The Haunted House

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So, I wrote this short little story when I was in 6th grade. I'm a freshman now, so please don't judge my writing. The background is that you had to describe a haunted house and to write a story around it. Enjoy! 😊 😉

     It was a eerie Halloween night. Thunder boomed, lightning sparked, and wind howled. Around the block there were three girls who were still trick-or-treating.
     "Can we go home now?" one girl complained. She was dressed as a zombie bride with dirt and fake blood oozing down her pure white dress. "My feet are killing me!"
     "Not yet Callie," another girl said. She was a vampiress, with her pitch black hair, long cape, and fake vampire teeth. She even added teeth marks of a vampire for dramatic effect. "I want to see the haunted house."
     "Yeah," the last girl chimed in. She was a Frankenstein, with gray, black, and white hair that was in a diabolical hairstyle. She wore a ragged black dress with stitches in her face, arms and legs.
     "You can't be serious, Alissa," Callie protested. "Just because your a vampire and Lisa's a Frankenstein doesn't mean you have to act all brave!" They turned the corner and a dark green house with a white trim and holes everywhere met them.
     "It's alright Callie. Lisa and I will just go in the house, explore, and come back out before the storm hits." Alissa glanced at the sky as she said this. "I'll guard," Callie said before Alissa could say 'Why don't you come with us?'
     "Okay," Alissa said reluctantly. Callie watched as Lisa and Alissa headed up the rickety stairs and open the creaky door. Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning on the porch, about one foot away from Alissa and Lisa. All  three girls screamed. Alissa and Lisa dove into the house and the door slammed shut. Callie let out a mirror-shattering scream, abandoned her post, and fled.

       Meanwhile, Alissa and Lisa were sheltering under a table. The girls waited until they caught their breaths before they emerged. They took in their surroundings. There wasn't much to look at. There was a knocked over chair with cobwebs on the legs, a sofa was covered with a sheet like many of the furniture, and there were old fashioned paintings on the walls. A grandfather clock ticked nearby.
     Lisa walked over to the door and turned the knob. It went with her for a fraction before it stopped. "We're locked in," Lisa said. Lisa looked at Alissa and said, "I don't suppose you have a watch."
     As if to answer her question, the grandfather clock chimed twelve times. "Midnight," Alissa said. "Looks like we'll have to stay the night."
     Lisa's eyes widened. "Can't we just climb through the window?" Lisa asked hopefully. Alissa shook her head. 'They're too high to climb," she replied.
     "But look on the bright side," she added quickly, noticing Lisa's terrified expression. "We wanted to explore the house, right? As long as we stay together it will be okay. Okay?" Lisa drew a shaky breath. "Okay."
     The girls prowled around the house, exploring their temporary surroundings. Despite their creepy surroundings, there were a few fortunate things. In the kitchen there were food and running water. Also, the toilets still worked. There were nine rooms, not including the attic and basement, both which the girls refused to explore. There were five bedrooms, one living room, one lobby, a basement, an attic, and one strangely empty room with no furniture.
     Then, with nothing left to do, they sat on the sofa and kept to their own thoughts. "I wonder if there are secret passageways," Lisa wondered aloud, breaking the silence. "Yeah, and I wonder if there are monsters in this house," Alissa shot back, fuming.
      Although Lisa was offended, she could understand why Alissa was upset. After all, who else almost got struck by lightning, got trapped in a spooky house, and now has to stay the night there?
     Lisa was about to suggest that they get some sleep when Alissa shushed her and said,"Shh, do you see that?" Lisa followed her gaze and almost let out a shriek when Alissa slapped her hand on Lisa's mouth. In the other room there was a faint white glow emitting from the door. The more they stared, the more they realized that whatever was glowing is real.
     Even worse, they began to notice that there were dark shapes flitting by and there was a faint cackle. They weren't alone. Just the thought of there being in a creepy house with ghosts and zombies and other creatures of the night sent a chill down their spines, colder than ice blanketing a lake.
     "Let's get some sleep," Lisa said firmly. "We must be hallucinating." Although she didn't show it, Alissa could detect that Lisa's voice quavered with fear and anxiety. Alissa didn't argue.
     Together, they climbed up the rickety stairs and literally hurled themselves to the bed. Then they flung the covers over their heads. "I hope the monsters don't get us," Alissa said nervously. Lisa slapped Alissa under the covers. "Ouch!" Alissa yelped. "Oh, thanks Lisa." "Don't mention it," Lisa said. Slowly, but surely, the girls breathing slowed and they fell into sleep. 

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