Holding on and Letting go [Co...

By PotterMIfs

27K 2.3K 2.8K

[BLURB] "Well, now I'm back and I'm gonna drag you to court, you piece of shite," she said before passing a h... More

Character Aesthetics.
2)Something isn't right.
3)Eyes lock, commotions stop.
4)The Blue Enigma.
5)Trials are by Almighty above.
6)Everybody's fighting their own battle.
7)Yes or No?
8)The beginning of chaos.
9)Coffee and whipped cream.
10)Something was terribly wrong.
11) A jigsaw puzzle.
12) She was ruined.
13) She is pure.
14) She's a fighter.
15) Hidden truths.
16) Transition and strengthening faith.
17) Three nicknames in Three meetings.
18) She didn't remember his face.
19)She's a Phoenix. (Part 1)
20) She's a Phoenix(Part 2)
21) Life is brutal.
22) Meant To Be.
23) Beginning of the ultimate chaos.
24) A bedlam.
25) The Revelations.
A Request!
26) His Prettiest Instructor.
27) They'd die fighting for each other.
28) He Is Back.
29) An Abyss.
30) The Gallows.
31) Perfect [Last]
A Thank You Note!
New Book Alert.

1)Mr Ice Sculpture.

1.9K 98 44
By PotterMIfs

ASSLAMOALAIKUM! ya'll. Before you start, there's one thing I need to clear out. English is not my first language so you'll have to bear with all the grammatical errors. Apologies in advance. Now let's get into it.

Happy reading!



She turned on the laptop frantically, biting her lower lip. Palpitating with paroxysms of emotions, her heart was protruding out of her chest. It was an avalanche of fear, excitement, happiness, and many more emotions all in one beat. Her milky skin tinged with pink was illuminating under the light of laptop. Her hazel eyes loaded with heavy curled lashes adding more to it. She had crimson colored lips. Her nose had turned red due to the harsh winter. Her hair, a combination of black and brown color was pulled back in a tight knot with a few lose ends hanging from it framing her face.

"Enter the roll number"

With quivering finger, she typed the password.


These few seconds felt like ages. All those sleepless nights came rushing to her mind. She had worked so hard to get in to this university which was one of the prestigious universities of Pakistan and studying in it had been her dream for as long as she could remember. Preparing for the entrance exam wasn't a cinch. It was onerous. It was horrific. She went through breakdowns and anxiety attacks. Exams would always make her a proper namazi. She wouldn't even miss a single prayer including Tahj'jud. Not that she didn't pray in normal days but exams would always make her punctual towards it. She knew it was mean and selfish on her part but no matter what, one always yearns and comes to Allah in time of need because no other thing in this world regardless of how powerful it is, can help you except for Allah. So He would always be her first and last resort. And as for now all she wanted and prayed for was her hard work to pay off.

Finally the page opened.

She peered at it for a while as if she couldn't believe it. The hair at the back of her neck prickled. Her stomach gave a lurch. Then her eyes stretched wrinkling her nose. A heart digging smile reached her lips. She had passed the test. Not only had she passed it but stood first too. She rapidly climbed out of her bed and started jumping with exhilaration. She wanted to scream, to shout. To express her feelings. To tell her happiness to the entire world. Still wriggling in her cloud nine, she feverishly pelted towards the kitchen where her khala was making tea. She came to a halt just behind her and hugged her tightly from the back.

"Guess what?'

"You were just coming to make tea but as usual something important popped up. Right?"; she retorted as she turned off the stove that harbored the kettle.

"Khalaaaaa..."; she said wistfully.

"Ok fine. You've been accepted in that university, right?"; she said as she spun completely towards Ayat

She squinted at her for a while, then finally asked "How do you know?"

"I'm your Khala, Ayat. I know you much better than you know yourself."

"And you also knew I'd get the admission?"

"Of course."

"But how are you always so sure about everything?"

"I'm not not always sure about everything. It's your hard work that I had faith in. And most importantly I had faith in Allah. The ones who put their faith in Him are never left astray. You worked really hard for it so there was no way He wouldn't give you the fruitful of your efforts. He never keeps Himself in anyone's debt."; khala told her softly and enveloped her in a hug. "I'm so proud of you my love." ;she said stroking her hair.

