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Adrien's father had just signed him up for ballet classes. At first Adrien was upset, how would he have the time or energy to fence and dance? But his father's assistant Nathalie quickly informed him that he would no longer attend fencing classes. That made Adrien slightly relieved, until Nathalie informed him about which class he would be attending. "Expert class?! But I've never danced ballet before!" He protested. But he knew it was hopeless. Adrien's mom was a well known ballet dancer, one of the best in Paris's history. So Gabriel had really high expectations of his son when it came to any kind of dancing or physical activity in general. "It's your father's words, Adrien. You will have your first class in one hour" she said before she left. Adrien sighed.

Once Adrien arrived at the dancing studio he gulped. He knew this would be the biggest challenge he've faced so far. He hoped that the teacher wouldn't be too strict. He walked to the boy's changing room and changes into his ballet clothes. He looked into the mirror and slightly frowned at himself. 'I look ridiculous. This suit really point out my scrawny and weak body' he thought to himself. Adrien then hurried to the other students. The teacher still hadn't arrived yet. He grabbed the one of the rails and tried his best to relax. He was stressed. And scared. Scared of how his father would react if he'd fail and not keep up with the other students. He started to slightly shiver without even realizing it. He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt someone touch his shoulder, he turned around and saw a familiar face. "Marinette?" "You okay Adrien?" She asked, very concerned. Adrien just smiled at her "yeah, just a little nervous" he replied. "I didn't know you did ballet, I thought you were more of a 'fencing guy'" she said with a slight smirk on her face. Adrien just rolled his eyes before gently poking her nose. "My father controls my schedule and he decided to replace fencing with ballet" Marinette laughed. They could play around and joke like this, they were best friends after all. "Hopefully the teacher will take it easy with you, he's kind of strict sometimes" Marinette said as Adrien gulped. Suddenly all the students gathered in the centre of the room, Marinette grabbed Adrien's arm and pulled him over to the big circle. Then the teacher entered. It was a man, Adrien had sort of expected the teacher to be a woman. This guy had blonde messy hair, green catlike eyes, a black tight ballet suit, big muscles, a black mask and cat features such as ears and a tail. Adrien looked around and suddenly noticed that he was the only boy in the class. The teacher walked over to the students, he then locked his eyes on Adrien. "You must be the new student, Adrien if I remember correctly?" Adrien nodded. The teacher walked over to him and got really close. "I will be your teacher, my name is Chat Noir, but you can call me Chat, newbie~" he said as Adrien's face slightly heated up. He was really attractive. Chat then then started the lesson. Adrien did his best to keep up with the others and to stay on their level. After about 15 minutes they got instructed to stretch their left leg up over their shoulders. Adrien gulped. 'My leg's gonna fall off' he thought as he got in position. He watched how the other students did and tried his best to do as they did. He couldn't get his leg all the way up like the girls did. Suddenly he felt someone take a strong grip of his leg, he looked back and saw Chat, slightly smirking. Adrien turned red. "Not quite right, Agreste~" he cooed as he slowly pulled Adrien's leg further up in the air. Adrien's eyes widen as it started to hurt. He took a stronger grip of the rail and started to squeeze it, he closed his eyes and bit his lip. 'Make it stop, Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP!' He thought to himself. Chat then suddenly grabbed Adrien's other hand, Adrien looked at him, slightly scared. Chat leaned really close to Adrien's face which made him blush even harder. "Just relax and let me take the lead~" he cooed into Adrien's ear which sent a shiver down his spine. Then it happened. Adrien got hard. Really hard. 'Fuck' he thought to himself. Chat didn't notice it, tho he leaned Adrien's leg further up in the air. The pain got stronger and Adrien's hand started to shake. Then Chat slowly took down Adrien's leg again as he spoke out loud to the other students "Okay class, time for the next exercise". Adrien sighed heavily in relief.

Chatdrien short storiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें