A Bullet is the Key.

By haleycomet246

1.7K 61 2

It was supposed to be simple... Except there is always the calm before the storm and in this case.. the silen... More

Chapter 1
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 2
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 3
The Bullet is the Key
Chapter 4
A bullet is the key
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
A bullet is the Key
Chapter 7
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 8
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 9
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 10
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 11
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 12
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 13
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 14
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 15
A Bullet is the Key
Final Chapter
A Bullet is the Key

A bullet is the Key

55 2 1
By haleycomet246

I waited for him to reply when I didn’t get one right away I made my way toward the main doors so I could go to the car and wait. As I made my way towards my Volvo, the snow had stopped falling.

“Emma!” a voice screeched, I turned around to see Mike running at me a look on his face, I watched in amusement as he tried not to fall.


“You need to go now, where is Ryder?” he asked me in a panic, I saw fear in his eyes; this caused me to worry even more.

“Mike what is going on?”

“I can’t tell you Emma, if I did something will happen.” He looked shaken and scared of what could be told, he grabbed my shoulders and spun me around and shoved me towards my car.

“Get in your car, I’ll go get Ryder.”

“Mike!” I yelled after his retreating figure, fear swelled in my chest, with hurried steps I unlocked the car and slid in. I sat there with worry etched onto my face, my hands started to shake as my nerves kicked in. Placing the key in the ignition I turned the car on to let the heat seep and melt the cold away as I waited. Relief filled me as I saw Ryder’s figure coming towards me, a quick pace to his steps.


Mike: They know you went into the hall Emma.

Me: I saw Tori but no one else.

Mike: Jace told you who to trust and stick with that list, please.

Bang! With a jump I turned to see Ryder in the car and the door shut behind him.

“Drive Bells” he said his voice harsh. Putting the car into reverse and moving out of the spot before shifting it into drive and heading toward the hospital, as I rounded the corner I noticed a black sedan fallowing me.

“Ry…” “Don’t look behind you Bell, just drive!” He told me, cutting off my sentence in the process. The silence was around us like a suffocating blanket, I kept my hands firmly on the steering wheel to keep the car on the road. The road still had ice on it so the tires could slip at any moment if you were not careful enough. I saw the sedan speed up behind me; the windows tinted a deep black making it hard for you to see who was driving it. Panic filled my chest as I stayed on the road, slowly I pressed on the gas pedal harder making the car go faster.

“Almost there Bells.” At his statement I saw the turn off for the hospital stating it the next right, I knew I was speeding but I had to get away from the sedan. The ice and snow made it hard to drive as the surface was treacherous and deadly to be speeding on- though it was already dangerous to be speeding period. Small white dots of snow soon began to fall onto the car sending the wipers into a frenzy to keep the window clean and my view open to everything around me.

“Bells!” Ryder yelled I looked at him then behind me my eyes wide with fear the Sedan was gaining on us. With a sharp right turn I squealed into the parking lot of the hospital, I heard the screech of tires behind me as the barely made the turn causing them to slide across the icy street where they narrowly missed a light pole before they regained control over the car. Without thinking and paying the car behind me anymore attention I found a spot and parked, putting the car in park and shutting it off we jumped out. I locked the car behind me as we ran as fast as we could into the hospital, I didn’t look behind me. The front desk people looked up at us with a confused look on their faces, before I could say anything Ryder did.

“There was a car fallowing us, send us to Dr. Nelson’s room please,” he said his voice almost demanding. The receptionist nodded her head, obviously she knew Ryder from his many visits to Dr. Nelson. I felt Ryder latch onto my hand and pull me with him down the hallway and into the second door on the left. Shutting it behind me, he pulled me to his chest and just held me, slowly breathing in my body spray to calm him down. His body was shaking in either rage or fear I was unsure because I couldn’t see anything past his chest meaning his face was hidden.

“Ryder you are a little early and is everything okay? You barged in here like a bulldozer.” The Doctors voice sounded from behind us.

“Sorry, we were being fallowed and almost ran off the street.” I said as loud as I could since I was still unable to turn around in Ryder’s hold.

“Hello and you are?” the doctor said and you could hear the humor in his voice.