It wasn't like Ayat didn't have faith in Allah. She did. She knew whatever happens, happens for the best. But still taking tension was like her hobby and no matter what, it would never just budge. She would have cried a bit hadn't she gotten admission but also accepted the fact after a while because He knows what's best for us as He's the best of planners.

She found solace in her arms. The heat from her body was warming her in this cold brutal winter. Sabeen was her guardian angel. Her mentor. Her mother, father, siblings, all in one. She was 3 when her parents died in a car accident and she landed with her khala. She had no siblings and her khala was her everything. Her home. Her go to person. Her bestfriend. She never got married so that she could raise her niece without any distraction. She loved her like her own daughter and for Ayat, she was her mother. She had always been there for her.

Still she missed her parents a lot. It didn't matter that the period of their time spent together was short, that void in her heart was still there. It wasn't like her Khala didn't love her enough or anything of the sort but parents are parents after all. No one can ever take their place. She had always felt the presence of her mother around her, trying to protect her, caressing her face, and stroking her hair while she was asleep. Both her parents would always keep appearing in her dreams every now and then. Most of the time they would just smile at her. The noor on their faces was a testament of the place they were in. Heaven.

She would always say that there are four valves of hearts. One was owned by her mother, the other one by her father, the third by her khala and the fourth one? Who owned that one? She never figured out. And she was sure it will stay as it is. An abyss. She had a very practical approach towards life. She was very ambitious and just wanted to make her name. The idea of getting married was something she would always run away from like the speed of light. She knew someday she had to get married and actually believed in its foundation too having known it completes half of the deen but right now she was 18 and it felt like a long ride. The ride she wished to be extended as much as it could. Abida aunty, their next door neighbor, would keep bringing half-baked proposals for her which her Khala would politely reject.

She always had a very confused personality. No one could ever stop her from worrying about her future. Sabeen would always ask her to not be so prudent all the time as it wasn't good both for her mental and physical health but overthinking was like her hobby. She wanted to be a successful business woman and always made sure to pursue it by giving her studies her level best. She was a very bright student and had always been top of the class. During exams, she would always fall sick due to excessive stress and Sabeen would always help her in coping up with all the pressure. She would stay up all night with her so she'd be there in case Ayat needed anything. She was aslo her, as we can say, doctor.

Sabeen was a principal in a nearby school and earned enough money to fulfill their needs. She was 37. They weren't very rich but had everything one could ask for and thank Almighty. She was 22 when she brought Ayat to Lahore after Haajra and Raza's(Ayat's parents) death in Islamabad. Ayat had never seen even a glimpse of her house since then. Raza Ahmed was a successful business tycoon of his era and bequeathed all his property to Ayat which was enough for her education expenses. As for his company, his business partners illegally became its owner. He dint't have any family other than Haajra and Ayat to carry on with it and for Sabeen, she didn't really have a say in it. She was a simple girl in her early 20's that time and didn't know how to tackle with all that. Also she had to focus on Ayat and whatever Ayat had inherited was more than enough for her to live a good life. Sabeen never touched that money because it was Ayat's. Haajra also had enough gold which was now safely put in a locker for Ayat's wedding day.

Their hug broke by an oven beep. Sabeen had baked Ayat's favorite cake. It was a maple walnut cake with maple cream cheese frosting. After having a mouthful of it and stuffing her belly as much as she could, Ayat planted a kiss on Sabeen's cheek as a thankyou-gesture and headed towards her room. She was really exhausted. The effect of not sleeping and tossing in her bed all night. Courtesy of her result. Drowsiness could be clearly seen on her face. But first she had to offer her shukraney k nafal. So she went straight to the bathroom and performed ablution. After covering her hair and body properly with a shawl, she spread the prayer mat on the carpet and started praying. She had a habit of talking to Allah like He was her friend so she kept on going and pouring her heart out to Him. By the time she was done her lashes were already dragging her lids downwards. Yawning like a baby, she crawled to her bed, slid under the duvet and closed her eyes in peace and contentment. Within a minute or two she was fast asleep.


