End Of The Year

Av PsycheBelle

111 74 2

~~Completed~~ A group of friends going through the end of there high school year. Enjoying each others compa... Mer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 20

2 2 0
Av PsycheBelle

"If something happened to you, I don't know what I would do. I can't trust him. I can't trust what he says. I just can't. I just.....I just...." I break off with a stream of tears. My knees are shaky and Adam places his hands on my shoulders to steady me. I put my hands on his chest and rest my head on my hands as I let the tears come out. He lifted me up a bit and put my feet on his because I wasn't listening to him to put them there myself. I can tell people are looking at me funny because I can feel their gazes on my face. They gradually fade as he starts moving us in a circle slowly and probably moving us towards our table.

"Nothing is going to happen to me my love. You do not have to trust him if you can't or if its too hard. That's okay. You are human and someone betrays your trust you don't have to beat yourself up for it. Its okay, there's no need to cry." He says hugging me and putting his hand through my hair. "I am here for you Ivy. Its alright. Shh don't cry." He quietly says kissing the top of my head. I can hear our friends whispering as we get closer to them and past their questions.

We sit at the next table where no one is sitting yet and I stop crying as I sit down. I quickly wipe my eyes as Adam answers some of their questions. I know they are concerned but they give me my space after they are don't talking. I rest my head on the table and look at Adam with a tired look.

"It has been quite a strange day hasn't it?" Adam asks looking over the days events as he lay his head on the table as well and looks at me.

"Yes it has been." I agree not needing to think why.

"Its midnight." Adam says looking at the clock above my head.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I wonder, very confused as to why he said it.

"A lot actually." Adam says putting my hand in his and pulls me closer to him. He kisses me for a mom. Adam smiles as we look at each other.

I smile at his smile. His smile seems to stretch from one eye to the other. "Okay." I plainly says as my fears melt away. I hear some chairs squeak on the once polished gym floor, and our friends come sit around us. I look up at Rose who is leaning over and gives me a hug as she sits beside me. The principle goes onto the stage.

"I wonder what the principal is doing on the stage." Rose asks looking at the stage.

"I don't know." I tell her as the rest of us look at the stage as well. We see her getting the microphone as the music quiets down.

"Students may I have your attention please. Can Gregory please come to the stage? Will Greg- sorry I mean Adam. Can Adam please come to the stage?" The principal announces as she looks around for the student she called upon. Adam walks over to the stage after she finished talking. There could be several people with that name so why does he think its him? He talks to the principal for several minutes.

"I wonder what that is all about." I say wondering why she got the name wrong. That shouldn't have happened though. With being the principal, she should have gotten the name right.

"You don't know? Well. Adam gad a twin brother name Gregory. He seemed like the nicest kid you could ever know. But really, he was like a demon trapped in a human body. He was pure evil." Rose explains to me softly. I'm shocked I never knew this.

"He had a twin. What happened to him and why didn't I know about this." I ask worried. Why couldn't Adam have told me himself?

"See his brother was shot here last year at his friends prom. He came to see what it was like. But a fight broke out and he was shot in the heart. That however was not the shot that killed him. It was the shot to his head a moment later that left him dead." Jake explains. That is very surprising. I can't move to ask how they know about this. Why not me? Why couldn't he tell me, of all people? I can't breathe properly and my heart is racing so bad I can feel it behind my ears.

"He told us when you were sick over the summer last year." Cobe starts to explain as if he read my mind. "He might not have told you because Adam might have thought you would like him less. Its like you and not wanting people to know about your thing." Cobe says looking at me expecting I can hear him properly. It sounds like he is whispering.

"What thing? Tell us." Rose says excited and yet scared at the same time. I can finally move now. Why did Cobe have to say that?

"I will tell you bit you can't tell anyone else. I don't know why but for as long as I can remember, I can control fire." I slowly tell them hesitant after making them promise. They did promise when I asked.

"Prove it then." Jake says. He is such a non-believer sometimes. He sounds as if he is more tired then interested. I take a couple of deep breaths to clear my mind of everything around me. I focus on that I was about to do. I than place my hand on the table and slowly glide it across the table. When I move my hand away something is written in fire. It reads:

Does this Prove it Jake?

About a penny high off the table. It disappeared just as quickly as it appeared.

"Now that was awesome." Brandon says lighting up with excitement. He clearly doesn't see where this can lead, even though I don't use this oddity of mine. There honestly have been some times when I wanted to use it on him. But I never did.

"Adam what's wrong?" Cobe asks as he notices Adam walk past us. He looks slightly angry about something that he must have heard from the principal. I frown a bit seeing my sweetie mad.

"Adam?" Jake asks a bit louder than Cobe. He didn't look at any of us. Adam walks right through the gym doors to the halls of the school. He doesn't look at all when his name was called. Today emotions have been all over the place for everyone. I wonder whats bothering him. I get up and walk after him to ask whats wrong and see if I can help.

The music starts playing again as I get to the gym doors. I wait until the doors are closed behind me before I look for Adam. I call his name several times without an answer. I guess he doesn't want to bring too much attention to himself in case someone he doesn't like comes out. I am worried about my best guy friend and I hate seeing him hurt or angry. Not only that but hes my one. I hope that whatever is wrong that I am enough to be able to help. Plus I would really like a few things answered.

"I am right here Ivy." He calmly says from around the corner that leads to our lockers. I didn't have to walk far to find him. He looks tired and frustrated.

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