“I am Emmabell; I am here actually to get my stitches removed.” Ryder would not budge so slowly I pressed my hands to his chest and pushed him away, I could feel his reluctance but he let me go but grabbed my hand in the process. Turning around I saw a doctor about his late 30’s with brown hair and warm eyes, glancing around me I realized we were in a large office. There was a large mahogany desk, which he was leaning against, pictures lined the wall behind him of his family, and looking to the left I saw an exam table with eye equipment.

“Yes, Dr. Jones will be the one to remove them.” He motioned Ryder to have a seat on the exam table.

“You can sit down dear.” He told me softly, I nodded at him as I took a seat on the comfy looking chair he had in his room, and he walked up to Ryder to do his exam. I just sat there watching him poke and look into his eyeball, which seemed really disturbing; Ryder had taken off his glasses when he sat down. It didn’t seem to bother Ryder to much though with the doctor starring right into his eye and who was currently right in his face as well. I watched as the doctor then backed away from him and dimmed the lights so Ryder could test his eyes on the letters projecting on the wall across from him, it was amazing to see how much Ryder could actually see after 3 months of being blind.

“Doctor, I have a question?”

“What is it?” he asked me not taking any attention away from Ryder’s exam, I swallowed as I tried to find the right words to ask him.

“You were the Doctor who was here that day correct?” I watched Ryder stiffen at my question but the doctor didn’t seem fazed at all by it.

“I was the Doctor here that day yes and I must say Ryder has done a phenomenal job in healing correctly, he was my first patient that day from a head wound.” I gasped, but the other three victims didn’t get shot in the head only Richard. Richard!

“Wait there was another head wound who came in the same time as Ryder?”

“Oh yes, there were a total of five people who came in that day. I only saw to Ryder and the other patient, his wasn’t as bad as Ryder’s though but he had a hard time in surgery.”

The doctor continued to work I caught Ryder’s face and he had a smile on his face so that seemed like a good sign. Ryder’s eyes soon locked with mine before they went back to the doctor as he turned the lights back on.


Unknown number1: you at the hospital?

Me: yes.

Unknown number1: Glad that Mike got to you in time.

Me: who are you?

Unknown number1: don’t worry about that.

“Well dear boy I believe your sight is fully back” I looked up from my phone to see the doctor step away from Ryder a smile on his face.

“He doesn’t have to wear those glasses anymore?” I asked while standing up.

“Yes, he doesn’t have to wear those glasses anymore well unless he wants to, his eyes will be a little sensitive for a bit but everything looks good.” The doctor said, he held out his hand for Ryder and he shook it before getting off the table and walking to me.

“Thank you doctor” Ryder said as he began to pull me away but before I was fully out the door the doctor said one more thing that made me question that day even more.

“Oh, Ms. McCain all five of those students survived that day.” I looked at him with wide eyes as I was pulled away and out into the hallway.

“Bell, where is your doctor?” looking up at him I could see pain in his now uncovered eyes.

“Doctor Jones is on the second floor room 12” I told him. We walked in silence towards the elevator. I didn’t know what to say to him and it seemed he didn’t know what to say to me as well.

The sound of the elevator opening caught my attention and I looked up. Ryder grabbed my hand and pulled me in before he pressed the number 2 button and the elevator went up.

“I put the note in your locker.”

“You weren’t facing away from the doors Ry.” I told him softly as the door dinged open and we stepped out. Ryder fallowed me down the hall and into Dr. Jones room where he would remove my stitches. The room was simple compared to the one Ryder was in downstairs.

“Ms. McCain, glad you are here” Dr. Jones said as he walked around his desk and toward Ryder and I, a smile on his face. He nodded toward the exam table as he walked to where a cabinet stood to get the needed equipment to remove the stitches; I walked towards the table and took a seat. Ryder stood by the door his body leaning against the wall behind him a bland look on his face.

“So are you glad to be getting the stitches out?” he asked as he made his way over to the exam table where I sat.

“Yes, it’s been so long” He chuckles lightly as he nodded his head, “I bet” was his reply. He began to poke around the stitches and on top of them to test for any sensitive or open areas. It didn’t really hurt anymore but I did feel some discomfort when he would touch a tender area on the wound.