She was lying in her bed in a prostrating posture using her mobile when Sabeen came in.

"When's the last day of fee submission?';she asked.

"Not until tomorrow."; she replied while texting someone. Irha probably. Her childhood friend. She wasn't in Lahore right now so couldn't come to congratulate her but had called her umpteen times.

"Ok, go get ready. We have this huge function in school tomorrow. I'm only free today."

Ayat nodded and after sending the final text went straight to the bathroom to change her clothes. After a minute or two she was back in the room clad in blue jeans and white frock which length was almost till her knees. She was pinning her scarf when the horn of their car hit her ears. Grabbing all the necessary documents, her phone and coat in a hurry she headed outside, almost running.

Their car was now running through the roads of Lahore. The raw gelid wind of December was swirling causing everything to go numb. First they went to the bank to withdraw the money and then to the uni. By the time they were finished the night had already fallen. The brutal splintering breeze was taking everything under its control. Sabeen gave Ayat the keys to the car on their way back as she was exhausted. Ayat instead of going home straight, stopped at a restaurant.

"Have we arrived?"; Sabeen who was half asleep, woke up with a jerk and asked.

"No, we'll eat dinner here today. You are already very tired and I don't want you to go through the trouble of making food."

Sabeen nodded in agreement. She was indeed very tired otherwise she never would have agreed.

Ayat asked Sabeen to go inside, find them a comfy sitting. Till then she'll go and park the car.

She was now in the parking lot and her gaze suddenly shifted towards the only spot that was empty. Just around the corner was another car. The person inside it was probably trying to start the engine as it kept making noises. She took advantage of the moment and before he knew it, she parked her car there.

The car owner nimbly came out shooting daggers from his gorgeous ocean blue eyes which were quite visible in that darkness of the night. His jaws tightened, nose flaring. He was probably 18-19. He had blackish brown hair which was set with gel.

"What the hell was that?"; he said through gritted teeth.

"What?"; Ayat was now out of the car.In this bleak frosty raw weather he was just wearing two layers. A tea shirt and a jacket. Even looking at him sent shivers down Ayat's entire body.

"The stunt that you just pulled. That was my spot."

"Oh I'm sorry. Your name tag must have slipped past me."; she retorted back.

"Who the hell do you think you are? My car was here and I was just about to park."

"Well you know what they say, the one who sleeps is a donkey."; she said with a smirk and left.

She knew what she did was wrong but hey she wasn't perfect. No one is.

He clenched his fist in anger and looked at her impertinent fading figure which was now heading towards the restaurant.


"Come on, wake up already you lazy ass. It's 3:00 clock in the afternoon."; she was fast asleep when someone tugged the blanket off her with one quick motion. She woke up with a grumble.

"Hey! You're back. LIAR."; Ayat said enveloping Irha in a hug. It was 11:00 o'clock.

"Yes I am but looks like SOMEONE doesn't really give a damn about it."; she emphasized on someone.

"How are you always right, Irha?"; Ayat said teasingly. She knew she was talking about her.

"HAHA, very funny"; she rolled her eyes. "Now go get dressed, you big old clown. And comb those hair properly. They look like as if they are electrocuted."; she said mocking her and headed towards the door.

Irha Aliyan was a very lively 19 years old girl. She had big cat brown eyes and was blessed with an innocent face which always got her out of any mischievous situation in which she played the devil. A cute klutzy devil. Her tanned complexion made her more attractive than she already was. She had thick dark coal hair which right now was pulled back in a pony tail with baby hair etched on her forehead. She was wearing a blue coat with muffler draped around her neck. Ayat was her best friend and she loved her more than anything in this world. Ayat was like her family. Their bond was pure and so strong as if someone had spell bounded it. They cared for each other. Irha had other friends too but Ayat was more like a sister to her. As for Ayat, Irha was her only friend and always thanked Allah for blessing her with her. She never confronted it infront of her of course. She was in first year of her medical college and her strenuous routine had shortened their meetings to minimal but never had it ever affected their bond. It was still the same. Maybe stronger than ever. Right now she was on her winter break and just got back from three days trip to Murree with her parents. She had one sister who was married and lived in UK.

