a copycats game

By akiradachi65

4.5K 99 188

it's been ten weeks since ayano got taro, and it still confuses many. the leader of the student council, meg... More

part one, a new threat
part two - a new member
part 3.2 - new messages
part four - the culprit?
part 5.1 - we were wrong
part 5.2 - acting
part six - the true threats
part seven - false accusations
part 7.2 - lies?
part eight - senpai
part nine - the loss of a member
part ten - the truth
part eleven - science experiment
part twelve - the life of a yandere
part thirteen - tsundere feelings
part fourteen - broken atmosphere
part fifthteen - a rebellious group
part sixteen - broken
part seventeen - plans
part eighteen - ramping attacks
part nineteen - evaluation
part twenty - attraction
part twenty one - no safe zones
part twenty two- blackout
part twenty three- shutdown
part twenty four - help
part twenty five - bullying
part twenty six - curfew
part twenty seven - interview
part twenty eight - death threat
part twenty nine - new orders
part thirty - mindslaved
part thirty one - snap
part thirty two - accept or decline
alternate ending?
alternate ending one.
alternate ending two
alternate ending 3

part 3.1 - new victim

217 2 9
By akiradachi65

??? P.o.v


Who's next?

I walk over to a board, where I stick people on my list. I've been sloppy since gita Yamamoto, and its annoying. I put my finger on tsubaki uesugi, and scroll down, finding itachi zamatora.

I pause, knowing he's hard, seeming as asu had him as a leader for a while, whilst she was off. I curse, remembering when he nearly lashed out on senpai, during a fight.

I shake in anger, and slam my fist against the board, making it shudder slightly. I won't kill him, but I will make him pay, almost ruining her beautiful face.

Megamis p.o.v

I still regret doing this.

But I need to.

I walk down the corridor, to the student council room, and walk in, finding ayano already there.

I jolt, not expecting anyone here, well not yet, and she smirks, seeing my reaction. “Second guessing yourself are we?” She taunts and I sigh, making my way to the desk.

“Why are you here so early?” I ask, and she chuckles. “No reason, just wanted to be here as soon as possible.” She repiles, way to sarcastically. I can't be asked to agrue, and instead I open the laptop, finding a  email from info, why can't I just wake up one day, without a tone of stuff to do?

I open the email up, to find attached photos. I pause, and look at ayano, who catches my gaze.

“Come here, info sent some photos.” I ask, and she gets up without hesitation, and walks over, leaning on the desk.

“So this is who your looking for, a cat bugler?” She jokes and I don't react, knowing she wants me too. “Do any of these actions hint at anything?” I ask, slowly scrolling through the photos. She pauses, and looks at them like her life depends on it, and to be completely honest, it might be.

“They know how to access cameras, with that.” She points to a small remote of sorts. I pause, shocked as how info didn't see it. “Also, they obviously know the blind spots, so they can change, seeming as its easy to be noticed if you wearing that.” She adds, pointing at mutiple shots.

“What does this mean? Your merely telling me random facts.” I but in, annoyed. She pauses, and sighs. “For being hell bent on killing me before, you really think I'd just go around and kill anyone? No, I have more brain cells than that.” She retorts, startling me.

The doors suddenly open, to find the others walking in, and finding their allocated areas. None of them seem phased by ayano standing next to me.

“Well, at least I can explain to everyone.” She says, and stand up straight, and twisting my laptop around so everyone else can see the photos.

“What are these?” Aoi asks, obviously on edge, if she wasn't protective enough. “Photos info had sent to me, to help ayano figure how they work.” I reply, and she doesn't say anything else. “So having ten more eyes do help, huh, maybe I'll get glasses, and six monitors.” Shiromi blurts, getting a look from kuroko to shut up.

I shrug it off, and gesture to ayano to tell.

“This person is a yandere, there is no denying it. It seems they have done this before, but made a mistake somewhere to be spotted. Their goal is to make sure that their senpai isn't being abused, insulted, bullied, etc.. They will hurt anyone, but won't kill them. Their main focus isn't being seen, but instead, its keeping their prints off the weapons and clothing. “ she informs and everyone remains slient.

“Has there been any other students that have changed, as into their behaviour or something?” Ayano asks and I shrug, “I'll get info on it, to see if there's a correlation.” I suggest, and she nods.

“Whoa, where did detective aishi come from?” Shiromi asks, and even akane sighs. “Really? You need to focus more, this isn't time for making jokes.” Aoi warns, and she shrugs, “well I'm the only one who sees the flaw in that evaluation.” She repiles, getting everyone's attention.

“This masked individual, wants you to think that, so you focus on putting more cameras everywhere, and you focus more on other students, that don't hold anything to create a easy idea of who they are. What your aren't trying out, is everyone's schedules.” She pauses, and leans back on her chair, smirking.

Ayano pauses, and the others remain silent. I actually get where she's getting at, their making us focus on tiny facts, that don't even help in any way.

