A Demon's Child[Devil Is a Pa...

By Starlight_5786

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**Discontinued** Kamiki is a 7 year old child that happens to be the daughter of the demon general Lucifer an... More

Chapter 1-Leaving Home
Chapter 2-Someplace New
Chapter 3-Devil's Castle
Chapter 4-Home Alone
Chapter 5-Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Free Candy-Halloween Special
Chapter 6-Emilia's Here
Chapter 8-The Earthquake
Chapter 9-Argument
Chapter 10-Dad
Chatper 11-Reunited
Chapter 12-Computer
Chapter 13-Special Mission
Chapter 14-Sealed Classroom
Chapter 15-New Neighbor
Discontinuing/Possible Rewrite

Chapter 7-Maou's Date

594 15 0
By Starlight_5786

I was sitting next to Ashiya while we waited for Emi to come back after doing whatever Maou and Ashiya asked them to do. Ashiya and Maou were talking about something that I didn't really pay much attention to. Those, when they were talking about something having to do with someone's age, probably Emi's I heard a bang from the side of the wall that hid the stairs from view. I jumped at the noise and saw Emi standing their with an enraged expression on her face

"Who cares about that?! Why... Why do I..." Emi took a deep breath before yelling, "Why do I, a hero, have to be you demons' guarantor?!"

"Wh-What were we supposed to do? We couldn't think of anybody else." Maou deafened.

"It's not as though we wanted to ask for your help with a thing like this." Ashiya added

"What's a guarantor?" I asked.

"You don't need to worry about it." Maou answered.

Emi just kept on getting more angry by the second, "I never thought I'd have to us my ID for this!"

"I guess I could've asked my boss, but I didn't want to trouble her with it." Maou said.

"But you were fine with troubling me with it?!" Emi yelled.

"Well, yeah. Causing heroes trouble is the whole point of devils, right?" Maou stated.

"Even with this kind of stuff?" I asked.

"Kamiki, you don't even know what's going on." Ashiya pointed out.

"Well uh..." He wasn't wrong, but I didn't want to be left out of the conversation just because I was a kid. "Maybe you should tell me what's going on."

"Your to young to have to deal with this kind of stuff." Maou said.

"You should feel lucky you don't have to deal with it." Emi added. "Stay a kid for as long as you can, because dealing with stuff like this usually sucks."

"But..." I paused, not really sure what to say. 'I just don't want to be left out.' I thought.

Soon, we were walking out of the police station when Emi brought something else up." Listen up. I got a threatening call at work before I had to come here. And they're after you too, King Satan."

"What?" Maou asked.

"There, I warned you. But just know that I'll be the one to defeat you." Emi said, raising a finger at Maou. "And don't forget it!"

"Do you know who the person was?" I asked, completely ignoring the fact that Emi just threatened Maou.

"Not really, but it was definitely a demon." Emi answered.

"But why would another demon want to kill their own king?" I wondered out loud.

"There are some, not many, but there are some, demons that don't like me." Maou said. I tilted my head and Maou continued. "Not all demons agree with everything I do. Just like how not all humans agree with what their leaders do. It's never happened to me before, but sometimes, those people that don't agree with their leaders try to kill them."

I looked a little horrified, "But, that's not... why would anyone..."

"Anyways, Emi, don't forget we're in public. People will think you're some weirdo." Maou stated, pointing to the people that we're staring at Emi for what she said to Maou before he started talking to me.

"Y-You just be careful not to get killed by some nobody before I defeat you myself." Emi said before turning around and walking away.

"Are we gonna go home now?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have to met Chi later." Maou answered.

I tilted my head, "Who's Chi?"

"One of my co-workers. She asked if I wanted to hang out with her today." Maou said.

"Oh, ok."

* * *

I sat near Ashiya as he peeked around a corner to spy on Maou and Chi. They just got inside of a cafe and were now ordering food. Ashiya had made Maou get the fancy jacket he was wearing and Chi had a green, plaid dress on.

"What are you lurking here for?" I looked up to see Emi standing there.

Ashiya jumped and turned to Emi, freaking out, "Emilia!"

"Don't use my real name!" Emi said. "And more to the point, you're acting openly suspicious. Are you following someone?"

"It's none of your-" I interrupted Ashiya.

"Yeah, he's spying on Maou and his date." I answered simply.

"Kamiki!" Ashiya scolded.

"Don't get mad at me! She was going to find out either way." I replied.

"What do you mean?" Emi asked as she looked around the corner. She turned around after seeing what was going on with Maou and Chi and grabbed Ashiya by the collar. "Ashiya! What are you planning on doing with that girl!?"

"You're misunderstanding the situation. His Majesty has no evil intentions here!" Ashiya deafened.

"Like the devil can have non-evil intentions!" Emi yelled.

I was standing next to Ashiya and looked at Emi, "Um, can you just let him explain before jumping to conclusions?"

Emi glared at me before sighing and pushing Ashiya to the floor, "Start talking."

"You see, His Majesty's co-worker asked him if he could go on a date with her. Apparently she has something important that she wanted to tell him." Ashiya explained. "Now, they're at that cafe to talk about what she needed to tell him."

"So that's how it is." Emi stated.

"Do you understand now?" Ashiya asked. 

"I understand that my long term foe needs to get information from some young girl, that much s clear." Emi answered, "But why do they need to go on a date?"

"I wondered the same thing, but after observing her, it's clear that this 'Sasaki' girl is more than a little found of him." Ashiya replied

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The girl His Majesty is with now is comfortable with being around him." Ashiya answered.

I tilted my head, "Ok, so then why are you guys making that sound like a bad thing? Isn't good that Maou is making friends?"

"No, the Devil shouldn't be friends with a human girl." Emi stated.

"But..." I didn't really know how to respond to that.

"Anyways, I feel it's insolent for a mere human to be enamored of my king." Ashiya said, changing the subject as him and Emi looked around the corner again.

"Personally, I don't get why a cute girl like her would be interested in a good-for-nothing like him." Emi replied.

"How dare you insult His Majesty!" Ashiya said.

"I am a hero." Emi replied simply.

"But it's still kind of rude." I said. I didn't brother with looking at what Maou and Chi were doing. I didn't get why Emi and Ashiya were making such a big deal about him have a friend.

Emi sighed, "At any rate, right now any girl who took one look at her could tell. That trendy summer dress, plus it looks like she was just at  the salon. What's more, those boots are now."

"How do you know all of that?" Ashiya asked.

"Men can't tell these things, I suppose." Emi answered. "Anyways, there's no point in spying on them from out here. Let's go."

"Go where?" Ashiya asked.

"In the cafe, of course!" Emi started walking toward the cafe.

"I want something from the cafe!" I said, following Emi.

"You can't do that!" Ashiya yelled. He followed me and Emi into the cafe. We walked inside and Emi was keep on watch Maou from the second we walked in. Though, I didn't really care, since she bought me a brownie.

Once we sat down, I started eating and Emi and Ashiya were watching Maou and Chi. I knew Maou had raised his voice so Emi could tell that he wasn't doing anything bad, but I just ignored it.

I think Maou or Chi had said something that Emi didn't like because she had gotten up from her seat and was butting into Maou and Chi's conversation. When I finished my brownie Emi and Chi were in a full on argument about something having to do with relationships or something like that.

Once the two girls had stopped yelling and were growling at each other, the ground started to shake.

I ran over to Ashiya, knowing that this was another earthquake, but not a small one like there usually is.

Seconds later, the ceiling collapsed.

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