"And oh by the way you were snoring like an elephant."; she turned to say with a mischievous smile. Ayat clenched the cushion and threw it right towards her but she was already out before it could hit her.

"I don't snore."; she said more like trying to convince herself.

After taking a shower she came out in the living room. Her hair was still damped.

Irha was talking to Sabeen with her legs crossed up on the couch and a cup of hot coffee in her one hand while the other one was busy in making gestures while she filled Sabeen with all the adventures from the trip which she was very interested in listening to. Both of them also had a special bond of like an aunt and niece and she always called her "khala" too so though not by blood, but by heart she was her khala. Both were so engrossed in the conversation that they didn't notice Ayat was standing at the door step.

"And Khala you wouldn't believe, I saw someone with the exact face as of Ayat. The resemblance was uncanny." Ayat didn't say anything, she knew what was coming.

"OMG! Really?'; Khala's eyes dilated in surprise.

"YESSS! Only it wasn't a girl. It was a monkey but believe me it was like seeing Ayat's doppelganger."

Khala couldn't help but laugh. She was amused.

"Acha to meri buraiyaan chal ri hain"; Ayat said.

Both Sebeen and Irha turned their heads to look at Ayat who was leaning by the door, her head tilted to the side.

"Ayat bachey, you must be freezing. I'll go and make some coffee for you. Oh and what do you want for breakfast?"; Khala said while giving her a sweater which was, a second back, hanging by the hook.

"Just some toasts"; said Ayat, taking the sweater from her.

Khala nodded and headed toward the kitchen while saying "Wear it already. I feel like freezing seeing you".

Desi parents you know.

Ayat put on the sweater and sat right next to Irha. "What is this"; she asked looking at the gifts which were spread on the table.

"OH these. Just some gifts for Khala. Sorry couldn't buy anything for you."; Irha chuckled.

They spent the whole day together Khala had to go to school even though it was Sunday but something important had popped up. So both of them were home alone and killed time by chit-chatting, watching MCU and baking. By the time Khala was back, the night had fallen and Irha had already left for her home. Sabeen and Ayat ate dinner together, told each other about their day and went to bed.


She woke up the next day with a big smile etched on her face. Tomorrow was her orientation and now she had to go buy herself some clothes. She also needed a new bag and a couple of other necessary things. Sabeen had already left the car at home for her. She climbed out of her bed and drew the curtains. The sun was behind the cotton candies, showering its hue through them. The weather was raw and frosty deluging everything in its hold. The peircing breeze was swirling, slitting her window. She rubbed her hands together squeezing her shoulder and went to the bathroom.

After taking a shower she went to the kitchen to get something to eat. On the counter was a plate covered with another one with a note on it.

"I'm sure you can make yourself some tea."

She smiled at it and put the kettle on the stove. She was a tea addict but when it came to making it, she was always a faineant. After having breakfast she got ready to go shopping. She had to pick up Irha too who lived just two streets from her house. She wanted to spent as much time with her as she could before becoming engrossed in her uni life. Also she wasn't really a shopaholic and pretty much sucked at it. Irha on the other hand was practically in love with it and pro at it. So both, in a way, completed each other when it came to shopping.

