Memoirs of old writing days

By so_sure

141 17 0

Hey! So... I decided that I should have a flashback sort of thing about my writing days when I was younger. I... More

Tom Sawyer Epilouge
My story starter
Yellow Fever (Matilda ❤️ Nathaniel)
No Promises in the Wind Epilouge
Alpha vs. Human
The Priest and his Demons
Pride & Prejudice Text Chats
Poems Pt. 2
Drama Script
Bury Me After I Fall

The Haunted House

18 1 0
By so_sure

So, I wrote this short little story when I was in 6th grade. I'm a freshman now, so please don't judge my writing. The background is that you had to describe a haunted house and to write a story around it. Enjoy! 😊 😉

     It was a eerie Halloween night. Thunder boomed, lightning sparked, and wind howled. Around the block there were three girls who were still trick-or-treating.
     "Can we go home now?" one girl complained. She was dressed as a zombie bride with dirt and fake blood oozing down her pure white dress. "My feet are killing me!"
     "Not yet Callie," another girl said. She was a vampiress, with her pitch black hair, long cape, and fake vampire teeth. She even added teeth marks of a vampire for dramatic effect. "I want to see the haunted house."
     "Yeah," the last girl chimed in. She was a Frankenstein, with gray, black, and white hair that was in a diabolical hairstyle. She wore a ragged black dress with stitches in her face, arms and legs.
     "You can't be serious, Alissa," Callie protested. "Just because your a vampire and Lisa's a Frankenstein doesn't mean you have to act all brave!" They turned the corner and a dark green house with a white trim and holes everywhere met them.
     "It's alright Callie. Lisa and I will just go in the house, explore, and come back out before the storm hits." Alissa glanced at the sky as she said this. "I'll guard," Callie said before Alissa could say 'Why don't you come with us?'
     "Okay," Alissa said reluctantly. Callie watched as Lisa and Alissa headed up the rickety stairs and open the creaky door. Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning on the porch, about one foot away from Alissa and Lisa. All  three girls screamed. Alissa and Lisa dove into the house and the door slammed shut. Callie let out a mirror-shattering scream, abandoned her post, and fled.

       Meanwhile, Alissa and Lisa were sheltering under a table. The girls waited until they caught their breaths before they emerged. They took in their surroundings. There wasn't much to look at. There was a knocked over chair with cobwebs on the legs, a sofa was covered with a sheet like many of the furniture, and there were old fashioned paintings on the walls. A grandfather clock ticked nearby.
     Lisa walked over to the door and turned the knob. It went with her for a fraction before it stopped. "We're locked in," Lisa said. Lisa looked at Alissa and said, "I don't suppose you have a watch."
     As if to answer her question, the grandfather clock chimed twelve times. "Midnight," Alissa said. "Looks like we'll have to stay the night."
     Lisa's eyes widened. "Can't we just climb through the window?" Lisa asked hopefully. Alissa shook her head. 'They're too high to climb," she replied.
     "But look on the bright side," she added quickly, noticing Lisa's terrified expression. "We wanted to explore the house, right? As long as we stay together it will be okay. Okay?" Lisa drew a shaky breath. "Okay."
     The girls prowled around the house, exploring their temporary surroundings. Despite their creepy surroundings, there were a few fortunate things. In the kitchen there were food and running water. Also, the toilets still worked. There were nine rooms, not including the attic and basement, both which the girls refused to explore. There were five bedrooms, one living room, one lobby, a basement, an attic, and one strangely empty room with no furniture.
     Then, with nothing left to do, they sat on the sofa and kept to their own thoughts. "I wonder if there are secret passageways," Lisa wondered aloud, breaking the silence. "Yeah, and I wonder if there are monsters in this house," Alissa shot back, fuming.
      Although Lisa was offended, she could understand why Alissa was upset. After all, who else almost got struck by lightning, got trapped in a spooky house, and now has to stay the night there?
     Lisa was about to suggest that they get some sleep when Alissa shushed her and said,"Shh, do you see that?" Lisa followed her gaze and almost let out a shriek when Alissa slapped her hand on Lisa's mouth. In the other room there was a faint white glow emitting from the door. The more they stared, the more they realized that whatever was glowing is real.
     Even worse, they began to notice that there were dark shapes flitting by and there was a faint cackle. They weren't alone. Just the thought of there being in a creepy house with ghosts and zombies and other creatures of the night sent a chill down their spines, colder than ice blanketing a lake.
     "Let's get some sleep," Lisa said firmly. "We must be hallucinating." Although she didn't show it, Alissa could detect that Lisa's voice quavered with fear and anxiety. Alissa didn't argue.
     Together, they climbed up the rickety stairs and literally hurled themselves to the bed. Then they flung the covers over their heads. "I hope the monsters don't get us," Alissa said nervously. Lisa slapped Alissa under the covers. "Ouch!" Alissa yelped. "Oh, thanks Lisa." "Don't mention it," Lisa said. Slowly, but surely, the girls breathing slowed and they fell into sleep. 