“Well your would has healed tremendously and we are good to remove them.” In that moment I began to feel scared, I mean he was so close to my eye with those scissors that he could accidentally get me. I have no idea what it was that caught his attention, my panicked look or the way my face paled that made Ryder come to life.

“Hey, Dr. can I hold her hand?”

“Of course you can, it would be best seeing as she looks a little frightened.” Ryder just nodded his head and pushed off from the wall and headed over to me. Moving slightly over he slid onto the exam table with me, placing his hand in mine to hold. The moment his skin touched mine my body relaxed and I could feel the nerves leave my body. My hand tightened around his as the doctor began to take out my stitches; I could feel them slightly as they were taken out. Ryder just held my hand and soothingly ran his thumb over the back of mine. A few moments later and the doctor had finished removing the stitches from my forehead.

“There you go Ms. McCain,” he said with a smile on his face, I watched Ryder slide off the table before helping me down as well. He didn’t let go of my hand either, which I didn’t mind.

“Thank you Doctor.”

“You’re welcome; if you feel any discomfort come back and we will have it looked at.”

“Sounds good thank you again for everything” I told him, we said our goodbyes and Ryder and I took our leave.

“Why did everyone say you got shot on the other side?” I asked him the moment we stepped into the elevator. I looked at him with narrowed eyes; his blue eyes just stared back at me. But some of  those people who were there said he was shot on the right side but now those people didn’t seem to make much sense seeing as the only people who could really give any details were gone expect Jamie.

“Because that is what everyone believes, just like all of those rumors.” He said harshly.

“I read your note,” I told him quietly.

“Yeah… Wait! You just now got the note?” he asked me his eyes wide.

“I went into the hallway this morning Ry.” I told him simply; the ding of the elevator ended the conversation there for a moment. Walking once again in silence, though I knew once we got in the car it wouldn’t be silent because I wanted answers. The ground was still covered in the white fluff of snow; the chill wasn’t so bad since it was later in the day now. Walking towards the car I unlocked it before sliding into the driver seat, Ryder took a few moments longer to get into the car.

“You wrote me a note that day” I said, my eyes trained out the front windshield as I started the car but did not move from the spot.

“I did Bell” his voice was soft.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I turned to face him accusingly; his gaze was out the window just as mine had been moments ago.

“I thought you had it,” he mumbled.

“No Ry, I never could go back into that hallway that day or any day after.” I told him quickly, “Is that why you were mad at me and thought I loved Bobby?” I asked me honestly.

He turned and looked at me, his blue eyes piercing through my soul. He ran a shaky hand through his hair before he placed it back in his lap and spoke.

“Yes, Bell. I thought you got the note and didn’t love me back.” His tone was light and honest; my heart ached for the boy next to me.

“Oh Ryder, why didn’t you tell me though I would of told you I never got it.”

“I didn’t think of it at that time Bell, I thought you got it and made of your mind about being with Bobby. I mean I heard him talk about you all the time and Chrissie always made jabs at me about it.” My eyes softened at the vulnerable boy before me, his eyes gave him away they held so much pain but there was so much more behind those crystal eyes. I reached out softly and gave his hand a small squeeze.

“I never liked Bobby, Ryder. He isn’t my type at all.” I told him simply, a look of relief passed across his face as he listened to my words.

“I am sorry I assumed the worst and believed what they were saying.” I just nodded at him as a small smile lit up his face before he leaned over and placed his forehead on my shoulder and took a breath. I ran my fingers through his hair softly before he pulled back and gave me his dimpled smile.

“Lets go home Bells” he said, I saluted him like a soldier earning a chuckle from him. I pulled out of the hospital and proceeded on my way to Ryder’s house, which wasn’t to far from my house. The music played softly in the background of the silence, it wasn’t awkward the silence was actually refreshing.

“Did you know that there was another head wound victim that day?” I asked breaking the silence before I pulled up into his driveway and parked the car.

“No, I did not know that there was another head wound victim that day.” He told me truthfully, I just nodded at him because I did not know what to say.