They were both now in the mall. As expected Irha dragged her to the clothes shop first. Irha was now rummaging through different shirts and jeans which Ayat wasn't really interested in. She was more of a bookish person and just wanted to get out of that shop as soon as possible. After trying different outfits and buying them, they were finally at the bookstore. She loved collecting stationery. The smell of erasers, freshly mown grass, and new parchments and books would always fill her with euphoria. Harry Potter had been her addiction since she was a kid and after reading the entire series for the 20th time, she lost the count. Not only was she addicted to the series but read every fanfic too so right now that's what she was buying. Now that they had bought all the necessary things, perfume was the last in the list. As soon as they entered the store, the amalgam of different perfumes entered her nostrils and went straight to her heart. She closed her eyes for a moment as if trying to feel it. Everything seemed to stop for a moment turning out every sound around her while she savoured on the beautiful fragrance. She wasn't a very girly girl and had a thing for men's perfume so that's where they were. In the men's perfume compartment. Irha was the one who bought almost everything for her but perfume hunting was something she could do on her own. Though it would always take her ages to select the final piece as she was very indecisive but it would always be worth it because in the end it would be the perfect one in the entire world. And right now that's exactly what she was doing. After dithering for good 30 minutes she finally found the perfect one. Its scent did something to her heart making it swoon, her feet leaving the ground, dancing in the sky amidst the clouds. It was the only bottle left and she had to have it regardless of its cost. Irha had gotten so fed up of her perfume hunt that she went to the food court to buy them a drink. She was out of money so she took Ayat's wallet with her. Ayat kept standing there, guarding the perfume and waiting for her when she finally got weary and couldn't hold up more and went to search her. She knew her favorite shop for drinks so she first went there and as expected Irha was there at the table enjoying her drink surfing her phone. Ayat's blood boiled.

"What the heck Irha"; she blurted out.

Irha looked up "Oh! I'm sorry. Here."; she said, extending the glass towards her.

"You know I'm not talking about the drink. I've found the perfect perfume for myself and it's the only piece. Give me my wallet I have to go purchase it before someone else gets their hands on it."

Irha handed over her wallet but didn't come with her.

Ayat almost ran towards the shelf where the perfume was put and before she could even touch it, someone else grabbed it first. Her gaze lingered from his hand to his face. It was the same guy she encountered the other night. She froze to the ground. She felt as if someone was strangling the pit of her stomach, smothering her. Apparently he seemed to like the perfume too , then he noticed that Ayat was still standing there.

"Oh! I'm sorry , you wanted to check it out."; he looked up and before he could compose himself, suddenly a YOU slipped through his gritted teeth. He had surely recognized her. The considerate expressions which were ensconced on his face a second ago had now vanished and anguish took its place. His ears turning red and exasperation etching on those drowning ocean blue eyes. His jaws tightened and seethe took a hold of his face.

They fought over a parking spot last night and perfume was gonna do the owner this time.

"YES ME. Now give me that. I saw it first."

Seriously Ayat? Such a lame choice of words. What are you? An eight year old?

She thought to herself.

"YOU SAW IT FIRST. What are you? An 8 years old"; he said with snigger.

She was taken aback by his words.

Is he a mind reader or something?

"OK. Look. I'm sorry for the other day, It was partly my fault and I apologize for that but please give me that perfume. It took me ages to find it."; she said. Almost like pleading.

What the actual heck Ayat? There was no need to say PLEASE. Now he will definitely purchase this one. Excellent! You moron.

She was a no-profanity but it was herself she was calling moron and also didn't say that aloud so it was fine.

"Well I'm a better person than you are so I'll let you have it. And oh by the way, it was entirely your fault"; he said, smirking.

"Sorry?"; she raised her left eyebrow to forehead.

"No need to apologize over and over again. I forgive you."; he leered with an evil smile, his eyes shimmering.

"I wasn't apologizing."; she retorted.

"OH God! That's exactly what I expected from someone as naive as yourself. Google sarcasm when you get home."; he was still smiling. Mocking her.

Her face suddenly turned puce with vexation, her eyes shooting fires.

"Alright I know I'm very charming. No need to stare like that.";he again said trying to mock her.

This was the end of Ayat's anger. Yeah alright. His countenance was worth to drool over but right now she just wanted to smack that pretty face which didn't happen to be appealing her at all. But smacking him meant freezing her own self as he like before wasn't covered properly in this weather as if made of ice.

"OK listen Mr Ice Sculpture. You can have it if you want. It's not that good anyways. Guess I'm more mature than you are."; she retreated back thinking that he might put it back at this insult but instead he shrugged and said OK with grimace and left the shop throwing one final goading look with triumph towards her. She stomped her foot in aggravation and prayed to Allah to never see him again.

OH! But what did she know that God had something else planned for her.


Alright ya'll. This was it for now. Thanks for taking your time out to read it. I hope you liked it and don't forget to hit vote if you did. It will take less than a second. Keep smiling.

Until next time, Allah Hafiz. Remember me in your prayers.


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