Celeb Date

By 32_books

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What would it be like to win a date with Hollywood's best looking actor? But there's one problem. You don't e... More

Chapter 1- The Beginning
Chapter 2- Luke Green
Chapter 3- Coffee With A Celebrity
Chapter 5- Breakfast With A Celebrity
Chapter 6- Beach Day
Chapter 7- Our Ugly Reality and A Powdered Donut
Chapter 8- Dinner for Two
Chapter 9- A Dinner Date With An Injured Pride
Chapter 10- If Glares Could Kill
Chapter 11- Hospital Visits Are the Worst
Chapter 12- Maybe Silence Isn't Golden
Chapter 13- It's None of My Buisness!
Chapter 14- A Prank That Beats All
Chapter 15- Brad or Logan?
Chapter 16- Dinner For Four?
Chapter 17- Hot Chocolate
Chapter 18- Reporters and Coffee
Chapter 19- Ashley
Chapter 20- Always Time for Coffee is Always Hiring
Chapter 21- Soap Operas for a Girl's Soul
Chapter 22- Charity Ball

Chapter 4- Threes's A Crowd

290 13 0
By 32_books

I roll my eyes, waiting for Ashley to stop her cackling from the back seat.

  “Say it again Luke!”

  Luke laughed, but I could tell even his patience was running thin.

  “I’m sure you can find that line in our last episode. Then you can listen to it all you want.”

   Ashley stopped laughing almost instantly.

  “So why one earth did you guys bring me along?”

  I bit my lip.

  “We… I thought you’d like to tag along.”

  I frowned, hoping that had sounded convincing.

  “Well I don’t want to intrude on your date. Just drop me off at the mall.”

  “This isn’t a date,” I said.

  “Technically it is a date. And I had planned on stopping at the mall anyway,” Luke said.

  I sent him a confused look.


  Luke smiled.

  “What girl doesn’t like to shop? Especially with someone else’s credit card?”

  My head snapped to the side.

  “I can’t use your credit card! I don’t want you to spend money on me.”

  Luke pushed a button and the radio kicked on.

  “Too bad. You’re gonna want to use the money once you get there, and try something on, and you look totally cute, you’ll want the money then.”

  I sighed, knowing there was no way he would change his mind. Celebrities seemed stubborn like that.

  I looked out the window, and watched as we pulled into the plaza. I hadn’t been to the mall very often. When I did go, I was always there for something specific. Never to just try on clothes for fun.

  Luke opened the door for me, helping me out, linking his arm with mine.

  I knew that Ashley felt left out, but there was nothing I could do to help her.

  We walked to the entrance of the mall, stepping in through the revolving doors. I stared up at the upper level, but I knew that I would never shop there. Up there was all designer labels. I headed towards my favorite part of the mall, full of flannel shirts and comfy jeans.

  Luke tuggedd on my arm.

  “I want to buy you some really nice things. Don’t get me wrong, you pull that outfit off amazingly, but I really want you to try on some other kinds of stuff.”

  I smiled. Considering I was going to be using his credit card, I figured I could at least try on something nice.

  “Whatever you say chief.”

  He sent me a lopsided grin, and led me over to the teen girls section.

  It felt weird to have him walk through the girl’s section with me, especially considering all of the undergarments hanging off of racks.

  “Take this,” Luke says, handing me two shirts. They were pretty cute. I smiled, taking them from his hands. He headed over to a display of strapless dresses grabbing three of them. He brought five whole outfits to me, then sent me off to a dressing room.

  “I want to see each outfit. Come out in between each.”

  I nodded, laughing at his seriousness.

  I tried on a pretty pink top first. It was a light pink with flowing ruffles that had a flower print on them. I tried them on along with the ripped jeans that he handed to me.

  I’ll admit with my Uggs, it looked like an amazing outfit.

  I stepped out of the dressing room, looking around for Luke. I hear a gasp, and turn towards the source of the sound.

  “You look so hot! Doesn’t she Luke?”

  Luke looked from my toes to my head.

  “Yeah,” Is all he said.

  I felt instantly awkward standing there. Why was I here? I was on a “date” with someone I had only met that morning, and I was already buying clothes using his credit card.

  “You should get that,” Luke said, interrupting my thoughts.  

  I looked for a price tag, but felt a hand on mine.

  “Price doesn’t matter. If it did, I wouldn’t have done this drawing. 

  Ashley sighed from her seat and I couldn’t help but laugh at her.

  I walked back into the dressing room, placing the outfit on a different hook, the “yes” hook.