“Thanks Bells”

“Anytime Ry” I told him honestly, I watched as he got out the car and walked into his house once he unlocked it. The moment it was shut I realized the note conversation had gone unanswered, and we did not say anything else about what was in it. I groaned as I leaned my head on the steering wheel, thinking how stupid I was for not telling Ry how I really felt about him. Backing up slowly I made my way to my house. Once in my driveway I just sat in my car and looked at the house before me, the moment I stepped through those doors I would be alone for another weekend.


Mom: Hey honey, how is it going? We miss you terribly. A lot of hugs and love from the three of us.

Me: Hey mom, it is going good. Snowing though right now, so it must be wonderful to be away from the cold and snow for a while. Give them lots of love and hugs as well.


Jace: How did it go?

Me: Good, he can see now fully. What couldn’t ask your best friend?:p

Jace: Nope because I wanted to ask you my dear little sister from another mister.

Me: You are a goofball my dear one.

Placing my phone in my purse I got out of the car, clicking the lock behind me. The snow crunched under my boots as I walked towards the front door and let myself in. Twisting the lock behind me I made my way to the kitchen to make me a quick dinner before heading upstairs to relax and watch some movies. Tossing my purse and keys onto the counter, I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the left over pizza I saved form yesterday. I put a few slices on a plate before heading up to my room, not bothering to heat it up. As I walked up the stairs I felt a bad feeling start in my stomach. Something was not right. At this moment I did not want to be alone in my house, taking the stairs quickly I made my way to my room.

Boom Clap the sound of my heart the beat goes on and on, Boom Clap you make me feel good come on to me come on to me now. Boom Clap you make me feel good come on to me on to me now. No silver or no gold

My phone blared from the kitchen where I had forgotten it along with my purse. Retracing my steps downwards I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed my phone to see a missed call and voicemail from Ryder. Weird I thought. The clock shined 5:30pm on the microwave before I glanced back down at my phone to check my voicemail. The dread began to settle in, and the moment I went to hit the listen button there was a noise coming from my back yard.

The fear kicked in as well, I began to walk towards the back door when the doorbell rang at the front of the house halting my steps. Instead of investigating the noise outside and forgetting about the voicemail on my phone I made my way to the front door to open it. Pulling the door open I came to face to face with Sydney a smile on her face.

“Hey Sydney” I opened the door wider and let her inside.

“I wanted to come by and see you for a little bit plus it feels like forever since it has been me and you only.” She told me truthfully and stepped inside the warm house. I shut the door behind her.

I’m a Barbie girl

Chrissie’s ringtone began to play out from my phone in my hand; I just looked at it with a raised eyebrow.

“Hello” I asked her, I watched as Sydney looked at me with a curious look on her face before she took a seat on the couch.

“Hey you, just seeing how removing the stitches went” Chrissie asked.

“Good” I told her. “Hey Chris ill text you I am going to take a bath and relax.”

“Oh okay no worries.”

I hung up the phone. “What did she want?” Syd asked. I walked over to the other couch and sat down before lying out across it.

“Asked how me how the removal of my stitches went”

“I see, well you know what was really weird the moment you left for class I saw her run to a car that I had never seen before.” She told me as she lay out on the couch as well. I looked at her weirdly as I processed this thought longer. I was still a little freaked out from the Sedan that had fallowed Ryder and I once we left campus.  Chrissie didn’t drive a sedan and no one on campus did expect one person and that person had supposedly died three months ago but things don’t add up anymore. Could someone have Richard’s car? Why would anyone want to run someone off the road in the first place? I was so deep in thought I missed Sydney leave the living room then return to her seat on the couch where she seemed widgity.

“Hey Emmie I am going to go okay, I just came by to check up on you and you seem a little out of it.” I watched her get up with a small smile on her face, I got up as well from the couch where I walked her to the door and let her out before locking it. Not even bothering to get my cold pizza from the kitchen where I had left it I walked up stairs with my phone in hand. The moment I reached my room I fell onto my bed fully clothed and fell asleep not even bothering to check the voicemail that blinked blue on my phone. I would soon find out, that I should have listened to it before I fell asleep because it would have saved him so much confusion and hurt if I had. As well as make me look like the bad guy as well as a liar.

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