Adrien's eyes. He looked back into his with a look of lust. He wanted Chat to do him, tho he didn't want to admit it because he knew his father would never allow such a thing like that. And that burned inside of him. "W-what now?" Adrien asked in a very low voice. "We're going all the way~" he said as an other smirk grew onto his face. Adrien blinked. 'Goodbye dear leg, you've served me well' he thought to himself as Chat started to push his leg further to his head and chest. Adrien bit his lip even harder as the pain grew stronger and more intense. Tho he somehow found pleasure in it. Moments later he found himself holding his leg and looking at Chat in pure chock. He just chuckled. "Okay kitten, get up, it's time for the next position" he said as Adrien just looked at his foot. He was stuck. Tho he'd never admit that to Chat. Chat raised an eyebrow before realizing the situation. He then found himself grinning as he got down, hoovering over Adrien, inches from his face. "Need help to get up, kitten~?" He asked as he leaned closer. Adrien started to slightly shake. What was he supposed to say? "Well~?" Chat cooed into his ear as Adrien felt a shiver down his spine. He nodded, knowing that if he tried to speak, he'd just mess everything up and stutter until his tounge fell out. "Can't hear you kitten~" Chat said. "Y-yes pleas-se" Adrien said as he looked Chat in the eyes. Chat got up and helped Adrien up on his knees too. "In the next position you'll need to stand on your knees and lift back one of your legs 'my poor legs, they desevre a bubble bath later tonight' Adrien thought to himself as he followed Chat's instructions. He stood down on his knees and hands when he suddenly heared a call from his phone. It was Nathalie. He was right about to get up when Chat put his hand on Adrien's back. "You're not allowed to leave until you finish the excercise" he said in a dark and serious voice which made Adrien scared. He lifted up his left leg and raised it up in the air as far as he could. Chat nodded and put his hand away then Adrien got up. "I want you to practice on these positions until next class, kitten" he said with a playful smile on his face as Adrien nodded. He liked the nickname chat had given him. He liked everything about Chat. That's the moment Adrien admitted to himself that he had fallen deeply in love with Chat Noir. Chat left and Adrien walked slowly to the fitting room. His entire body hurt. He got changed and walked outside to a very upset Nathalie. "You are late Adrien" she said in a cold and mad voice. "I am deeply sorry Nathalie. I had notifications off on my phone an-" he started off but got cut off when Gorilla opened the car door. "You're late to a photo shoot" she said as she got into the car. Adrien gulped and quickly got into the car as well. But what he didn't know is that Chat watched them from his window, smirking. "You're mine, and only mine, my dear kitten... And soon everyone will know it~" he said to himself in a deep and seductive voice.

Adrien spent all the spare time he had making research about ballet and trying out all kind of exercises to get his body in shape and more flexible. He've had multiple private lessons with Chat, which have really helped him. He've become better than he could've ever expected. It's not been 3 weeks since he started, and he can truly see why his mother loved this as much as she did. Adrien stood at the rails, looking out of the windows, thinking about his mom, and a specific memory. He watched his mother make a big jump, an elegant pirouette then landing perfectly on her toes. That was Adrien's new goal. To be able to make the same pirouette his mom once showed him. He suddenly snapped out of his deep thoughts when Marinette put her hands on his shoulder. "You good?" She asked and he smiled "yeah, you?" He turned to her and asked. "Same, and I'm really happy for you Adrien, you've become the best ballet student in just 3 weeks" she said with a supportive smile on her face. He just chuckled "yeah sure" he said "Adrien, I mean it" she said, slightly irritated. He smiled back. "It's all thanks to Chat's private lessons and Youtube tutorials" he chuckled. She giggled "you're most likely his favourite student now...." she then said. "something wrong Mari?" Adrien asked in concern. "oh, no, it's just that... at the beginning if every year Chat gets a new 'favourite student' and- based of what I've heared, he takes them to his office and then all of a sudden under the year, they just quit" she said, Adrien was in shock, he could barely speak. "Wow..." was the only work he managed to get out. Marinette looked him in the eyes. "please don't ever quit Adrien. I never fully enjoyed ballet until you came, it's fun seeing you stretch out your body until it the day it breaks she said as she giggled over the last part. Adrien playfully hit her head "sadist" he said before he chuckled. "And you know that if I'd quit, it be dead meat". "True, your father's an ass" she said "you realised that now?" He said as he raised an eyebrow. "No, but I feel really bad for you Adrien, you deserve a better father figure" she said, slightly upset. They kept on talking, not knowing that Chat was standing right around the corner, hearing their entire conversation. He smirked. It was time. He couldn't wait any longer. He walked over to the two teens and stood right behind Adrien. Marinette straightened her body as Adrien was slightly confused. He then felt a warm breath hitting his neck which sent a shiver down his spine and his face to heat up. He turned around and saw Chat. "Class is gonna start now" he said before walking over to the other students. Marinette noticed that Adrien was slightly red, but decided to let it be. They walked over to the others. "Okay class today you'll have to practice in pairs, you'll take turns on different ballet poses. But I need someone who can help me with a demonstration" he said, turning his head to Adrien. All the girls were quiet. Adrien slightly gulped before pointing at himself with a questioning look on his face. Chat nodded as he walked closer to Adrien and grabbed his hand. He walked back to same spot he just stood in and made sure Adrien stood in front of him. Adrien was like a walking question mark right now. What was he going to do? "Watch and repeat" he said as he grabbed one of Adrien's leg and his arm on the opposite side of his body. Adrien tried so hard not to blush. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front on them. Chat pushed Adrien's leg and arm further up in the air. Adrien's body was used to this by now, chat had pushed his body in all kind of positions. The girls watched them. Then all of a sudden Chat let go of Adrien, and he was still standing just as well as when Chat held him. He then elegantly leaned down his leg, stood on his toes and then back on his feet. The girls were in complete awe. They all then rushed over to Adrien, and started to fight over who'd get to dance with him "he'll dance with me!" A girl said "no he'll dance with me!" An other one said. A few other girls joined the argument. Adrien felt really awkward. Suddenly two girl grabbed each of his arms and started to pull him. Adrien felt his like his arms were gonna get ripped off. Marinette tried to stop them, but they just pushed her away and she fell on the ground. All of a sudden chat raised his voice. "LYDIA!!!!!! MADDIE!!!!!!!! STOP THIS, THIS INSTANT!!!!!!!!!" He yelled as the girls froze in place. He grabbed their arms and growled loudly ad he pulled them aside. Adrien was practically shaking. "WE'RE SO SORRY MR. NOIR!!" one of the girls pleaded. "PLEASE DON'T KICK US OUT!" the other one begged as Chat walked to the big door. "LEAVE MY STUDIO AND DON'T EVER COME BACK AGAIN!!!!!" He screamed at them as he threw them out. Adrien couldn't stop shaking. Chat turned back to the students, eyes glowing and walked over to them. All the girls backed away at least 10 feet from Adrien. Marinette got up on her feet and walked over to Adrien and helped him get back up on his feet. "Thanks Mari" Adrien said in a shaky and low voice. Chat grabbed a strong grip of Adrien's arm pulled him really close. "He won't dance with any of you girls, he will dance with me" he said as Adrien felt his grip got even stronger. The girls nodded as they got in pairs. Adrien were too afraid to move. Chat pulled him aside. "Stay here after class" he whispered in Adrien's ear and he nodded in pure fear.