“Look at peoples schedules, see if anything changes, during a certain time period, even if it doesn't match to the persons actions, remember, they know how to fool the system, so they will. They obviously don't have a rival system, so its not going to be that obvious.” She adds, and leans forward, pouring herself tea, and putting mustard into it.

Akane cringes at this, and aoi gags. I sigh, used to her weird behaviour. But she's right. “Ayano, you don't have any specific area to patrol, so you don't even have to, so I don't care if you stay near taro, or whatever, but if anything is amiss, tell me straight away.” I order, and she nods, knowing I should stay on her good side.

The Bell signifys that school has started. We all get up, and leave, going to our allocated areas. I hesitate however, not liking what happened earlier, something seems off, like a nagging feeling, something I'm missing, something vital.

??? P.o.v

Too easy.

It's boring.

I walk around the corridors, finding itachi straight away, beside asu. I don't act obvious, and do what I usually do, after all its obvious if someone acts differently all of a sudden.

I follow, from a distance, and find him walking into the boys washroom, perfect, I know he comes out last, so patience is a virtue.

I sort myself out, and walk to the washrooms, as the sports members leave. I take the opportunity, and run in, knife in hand.

“What, who are you and what are you doing here?” He orders, crossing his arms, in his gym uniform. I smirk, although he can't see it. He obviously notices the knife, as his eyes look at it, letting me take the chance.

I kick him in the stomach, winding him, so his less of a threat. He falters and I plunge the knife into his leg, taking it out and kicking it, so he falls down.

“W-hat are y-ou doing?” He rasps, trying to get up. I laugh, and kick him in the face, leaning down.

“I'm ruining your pretty little face, just like you almost did to senpai.” I warn, my voice dropping. He looks at me, as I place the knife into his cheek, slowly digging it in. His face contorts to pain, as his blood slowly starts to flow out.

I get up, knowing asu is going to be worried. I take one look at him, and know he's going to regain his strength soon. I wipe his blood onto his gym uniform, and walk away, making sure I get away, to change back to normal.

Infos p.o.v


This person is smart.

I sigh in frustration, after getting the email from megami, to confirm that they hack into the cameras.

I know they do, seeming as I've noticed some strange feeds, but it just makes my life ten times harder. I need to keep my clients happy, whilst find another yandere.

I sigh, after finishing a long conversation with someone, who keeps bugging me, its annoying. I don't even know who they are, and well I assume its someone here, seeming as they want to know a lot about this school.

I lean back in my chair, finally getting a break. I know my main priority should be this stranger, but to be honest, I don't care, I had a partnership with ayano, so why would I?

I pause at the thought, taro specifically asked me about her information, and I still don't know why, he isn't one to give a crap about anyone, except his books, and sister, who I swear, is more annoying than osana.

I switch the monitors to live camera feeds around school, since megami finally arrived, the cameras multiplied, and Im not surprised.

I notice asu panicking, in the gym, which catches my attention. I turn the speakers on, so I can understand what she's panicking about.

A - Where is he?

A- he's never this late

A- what happens if someone attacked him?

Someone sighs, and I pause, nobody knows about this person yet, however, if they do, it would cause the atmosphere to drop, and well, make their life ten times harder.

I ponder the thought around, maybe I should tell megami to alert everyone. I sigh, and look at the doors.

I pause, noticing someone standing there. I turn around, curious and at the same time annoyed. I scroll through the camera feed and find it to only be akane. I groan and place my hand over my face in frustration. Great, now I'm even on edge.

Ayanos p.o.v

At least I don't have to walk around the damn school.

I sit beside taro, on the fountain. I let him read his book, like always, and well I make sure nobody dares takes him away, or unlike the other one, I will kill them.

“Hey, yan - Chan, you don't seem like yourself, whats up?” Taro asks, looking away from his book, straight at me. I don't look back, and ignore his concern. Shiromi walks in, and does her usual patrol, by standing right in front of me.

“You know, you don't have to walk in here, whilst I'm here.” I say, catching her attention. She smirks, like always, and doesn't move.

“Aw, I liked this spot too.” She pouts, walking away. I roll my eyes, never liking her behaviour, and I guess nobody else either, seeming as everyone pauses when she walks past them.

“Ayano, may I ask you a question.” Riku suddenly asks, and I pause, looking at him, trying to not snap. Taro shrugs and carries on reading his book. I nod, and wait, as he tries to collect himself.

“Do, you still do you - know?” He whispers, glancing at kokana, before she leaves for the drama club, after taking to the others. I sigh, not really happy.

“Maybe, why?” I ask, and I glance to osana, who talks to raibaru. “Um.. Because I want to ask her out, and well I dont want to mess up.” He stutters. I sigh, and cross my arms.

“Sure, whatever, just you'd better hurry up before you get a earful from kizuna.” I retort, and he nods, excited. I take my sight away from osana as he runs away, like a 10- year old.