       Lisa woke up to find Alissa gone. Lisa glanced around, hoping to find her walking through the door. Lisa lept to her feet when she noticed that there had been a struggle. The sheets were ripped off and one of the curtains had fallen. Then, an almost inaudible sound echoed through the house. Although it was faint, Lisa recognized it anywhere.
     "Alissa!" Lisa screamed. Lisa flew through the house, checking every room and yelling Alissa's name. Suddenly, Lisa stopped. Alissa's screaming was coming from the door that led to the basement. Very quietly, Lisa opened the door and went downstairs. Once she was at the bottom of the stairs, Lisa peeked over the wall and nearly had a heart-attack.
     The floor, walls, and ceiling all had brick walls covering it and the floor was bare except for a restraint table and a mind extracter. A monster was hovering over the mind extracter pressing buttons with it's huge fingers. The monster was the most hideous thing Lisa had ever seen. It had black hair and mint green skin. It had screwdrivers at the temples of it's head and had stitches everywhere. It wore a black jacket with a brown shirt peeking out, black sweatpants, and huge black boots.
     "It's some sort of Frankencreep," Lisa whispered to herself. Sparks flew everywhere as Frankencreep delicately pressed buttons on the mind extracter. Lisa almost fainted when a familiar voice got her attention.
     "Okay, mister, you wouldn't want to take my brain." Alissa said. Frankencreep just grunted and continued pressing buttons. "Think about it," Alissa went on. "Maybe I could teach you math problems."
      Alissa's voice faded as Lisa crept upstairs, a plan forming in her mind. Although she hated to leave Alissa alone with Frankencreep, it was the only way to stop him from taking Alissa's brain.
     Lisa ran upstairs to the room where Lisa and Alissa were staying. Lisa picked up her bag of candy and ran downstairs, not bothering to stay silent. Lisa jumped down the stairs and yelled at the top of her lungs "STOP!"
     Alissa and Frankencreep both stared at her with identical looks of surprise. Frankencreep was hunched over a button that was most likely the enter button.
     "Frankencreep, do you want some candy?" Frankencreep stood up to his full height and his eyes landed on the candy. Frankencreep stood transfixed and managed to nod. "Good. Now, if you want the candy, you have to let my friend go."
     Frankencreep pressed a button that most likely was eject because Alissa was shot out of the restraint table like a cannonball and landed on top of Lisa. Lisa gave Alissa a rib-crushing hug.
     "You're strangling me," Alissa choked out. Lisa let go of her and said to Frankencreep,"You want the candy? Here!"
     Lisa tossed the bag of candy on the restraint table. Frankencreep ran to the table and belly flopped on it, happily munching on the candy, clearly unaware when Alissa ran to a button and locked him on the table.
     Then, Lisa grabbed Alissa by the hand and they ran upstairs into their room. Lisa gasped and said "Alissa, are you alright?"
     "Besides being permanently terrified and almost got my brain taken away, I'm fine." Alissa said. "Good. 'Cause now," Lisa turned to smile at Alissa. "I am going to kill you!"
     "What? Wait!" Alissa held her hands up in a surrender gesture. "How about we just go asleep and we won't be separated again." Lisa looked like she was about to argue but Alissa was already climbing into bed. "Fine." she sighed. Lisa joined her in the bed and the girls drifted of to sleep.