Once class ended Adrien found himself talking to Marinette. "I've never seen that side of Mr. Noir before" she said in a quiet voice.  Adrien turned quiet. Chat scared him. But he still wanted his touch so bad. His love for Chat had only grown even more. All of a sudden chat walked over to them. They both straightened their bodies. "You may now leave Marinette" chat said while looking at her. She nodded and turned to Adrien. "I'll text you later Adrien" she said before she left. Adrien turned to Chat as he pinned him to the wall, with a grin on his face. Adrien's face turned redder than ever. "Ch-ch-ch-cha-a-a-a-a-t-t-t?" Adrien stuttered out in fear. Chat leaned in to Adrien's neck and softly licked it he then leaned up to Adrien's ear and whispered in a deep and sexy voice. "I'm gonna make you feel real good my little kitten~" Adrien felt a shiver down his spine as he opened his mouth so respond when Chat crashed his lips onto his and kissed him deeply. Adrien moaned as Chat's tounge attacked his and obviously won dominance. Once chat broke the kiss a trail of saliva connected their mouths and Adrien panted. He wrapped Adrien's legs around his waist and picked him up. He took Adrien to his office and locked the door. He put Adrien down on his desk and smirked at him. Adrien started shaking, he wanted this, he truly did, but he was scared. Scared of what his father would think when he found out, scared of how the media would picture him, but what he feared the most was how this would feel. This would be his first time. Chat grabbed his tights and pulled them down. Adrien's face turned beet red. Chat smirked even more once he could see Adrien's boner much clearer. Chat pulled down Adrien's boxers as Adrien looked away in embarrassment. 'My body is so weak and pathetic. He'll laugh at me' Adrien thought to himself as Chat crawled up to his face and grabbed his chin, making Adrien face him. He started deeply into Adrien's eyes. "I'm not from this world kitten, I have many powers~ and one of them is the ability to read minds~" he said with a big smirk on his face. Adrien turned even redder as he remembered of all the times he'd think very inappropriate thoughts of Chat, calling him hot in his own mind and how good his touch felt. Adrien got even harder as Chat started to pull off Adrien's shirt. He twisted Adrien's nipples which caused him to squeak. Adrien quickly covered his mouth in embarrassment. Chat chuckled and took it off. "You don't have to be embarrassed around me Kitten~ I want every inch of your body~" he cooed into Adrien's ear. "Just relax and let me give you the pleasure you deserve~ I'll fuck you until your entire body shuts down and you pass out in my arms~ you'll scream my name~ and crave my touch like a drug~ you won't be able to live a day without me~" he then whispered in a dark voice before flipping Adrien around. Chat pulled down his tights and boxers then got over Adrien.

Later that night once Adrien got to his room he locked the door and fell down on his bed. He looked down at his member and blushed harder than ever. 'What just happened?!' He thought to himself as he hid his face in his hands in embarrassment. 'It felt so good...' he trailed off in his mind. 'He was right... I need more... I need him' he thought to himself as he blushes even harder. Adrien got up and went to take a shower. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw nothing but hickeys.

(I have no more ideas for this story/AU, so I'll leave the rest for your imagination. If I come up with more story to this, I might make a second part for it, not promising anything tho)

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