  I decided to try on a light blue strapless dress. It was gorgeous. It had a sweetheart neckline and the whole skirt was tulle. It went down to my knees, so I felt semi comfortable, and thankfully not self-conscious. It was covered in sparkles and crystals, and shimmered whenever the light would hit it.

  I walked out again, this time not hearing a gasp from Ashley. I wondered if she didn’t like it, but then I saw she wasn’t even there. Luke was, though, standing next to the door.

  “That’s looks beautiful,” he said.

  I smiled.

  “Do you want to get it?”

  I looked down, a grin spreading across my lips. I nodded.

  I went back into the dressing room, trying on every outfit, plus more. I only said no to three shirts, and one dress. We left with nearly twenty new outfits.

  Luke held up his watch once we were all back in the car.

  “Good. We are on schedule,” I suddenly got a cruel reminder that this is a prize. Nothing is “just because”. Everything we do will be written somewhere, maybe on a schedule. I feel like I am playing a character for a week, having a script handed to me.

  It doesn’t settle well with me.

  “So what’s next?” My tone was harsher than I had meant it to be, and Luke sent me a confused look.

  “I was thinking dinner at some restaurant. Do you have a preference?”

  “Plaza Pasta!” Ashley yelled from the backseat.

  Luke groaned. I didn’t know if it was because of Ashley’s over perky mood, or the corny name of the restaurant.

  “How does that sound Melly?” Ashley asked, poking my shoulder.

  I sighed.

  “Sounds fine to me.”


  We walked in the doors of Plaza Pasta, the smell of garlic bread and tomato sauce filling my senses. I inhaled deeply. I looked around the large restaurant, noticing that they were surprisingly empty for a dinner rush.

  “Want your usual Melly?” I nodded, and watched as Ashley went to order for me and herself, leaving Luke behind.

  I giggled a little.

  “Do you know what you want?”

  He chuckled.

  “No clue.”

  “Do you like spaghetti and garlic bread?” I asked.

  Luke nodded.

  “Then order what I’m having. I get it every time I come here. It’s good.”

  Luke nodded, considering.

  “Okay. Sounds good. If it’s not, I’ll blame it on you.” He gave me a smile that I’m sure had made girl’s hearts melt many a time, but not this time. Not this girl.

  Luke walked up to the counter, listening to Ashley’s order, then ordered his own. I laughed at his confused expression. I wondered if he ever had to order for himself. The thought made me almost feel sorry for him, but not quite. It made me mad too.

  Ashley and Luke both came back, sitting at the table with me. I made sure that Ashley took the seat next to myself, leaving Luke to sit on the other side.

  “So would you girls like to go to a movie after this?” Luke asked, sending me a smile.

  Ashley snapped her fingers.

  “I can’t sorry guys! I have to go home and work on my report.”

  I laughed.

  “That’s due tomorrow.”

  Ashley shook her head, face palming.

  “No. The one that was due last week. 

  I let out a laugh, but quickly covered it up.

  Luke turned towards me.

  “And you? Are you writing a late report?”

  I shook my head.

  “Nope. I’m free.”

  Luke smiled.

  “Then would you like to go to a movie?” He asked, sitting back, watching me for an answer.

  I checked my watch. 7:00.. 

  “I don’t know it’s getting pretty late.”

  Luke sent me a toothy grin.

  “Don’t worry. My parents changed my bedtime to ten years ago.”

  I sighed.

  “Fine. But we will be to my house by ten right?”

  Luke nodded.


  “Luke! Can I have an autograph?!” I laughed, looking at his annoyed expression.

  “That’s what I get for going to my own movie. How many autographs and hugs and selfies did I give away?”

  My sides hurt from laughing.

  “Probably a million.”

  Luke swatted my arm.

  “Save it. Well… actually… that was pretty darn close. Probably a million and one.”

  I shook my head.

  Then, I felt my heart rate pick up.

  “It’s eleven! We really need to get to my house.”

  Luke nodded.

  “I’ll take full blame. It’s my fault anyway.”

  We got to my house within fifteen minutes. I knew my dad was going to kill me.

  “Should I come with you?” Luke asked, killing the engine.

  I shrugged.

  “That’s up to you.”

  Luke smiled, opening his door.

  The door to the house flew open the minute we stepped out of the car.

  “What the heck took you so long? Your mom is already in bed. She called me and asked me to be here when you finally showed up,” Dad said, his voice semi angry.

  I looked to Luke.

  “It’s my fault sir. I took your daughter to a movie, but we sort of got held up while we were there. I do hope you will accept my sincerest apologies.”

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