“Hey! Big bro!” Hananko suddenly yells. I groan in frustration, as she bounces on her heels, bounding over here. Taro puts his best smile on, although it's fake, I can tell from a mile away.

“Yes?” He asks, as she sits on the opposite side, playfully pushing him. “How is ayano treating you? And are you forgetting about me? Don't forget about me!” She squeals, making everyone turn and glance, but looking away as quick.

I hold myself back, knowing if I dare hurt her, in anyway, he won't be the same. “She's fine, and how could I forget about you?” He repiles, and I jolt, still not used to him actually talking about me. She squeals again, making my head throb, and stamps her feet on the ground.

Seriously, how is she even here? I swear, soon she's going to be my arch nemesis, with the amount of times she asks if I'm taking taro away, shame I can't just kill her.“Yey! Thank you big bro!” She repiles, and bounds back up, with an impossible amount of energy.

I remain calm, and sigh. “So, back in the matchmaking are we?” Taro jokes, nudging me. I suppress my anger, and smile, acting through it all. “I guess, so, big bro, how is hananko?” I retort. He laughs, and glances at her, as she bounces away, probably to ruin yet another person's life.

“She's OK, still very protective, and clingy, but she's used to us now.” He repiles and I nod, partly OK with it.

The bells go off, and I get up, waving goodbye, and briskly walk to my class, knowing student council are a bunch of teachers pets, its annoying.

I make my way to the class, people obviously looking my way, and I'm not surprised in the slightest, seeming as I stick out even more than before.

“Ayano, come with me now.” Someone orders, making me pause and turn around.

Aoi stands there, or more leans there, with her poor posture, which is seriously going to give her a back  problem.

“We’ll be late.” I retort, as other students walk pass. She shrugs, and chuckles slightly. “Don't worry, I've got it covered.” She repiles, and I sigh, for once I actually want to go to class.

I reluctantly agree and we make our way to the student council room. “Why are we coming here?” I ask, suspicious. She doesn't stop walking, her weird way, and doesn't answer.

I shrug the strange behaviour, and walk in with her, finding out that nobody is here. “So, why are we here?” I ask again, annoyed. She doesn't react, and looks away, worried?

“Can you remember the reasons your rivals where your rivals?” She asks, her voice much softer than usual, putting me on edge.

“They had feelings for taro, and I classed then in the order of difficulty, megami was the last as she knew how I actually was.” I reply, not seeing the point in lying.

“Would you attack someone who threatens taro?” She adds, still looking at the floor. I pause, I know this person is attacking those who threaten their senpai, but I hope she doesn't mean what I think she means.

“Yes?” I reply, unsure myself. She sighs, and looks at the doorway. “Those who we know were attacked, their link is that tsubaki had a fight with hoshiko on the roof, I had intervened like I should, and got a punch in the face from tsubaki. Itachi came to me, saying that kizuna was yelling at the sports club for using the gym, and I didn't do anything, because that isn't my job, and he nearly tackled me.” She repiles, hesitant.

I jolt, knowing what she means. “So your saying-” I start, and she nods, before I can finsh. “I don't know if I'm right or not, but either way, if its true, the whole school is a threat, because I'm the enforcer.” She adds, and I nod, understanding fully.

“I'll ask info, and she what she says, I won't tell anyone else, due to the fear of we still don't know who it is.” I reply, and walk out the room, knowing she already knows.

??? P.o.v


This is interesting.

I sit in my seat, after hearing the entire conversation. I know they are smart, but not that clever. I know I have been sloppy, but how do they know about itachi?

I guess I'll just have to plant few tracks to get them off my track.

Ayanos p.o.v

I swear.

If she's right..

I sigh, returning to reality, whilst the teacher drums knowledge into our heads.

I notice aoi sitting there, in front, like nothing ever happened, beside osaro. If this school hates fighting, why put two of the biggest enemies right next to each other?

“Miss aishi, I hope your listening.” The teacher says, looking straight at me. I nod, lying, and she shrugs it off, carrying on with the lesson.

Megamis p.o.v

Something is nagging me.

I don't know what it is either.

I sigh, as the break bell goes.

I watch as everyone else leaves, and I stay as is, trying to understand everything.

Info had earlier told me that itachi was attacked, and it just threw the idea out of the window, seeming as tsubaki and itachi are two totally different people.

I sigh and get up, finally leaving the room, and going to the infirmary, to interview itachi.

I make my way down the corridors, my curiosity peaked as I notice aoi walking with ayano, with kuroko going into a nearby room. I pace faster, and reach them easily.

“Of all people, why are you two talking?” I ask, making them jump and turn around, shocked. “No reason, aoi just asked about my past rivals, that's all.” Ayano repiles, pausing at the end. I remain calm, I don't truly care about her  former rival list, I know I was on it, its obvious.

“Ok, I'm going to interview itachi, I will leave you now.” I reply, suspicious. They say nothing and leave, not caring for the fact that I watch them down the corridor.

I hesitate, and leave, going to the infirmary.

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