       Alissa woke up about one hour later, her throat parched. Alissa glanced at Lisa sleeping soundly in the bed and thought, 'I'm just going to get a quick glass of water and then I'll be back in bed.'
     Alissa slipped out of bed and crept downstairs, and an odd feeling that she was being watched followed her. Alissa shook the feeling of and hurried to the kitchen, where she filled up a glass of water for herself.
     Alissa stiffened when she heard someone going upstairs toward Lisa and Alissa's room. Alissa stealthily followed, keeping the water with her in case she needed in. Was Frankencreep back? Were zombies going to eat Lisa's brain? Or were ghosts going to haunt her? Alissa reached the top of the stairs and Alissa peeked through the crack on the door.
     A towering figure was leaning over Lisa's throat. Alissa barged through the door and yelled "HEY!"
     Alissa threw the glass cup at the figure and it hit it square on the forehead. Alissa rushed forward and shielded Lisa from view. "Who do you think you are?"
     The man stepped out of the shadows. The man was breathtakingly handsome in an evil type of way. He had slick black hair and a long nose. He had golden eyes and pale skin. He wore an old fashioned black suit with a flowing black cape. Scariest of all, he had the sharpest teeth Alissa had ever seen.
     A name shot through her mind before she could even comprehend it. "Dracula," Alissa breathed. Alissa glanced over at Lisa and sure enough there were teeth marks on Lisa's throat.
     Dracula turned into a bat and lunged at Alissa. Alissa screamed when she realized that he was aiming for her neck. Alissa fled to the kitchen and began searching for garlic. Dracula followed and began biting her arms.
      Alissa shoved an apple at him. Momentarily unbalancing Dracula, Alissa tore through the food. Finally she found garlic. Alissa shoved it at Dracula and he recoiled. Dracula gave a hiss of frustration and flew out of the house. Alissa sighed in relief and quickly ran upstairs with the garlic and woke Lisa.
     "What happened?" Lisa asked wearily.  "You were bitten by a vampire!" Alissa said urgently. Lisa's jaw dropped and her hand flew to her neck, where her hands came in contact with the wound. Lisa flinched.
     "Here, rub the garlic on you." Alissa said. Lisa rubbed the garlic on her neck and and said to Alissa, "Thanks, Alissa. Here, you got some bites on you." Lisa handed Alissa the garlic and Alissa rubbed it on her arms and throat.
     "Hey Lisa, you don't have the bites anymore!" Alissa exclaimed. Lisa touched her neck and said "You're right! Hey, you don't have any either! Let's get something to eat. I'm starving!" Lisa exclaimed.
     The girls smiled and went downstairs, eating Alissa's share of candy. "Hey look!" Lisa cried happily. "It's sunrise!" The girls ran to the door and and yanked it open. "I've never been this happy to see sunlight," Alissa said.
     The girls began to walk home. "I guess this explains a lot of things," Alissa said. "People must have heard the monsters in the house and thought it was haunted." "Frankencreep's lair was in the basement so Dracula's coffin must be in the attic," Lisa said matter-of-factly.
     Suddenly Lisa said, "Hey, do you feel like we're being followed?" Both girls spun around and found out that they were being tailed by an adorable puppy. He had fluffy grey fur and liquid brown eyes. "Awww, it's so cute," the girls cooed together.
     Suddenly, the puppy transformed into a skeleton for only a moment and then transformed back. The girls stood stock-still their mouths hanging open. The puppy yipped cheerfully, it's tail wagging. That snapped the girls out of their thoughts.
     "Can we keep it?" Lisa begged. "It's so adorable and it could turn into a skeleton! Can we Alissa? Can we?" Alissa smiled and said "Of course we'll keep him! He's a monster and we're the only ones that have seen monsters. What will we name him?"
     Lisa took one look at him and said "Fang." Alissa scratched her head. "How does that fit him?" "Because even though he's outrageously cute, we still have to know that he's a monster and that we should respect that." Fang barked agreement. Alissa grinned and said to their new acquaintance, "Let's go home."

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