Little Dove (a hazbin hotel f...

By the-winter-wolf

3.2K 77 17

this story features my oc snow, she is the youngest sister of angel, Molly, and arakniss. I know she is not C... More

Snow's backstory
6.... jk bitches
An ik it sucks\ THEORY
6 .... for real


334 11 4
By the-winter-wolf

Again these are her forms

Charlie went outside and I could faintly her her talking to someone but I only heard her,  she came back in shortly after. She sighed and was about to come back to us when there was an odd knock at the door charlie hesitantly opened it but shut it almost instantly. And came back to the main room " hey vaggie, the raidio demon is at the door" vaggie whipped around
" Snow go hide" she said quietly so only I could here angel nodded agreeing he ushered me into a closet with a hidden room. I heard a raido like voice along with the same static I heard earlier. I went into demoness form unknowingly until I saw the runes start to surround me, they disappear and my horns are left long and spiraled , my wings get slightly larger, my secondary arms come out, and a red broken Halo hovers above my head. I hear talking outside and listen closely I hear vaggie " I know your game you talk show shit Lord and I'm not going to let you hurt anyone" the unknown radio voice chuckled " darling if I wanted to hurt anyone in this room I would have done so already" is this bitch threatening my family, oh hell no. I ripped out of my hiding place and hovered in front of my family. " You best not hurt anyone or ...." I said drawing it out. " You'd have me to deal with" I say flashing him a truly venomously insane smirking look.
He raised his eye brow at me and asks " is that a threat?" He eyes my movements, " no that's a promise," I remark.  " Hmm I see" he said touching his chin in thought. " How about a truce" he proposes I raise my eyebrow
"I'm listening" I reply smoothly.  He taps his cane on the ground. " If I hurt anyone, you can royally tan my hide darling "  he says his creepy everlasting smile remaining " and?" I ask his smile grows if that is even possible. " No and's my dear, Plain and simple, no strings attached"  my eyebrow still raised I land, my wings slightly open.  "Sounds sketchy" his smile falters slightly but the others seem not to notice . " You are smart my dear, but on my word there is nothing attached"  I nodded " so do we have a deal?" He says holding his hand out a shield forming around us so the others can't interfere I can hear them telling me not to do it, they relay think I'm stupid enough to make a deal with another demon. " No "
He looks at me questioning "this truce will be bound on morality, not binds to a contract between souls."  He seems slightly annoyed but agrees "fair enough" he says moving onto charlie. I take normal form and sit next to vaggie and angel. Angel checking me for injury and I shrugged him off giving him a 'you can do this later', look. I can't afford to show weakness to this being, I may not know who he is but by instinct I can tell he is powerful and not someone to mess with if your not as strong or stronger than them, as based on him eying my every move he sees me as an equal, or mabey more, but that's wishful thinking and I'm keeping my eyes on this guy.
Luckily he wasn't here to do anything too nefarious, just what he calls entertainment in others suffering. Ok I may be a hypocrite but when I was alive the only misfortune I laughed at was arakniss and angel falling out of the boat and into the icy spring Waters of the river it wasn't cold enough for then to get hypothermia but it sure as hell woke them up that morning.
I just hoped he didn't do anything to the people to come or the people already here. But I could only hope.

It's been a few days since alastor has started helping out around the hotel.
And granted I did like nifty, she was adorable and husk , was like a rough and tumble Uncle, I loved it. they're good people well as good as people can be in hell, and husk had an attitude toward people but suprisingly a soft spot for me. He said I remind him of his niece. Spunky spitfire he says. He normally reffers to me as kid but I am technically 95 years old but trapped in the body and attitude of a 15 year old. Oh well what can you do? I hear alastor's humming around it gets louder and quieter.. Putting up my guard, is all I can do due to our truce, there was nothing about me not being able to hurt him but I don't hurt anyone without a reason, and I don't see it as fair if he can't hurt m- wait a hot minute. There was nothing that said he couldn't hurt me, just that he couldn't hurt anyone in the hotel or close to me . Well fuck snow he pulled the oldest trick In the book, the old non inclusive trick.
" That fucking con-man" I say into my beer. Yeah I drink I mean it's hell and I'm 95 who's going to stop me. And it's hard to get me drunk off my ass the only good trait I got from my father.
Husk looked up at me " what he pull kid"  he asked  " the oldest trick in the book, the non inclusive trick, the truce protects everyone except me and him , so basically if I really wanted to pulverize him I could and it wouldn't be against out truce, but he can do the same to me." Husk hissed at that " don't even think it kid, he even looks at you wrong he'll know why they called me trigger happy in the military" he said with a crooked grin takeing a sip of his whiskey. I sighed laughingly at him Wich he returned and clinked his glass with mine and we both downed our drinks. " Anyway I should probably get back to work and keep and eye on strawberry pimp"  I say getting up and dusting off my dress. Husk rolled his eyes "you sound like your brother". He gruffly states.
"Who am I supposed to sound like hmm , you?" I say snarkaly. He looks at me smirking, " you sure your 95, and honestly I'd rather you sound like me, cuz I'm awesome" he says full of himself. " Kay guess we'll be having a drink off tonight". I say challengingly.
"Your on there short stack"  he says. " Oh shut your trap your only five inches taller than me" I roll my eyes at him. " Whatever you say kid". He laughs. I walk out while flipping him off. He just laughs harder. I finish cleaning the main floor and head upstairs to angel's room cuz why the fuck not, I bored and he's fun. I knock and he opens the door not even waiting before dragging me in. " Dam Angie weres the fire" I say rubbing my wrists.
I then look up to see another spider demon with behive like hair , and OMG it's my sister. She runs and picks me up spinning me around.

Hey bitches I know it's a cliff hanger but you know what, I'm fucking tired so yeah sorry not sorry, like before  tell me what you think, what you like and what you don't, constructive criticism is appreciated.
And remember sinners

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